A few years ago now someone, somewhere in the establishment decided to start peddling “mental health” as a good wheeze to excuse criminal, perverse, just plain stupid behaviour or any form of failure in life.
I’m not clear why this is but I suspect like most things it comes down to money, either folks building a career on this bollocks or the government saving the cost of keeping these bastards in the slammer to prevent them being a nuisance to the rest of us.
Just been a programme on the telly featuring people complaining they have low mood, depression, anxiety, panic attacks etc. One hearing voices and diagnosed as schizo but as he is a young black man then it’s in his DNA so no useful treatment available anyway.
Reminds me of my late mother’s opinion on first hearing the term post-natal depression; “We didn’t have this in my day. It hadn’t been invented.”
Link is to the Grauniad but remarkably appropriate I think. Worth reading.
(Umm. Due to ment’l elf we forgot to add the author to this nom! – Day Admin)
My argument with the mental elf card being played as a defence in relation to criminality, particularly terror related murder, is this.
As the likes of Ian Huntley, for example, never used that excuse, does that mean that they should be regarded as sane?
Surely anyone who kills or harms is mentally unstable to some degree.
Or just fucking annoyed.
Seems the ‘go to’ for defence lawyers these days; ‘may it please the court, Mr Muhammed heard the voice of Allah commanding him to behead the deceased, and could not defy his will. On his behalf, I enter a plea of diminished responsibility due to mental health issues in mitigation’.
Funny thing the ‘elf.
When religious types from the middle east go full ‘tard and blow up a concert hall full of kids, it’s the ‘elf to blame.
They definitely weren’t to blame because Allah (piss be apon him) told them to do it.
Strange how Allah never tells them to go out and pick up litter or help old people with their shopping though.
Yes, Ron.
Also, if mental health doesn’t seem to be enough, they also chuck in
On the spectrum ( no, me either)
PTSD ( due to seeing the family cat kill a sparrow when they were 5)
Dyslexia ( ffs)
In fact, you think of it, we’ll use it as a defence.
Don’t forget TDS
If we aren’t sure, lock them up, like we used to.
I probably bang on about this too much, but if any ISACunter is suffering from severe depression, get 4 grams of ‘shrooms down your neck.
Not to get psychedelically high (although that is an obvious benefit), but to have the flow of serotonin restored in your brain.
The list of stuff shrooms can help with is ever-growing.
Severe anorexia
Cluster headaches/severe migraines
Potentially anything neurotransmitter related.
A chip butty can cure anorexia.
With brown sauce?
We used to call the shrooms clearing out the cobwebs Thomas.
Been a few years since I’ve cleared them now mind probably worth a dose!
Yeah, unless you can get them at Asda or M&S, it ain’t happening.
Haven’t had magics in many a year Thomas.
Any links to a decent seller?
Almost impossible to buy them, HJ.
You have to grow your own (made from legally purchased spores).
Didn’t farmers put down some pesticide that fucks up the growing of them on the cow fields?
Someone told me this a few years ago, don’t know if it’s true or not.
Head up on to moorland, grass with reed patches is ideal.
First couple of weeks in October though it’s a short season for the ol’ liberty cap
I would love to sit down with like minded cunters and drop a bunch of liberty caps in a safe and comfortable location.
The conversation would be top notch and come daylight we would solved all the world’s problems and strung up Tony Blair from a lamp post with piano wire as a result.
Yep.Neuroplasticity is a real thing and micro-dosing very much the way forward.I think we can guess why this won’t be rolled out en masse ?
I have ptsd, been through a lot of shit in my life.
Never mock a panic attack, until you’ve had one you’ll never understand!
That being said I’ve never used it as an excuse and never would.
Afternoon all.
Everybody is mental nowadays.
It’s fashionable to be a nutter.
I’m lucky ,unfashionably so,
That I’ve never suffered in my mental health .
I’ve never been confused over my gender or sexuality.
Never thought I’m Napoleon.
Or jesus.
Dont have bad nerves, or get weepy.
Don’t freak out in a crowd.
Wear my undercrackers on my head.
I don’t worry about the planet dying.
I don’t collect/eat flies.
Being puddled has never appealed to me.
You’re too busy Mis, to be any of those things.
5.2 million people claiming benefits in this country compared to about 1.6 million in 1999.
