Isn´t it about time somebody deflated this pompous cunt. Not content with wishing to be the nation´ś wet nurse, his latest boast is to ¨reduce suicide¨. How he intends doing this with the poofs and tarts in his party, God alone knows:
He is making ridiculous claims that go unchallenged by his poofter friends in the BBC.
Suicide us generally a sudden and extreme act and nobody is going to be put ff the idea by a toolmakers son, even if his mum was a nurse. Perhaps the Reverend Chris ¨Underpants¨ Bryant is going to hold bible classes at St Mandyś, but it just seems yet more shit streaming from this motherfuckers jowly face.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs.
Sir Kier Starmer, to you.
Having a knighthood is the sure-fire mark of a massive establishment cunt.
Good morning.
Exactly so MJB. Normal people would rather have syphjlis than a gong.
My ex sister in law is called Phyllis and took great exception to me referring to her as “Siff”.
Can’t imagine why.
Is that between being the colgate fairy and king canute or should that be king cunt..
This mincing prick thinks he has a answer for everything..
Great nom.
Here are more Thoughts from The Great Man on the subject of attitudes to wokery.
Fucking hell, who wouldn’t get mad at the RNLI for acting as a taxi service to illegral
migrants? Why don’t they just go all the way over to France and just pick them up there?
Morning all.
Morning Ron.
I read yesterday the government will spend 36 million on private crafts for the border farce, while they upgrade their fleet..
A dozen pedalos and rubber rings should suffice fir those traitorous scum..
¨Me and my mate went to Spain on holiday one year, took a pedalo out and ended up in Africa¨
(Jay in The In-Betweeners, but perhaps he ¨re up¨ to be the nations saviour)
I mean, if he can take Woking from the Conference to the CL in six seasons then he can do just about anything.
Afternoon Ron
This cunt will be the nail in the coffin for the British economy.
He’s a fucking know nothing shithouse,the perfect politician..
Absolute vermin.
Oven the Cunt.
This cunt always appears to look bewildered, like someone they’ve pulled in from off the street and try’s to answers questions on subjects he knows fuck all about.
Because he is ?
Never looking authoritative doesn’t help either.
Reminds me of Peter Schmeichel’s twinned halfwit, if he had one.
I thought his pained expression was due to severe constipation.
The fact that he’s just a thick cunt who knows fuck all makes much more sense.
What do you expect from a lawyer?
Gormless looking turd.
He’s almost as bad as Biden.
Rabbit in the headlights.
You can see him thinking…
” wtf am I doing here and wtf do I do”?
Especially on whether women have cocks.
He always looks like he’s been caught having a wank
Starmer, Lammy. Cooper, Reeves, Rayner.
Honestly, what a fucking shower of woefully inadequate, clueless knobheads.
I give them 7 days before the shit hits the fan. The shortest honeymoon period for any Government ever.
Fuck that lot. How long would Starmer last anyway before being ousted in a coup organised by Corbynista types?
What this country needs is a proper fit milf in charge.
Penny for PM! She’s even got the initials for the job.
Penny also believes trans women are women.
So she’s got the woke vote too!
Penny Mordaunt?
Useless, tardy Penny Moudaunt?
Ever heard of the horsemen of the apocalypse?
Well this is as close as it gets.
Weren’t they in that book?…
Can you imagine Flabbott sitting on your face, make any man turn to cock.
Think it should be put to the test.
Perish the thought, can you imagine.
It’s enough to make even that cunt Prince Andrew sweat.
If he did sweat he was at the Burger King in Guildford… Wedding reception or something, a Christening perhaps.
That though has give me the horn.
Starmer is the man of the BBC, Civil Service and judicary. A safe pair of hands for the project of turning Britain into a technocratic, dystopian, authoritarian neo-feudal commode of a country, hated by right and left alike.
Scooped from the toilet bowl after a particularly heavy period for Cherie Blair and fashioned into a golem that thinks it can control the weather.
