Rosie Jones and ‘ableism’

I used to half-enjoy Channel 4’s “Big Fat Quiz of the Year”, mostly because of Jimmy Carr.

But this year’s quiz was ruined by having this drooling spac appear on it. You might think that having a genuine pudding-brain on telly might afford a bit of light amusement, but no – she even fucks that up by being impossible to understand and utterly unfunny.

It’s not entirely her fault, one supposes; it’s genuinely cruel of C4 and her handlers to push her in front of an embarrassed audience. They know full-well that she’s as funny as a brain haemorrhage.

But then she’ll undo any initial sympathy by “hitting out at ableist trolls”. By which she means anyone who finds her unfunny and awkward.

Fuck off Mong the Merciless, you ruin any programme you’re shoehorned into

Daily Fail

Nominated by Thomas the Cunt Engine.

(You can’t fool us, mate! You fancy the arse off her/him/it/whatever! – Day Admin)

75 thoughts on “Rosie Jones and ‘ableism’

  1. I’m a victim of ableism as well.
    I’m unable to get a horn on looking at Rosie Jones.

    Get your tits oot pet and let’s see if that helps.

  2. I recall hearing Rosie on ‘The News Quiz’ some years ago. The programme was aired at 6.30 pm on a Friday. Most listeners would be trying to relax after a week at work possibly with a glass of beer or wine. Then we hear Rosie. FFS , most businesses find out what their customers want and then seek to provide it. The licence tax allows the BBC to throw all manner of shit at its captive audience.

  3. Well Thomas that’s a challenging wank indeed.

    I’d go further and say anything made or broadcast by Channel 4 is likely to make a healthy fellow immediately impotent.

    Crippĺeś and such should not be allowed on something as expensive as TV,perhaps they could join a circus or summat.

    Dunno,fuck “celebrities” one and all.

  4. This daft cunt is another Radio 4 favourite (though I dont think they would dare risk her on Just A Minute!). She is on a par with some poor bastard who has to speak through a voice box machine s he can do it normally. They are protected species (s is Tony Hawks who hasn been funny in twenty years, though to hsi credit, I don think he intends to be) and that awful American poofter David Sedaris, who sounds like a New England matron. Series after series of crap. To be fair, the studio audiences piss themselves laughing.

  5. Rosie should feel more alarmed at having such comedic titans as Fatso French and Pish Gupta backing her up.
    Snowflake millennials grinding us all down to their level of timidity and hopelessness is yet another manifestation of the decline of the West while the pearl clutchers gush and coo in sycophantic unison.
    Baaaaaaaah, baaaaaaaah, baaaaaaah.


    I wonder if she’s ever been fucked……?

  6. No idea who this is or what she wants so she can just fuck the fuck off for all I care.

    Most of the BBC can eat shit and die and I would watch them do it.

  7. She mutters utter unfunny shite and the audience laugh like performing seals. I suppose she gives CuntEngine the horn though.

  8. She’s about as capable of comedy as she woukd be being an Air Traffic Controller.

    “N….ch… ….ch…. n….ch…. ch…. n ch…. ch change di…. chan…. change direction n…. n…. now.”

  9. She tell one joke that had me rolling on the floor with laughter. The one about the time she went for an interview for the new voice of the talking clock.

  10. Dammit Admin. Thanks for posting my nom, but I’m with engineering clients today; how the hell am I supposed to have a crafty wank over Rosie and her mega hairy untouched (except by the tongue of Alan Titchmarsh) vagina, where one lip is significantly bigger than the other, like Nemo’s spazzy fins.

    • Rosie has a decent pair of whammers on her.

      If I was night Watchman at the facilitiy she lives I’d leave her cage door open come lockdown.

      Get a better look.
      Big nipples like a cobbler thumb glistening with dribble,

      I’d plug in a strobe light and when she fits I’d saddle up.

      A whole lotta Rosie ?

      Thomas @
      Sorry for talking dirty about your bird.

  11. She’s just an insect, spray her with a strong pesticide, job done.
    More importantly, what kind of fucking idiot thinks she’s suitable to be seen in public, or on tv.

    • Amongst those named as visitors to Epstein island was Steven Hawkins.

      I knew he was a wrong un moment I set eyes on him.

      That bulldog underbite, the flame of naked lust in his eyes,
      The dirty little bastard.

      Bet he was out of that chair his arse bobbing up and down soon as shy Virginia Guiffe took off her pristine panties.

      He’s a animal.

  12. Saw the picture and looked no further.
    Assume she was straining on a turd or passing a kidney stone.
    Couldn’t be pregnant.
    I know there’s a good measure of fantasy in TV and the viewers are expected to suspend belief, but the idea that some bloke knocked that up is pushing it a bit far.

    • I was thinking more about the sentence:

      ‘Call the Midwife viewers in tears as top comedian makes surprise show debut.’

