New “parents” Shane and Ryland are massive cunts.
It has been champagne and baby showers all the way for these two pooves as they awaited the arrival of ‘optimal’ offspring Jet and Max. No girls allowed obvs as embryos were discarded like used condoms in search of the perfect diddums.
How our parents were appalled by the Nazi experiments of Dr Mengele as he sought to ensure the ongoing purity required by his Aryan utopia. Now it is all okay – provided you are well off and gay, and therefore beyond criticism. Hate crime is the cry if we dare to say it like it is.
Respect, dignity, no hurty words in this new paradise. But not for the wrong sort of embryos. Eugenics is defined as an ‘immoral theory of ‘racial improvement’ and ‘planned breeding’. So what hat has changed since the 1940s?
Happy Christmas, Jet and Max. Fuck off Shane and Ryland you massive cunts.
Nominated by: Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea
Not that I am a bigot, but these are nought but self righteous, dirty, filthy fucking Marmite Badgers! How these fuckers are allowed to adopt, buy, surrogate or acquire children by any other means is quite frankly beyond me. I guarantee that they are a pair of fucking n*nces just waiting to peddle their nonsense on the young and innocent! Should fucking burn the filthy cunts. There, I’ve said it!!
Say what you mean Foghorn….don’t beat around the bush (beating around the bush-something these cock jockeys have never done I dare say)
Nail on the head Foghorn. Life has become cheap and I’m not talking in terms of money.
Well it looks like Aldous Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’ has arrived for the entertainment of the epsilon-minus semi-morons.
The old testament should be applied to this pair of degenerates…!
The bible says a lot of things, many of them since shown to be wrong.
As it’s a work of fiction, there can be no right or wrong
Never the less, Leviticus has a lot of common sense written.
Thou shall not sleep with your goat/sheep as you would with a woman…!
Can’t argue with that.
Jet? Fuckin jet?
He grows fat they’ll call him jumbo jet at school.
I’m thinking Shane and Nylon aren’t up to being parents.
It’s hard work.
And it matures a man.
You have people that you have to put before yourself.
I’m not a gambling man but I’d wager the pair of them are selfish,
Spoilt little fairies.
Maybe I’m wrong?
Maybe they’ll step up and be good parents?
Raise a well balanced son, with a work ethic and traditional values.
Naw. Jet will be freaky as fuck.
Funny how all the arse bandit couples seem to want boys. I just wish science would get its finger out and figure a way for the puddle jumpers to have kids themselves rather than dragging women into the equation. Imagine the first birth hopefully with forceps. Any guardian readers please note I am not rightwing I’m just sick to death with all this wokist shit. In fact the Harvard political outlook test classed me as authoritarian left so bollocks
Any Guardian readers ,
I’m not a racist I’m a neo nazi.
Get your facts right.
See you at Nuremberg ?
Fear not, Mis! Come that day I will be standing beside you, looking every bit the dashing Unterstrumbahnfuhrer in my hand stitched Hugo Boss uniform!
BB, surely that’s the one good thing about being a homõ: You needn’t squander all your money on offspring and without the responsibility of any ankle-biters or teenagers, you’re free to travel and party with other poo-pushers because of your wealth.
These two sphincter-squirrels must be fucking stupid.
Bang on CM used to be called the pink pound, stands to reason two incomes no kids win win.
Hopefully, CPS
Will be keeping a very close eye on these children.
I’d love to be a fly on the wall as, when they approach 18, they stand up and say
We’ve something to tell you. We’re heterosexual!”
The article appears to suggest that they are a pair of wankers. They did it with a plastic chair?
When the kid goes to school
Oi Jet, which one of those arse bandits is your mummy
The kid will have the cleanest winkie in school, washed ten times a day
Max will be home schooled ?
Dirty fruits Chuck them both into a cement mixer.
Don’t these pair of irons realise they’ll be ruining 2 perfectly good lives once Jeff and Max begin to mature. If the brown-hatters lie and tell the boys their parents died and were left for 2 shirt-lifters to bring up, the boys would understand, rather than know there lives were meant to be ruined by a pair of selfish iron hoofs.
