Sadiq Khan (37) – A Cunt for all Seasons

Sad Dick Khan is a cunt. But so is the postal vote system which is heavily used by labour supporters

The Guardian

This report is from 2005 but I can’t see the trend, ( nearly half of all postal votes are “for labour, 44% and only a quarter for the Tories, 26 %” Source the Guardian!!) reversing anytime ever.

Why might this be? Well me being a cynic might suggest that many of Khan’s supporters don’t speaky the English so have helpers to collect and post their votes for them..Hmmmm which demographic might these people come from one wonders.

I’ll leave that one for your thoughts fellow cunters.

Now this cunt is raising council taxes in Londonstan by around £40.. And you know what I bet he walks it in May. You see I reckon many of his army of voters will be on Benefits which will ensure that many won’t even pay any council tax.


Tough getting a job when you don’t speak the language. Or like to/have to stay home indoors!


I really struggle to think of many politicians that are loathed like this fucker, yet I will be placing a bet on him winning again.

How terribly odd, strange and worrying. Postal votes demographic Pah.

Britain is well and truly fucked up the arse..

Nominated by: Everyonesacunt

54 thoughts on “Sadiq Khan (37) – A Cunt for all Seasons

  1. What a little shit this cunt is. He crawled straight out of Blair’s rancid bowel, a fantasist, a liar, a total self-obsessed, self advertising creep. Race-baiter, homosexual loving , lesbian employing (Ame Lame’) heap of festering filth.

    His latest stunt was to add “The London Mayor Presents” at the commencement of this years wasteful and ULEZ busting New Year firework display.

    If anyone outside London wants to see what a shit show Labour will make in government, they only have to look at this little turd.

  2. Speaking my Dad’s neighbours, it looks like the little Joe Daki cunt has properly pissed off the outer London boroughs with the ULEZ scam.

    Where these people wouldn’t usually vote for a mayor of London, because they don’t give a shit. This year they will all be voting for Susan Hall, who will scrap the ULEZ bullshit on day one.

    Scrapping the postal vote and demanding photo ID to cast votes in elections has really worried Khunt, because most of his votes come from scum who shouldn’t be here. Which is approximately 54% of ‘people’ living in London.

  3. This is what happens when you allow immigrants to vote.
    The reason they’re here is already established, there’s no reason for them to have any input.
    Only the British should say how Britain is run, and any immigrants would have to be here for many generations before they could meddle in politics if I had my way.
    The place is being turned into a corrupt third world toilet, and is it any wonder when Pakis, Indians, and assorted w0gs are are allowed to interfere with UK politics.

  4. A Cunt for all Seasons deserves a Cunting for the Ages.

    Need I say righteous?

    However, a few songs are missing from the album.

    Dinghy on the Thames
    Grenfell Blues
    Hamza, Sharia and Me
    Goats and Little Girls

  5. The brown smelly goblin is crying about people having to show photo Id.

    Shouldn’t really matter to the peacefuls as the inbred cunts all look the same.
    Ugly, hairy yep that’s a daki.

    And he has compared Susan Hall to trump. And the election will be a test as to whether the extreme right can be held back..

    Extreme right!! What you mean people who don’t want their capital overrun with violent third world scum.

    Well to late thanks to two terms of this greasy cunt.

  6. The Paki Goblin is merely a precursor to things unimaginable.

    A return to the Dark Ages is on the cards.

    British “democracy” simply means giving your country to foreign trash.

    Rotten dung.

    Morning Gents.

    • With regard to Democracy…The only reason to vote Tory is that unlike Labour, at least they give you a kiss while fucking you in the ass.

      • vote tory.
        get globalist authoritarian big govt. cunts.
        vote labour
        get globalist authoritarian
        big govt. cunts
        vote Lib dem, green or SNP, get a party eager to join a coalition led by globalist authoritarian big govt. cunts.

  7. No love for the fragrant ,beaky mayor of Londonistan?

    I’ve got to admit he brought a smile to my extremely handsome face by tagging on his name to the NY fireworks display!

    Brought to you by the mayor of London…… genius!! Masterstroke!!

    Well done bignose👍

    • That firework display the other night.

      The emissions from that could have melted a glacier.

      What a hypocrite.

      Morning Mis/All

      • Morning Herman 👍

        As a mayor he’s one useless little bastard, but he’s definitely got a skill for shameless self promotion.

        Have you seen the “security” he’s sending out to protect his deeply unpopular ULEZ vans?

        Just thugs wearing face coverings!!
        His own thug army.
        Like a cattle baron in a western

  8. For the probity of postal votes look no further than Bradford where Labour or in the past George Galloway support was overwhelming from non English speakers/bin bag wearers.

