Sheku Kanneh-Mason


is a cunt.

It was only a matter of time, wasn`t it ? …

The quintessence of The [English] Proms.

Bbc news

Perhaps this over-privileged übercunt has missed the entire point of the anthem – the clue`s in the first line of the libretti …

Land of Hope and Glory, Mother of the Free,
How shall we extol thee, who are born of thee?
Wider still and wider shall thy bounds be set;
God, who made thee mighty, make thee mightier yet,
God, who made thee mighty, make thee mightier yet.

This was once a truly Great land.

But those days have gone forever.

Nominated by Sam Beau.

More on this unpatriotic prick from Sixdog Vomit below.

‘Musician Sheku Kanneh-Mason has said Rule, Britannia! “makes people feel uncomfortable” and should not be sung at the Last Night of the Proms.’

‘-Mason was a soloist at the Last Night of the Proms last year. But he said he did not stay to hear Rule, Britannia! being sung at the end of the night.’

Fuck off out of Britain then. Simple answer to a simple problem you racist cunt.

Change our culture because you don’t like it? I don’t care how uncomfortable you feel just like your brethren demand the right to take over the streets of noting hill during the crime fest called carnival, how comfortable do you think a lot of people feel during the annual black crime festival?

And finally a final addendum to this cunting from Cuntstable Cuntbubble.

In support of the above.

This half chat cunt did manage to play his banjo at a wedding though.

‘Kanneh-Mason was 17 when he won the BBC Young Musician Award in 2016 and, two years later, he shot to fame when he played the cello at the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s wedding.’

I am not sure which 2 cunts these are. Baldy sickly looking or baldy ginger half brother? Anyway, if this fucker is so concerned about empire and slavery it didnt seem to bother him playing at a wedding for the biggest beneficiaries of it.
And without Empire he would be in a mud hut in some African shithole. Playing the bongos.

78 thoughts on “Sheku Kanneh-Mason

    • Good Morning Everyone,

      There was a police bloke back in the ‘60s called Tanky Challoner he used to sing a version of that
      Umbongo, Umbongo, Umbongo,
      I wish I was back in the Congo

      He would then hit his suspect, repeat the verse, until he got the right answers.They should have made him Met Police Commissioner.

      • To answer the original nomination the solution is for all these cunts to fuck off back to wherever they came from. To those who reply they were born here there is a simple response, first used by the Iron Duke: “If a man has the misfortune to be born in a stable, does that make him a cow or an ass?”

      • IThe trouble is Wanksock, you can apply that logic to any human anywhere, apart from Africa (the irony).

        All Britons with blue eyes could be said to be Baltic or Nordic. 40-45% of British people have blue eyes, but blue eyes in european humans originated in the Baltic region.

        Is my friend from primary school who was born here and had a Sri Lankan mum and a half Indian Dad not British? He is one quarter caucasian.

        The ‘dogs in stables’ rhetoric breaks down as soon as mixed race is a factor.

        Is Craig Charles not a scouser?

        All a bit silly.

  1. Probably as bent as a nine bob note, especially as his mummy told the media what a nice boy he is.

  2. Just proves that even the rare mud duckling who isn’t violent is still anti-white.
    Seeing a darkıe holding a musical instrument of any kind (except a prison harmonica) and not a weapon is incongruous in the extreme.

      • Morning Jack / all.
        I didn’t realise there were blıcks in Deliverence?
        Was Burt Reynolds secretly a jıgaboo wearing cracker make-up?

  3. You can tell he is a soloist by he’s ugly mug.

    Ah diddums you don’t like a song cause it makes you uncomfortable..
    Tell the British hating BBC about it.

    Maybe the proms can end with a rendition of the king louie song..

  4. These cunts seem to be intent on causing conflict and discord.

    I wonder how smug they’ll be, when their provocations produce a corresponding backlash ?

    If you don’t like it here, you have the cast iron right to FUCK OFF elsewhere.

    Plenty of room in Africa ?