The WEF will be pissing themselves laughing
I wonder ? if he is really a homosexual?
Well he sits with enough of them in his shadow cabinet and Streeting always looks as if he has the hots for him. I bet he has a daily wank at that picture of the Master in his football shorts. Also, what did he have to do with Mandy to get his support? (¨May I lick your ringpiece, Lord Peter?¨)
This cunt is like a pile of Papier-mâché, it can be moulded into anything those actually in charge want. He doesn’t have a single opinion of his own.
Starmer is almost certainly going to become our next Prime minister. I can’t say if he’ll make a success of it, but I do know he’ll have to try very hard to end up being worse than the last few tory prime ministers we’ve had.
I think he could be a fucking sight worse, Allan. The man who tried so hard to get Corbyn into power and thwart Brexit. Second referendum within the year with this arsewipe
Honestly,, after what we’ve had to put up with in recent years we may as well give Liebore a chance. How could things get any worse?
Pass me a long piece of paper.
A fucking very long piece of paper
Much like Dave Cameron.
I imagine the suicide rate will go up if he gets elected.
And he wanted more lockdowns that led to suicides and mental health issues.
I’m no fan of Starmer but this is really daft cunting. There are a lot of ways in which suicide can feasibly be reduced – for instance, by providing better mental health services to people who are at risk. Presumably this is what Starmer meant when he made that comment. Yes it’s a sudden act but it’s a sudden act which is often taken after weeks, months or even years of buildup, with missed opportunities and failure to provide the right support being major contributory factors.
Locking down young people is not a good idea for tackling suicide rates but Kweer was a big supporter. If he knew that was the case, as this policy seems to indicate, he is little short of a murdering cunt.
In which case Boggs should’ve said that in the nom. I’m sure it wasn’t his intention but the way he’s worded it seems incredibly crass and defeatist.
You really do mix up your opinions with fact.
Star man is a massive cunt. For scores of reasons
Kweer was also up to his dirty neck in the Savile and Post Office software cover-ups. It is as if the cunt is working flat out to get people to kill themselves.
Care to explain to me how I’m wrong Everyones? Yes, he’s.a huge cunt but on this specific issue I think Boggs could’ve elaborated better. The fact is many people DO kill themselves after failing to receive appropriate help with their conditions – just look at the CAHMS debacle for instance. Discussing suicide prevention isn’t enough of a reason TO cunt – especially when the person in question has provided plenty of other material to warrant a proper cunting as it is.
Effectively what I’m trying to say is that there are plenty of reasons to cunt Starmer, but this isn’t one of them. At least, not without proper background on the Covid stuff etc.
He also failed to prosecute multiple MPs re the MPs expenses scandal.
For which the Establishment awarded him a knighthood.
OC: The majority of suicides are very quiet about their intentions, and strangely, they usually commit this extreme act after they have received pharmaceutical treatment for depression, which gives them the energy. to attempt it. Any person intent on going through with it cannot be stopped, unless it is a ¨cry for help¨. As John Paul Sartre once said ¨why kill time, when you can kill yourself¨?
This ridiculous boast of Starmer is as insane as his suggestion he can ¨control¨ the weather -¨mission-led¨ or not.
If Izzard becomes a tranny MP prancing round in full slap and womens clothes it will increase suicide, a young guy say of 20, will look at that motherfucker and think this is what could happen to me in 40 years time. when I am over 60 and past it. Nobody loves a fairy when he´40, nobody loves a fairy when heś old. He may still have his magic powers, but that is not enough, they want their bit of magic, from a younger bit of stuff. Anyway that´ś what Mandleson thinks. That depressed young guy will think ¨I will be a pantomime dame¨¨ apart from the woke cuntery this fool will introduce. Goodnight Vienna.
Anyone thinking of voting Liebour at the next mock elections, remember Sir Kweer was cheerleader for locking down longer and harder in order to keep everyone safe from a possible cold. Oh, and the Lib Dems can fuck off too
4th behind Reform in the latest polls..?
