For a change I won’t waffle on with my usual long-winded nomination diatribes. Instead I just want to keep it short and sweet.
The government is failing to meet its promise of building 300k new homes every year. More like 220k on average. There’s numerous reasons for the shortfall but in essence with a rising population, rocketing house prices and lack of existing housing stock, demand for additional homes is reaching breaking point.
Of course having thousands of “uninvited new arrivals” isn’t helping matters. But the point is even if the government was achieving this target, who gets first dibs on affordable social housing? Those who have been on a waiting list for years, or migrants who only arrived last week?
Moreover, why the insistence on building new estates on Green Belt and country land when we’re supposed to be saving the planet with all this rewilding nonsense?
Nominated by Technocunt.
Tories want to build houses, Corbyn wanted to plant trees.
Tories want to make the country greener but want to destroy precious ancient woodlands for the vanity project that is HS2.
Tories have allowed more immos in than the wildest dreams of Labour, but pretend to act tough by making it more difficult for the ones that actually have skills.
It’s a topsy turvy world we live in.
Somebody is making a tidy profit of all of this.
Off* illiterate knob
The Tories need eradicating at the next election.
The absolute bastards.
They are far worse than Labour.
To think that lefty cunts have the temerity to label the Tories as fascists or right wing is laughable.
Hopefully with them wiped out for all eternity, a new genuine Conservative or similar party could emerge from the wreckage.
I’m willing to pay for new arrivals to live happily in Asbestos Close.
A bit like the old folks’ home located in St Peter’s Close.
A worthy cunting. I saw some news report earlier this week about housebuilding targets and it was mentioned that post-second World War, the government built one million council homes in a single election cycle. Of course we were looking after our own back then and not keeping the dregs of the Third World.
In a side cunting, some new builds are of shockingly poor quality with many snags like poor finishes on walls, ill-fitting doors etc plus major stuff like drainage and dodgy brickwork. So we are not building enough, those that are built are of shit quality who we give to scrounging foreign cunts. What a country.
It looks like the U.K. is winning the race to the bottom.
I hear that many do not even come with Country Cream gates and John Bishops old floorboards as standard.
Fucking peasants.
Why do we need to build so many houses?. Why does Starmer want to build even more?. Simple – it is because every cunt since Blair has encouraged mass immigration (to be fair Heath started it back in 1972 with his Ugandan Asians, but that was a dribble compared to now).
Our greenbelt will destroyed just to allow these worthless sponging cunts to be accommodated – just because they want to live here. There are lots of things I want – you too – but we cant have them – these legal AND illegals demand it, and Starmer sees votes in it, just like the 16/18 yer old cowsons he wants to give the vote to.
There’s about 100 houses being built on farmland near me at present. The field gently slopes down to a ditch which takes rainwater away through a culvert under a road. The culvert gets blocked with leaves and other debris every winter and as a result after heavy rain the lower part of the field gets flooded.
The building contractors unblocked the culvert before work started, but all the locals agree that it will get blocked again and the new houses at the bottom of the field will get flooded. The council should never have granted permission for this shit.
That’s because they are as short sighted and greedy as they are thick.
All councils care about is the brown envelopes for themselves and the additional council tax revenue from all those extra homes. Fuck the small details such as flooding, no infrastructure, no additional schools, GP surgeries etc. just make sure the money keeps rolling in.
What angers me is that it is mainly decent and right minded people, such as all on here, who are causing houses (not ‘homes’) to be built on green field sites because as soon as our towns, where we’ve lived contentedly for generations, become defiled by this malignant, sponging immigrant scum we up sticks to get away from the undeserving, demanding all-for-free immigrant parasites. I don’t want to have worked and lived prudently for all of my life only to live next door to shit such as they.
Same here, ignoring the fact that the land was originally Fen and even with all the drains etc still prone to flood, up go the houses, down comes the rain drain overtops because the run off from the estate is so fast. I informed one of the site surveyors of this but not a fuck was given. So now when rambling about I piss myself every time I see a new estate of top class houses being thrown up. Even more so when the black water has to be pumped up to main sewer level and the “water recycling” plant can only just cope as it is. Many a new resident has tales of woe regarding turd fountains in the road and worse their Italianate outside dining are covered with shit ,arsewipes and worse. Fucking hard life
They are still building and planning housing on flood plains in Lincs. Unfuckingbelievable when half the county is drowning.
Yet people seem surprised when there are floods; it is not called a flood plain for nothing.
Try getting insurance for these homes- next to impossible at a reasonable price.
It’s next to impossible at any price without an annual premium equal to the rebuilding cost.
Expletive infixation always makes me laugh. Try and beat that’s “edufuckingcation” for you.
Here’s the latest one. Who is going to be watching Afro cunt of nations on the beeb ? Nofuckingbody.
Soft Machine were early exponents. This from 1970:
Great track, but you need an attention span of over 2 minutes and 25 seconds to fully appreciate it.
Soaring immigration=housing crisis.
Just do the figures.
Morning all.
It’ll be interesting to see how the National Grid copes with all these new houses.
Anyway,giving away many new houses to foreign looting cunts will only hasten the rise of the “far right” and the collapse of cosy bullshit in Westminster.
Or we’ll just concrete over everything and turn into one giant open sewer.
Bring it on you useless Cunts.