Thank fuck Noah wasn’t of the rainbow alphabet tendency when he loaded his old scow with two of everything, world would be bereft of the creatures of the earth as they’d just of played poo poo billiards.
We’d have still had politicians and the civil service.
Yes, Moggie.
He loaded donkeys, jackasses and jackels.
The perfect Cabinet Members.
Excellent,another fine example of self obsessed social media freaks up to their usual appalling degenerate antics.
It never occurs to them that as Gays they are incapable of bringing a child into the world…which is exactly as it should be.
Shane was my boyhood dogs name.
After the cowboy show ‘Shane’.
A boys best friend.
Like this Shane I suppose but in a more innocent, wholesome way.
Like my dog this Shane likes to sniff arses and lick his own balls.
But my dog was brave, loyal, and good company.
Beaten by a dog.
I’m sure Jet and Max will be well looked after, especially when their parents pimp them out to their quare chums.
As for Egg donor, I might use that one at the bar. ‘Pint of IPA, please egg donor’.
“Egg donor”
Was probably unaware who her donated eggs were going to, but the rent-a-womb must have the maternal instincts of a Blackwiddow Spider.
Very nasty bloke that Shane Dawson. Have a wee look into his history. The fact he’s becoming a parent is genuinely frightening.
The Angry Bootneck mentions these freaks:
About 19 minutes in.
Piano wire and lampost is too good for them.
Jesus effing Christ.
With that track record they still let the sick cunt near little kids.
Omar and Abdul are coming for the cunts…… Storm Henk as fucked off at last. Happy New fucking Year, fuck all as changed.
Fuck em, fuck em all.
I’m sure we have mle storms than what we used to
Pair of evil sodomites. Murderers…
Cock up the arse does not make anyone pregnant, least of all when they are both men.
More insanity.
Batty boy bum bandits buy boys to celbrate in 2024 – what a tongue tickler that is (bet Shane & Ryland like using their tongues, in each others star fish enterprise).
What tickled me in the article was this sentence.
“Dawson and Adams each masturbated alone in a clinical room that offered them pornographic magazines and videos as well as a chair covered in plastic.”
Why didn’t they just mastubate with each other in the same room – both used to it!
Or do what ducky Tom Daley and his groomer husband did:
Pay an ugly lesbian to lay on the floor with a 4″ long, 3″ diameter plastic tube stuck in her unnecessarily hairy open fanny whilst Dustin went to town on little Tom’s poor arse. Then he shits the now tan-coloured jizz back out into the flange tube, and the rub muncher tamps the bender jizz in with a used toilet brush.
Oh for fucks sake, are you drinking OldMonster again?
Yeuch! That’s a visual I desperately want to unsee.
Thomas used to be a staff writer on Whitehouse, until he got the sack.
Whitehouse was founded by secret filthmonger Mary Whitehouse, who only pretended to be outraged by smut as a distraction from what she was really getting up to: fisting and strangling girls as Fred and Rose West held them down.
How D’ya Like Your Eggs in the Morning.
Preferably not covered in deviant jizz.
Believe me, this is what wokies want. The fact that “ gammon” can produce offspring without regulation or control drives them insane. In the brave new world all babies will be produced via eugenics and only to “ approved” couples such as gaylord sooties, etc. As Edward I said, “ if we can’t get them out we’ll breed them out”. Cunts.
I’m very virile.
Woman who are barren touch my robe In the hope of getting preggers.
I’m thinking of putting my sperm up for sale?
Only to white rich cunts like.
Some bulls spunk sells for thousands!!
I’ve washed out a empty peanut butter jar and sent some to that Dragons den.
Full too.
Spilt a bit.
By the by, have Admin announced the IsAC COTY, yet.
Has Ron Knee been reelected?
Will Miserable Northern Cunt retain the title?
Or will Thomas the Cunt Engine reign?