I’ll be spoiling my ballot, but quite frankly I don’t blame people for thinking they’ll be a better option than the Tories at this stage.
Best, OC I’ll draw a cock on mine just like the last time
I think there’s a way you can spoil it whilst making it actually count. Don’t remember what it is though.
A few weeks ,later when they have The Starmer/Blair Junior School telling everyone exactly how to live their lives, they will realise what fucking fools they were. Starmer is Mr Status Quo – fuck all will get changed. It is just a case of who people want behind the big directors desk of the sub-office in the UK Blair Industry “managing” our decline to the bottom. It’s just the Starmer way will include more darkies, Pakis and poofs.
If you or anyone else thinks Starmer will be a change for the better they are deluding themselves and pissing in the wind.
I didn’t say I think they’ll be better WC. I merely said hat I can’t blame people for thinking that given the mess which the Tories have been in since Johnson. Get over yourself ffs.
If there’s nobody I’d like standing I just tick off the lunatic.
Diversity is our strength…!!!!
BBC News – Nottingham attacks: Court accepts triple killer’s guilty plea
Another imported schizo chimp who goes on a murder spree..
Our betters never learn,mind you they never look out the windows of the Gravy Train do they?
Burn the blek cunt at the stake.
We should have the word murder removed from the English dictionary, as it doesn’t exist in our juridical system anymore.
The lovechild of Lammy and Sutcliffe.
The solution is gin clear to me; round ’em up and ship them back to Africa. There you go, problem solved.
Absolutely ?
A thoroughly English name ??
he is nothing more than the smart suited top hatted ringmaster who does his best to provide the calm slick face of the show whilst holding back the animals of the circus behind the curtains.
He’s here and he’s Keir……
What a cock Womble.
Define working class Keir…….
Nope? Fuck off!
Working class is people who believe there are 2 genders.
Is it me or has it gone boring as fuck on here?
Lot of characters have left,
Repetitive noms,
Just seems a bit lacklustre?
Don’t even get trolls on to liven things up anymore.
I was saying this a couple months back. It’s mostly the same topics which are cunted nowadays – I think it would help if there was a limit on how many times certain people/things could be nominated during a set period.
Repetitive noms happen, in my opinion, because we experience exactly the same old shit every day in various guises, how do you see improvement happening, we’ve now got ‘not a cunt’ post which is at odds with the sites principles surely?
Again, my opinion only, this place reflects the fuckery going on now, we get fleeced every single time, ‘they’ get richer, wars are perpetuated without our consent or vote and we are told we’re paying for it. It’s hard to find anything other than the blackest (or blekkest) humour as an antidote.
I’m new though, so perhaps not in the zeitgeist of this place yet, only two noms myself, one of which was part of a triple nom and the other disappeared.
To be sure, if we concentrated on politics then that’s RIP to ISaC so where do you want to go ?
Humorous noms don’t work within the premise but the responses occasionally bring a genuine laugh out loud from me, ‘The Konks’ band title I believe you called out, being a Kinks Appreciation Society member, that really made me laugh taken in the context of what it was meant for.
Go back a few years and you’d be lucky to get a double digit response. Things ebb and flow, such is life.
Don’t get to disheartened the world is full of cunts, it’s unfortunate that a lot of the same one’s are more superior so they get noticed more and rightly up before the panel!
I’m sure you’ll get more bored if you return to normality ?….?
I can see where you’re coming from Mis, but I think it’s the nature of the beast.
Noms are repetitive because a lot of cunts have been around a long time, and keep repeating their cuntitude in different ways.They don’t go away. The likes of Sadiq Kunt, Corbyn, Abbott, Linekunt, Blair, the Markles, the BBC… the usual suspects.
Don’t really know how things could be different really.
