Jeremy Vine (16)

What a cunt this man is

Yes it’s enemy of the woke Joey Barton again who is fanning the flames.

At this stage, this may well prove to be a non story but if true, Vine is, or has threatened to sue Barton for defamation and harassment.

So it looks like old Jezza is attempting another Alex Belfield except there are probably a fair few differences to that case.

Vine is a truly vile piece of shit and nothing more than a government propaganda mouthpiece via his dreadful TV and radio shows.

He had waded into the Barton v Female commentators debate by insinuating that the fella has had a brain injury.

Since then – Barton has handed the sneering bastard’s arse to him on social media by rather childishly calling him a “bike nonce” although I’m sure that very few, if any cunters, would disagree with that.

Not only that but he also accused Vine of pushing the experimental Convid vaccinations onto the gullible public. Which the cunt fucking well did.

I rather ill advisedly listened to his radio show several times during the whole shit fest and if the wanker wasn’t constantly pushing jabs on healthy people, he was advocating for harsher lockdowns, the ostracizing of people from the workplace or from society in general.

Even going as far as to suggest that pinning people down and injecting them against their will might be the answer.

Yes – he fucking said that and Barton has reminded him of it, which has obviously made the “bike nonce” squirm.


Yes Joey Barton may well be an ex footballer cunt and all this may well be a distraction blah blah blah but at the end of the day, people like Jeremy Vine have operated with impunity for years. Peddling whatever egregious bollocks, happens to be the narrative of the government/woke/metropolitan elite at any given time.

Cunts like Vine and any other arseholes (including the naive, the misguided, the frightened of their own shadow types through to the corrupt political cunts) who pushed the Covid narrative and the vaccine, have much blood on their hands and should, at the very least, be reminded of it. Or in someone like Vine’s case, be prosecuted.

Never mind trying to sue for hurt feelings.

Unfortunately, it will never happen and all those young people who have mysteriously dropped dead over these last couple of years since receiving their government sponsored medicine, will just be a memory to their loved ones

Jeremy Vine – you really are a cunt for the ages.

Nominated by: Herman Jelmet

56 thoughts on “Jeremy Vine (16)

  1. I rest all the blame on London bus and lorry drivers, for not pancaking the whiney streak of excrement over the capitals roads.

  2. I want to see the self righteous lefty cunt try and undertake a left turning Scania.

    With hilarious yet predictable results.

      • Footage from the cunt himself would be excellent, as he berates the Scania driver for excessive mud build up under the wheel arches as he experiences 40 tons point loading on his skull. ?

  3. Yes Herman,I don’t know much about this cunt or the footballer,but you’re correct,there’s many that need to be reminded and prosecuted for what they did.
    My little business is in its death throws now,most of my trade customers have packed up,pretty much without exception they all followed the BS,grabbed the free money,sat on there arses for two years.
    I’m 52,started the firm at 26,put everything into it.half my life,for these coward cunts to wreck it and theirs too.Line them up for me,I wouldn’t hesitate.
    Morning folks.

    • My 40 year old business totally fucked by convid lucky for us we had enough dosh earned to live for a fair few years. Fuck Vine and his unfunny brother.

  4. If I knew that I was being called to this cunt, who’d been knocked off his bike, or anything, really, I’d stop at the cafè, en-route, for a celebratory full English.

    Unadulterated vermin.

  5. Poor little Jeremy caught bat flu and just had to film himself at death’s door. Never mind Jeremy, mummy will tuck you in later and read you a bedtime story.
    Big ‘aaah’ for Jeremy.

    • “Poor little Jeremy caught bat flu and just had to film himself at death’s door…”
      Pity someone didn’t open it!
      Morning Geordie, morning all.

      • Morning Cuntalugs.

        Luckily Mummy saved the day when she gave Jeremy some Calpol, a big hug and told her what a brave little 5-year-old girl she is.

    • He may have recovered from the illness, but will never recover his dignity.

      What a pathetic sight.

  6. There will be some huge celebrations when this cunt finally does his pizza impression on the London tarmac. I just hope someone gets pictures and posts them on line.

  7. This cunts voice alone is enough to make my skin crawl.

    I despise the soppy fifth columnist Cunt.

    Roadkill by muzzie taxi.

  8. The underlying trait with Jeremy Vile and his ilk, is that they believe their BBC status leaves them immune from criticism whilst they dish it out.
    True, Barton should use more grown up language at times, if only to save himself from litigation, but many think he’s on the right lines.
    Having said that, Vile needs to be grown up full stop.
    And why does he sound like he’s constantly got a cold?
    Is it for sympathy, so everyone always asks if he’s ok?
    More than likely, the big fucking baby.

  9. Let’s hope he withers on his name ?……. just another ‘impartial’ employee who winge when they are challenged, still I’m sure Owen ‘fists of steel ‘ jonesy would have his back ??

  10. Look at his thin lips almost like and old Victorian maid whose just been flashed, cunt looks like he’s just sucked a lemon has the look of a puritanical zealot, cunt of the first water.

  11. I have the misfortune to follow Swansea City FC. One of the few highlights was when Swansea were playing Everton at home in a relegation battle. We had a bloke called Leroy Fer and he absolutely clattered Joey Barton, I think he got a yellow card. I bumped into Leroy with his Mrs in the car park afterwards and told him that I wished I was him. It was at that moment that I think some sense got knocked into Barton, I think he is a better social commentator than he was a footballer.