    • Interesting too that umbongos who are a bit up their own arses always have double barrelled names – usually an ethnic one and a true British one – Mason in this case. I wonder David Lammy didn’t tack “Smith” or “Jones” on to his, so we could appreciate how truly great he really is.

  5. I hope the band is playing Rule Britannia when they frog march this cunt to the Guillotine.

  6. It’s further proof that third world vermin entering a country will never adapt.
    There is no intention from any of them of becoming British.
    They take everything that Britain has to offer, including benefits, education, health care and accommodation and they still despise their hosts.

    In Sheku’s case, he is British.
    He was born in Nottingham.
    His father is British.
    He was born in London.

    I am not sure how much farther back his British roots go, but even after a few generations of living in the UK, he despises the people, their traditions and their history.
    And he has no problem saying so.

    Send him back?
    Where the fuck too?
    Nottingham, perhaps.

    • TAC,

      This cunt has been in the American News because of his connection to Yacht Girl Rachel Markle-Hewitt.

      The information I saw said the mongrel who sired him is from Antigua and works for some Luxury Hotel although they didn’t mention which one or what he did.

      The Bitch that whelped him is from Sierra Leone…the very epitome of a Shithole…and is known as Dr Branneh. Presumably, her degree is in Heathen Practices.

      She also had a job poisoning the minds of British youth at the University of Birmingham.

      He is the third of a litter of seven to darken your once fair land.

      • Typical…..

        His father, born in London but still considers himself as being from Antigua.

        My wife, on the other hand was born in London from parents who were born in St. Vincent.

        After living for decades in Spain she proudly considers herself as Spanish.
        She speaks the language well and respects the customs and heritage.
        She will join in with the community in celebration on Constitution Day and will proudly wave the Spanish flag.
        She passionately supports the Spanish national football team against whoever is their opponents, including England.
        She has no problem enjoying the Moors and Christians fiestas.

        That’s the difference.

    • I suggest Artful that we give him the choice of returning to either African shithole from which his parents originated.

      Morning all.

    • The problem is are they saying it because they believe it or because it is fashionable?

      The arts world is run by Blairite ex-marxists who want to ‘decolonise’ British history and create a hierachy of oppressed classes they can manipulate.

      Worse than being a cunt, Kanneh-Mason might just be a pawn.

  7. It doesn’t make me uncomfortable; it is part of British heritage and history, so this prick doesn’t speak for me. It is likely he got the gig more for his ‘right-on’, Beebistani views than his musical talents.

    Our history, heritage and culture cannot be erased or modified to suit white, University educated apologist bedwetters or black upstarts who realise that grumbles about ‘muh slavery and muh reparations’ are sadly in vogue and bring these people fleeting recognition and a foot up they otherwise may not have enjoyed.

    Just fuck off with your Rule Britannia whining and your EU flags. The Proms is just another British tradition infested with the woke, desperate to modify it to their anodyne taste.


      • Ooga
        me plays de string tingy
        me likes da moosic
        next, me learn makey fire and draw stick figure

        ooga dooga

  8. It’s bizarre.

    Decades of putting out the welcome mat for immigrants from any shit hole in the world and we still have them holding their anti British views.

    They have laws to protect them from racism and they are given preferential treatment in employment.
    They are in senior positions in almost every police force, they virtually control every council in the nation.
    They are in politics, mayors of huge cities and even first ministers of entire countries.

    In this cunt’s case he was awarded an MBE and has attended Royal functions.

    After many years of embracing these people it’s about time that the decision is made that it didn’t really work.

    There are millions of these types of people in the UK and it is now impossible to get rid of them.
    But there should be no new arrivals and the process of giving people the right to stay in the country should be stopped immediately.

    • TAC,

      Don’t buy into the lie that it’s impossible to get rid of them.

      In the States Trump and some other people are now talking about deporting them.

      When they show up for their Government benefits, or for Medical care, or for school, or for a license to drive grab them and load them right onto the bus.

      Question: What country are you from Mr M’Butu?