Enquiring minds wish to…
Go to fucking bed, so come ON, Admin.
Finger out, lads. Chop, chop, eh?
I think I should get to choose.
El presidente for life or voluntary giving up my throne.
Maybe a sword set in a stone?!!!
Or more realistically a stubborn jar of pickles.
All hail the King!!! ?
Everyone wants to be the pickle hero mis.
Hehehe ?
Yeah .
30 online right-wingers trying to get it open would be good!
Edward Wallace should be the new COTY.
But MJB, all he would say is
UTs oven.
Hardly the sparkling comments of
Ron Knee, or
I’d want a bit more than “oven”
Nobody says “boil them in horse piss” better than Edward Wallace.
Indeed, HJ.
I rest my case.
I reckon MNC won’t relinquish his title and he’ll end up like some tyrannical dictator.
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Well, you’re COTY until someone says otherwise.
What kind of pickles?
Dill? Or them little cornishon ones, well crunshy.
Can I have one?
If any of us can open the jar then your welcome to a pickle JP.
I’m COTY so I get to choose,
Royal privelege,
Say onions? Or gherkins!
Sort of like world’s strongest man for old cunts!?
I really like those little onions, silvers kin they were called, but cornichon pickles, or Dill pickles are heaven.
Sometimes, I even have a few olives, but never those stuffed ones, too gay.
I’ve got one of those bottle/jar opening gadgets, but mostly I find that a sharp rap on the edge of the kitchen counter loosens the fucking lid, Mis.
Or hammering a steak knife through the lid, to break the seal.
Crunchy, I really must take more water with it.
I saw the name ‘Ryland’.
Enough said.
Leo, you lead a sheltered life.
Watch some Judge Judy.
Shiamonique, Diontre.
If only, but don’t have a Tele Tax Licence Mr Priest.
I equate the name to that strange looking fucker called Ryland who infests the wireless and appears to have teeth bleached beyond white and talks like a young prepubescent girl.
He I also believe suffers from the gayness probably the same as Diontre and many on Judge Judy,That’s enough for me.
Anyone seen Freddie the Frog?
No input from him lately
And Cuntybollocks.
Yeah he was a good poster.
Not been on for ages ?
Cuntybollocks is in training for the Paris Olympics, he is representing England in the break dancing event.
No, I hope he hasn’t jumped off the lily pad, so to speak.
Evening JP…who do you reckon the oldest current contributor is?
I thought for years it was Sir Limply Stoke, but he hasn’t posted for ages.
Around here, I feel like a mere youthful whippersnapper!
Aye been wondering what’s happened to CB and Freddie,top posters both.
Oldest is Sammy, he’s 80 soon.
I’m a whippersnapper at 70, come April.
Off topic, but I see that colourful fat sack of shit Camila Batmanjelly has thrown a 7.
Get in! Back of the fucking net!
I thought it was a joke, until I clicked on the link.
Pity the pall-bearers!
Better still: angels and cherubs will sing her to her grave. By which I mean a fork lift truck struggling to carry her coffin.
She was nuffink but a fackin con artist, good fackin riddance I say.
P.S. Happy New Fackin Year
It was a very sad ending, she was on a bench and the binmen thought it was a bundle of rags and chucked her in the hopper.
The six binman are all signed off with bad backs.
Nice one?
Hope they bury the light fingered fat fuck in her favourite turban and duvet cover.
The dollop of shite
Camila Fatman jeldi jeldi
I wonder if her father was a bus driver?
I wonder if Lord Snooty of the FO will deliver the eulogy?
Any dead pool winner with the jellied Batman ?
Fuck me sideways with a feather. I have just got back to find my cunting up and running! These bastards are different class. Shit smearing wank wizards and no mistake. Quality comments throughout the thread from all right thinking cunters. Making bumming legal in 1967 was only the top of a very long and slippery slope.
Good evening all.
You used the phrases ‘bumming’ and ‘slippery slope’ in one sentence…top work!