I mourn for this England; the irony of the opening minutes could knock you over:
Telling the sponging cunts to fuck off somewhere else would be a start. I recommend South Georgia as an asylum/Immigration venue. I bet said cunts would appreciate the Bibby Stockholm then.
When it’s full we could give it to Argentina
We don’t need more houses, how can there be a shortage when net migration over the last two years has been 1.2 million, unless these cunts are just kipping on the streets.
The problem stated way back when the EU expanded and anyone could come from Eastern Europe, basically uncountable, oh yes there were estimates but absolutely no fucking idea.
Now we have a population that is so fucking diverse no cunt wants to live in certain areas, what self respecting indigenous white man would want to live in a P*ki neighbourhood or a street full of fucking Dooshkas.
The writing was on the wall, but ignored, back in the 60’s and 70’s when towns and cities in the north west had streets and areas that just became P*ki
Bradford university has so few white students they are dragging them in off the street, offering scholarships to white working class males
Build more houses in sevenoaks? Who for? The gimmiegrants? They can fuck right off
These inept cunts are a walking contradiction.
There is nothing “green” about badly built new houses on green belt or flood plains.
There’s nothing “green” about allowing a small island to be swamped by foreigners which places unrealistic demands on energy and infrastructure.
Fucking Clown World.
Rather than building outwards why not build upwards?
Most densely-populated big cities around the world have super high-rise flats that can house thousands of cunts all on one footprint.
if people are desperate for a place to live they shouldn’t turn their noses up at tower blocks (suitably fire-proofed of course)
I wouldn’t worry too much about the fire proofing.
David lammy had a friend in Grenfell… allegedly..
Waiting lists for social/affordable housing are a nonsense. One of the biggest scandals is the number of single white blokes who are on lists and have absolutely no chance of getting somewhere decent to live. Priority is always given to pram faces and other ‘vulnerable’ wasters. These decent guys will all die in private rental accommodation that means, more often than not, it is a poorly serviced hovel. No one cares that they may have worked and paid taxes all their lives. They are condemned to live their retirement in shit holes with druggies and psychos for neighbours. This country is a fucking disgrace.
Fuck off.
Good afternoon everyone.
When I wrote this nom a couple of months ago, one of the reasons for it was due to an article I read on some Staffordshire news site that some social housing had been built but there was some big argument about who is given priority!
Quite a few readers went with local people, but then you had lots of “downticks” to those posts from cunts suggesting that “Typical selfish bigoted attitude! These new homes should go to migrants who are in desperate need of a new home!” (am paraphrasing here).
I wish I’d kept the link, but can’t find it anymore. Probably removed by the wokey editorial cunts not happy that locals should get first dibs over foreign wasters
O/T, This cunts at it again. Sabu, fuck off …?
BBC News – Yorkshire: Azeem Rafiq says Colin Graves’ expected return has led to racist abuse
(A Nom has already been created for this 2-faced arsehole- Day Admin)
They’re not in grave danger. All there pals are coming over to help out.
Their, silly boy.
I was born in a 2up 2down in Bradford, where the shitihad stadium is built. It was full of blackjacks, similar to what the football ground have now, but we were able to get rid of ours.
The only things we should be building a abundance of are basic detention centres for immo vermin..
Basic prisons for criminal scum.
And gallows for politicians and civil serpents..
What about the mongs who say that the country is mainly empty so we can build all over it? Never mind we can’t even feed our own population without imports.
The tories are a contradictory lot.
One of Maggies cornerstone policies was the selling, at next to nothing, of the council house stock, creating an economy that shits it’s pants whenever prices drop.
Then they do absolutely fuck all about New Labours mass immigration policy.
Now it’s all for building new ‘affordable’ housing that no cunt will be able to afford and which will end being rented by the developers/council to those on housing benefit and most probably immigrants.
Top effort, you bunch of cunts!
The problem largely lies with the usual cuntspect a Mr T Blair. 20 million into the country in 13 years. Then followed by an equally thick as whale shit Tory Government letting millions more in. It ain’t rocket science. I wouldn’t trust this Government or the Labour one to follow to run me a bath. Universal incompetence, head in the sand waffle merchants,
There will never be enough houses until the population goes down.
Hopefully the upcoming civil war will lose several million.
I couldn’t give a fuck, I have had a great life, the future?
Fuck em, fuck em all.
A wise person once wrote:
“If you don’t like it, you can fuck off back to Bongo Bongo Land.”
Everything is a numbers problem.
“CHEAP LABOUR” has to live and breed somewhere, no matter what treasonous political cunts are administering the country for the royals/elite…
Start at the top….
Tower Hamlets has been successfully rewilded for years
I don’t want ANY new house building.
There’s enough if you stop importing 3rd world scum and deport the ones already festering here.
I don’t like ‘ new builds’ .
Think they’re positively ghastly.
I feel nauseous thinking about it.
A house needs at least 50yrs to breathe.
Age a bit.
You know who like new builds?
That’s who.
They’ve just completed 200 houses in my town and they ain’t selling. So the council has just approved planning for another 126 in a field 3 houses up from me and another 26 just down the road.
Can’t see a doctor as it is and the dentists receptionist laughs at you unless you’re private.
Still someone on the council is probably (definitely) getting a few thousand in their back pocket.
More and more land eaten up by scrofulous Illegals who want to sit on the Rock and Roll ebbing away at our country’s good. Stop importing these turds and you wouldn’t require the houses.
Whoo-ee, what a bunch of cunts.