      In which universe is she a top comedian?

  13. Admire her for having a go but if you’re a comedian you’re selling yourself and if no one’s buying your product then you’re fucked.

    Time people accepted that the world isn’t a fluffy nice place and Rosie isn’t funny, even if she was most people won’t see it because they don’t want severely disabled people shoved in their faces. It’s how we’ve evolved, disability repels many people.

    I don’t want to be cruel to Rosie, she’s got a lot more guts than me. With her speech so badly impaired it’s always going to be a hard sell.

    If she does have any talent maybe writing would work better for her.

    I do blame Jimmy Carr for this, once he became successful then obviously every mong on the planet thinks their in with a chance.

  14. I struggle on this one. My heart says good for her, fuck everyone else.

    My head says, I can’t understand a fucking word you are saying and comedy is all about language, tone, timing, execution.

    My left ball is funnier.

  15. I think Cunt Engine should have turned on the subtitles and would have had more enjoyment at the poor cunt attempting to decipher her gibberish.

  16. This accusation of ‘ ableism’?

    If you are employing someone surely them being physically capable of the job is just a fair requirement rather than a attack on the disabled?

    It isn’t done with malice.
    You have to climb ladders in your job it’s not going to be great if your confined to a wheelchair is it?

    Maybe set your sights on something you CAN do?

    Say a draught excluder or paperweight.

    • Or one of those attendants in the toilets in nightclubs that used to spray you with old spice and then try and rinse you for a quid.

    • Stamp lickers. plenty of dribble.

      Just don’t work for the Post Office; they’ll lose a stamp book and accuse the quadraplegics of stealing them.

      • That is fucking hilarious – although that skeletor look-alike slag Vennells should be hung, drawn and quartered and her CBE shoved up her tight ass – sideways.

        In additional, what about the cunts at Horizon (AKA Jap-eye Fujitsu – no mention of them being hauled over hot irons).

        My local PO is run by Dakis, the type where you smell curry every time you go there and the place is a fucking tip, looks like where Stig of the Dump used to live – dakis can be filthy animals, can’t they.

      • Yeah the local post office is at the back of a daki petrol station, and is boxed in with packaging, cartons of Rubicon fruit juice, pot noodles and Bombay mix.

  17. a good nom. simply employing someone who calls themselves a comedian simply based on the requirement she is disabled is inherently wrong..

    to tell jokes and be effective you have to deliver them in a way that is snappy, quick and punchy….or like ronnie Corbett, meander through an interesting lead up to the punchline, but in a way you havent got to listen so carefully that if you can’t understand her then you have the concentration of the audience.

    this cunt isnt funny even if she werent disabled, but not being able to deliver a punchline quickly and in a way you can quickly understand is not comedy.

    to my mind she is in the wrong job, and only probably chose it because she though she would be unique, and therefore would be a shoo it for all the luvvie tv types

    • I have to say that I’ve no idea whether she’s funny or not, never having heard of her before.

      Feel a bit sorry for her thoin truth; must be a tough gig and she’s got the balls to go for it.

      • …but that’s how she’s got as far as she has Ron…….not because she is any fucking good, but because people are afraid to say so.

        ..any able bodied ‘comedian’ would have been heckled off stage on a regular basis if they were as unfunny as her, but instead they politely clap and say nothing.

        Emperors new clothes and all that.

  18. Whilst I am truly sorry that she has a disability, the fact of the matter is that I can’t understand a fucking word she’s saying and it’s painful to watch her struggling.

    Exploitative wokeism at its worst…

  19. I almost never watch channel 4 so have no idea who she is. I assume she’s appeared on The Last Leg though. Strangely it’s only the relatively mild disabilities the presenters of that crap that make then any different to the dross on the panel shows, which are all token-fests of different kinds.
    What are we laughing at this week?
    GB News

    Oh i have flippers for hands. That makes me more interesting.

  20. …oh, and she isn’t be judged by the public because she is disabled, she is being judged because she isn’t funny. That isn’t ableism, that is an impartial objective view that looks beyond any disability….unless of course not being funny is classified as a disability??

  21. It is very sad for Rosie that she has ataxic CP. She is clearly talented, but stand-up is a harsh world. She should stick to writing.

    Sorry, but she has a serious set on nashers on her. I certainly wouldn’t proffer the old gentleman wurst in fear of it being cleanly cropped right down to the root during a blowie.

  22. I thought the picture in the nom said “triple treat” for a minute.I’d probably go for one and two down below but I’ll give the treble a miss,looks like she could easily bite it off.

  23. Besides Rosie’s vulnerability giving me raging hard on, we both could play Cathy and Heathcliff in “Wuthering Heights”. With her cerebral palsy and my rheumatoid arthritis, running towards each other would be a great laugh.

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