A David and Goliath cunting for big business, Scottish Power.
John had a new heating system installed that was supposed to be more energy efficient, so the 77 year old was somewhat shocked when his bill increased form £70/80 to £260 even though his usage was the same.
He complained and was ignored, he voiced concerns that the meter was faulty, and was ignored.
So he went to the Ombudsman, with the help of a neighbour. A Scottish Power representative visited, and what do you know?
John’s old meters weren’t compatible with the new heating system, smart meters have been installed, and everything in the garden is lovely..
Except it wasn’t and this is where the counting comes in.
The Ombudsman ordered Scottish Power to pay John £400 compensation and refund £2.5k overpayment. The despicable cunts appealed, but hurrah for John, the appeal has been dismissed.
Nominated by: Jeezum Priest
British utility suppliers would fit right in the Wild West..
Essentially they are thieving cunts.
Luckily when we’ve “transitioned” to windmill power only it’ll all be free..
Won’t it?
Smart Metre’s only sting your arse pocket.
This is typical of companies these days. Even if they won the appeal the money involved from their point of view is peanuts. Factor in the legal costs for Scottish Power and the loss of goodwill from customers and you have to wonder why the person who decided to pursue the old boy is still employed.
Cos the twat who was in charge of the case reports to another layer of utter arseholes who wear the McScottish Poo-wer jacket badges with pride.
The thing is they fail to notice the fat, greedy shareholders who trouser trolley-loads of the profit these very obedient cunts make for them.
Nationalise ALL of the cunts. NOW.
Strong regulation is the answer, not nationalisation.
I fucking loathe Scottish Power. Was with them when I moved house. Gave final meter readings, new address and left it at that. 6 months later got bailiffs knocking at the door for an outstanding balance. Told them I never paid it because I never got a bill. Was told they didn’t know where I was. Pointed out to the bailiffs that they found me alright, I have a surname shared by perhaps 20 people in the country and, what’s more, I was STILL a fucking SP customer. Embarrassed bailiffs left and I later got a letter telling me they were writing off the outstanding balance. Around a tenner, wow.
The scamming bastards must make a fortune out of all the overpayments of inflated direct debits/standing orders they make people pay, and then it takes forever to get your money back. Much better when the fuckers used to send meter reader man round and meter was in your house so you could see the bugger read it, progress is brilliant.
Cunt truffles
For a brief period I did some voluntary work for citizen’s advice- many people called about utility companies and I have seen first hand what out and out cunts they are.
The bloke ought to change supplier. I can recommend INCEL POWER, run by my 30-year-old nephew from his bedroom in Gateshead. That’s when he’s not doing the washing up for his mum.
Mum says what do you want for your tea?
Where are the stories when we used to fiddled the Metre, breaking the lead seals.
Utility companies.
Blood sucking bastards, devoid of any conscience or a shred of moral fibre whatsoever.
You can always refuse the metre reader access and pay the estimated bill. After a period of time, let them read the metre and get a nice surprise, like I did recently when only having to pay £10.
The system is stacked against us. Our only purpose is generating profit. We won’t do anything so best we keep bending over and taking it up the ass.
Still we can allcelebrate the new black gay trans advocate Doctor Who.
What do you expect from a country that has a carpet kisser in charge.
And their last king was a black lunatic who used to feed people to crocodiles.
In the words of snap, who had the power.
So please, stay off my back
Or I will attack, and you don’t want that.
I think that a lot of porridge munchers wish that they still had Idi running the show.
It used to be amusing that the guy from Snap! was called Turbo B and was a fat bastard.
As the Irish sunglasses wearer once sung
All is quiet on new years day.
Is everyone zooming MNC, COTY transition party. Going out like tricky dicky..
Boarding a number 11 bus..
Thatchers privatised thieving Chums….!
Is MNC expecting some sort of procession like this when he hands over the title of COTY?
He might be a little disappointed. It’s just going to be some left over Christmas crackers and party poppers and a Davina McAll fitness DVD from 2006
I don’t think he’s going to abdicate. Wait till January 6th when he does something with his rederection . Something about the prostitution and the first atonement.
All heil the beard!
Seek Ale
Seek Ale
Seek Ale
Lord above, seek ale….?