  12. Go on son, although a cunt for different reasons, Barton has balls of a sterner type that I wish existed amongst more whose voices are listened to.

    Vine, epitomises everything that is vile with certain media types who use their (alleged) position in society and following to dole out utter tripe.

    Funny isn’t it that this cunt spews out all manner of dog shit and no one holds him to task, yet, someone hurts his feelings speaking the truth (probably) and he calls his Lawyers, Steptoe & Son to start issuing cease and desist letters.

    Perhaps next time a car makes a sudden turn left and he’s there, speed up and then reverse, do the job properly.

  13. It’s the BBc, the fucking place isn’t a broadcaster, it’s a university for left wing liberal anti British well off twats.

    Look at the state of this country now, totally unrecognisable to anyone born in the 50/60’s.

    Problem is, it is now to late to turn this tide of decline around.

    Unless a political party develops that is determined to “crush” the Islamists/ wokeism/ mard arsed/ soft on crime -sentencing twats that abound in every government department, we are as a nation well and truly fucked…..!

  14. Think back to 2020-2022 – it is hardly surprising that the Vine cunt was a vaxzine pusher. By that stage the Government had been bailing out the media wholesale. Taking up public service advertising space to fill that left by proper businesses who were no longer able to push their merchandise due to the Government’s lockdowns. Aided by the totalitarian ‘nonces’ and ‘bumburglers’ at the BBC, Government was brainwashing the people into total submission was the overt agenda.

    Like junkies, high on massive injections of public money, the apparatchiks of the post democratic age said and did whatever they liked to subdue, oppress and liquidate. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you THE TORY PARTY and all its willing accomplices, THE CIVIL SERViCE, POLICE, JUDUCIARY, BBC, NHS…

    Good morning, everyone.

    • All at the service of a few giant pharmaceutical companies.

      Too bad AstraZeneca have been left in the cold. The chimp-derived vaccine was found to be rather risky after all.

      • When it comes to something like Covid (just as they did on Iraq) the BBC remembers just who pays the bills and keeps renewing the charter, as well as its ties to Govt. via BBC monitoring and backroom associations with intelligence agencies, Foreign Office and the armed forces.

  15. Joey reminds me of Viz character Roger Melly,
    He’s a fine chap for a Scouser and has a knack for making friends.

    I follow his career with interest.

  16. I was drunk when I typed this nom up and I’m aware that it descended into a rant near the end.


    Morning all.

      • Morning Ron and thank you Sir.

        Can’t help but notice that when the BBC axe gets occasionally wielded, Jeremy Vine’s job appears to be as safe as Lineker’s.

  17. Why just pick on poor old Jez, the BBC and all the cunts that infest it need liquidating.
    Job done, fuck em, fuck em all.
    Good morning.

  18. The sanctimonious cunt deserves everything he gets, and Covid is a cunt for not finishing him off, but a London bus would be more spectacular driven by a P*ki having an heart attack.

    • Forget the heart attack scenario. Much better and somehow more appropriate if it were to be a deliberate Alan’s Snackbar moment rather than an accident. Perhaps Khans dad knows a bus driver who could oblige.

  19. Saw this cunt once and that was enough.

    Joey Barton is also a vile cunt, if people are siding with Barton over you, well then you can rest assured you’ve reached peak cunt!

  20. According to a woman who used to work with the cunt, he is incredibly thin-skinned and vain, and frequently Googles himself to see what’s been said about him. He saw Belfield’s videos so hopefully see this cunting as well.

    You’ve recovered from that nasty virus Jez but you need to go a long way to recover your dignity.

    Try and get a few people on your show who disagree with you for a change.

      • Type “Caller calling Jeremy Vine a cunt live tv” into the Ytube search bar, link works for me though.

  21. I would laugh my bollocks off if JV ends up looking like one of Pablo Picasso’s finest.

  22. I’ve never thought anyone on tv was a bigger cunt than this guy.

    If you think about high a bar that is , then it’s some achievement

    He stands for everything I despise.

  23. The person you would least like to have around your imaginary dinner table, unless we change the rules slightly and you can add someone who you were allowed to fill in at the end of the night after the decent guests have pissed off.!

  24. CYCLIST:

    A vulgar slang word for a woman’s genitals or a person you dislike. Cyclist is a contender for most offensive word in English. The c-word should be avoided at all costs.

    This is one of the most disliked and inappropriate words around. The word is a little more accepted in England as a term for a jerk, but in the U.S., you’ll rarely hear this word because it is considered obscene and extremely offensive to motorists. The main thing you need to know about this word is that you really shouldn’t use it. Ever.

    Noun: obscene terms for female genitals

    Synonyms: axe wound, bacon drapes, beaver, box, bush, clacker, clout, clunge, cunt, fanny, front bottom, front bum, ham wallet, kipper, lady garden, mary, meat curtains, minge, mini, mott, muff, poon, poontang, punani, pussy, quim, slit, snatch, snizz, squish mitten, tuna canoe, twat, vadge, vajayay, verticle smile, wanny, wincey-the-weather-woman.

    Noun: a person (usually but not necessarily a woman) who is thoroughly disliked

    Synonyms: CUNT

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