Mental Health

Mental health is a cunt.

A few years ago now someone, somewhere in the establishment decided to start peddling “mental health” as a good wheeze to excuse criminal, perverse, just plain stupid behaviour or any form of failure in life.

I’m not clear why this is but I suspect like most things it comes down to money, either folks building a career on this bollocks or the government saving the cost of keeping these bastards in the slammer to prevent them being a nuisance to the rest of us.

Just been a programme on the telly featuring people complaining they have low mood, depression, anxiety, panic attacks etc. One hearing voices and diagnosed as schizo but as he is a young black man then it’s in his DNA so no useful treatment available anyway.

Reminds me of my late mother’s opinion on first hearing the term post-natal depression; “We didn’t have this in my day. It hadn’t been invented.”

The Guardian

Link is to the Grauniad but remarkably appropriate I think. Worth reading.

(Umm. Due to ment’l elf we forgot to add the author to this nom! – Day Admin)

76 thoughts on “Mental Health

  1. Fuck me, even IAC is infested with people who need to get a fucking grip. We truly are fucked as a species.

    • We’re all human, fatjon…there’s not many men I could name (and I know a lot of people) that get to middle age without some form of mental anchor dragging them down, be it circumstance, bereavement or illness.

  2. Morning all, truth is we all experience mental health issues at some point of our lives but the vast majority of us deal with it – we have no other choice. But to turn it into an industry and coerce younger and younger people to belive they have some illness when they don’t I’d absolutely inexcusable. I blame Blair.

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