      Answer: I don’t have to tell you racists anything,

      Statement: That’s OK. We’ll book passage for you anyway. The next plane departs in 1 hr for Burkina Faso. Have a nice trip.

      Or better yet…load them back onto dinghys and send them back to France*…with an armed navel escort so you can ensure they arrive safely.

      Let the fucking Frogs sort it out.**

      *In our case it will be Mexico.
      **Let the fucking Beaners sort it out,

      • The Federal Government has a lot of land where tent cities can hold them until they are deported. It will be a massive operation but one that must be done.
        Trump ‘24!!

  9. “Makes people feel uncomfortable”?

    Like dying in a trench having been mustard gassed?

    Like dying of scurvy half way round the world on a R.N vessel?

    Like succumbing to typhoid building a railway bridge in the Punjab?

    Just Fuck Off and die you whining little cunt..and keep your chiggun hole shut about our history til you get there.

  10. Well I don’t like it either, because it reminds me of when we did rule ?
    I think it should be changed for him to that great song ….’ I been working on a chain gang ‘ ?? …. that should make him feel more comfortable ?

  11. After many, many years of struggle, to rid their lands of Evil British Whitey.

    Vast numbers of the cunts risk life and limb and travel thousands of miles to settle here .

    You couldn’t fucking make it up

    The cunts.

  12. The BBC should get an honorary cunting alongside this ungrateful little cunt.
    You can just imagine the editor jizzing his/her pants when this story landed on their desk.
    It’s precisely the kind of divisive shit that Ofcom should be looking at with their newly bestowed remit on the BBC website.
    Did he go running to the BBC with this, or was he answering a loaded question from an interviewer?
    Either way it doesn’t alter the fact he’s a racist cunt, but does it warrant top news story treatment?
    Only an institution that wants to cause division does that.

    • Fucks sake.
      “You may also be eligible to apply for financial support of up to £3,000, which you can use to find somewhere to live, find a job or start a business in your home country.”
      And help with travel documents and passports.
      If the bastards are here illegally, why do they need these documents to return to their own shithole?
      They arrived here, sans documentation, with no fucking trouble.
      Give the cunts nothing but the cheapest travel option.
      Strapped to pallets on the deck of a cargo ship.
      Or hand them to one of those charities that specialise in repatriating animals back into the wild.

  13. Here’s something else to make the cunt feel uncomfortable.
    This used to be a great country before the likes of Sheku Kanneh-Mason arrived.
    So do everyone a favour, and fuck off.

  14. I love the proms me ?

    Nowt better than to settle down with me boots off, crack open a can of bitter, a bag of chips, and sing along!!

    The sootie with the big fiddle is upset about music?

    Give him a mop
    Those cunts love to mop.

    • Perhaps he is after more BBC gigs. Time to bring back Music While You Work, for the few who actually do: “Music While You Work” is played this morning by the David Lammy Big Banjo Band”

  15. Rule ANC’s going down well in safe and prosperous South Africa, I hear. There’s a vacancy in the bongo section if he wants it. Fuck off and take your shit and twisted opinion that no fair minded person gives a fuck about with you. Seven weeks by bus and camel. Oh, while you’re at it remember to learn to shoot straight before you go because your going to need to. Now get fucked.

  16. Last night of the proms?
    I’m there from the first night pal.

    Freshly laundered t-shirt
    Beard combed and oiled
    New wellies on
    La Di da.

    They say it’s elitist, very white, very middle class,
    But I noticed a few ethnics there

    ” Aye up Sinbad!”

    I pleasantly say.

    ” Evening fuzzyfelt”

    I can mix in any circles.

    Obviously I stick headphones on once the music starts.
    Can’t be doing with that fuckin racket.

    I’m more a Motorhead ♠️ fan

  17. It’s got nothing to do with race and/or in my humble. Just another posh wanker desperate to feel oppressed.

    Fuck off and get a job.