I’m inclined to agree with you Mis. The people we’ve lost or at least while they may read us they don’t post any more. Fiddler, Gutstick Japseye, Komodo, RTC, Nurse Cunty, the Flaxen Saxon, just off the top of my head. I’m sure you can think of many more. If you are still reading us, please come and stick your oar in, we miss you!
There is a bit of a bottleneck of nom subjects, with many that are repeats, I have to say, but ultimately the bulk of this site is down to what we make of it.
I guess Komodo left due to the intransigence of the pro-Israel cohort on here. We know why Fiddler left. CS (and his clones) had to beam back up, Miles said legally risky things about the tribe of Israel and was sent packing.
There are predictable nominations, but also predictable replies.
It’s why I appreciated Allan’s nom the other week – I profoundly disagreed with it but at the very least it was interesting.
That was the Dinesh D’Souza nomination.
Withdrawn by admin 2 days later.
No doubt under pressure of our American friend.
Definitely MJB.
Sobbing to admin on the noms page.
Agreed. the de’Souza nom should’ve stayed.
I found that decision quite odd.
I think it may be my fault tbh. I posted a tongue in cheek nom about oversensitivity which indirectly referenced him, and that seems to have sent him into ‘cancel mode.’
Nowt to do with anything you posted, OC.
He was in full Mr Grimsdale! cancel mode the minute Allan’s nomination hit the tarmac.
I know the bloke has had his issues and all and I do sympathise with that, but it’s no excuse for behaving like that. There’s a difference between having mental health problems and being an immature manchild.
I never did understand why Dick Fiddler left, but I was away for a time as life intervened. What happened?. I liked him.
I do try to post noms about things that are outside the mainstream, but it’s hard to find owt interesting and worthy atm, everyone’s so full of who’ll win the GE, and Holly fucking Willoughby wearing a pink frock!
You post some very unique noms,
Nothing repetitive about them.
Think I’m just getting a bit jaded .
I’ve been on here for a few years now.
Might take a bit of a break.
K. Stammer Mental Patient.
Wait till he gets in power folks, there won’t be a white face left in Britain after 5 years. We’ll either leave or be deported to make way for the legions from the religion of peace.
There won’t be an Employee Of The Month award, there will be a Poofter of the Week.
The prize will be a bunch of pansies and a big sloppy kiss from Mandy for the lucky winner (who will probably always be Wes Streeting)
Agreed we are finished ?
Totally OT, but regular readers may remember me whinging about a car which was dumped on the other side of our road in March 2023. The car has had no road tax, insurance or MOT since May 2022. Most of the residents have reported it to the DVLA, the police, the local authority and our MP on numerous occasions. The police and the local authority very politely said they weren’t interested, the local councillors and our MP conspicuously ignored us, the DVLA expressed interest but the car sat there from March last year until yesterday. Last week a “Police aware” sticker appeared on the drivers door window and at 07:30 yesterday the cunt who owns it drove it away. I’m delighted that it’s gone but I’ll be fucking disappointed if I discover that the owner hasn’t been hit with a substantial fine at least.
Should have torched it whilst you had the chance friend.
We need to start fighting fire with fire.
It’s a result, arfur.
Not as satisfying as having a portable car crusher ( that’s my next invention) render it into a 1 metre square cube I’ll admit, but a result none the less.
He looks like a startled, confused gormless turd.
When you hear his whining drone of a voice he confirms the suspicions.
You find out he was a lawyer and the creature Blair’s DPP…..
He was photographed ‘taking a knee’
The above points automatically disqualify him from any office of state, to my mind but rest assured many many cunts will still vote for the piece of shit.
It’s a choice between the brown blairite or the white one.
Looks like he’s enrolled on a welding course to appeal to the working class,good man .
I wish someone would weld his mouth permanently shut using an arc welder.Useless git.
He ties himself in that many knots when asked a direct question that the Cirque du Soleil want to book him as an act.
Little known fact – Kier was the voice of Spud from Bob the Builder (I might have made that last bit up).