Not sure of the breakdown over the last 10 years but I’m pretty sure there was a big jump during an post Pandemic with the Long Covid and a bit of ME and the Spectrum and quite few other things thrown in for good measure.
Of course it doesn’t help when GPs take a far more sympathetic generalising of these conditions for all and sundry, quite often at the expense of genuine claims with genuine mental health problems.
As a consequence the government is handing out billions to cunts who know how to play the system while the genuine claimants won’t get the extra money they deserve because of the entire benefits system is spiralling out of control as is the budget.
Ordinary people – such as most of us here -get pissed off about how this money is wasted on those game-player shitehawks. But you criticise them and all of a sudden the respective charity group and mental health trusts shout you down calling you cowardly and mean.
Just like the benefits system generally. Those who work and those that don’t work – and it always seems the latter that get the most sympathy while those that do all the graft get shit on and are taxed ever more to pay for it all.
Spot on Techno. I wonder how much longer we can go on like this
Nail on the head Techno.
A large part of the MH card must be down to the constant march of the Nanny State,mewling on social meedja and,of course,a quick excuse for a complete lack of personal responsibility.
It’s also rather unfortunate that it seems our blek chums have a high predisposition toward all sorts of serious mentalist behaviour..
Thanks Westminster.
Oh dear.
Etc etc forever..
What is cheaper a bullet of a room in a nut house.
Shot to kill, problem solved, no need for a mental health assessment, no need to go to court, everyone happy ?
In the whole world you know,
There are billion boys and girls
Who are young, mental and black
And that’s a fact!
There needs to be a specific ISAC page for links showing how someone in this country has been culturally enriched.
It’d end up being a page with a lot of comments…
“Culturally enriched” is a bit verbose I think Gloria. Might I suggest “stabbed” as a more succinct alternative?
The widened scope has just encompassed half the fucking population
What was it on here a while ago, using the words trigger warning when alternating the reader about something in a text should be banned because the word trigger could cause harm.
There was some bloke on GB news the other night who was asked over a training session on diversity bollocks, he asked the trainer something about how to deal with something (a word) that was used be a certain minority but is not allowed anywhere else.
The trainer asked his to be more specific and he said a word commonly used in Rap music, she asked what word so he said N*gga…..
The poor dear was so traumatised she had to take a week off.
If the truth be told the percentage of actual mental health issues is probably the same now as it was 20 years ago but the number of fucking snowflakes has increased exponentially.
Sacked not asked
The 21st Century version of the bad back ??
Confession time:
Last night I murdered 6 strangers walking down my street
Last week I raped a couple of tarts who were gagging for it
2 months ago I called a migrant a rude name
4 months ago I took pics of 7 year old girls in their school uniforms
12 months ago I planted a bomb at the local train station (but rain and floods knackered it)
The police have been round to my home a few times but I just pull the mental health card and they cave.
Beep beep honk beeb, bim bim tweeeet.
A lot of this is just people feeling sorry for themselves.
They arent card carrying headtheballs.
Just bit mard.
If your a proper mental you shouldn’t be allowed near boxes of matches, scissors, or people’s food.
You only have to wait until a social media site goes offline for more than 10 minutes and the Gen Zeds go into meltdown!
Gen Zed?
General Zod.
I have had a terrible day today..
Maybe I’ll play the mental health card stab a couple of peacefuls and say I thought I was Edward scissorhands.
Say it was all Vincent prices fault..
Don’t fancy my chances.
All elves are mental, surely? What with their ponsy stripy tights and bobbly headwear. But to be serious for a moment, these `issues` are nothing a good arse-whupping wouldn’t sort.
I had a sort of breakdown due to stress about 10 years ago. I had no idea what was happening. I felt waves of dread passing through me, and had terrible thoughts out from nowhere. I thought i was going mad. Turns out it was anxiety due to years of medical poking and testing, waiting for results. All of this happens in the animal part of the brain that is pre-linguage, and when i used to feel panicked for some stupid reason, it was the primitive part of the brain misfiring and filling the body with cortisol.
I had to go on SSRI for a bit to take the edge off but as i’m self-employed,carried on working.
It was very strange and nothing like you see in the media. You feel fucking mad but at least you realise it.