  18. Being a boring cunt I have been reading a bit of about the Roman Empire, they started to give immigrants ie The Huns The Alan’s and I think The Goths more freedom and citizenship, guess what they started to rebel and burn the place down probably won’t be much longer it happens here.

  19. ‘Did i arx you, blud?’

    Did Shaky consider taking his talents to the Notting Hill festival, or is the Cello a bit too Eurocentric for that?

    Would the bredren call him a coconut then smash his cello to bits, set fire to itvand leap around, invoking dead ancestors?

    um pappa lappy on!

    Eat da poopoo!

  20. Rule Britannia should be compulsory in all public places twice a day every day, hopefully all those who feel uncomfortable will fuck off, huge speakers on the cliffs of Dover pumping it out and precision guided missiles picking off the dinghy cunts.

    I see the UN are getting stick over the Gaza shit show, some of their Relief agency cunts implicated in the Oct 7 attack, who would have thought it ?

    • You can bet your life that speakers will pop up all over this country soon, it’ll be needed for adhan.

      • Been here for years already Moggie. Mosque on Belgrave Middleway, A4540, south side of Brum.

  21. First post from an avid fan of the site, normally happy just to read, but this I couldn’t let pass.
    (Welcome aboard and kudos for a brilliantly written post – NA.)

    What these race grifting frauds either deliberately ignore, or, more likely, are just completely ignorant of, is that Rule Britannia was in fact a poem originally written by James Thomson as a protest against AFRICAN pirates from the Barbary Coast who were regularly making incursions into the Mediterranean and English and Irish Channels, attacking white European ships and settlements, and even sacking and imprisoning entire villages, taking the seized population back to Africa where they were sold into slavery for African and Middle Eastern slave masters.

    It is estimated that the Barbary Pirates enslaved 1.2 million white Europeans in the 16th to 19th centuries, a legacy that has never been held to account, nor for which have reparations been demanded.

    So Rule Britannia is actually a song in protest against the evils of slavery, not, as these lazy professional victims like to assert, an endorsement of it.

    Perhaps he would feel more comfortable standing for Rule Britannia if the BBC agreed to also play a protest song against slavery that originated from Africa? Oh no, that’s right, there aren’t any, as the African nations from which Black slaves were exported to the New World, were run by other Black Africans who willingly, and enthusiastically, sold their brothers into slavery and did very well out of it. Why would these African slavers have objected to such a lucrative enterprise, especially when centuries later no one would be accosting THEIR descendants for reparations and demanding to know why THEIR forebears had been such eager proponents of the wickedness that these race grifters now claim as the excuse for their self absorbed narcissistic bleating?

    White man enslaves black man – an evil that can only be atoned for by eye watering sums of compensation paid to people who weren’t there.

    Black man enslaves white man – nothing to see here.

    • The great untold story well done BD. Many coastal towns set up ransom funds to buy back those captured if possible. Was a lucrative trade for the pirates. But even better when they were blown to fuck or run through with a cutlass

  22. Like it or lump it. You can’t have it both ways. This ungrateful cunt must’ve played music for the instrument he chose for his profession, by composers who detest his race more so than some hurtful words, otherwise he should’ve chosen something you bang in the jungle, such as in the percussion section of the orchestra.

  23. Three years cutting sugar cane with a cane knife in what was once a British colony. Cunt will be begging to hear land of hope and glory. Ungrateful bastard. Too soft on these uppity bastards

  24. The problem is more with the tune.
    Needs work.

    Like that fuckin dirge the star mangled banner,
    No cunt listened to it till Jimi Hendrix worked his magic on it?

    Lemmys dead so maybe Pete Townsend?
    He writes a good tune!
    And he’s got plenty of empty space on his laptop after hurriedly deleting those files?

    Maybe get someone to work on it?

    • I hate to go all Stephen Fry on you Mis’ (not in that way), but it’s a good chance our ancestors were singling that dirge with different lyrics. It’s based on the English drinking song, ‘To Anacreon in Heaven’.

      Annoying, but there you.

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