    • Indeed you’re right.
      Why is City Hall not under siege by disgruntled Londoners?
      Why are there not anti ULEZ marches through the streets of London every weekend?
      Why are people not demonstrating against the useless, politically biased met police outside Scotland Yard every day of the week?
      The Frenchies would, they wouldn’t stand for it.
      All we do is sit at home, moan about how disgusting it all is, and maybe write a strongly worded letter to the Times.

      • I suggest that unlike the peaceful and champagne socialists everyone else has to go to WORK.

      • Indeed. As John Sullivan almost wrote….
        “Why do only fools and far right extremists work?”

  9. He is an arrogant, smug, thinks he is above reproach, cunt a parking Stanley version of Nicola Sturgeon. Like her, I believe, he is embedded in corruption. If you have solar panels installed in the London area, to qualify for any grants, you have to go through a particular company. A more incompetent, out of their depth, bunch of bastards it would be difficult to find and yet Suckdick renewed their licence. No prizes for guessing the ethnic origin of the company directors.
    When he was practicing the law he represented some extremely unpleasant people again of sub-continent origins(and not Indian). A mate of mine, a former special branch officer, implied to me that he was encouraged to do so because he was grassing up his mates. I don’t know the truth of that as my mate is a bit left of centre.
    We need Tom Bowyer to do an exposé of the cunt.

  10. Fuck him and fuck London, the only parts of London that have any significance are the financial institutions and the tourist parts, the rest is full of fucking shit.
    The little cunt has now stretched his toxic brand into the outer suburbs which could be his downfall.
    Postal votes should be banned, can’t get to the polling station fucking tough.

    He may be the son of a bus driver but he is definitely a son of a bitch.

  11. Them Japs aren’t having much luck are they?
    Earthquake now Tokyo airport on fire.

    An it’s only 2nd of January!!

    Probably caused by Feng shui?
    A sofa facing due east or something.

    Oh well.
    Fuck em

    • Bit harsh mis, think on the Japs don’t allow an infestation of the world’s third world shite to ruin their country.
      No suck dick khanusan running Tokyo..!

      • Harsh maybe Archie,
        but the bucktoothed squinting little bastards were harsh to allied pOWs during WW2.

        I’m not keen on the fishfondlers.

      • Those Imperial Japs were a right set of cunts and their treatment of Allied POWs was simply evil.

        However it’s always best to remember that they got fucking pasted in every theatre of war,everywhere a catastrophe unfolded for the mad cunts.

        Plus the Yanks had a nice time fire bombing Tokyo then deciding not to invade but drop nukes of them instead.

        They deserved everything they got.

        Modern Japan I have no problem with,there’s a lot to admire in my opinion.

      • We need the Japs onside for the final reckoning with China.

        Promise them Manchuria or something.

      • However it’s always best to remember that they got fucking pasted in every theatre of war,everywhere a catastrophe unfolded for the mad cunts.’

        Not quite true. the Japs were responsible for the largest conceding of territory in the history of the British empire, from Burma to Hong Kong and down to Malaysia.

    • The BBC are all over it Mis.
      Jizzing their knickers over the body count this morning.
      You can tell they’re itching to blame it on climate change, but don’t have the proof. Not that it’s bothered them in the past.

    • At least the Japs face up to their disasters.

      They were also barely touched by the Chinky flu.

  12. Tortoise face should hurry up and find his shell and crawl off into the sunset, the short arsed racist bastard.

  13. I’ve heard some of Suckdiq’s knees up album….

    Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavour On The Mosque Steps Overnight

    My Old Man (Is From Pakistan)

    Knees Up Mother Khan

    Any Old Isis

    Maybe It’s Because I’m a P@ki Cunt

    Consider Yourself (a Cunt)

    Crash Bang Wallop (What a P@ki)

    An Immigrant Stank Our Berkeley Square

  14. OT. Saw Susanna Reid with her shorter hair and her specs on this morning.

    And now I want to shag her even more…

  15. I understand that the Rolling Stones are making a new version of Street Fighting Man for Khunt’s reelection campaign. Here’s a sneak preview of the chorus :

    “If you want your city fucked up
    Then you couldn’t vote for anyone worse
    There’s no one who could fuck it up more
    Than the son of a bus driving man”

  16. Let him do it, when all the businesses and actual tax payers decamp from London and set up elsewhere , how’s he going to buy his votes then?

    Slimy cunt

  17. I truly hate this cunt.

    He’s in my top three, with Bliar and the crisp salesman/BBC autocue reader.

    I wish nothing but pain and misery on the untrustworthy shifty goblin.

    Mayor of London, Mare more like.

  18. This cunt is utter vermin! Hes a lying devious crooked two Bob cunt!! I wouldn’t piss on this cunt if he was on fire!! He has the deaths and blood of hundreds of dead teens on his hands!! If this cunt died tomorrow id be out we my pots and pans!!

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