I know a few people who have given up and just wallow rather than trying to understand their problem and work to overcome it. Needless to say these cunts don’t work, either.
This woke thing ” mental health” demeans people who suffer with the real thing.
If you’ve seen the effect of someone with, for example.
Paranoid schizophrenia,
you’d know that some arsehole playing the M/H card to excuse shite behaviour or crime or ineptitude is fucking disgusting….!
For those of you interested, I suffer these days from a condition called Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) which to the uninitiated could be confused with Parkinson except it’s not constant shaking, or Epilepsy in that there are bad bouts where the whole body goes into a fit. Unlike Epilepsy I’m fully aware of my surroundings.
The consultant referred me to the dreaded Mental Elf for wellness therapy of a specialized sort that isn’t offered in Suffolk. Never mind. They sent me to the Mental Elf anyway for the wrong sort. Quite how talking therapy is supposed to help with this condition fails me even after 21+ sessions.
In the end, in the immortal words of Bernard Cribbins “it did no good – well I never thought it would”
A sick joke and total waste of everybody’s time. So don’t start me on mental fucking elf…
Mental health problems can be very real and shouldn’t be dismissed.
Fair enough – too many folk take the piss these days and use it as a get out of jail free card or an excuse to claim benefits but I’ve seen first hand what real mental illness is.
A Great Uncle of mine for example, has been plagued his entire life by severe mental health problems.
Never drank alcohol or touched a drug (drug as in ecstasy, amphetamine, cocaine etc) or anything like that in his life. Yet he flipped in his late teens and never recovered. Poor bastard’s brain has since long been fried with pharmaceuticals.
On the other hand – a lot of younger blokes (and women sometimes) top themselves through depression and when you scratch beneath the surface a little, you find that they were often off their tits most weekends on various uppers.
Uppers such as the ones I mentioned above, should be avoided by all, at all costs because they are the devil.
Mental health problems, completely out of nowhere, are likely a lot rarer than we are led to believe by the media.
Mental health problems caused by getting high too often or by making repeatedly poor life choices are probably closer to the truth.
OK, OK, I confess. I posted this nom. I think admin left off my name in order to protect my mental elf.
PTSD is now the bad back… my grandad was machine gunned by the filthy Hun, lay in nomans land all day under shell fire, invalided out of the army worked until he died of cancer.
Mental health? Fucking cunts.
This was bound to happen when government ads are suggesting there needs to be more open talk about mental health.
How about you considering that during lockdown, you timewasting overeducated fuck-sticks?
Everyone seems mental these days. Our High street is teeming with mouth breathers and dribblers, mongs and flakes. No wonder the country is fucked when no one is capable of doing anything more than take their medications.
I heard an ad on Spotify that said that you could guarantee playlists (for a financial consideration, obvs) the reason for getting this service as ‘knowing what comes next gives you the peace of mind you need’. What kind of wet cunt feels unsafe if they don’t know what fucking tune they will hear in the immediate future?
‘Bring back National Service’ used to be the cry from our elders as they saw the way things were going. If only we had listened.
Good evening, everyone.
I had a mate who was clinically depressed.
(Don’t you fuckin point the finger at me!)
He’d been outgoing,
Funny, jack the lad.
But then his mam died.
He couldn’t cope.
Went deeper and deeper into depression.
He had family still, loads of mates,
Nobody could help him.
Everybody tried and failed.
I found him OD’d once.
They rushed him to hospital,
Kept him for observation.
He died of drink and drugs in the end.
Only real experience of genuine mental health I’ve encountered.
Our elder had a friend Mis, beautiful young woman twenty years old, student at Royal Holloway and fucking razor sharp. She had been prescribed anti-depressants. One day without any warning or indication she went out and stood on the main line in Sunningdale. The pills she was on are known for this effect. Fucking drastic way of curing depression. I was the one who gave her shattered friends lifts home after the event as they were in no fit state to use public transport.
Sad isn’t it Arfur?
But when someone has decided they’ve had enough…
You can’t change their mind.
Shame for the families.
Effect them forever
Terrible situation and inevitably one that will seriously impact the poor train driver’s mental condition some time in the future.?
All these fashionable twats that want to decrimilise skunk/coke etc should realise ( perhaps they do and don’t care) what damage to the mind that shit does.
You buy some shit of some dope dealers, even they don’t know what’s in the fucking stuff.
You would have to be mad to take the stuff in the first place….
Cokeheads make me laugh.
The drug turns them into pricks and they all kid themselves the crap they shove up thrir noses is the good stuff, none of that ‘pub grub’.
It’s all all crap, lads. most of it is washing powder. (if you’re lucky).
I lost my job last year because of anxiety and stress. I’m still pretty much fucked up even now. It was an awful fucking time but i’m hoping to get another job soon.
As far as stupid fucks that cause harm to other people and then blame it on mental health issues, well they deserve all they get.
Anxiety is worthy of a separate cunting of its own
I see Thierry Henry has announced he suffered from mental elf as a player, which placed a conundrum in my head. A kind of chicken or the egg kind of question.
When St Marcus of Rashford is playing shit, he blames his mental elf.
So in that case, does depression cause him to play shit, or does playing shit cause him to have depression?
I think we need to know before we all go off and hurl vile racist abuse at him on social media.
Its the self pity in both of them for being black. The dinner laddie in particular after dying his hair ginger, to mean the anagram for what he is.
The pair of them could have a problem if both brain cells in each numskull ever fall out.
Mental health is real, we all have it, mostly we live with good mental health interspersed with periods of not so good mental health often due to circumstances beyond our control.
I’ve known a few people in my life who’ve suffered from short or long term mental health issues, one of them tried to describe the horror she lived with in her own mind, it was indeed a dark and terrifying place to reside.
Now we have an ever increasing epidemic of child and adolescent mental health problems and sometimes it’s easy to dismiss them as the result of being cosseted to the point they can’t cope with the realisation that the world really isn’t as promised by My Little Pony!
Question that needs answering is why is the society of the last 20 years producing so many damaged children? II think the internet and social media in particular play a massive part.
I think anxiety is the natural result of a lifestyle so far removed from anything natural.
Mental health for me means take the meds or the locked ward beckons. Been that way for 20 plus years now and I don’t give a fuck unless the moon is full ha ha ha
Awaiting with baited breath to learn the name of the knife wielder who stabbed Harry Pitman to death on NYE.
I bet a pound to a pinch of shit that the perpetrator had an all-year round suntan and there bees muh mental ‘elf isshoos and sheet dat bees da reason for da stabbin n sheet, nomesayin?
All joking aside I’m sure that most of the good folks who post on here have, or will, at some point feel somewhat low in spirits.
I know I did, when both my parents died, and my partner of 38 years. It certainly isn’t a walk in the park. Many years ago now, so it’s bearable.
Sometimes it’s money worries, or a bad work environment, or a health concern that fills your head to the extent that your physical health suffers.
Been there, done that, got the tee-shirt. But, I have never had the desire to go out and commit a criminal act so egregious it would carry a death sentence anywhere other than the UK.
Well said JP.
Sometimes people get poorly due to things outside their control.
But I think lifestyle plays a big part.
Exercise releases’ feel good ‘ endorphins
Fresh air
Clean water
Decent night’s sleep
All help with low mood.
Healthy body – healthy mind.
This might sound a bit naive but I genuinely believe people suffering depression would benefit getting up early on a cold morning and chopping a load of firewood.
Get a sweat on , draw fresh air in your lungs,
Sleep well afterwards.
Which is why, if our younger have no fucking idea what they want to do after leaving school, National Service or a modern day apprenticeship should be the only options for those unable to go to University to study a serious subject, and we need to abolish Mickey Mouse courses, like knitting yoghurt, ethnic weaving and yurt building.
Just an easy cop out for being weak, as an Apprentice joiner in the early 80s I worked on a Psychiatric wing of a Hospital where the inmates were properly Mental, one particular case was a Giant of a man who thought he was Jesus and wanted to kill everyone who looked at him, nowadays he would be walking the streets in charge of taking his own medication, bring back the old fashioned Nut Houses and threaten anyone using the Mentality ill excuse with a 6 month stint.!
Yes, totally agree!
If playing that card was going to get you 6 months lockup, at least, probably with a chemical cosh to keep you docile, I think people who commit crimes that would get a 13 week custodial on a HMP health farm ( sorry, I meant open prison) would have them kicking their brief and muttering ” shut up, you twat” during the mitigation period.