Establishment Republicans, RINOs and the Uniparty

For those of you unfamiliar with the finer point of American politics perhaps a few definitions are in order. Very broadly…

Establishment Republicans are those old school Republicans with ties to the so-called establishment. Mainly the Big Corporations and the Military-Industrial Complex. They advocate for interventionist foreign policy and a pro-active domestic security state. Think Bush and Cheney families

RINOs are Republicans In Name Only. They claim to be Republicans but their policies are no different than the Democrats…perhaps a bit watered down…but in reality no real different. Think Mitt Romney.

The Uniparty are those Republicans claim to have principles but in the end they always do what’s best for whoever holds power in DC. Think Kevin McCarthy.

Kari Lake is a former news anchor running for US Senator from Arizona. A staunch ally of Donald Trump she previously ran for Governor of Arizona and lost. (Actually, she probably won but due to [alleged] voting irregularities and the fact that her Democrat opponent was the person in charge of counting and certifying the vote she was legally declared the loser.)

Given her association with President Trump it should be no surprise the Establishment Republicans, the RINOs and the Uniparty hate her.

Accordingly, they tried to bribe her to not run. That’s right. Some cunt named Jeff DeWitt was recorded offering her a bribe not to run. According to him there are “powerful people in the east” who don’t want you to run.

She was offered her choice of a soft Corporate job or a high paid position on a Corporate Board of Directors. When that failed she was asked “how much cash would it take?”


Lest you think Jeff DeWitt was just some flunky political operative, he is…or rather WAS the Chairman of the Arizona Republic Party. He resigned today after the story came out.

The question now being asked in conservative media is; who are these powerful people in the east? Establishment Republicans? RINOs? Uniparty? Or perhaps even Democrats?

This story will either be front page news or it will die in crypts of the MSM so stay tuned.

But regardless of what happens, the corruption of the Deep State runs as deep and perhaps even deeper than we always knew it did.

Democracy my American ass!

Nominated by: General Cuntster

45 thoughts on “Establishment Republicans, RINOs and the Uniparty

  1. It seems you have a very big swamp to drain out there General!
    Good luck with that

  2. Gosh!

    That’s terrible.

    Trying to stifle others opinions and views,
    Cancelling things they disagree with.

    Very unamerican.

  3. Holy Smoke..anyone would think its an election year!

    Shadowy figures chucking money about under the table,vote rigging and general fuckery..

    Sounds like a proper cesspit..mind you it needs rigging if that thick as shit cunt Kamala Harris has a sniff at the Presidency.

    General Cuntster keep an eye on those fiddling buggers!

    Oh…and Win Donald Win!

    (If that’s still legal in the States).

    • Hey UT,

      The Demonrats know Ji Jing Joe has gotta go. His performance as President is horrible and his negatives are said to be higher than any other American President.

      Even the despicable, race baiting cunt, Joy Reid of MSNBC has been caught on a hot mic talking about what useless cunt he is.

      And nobody…except perhaps her family…supports Flatback Harris.

      So the whispers and rumors are that the Community Con-Artist…non other than Barry Obummer…who is rumored to be the one actually running things behind the scenes…has been secretly meeting with big money donors and other high lever Demonrats with a plan to replace the Biden/Harris regime and to install Michelle “Moochie” Obummer as the candidate.

      The plan says Clueless Joe will remain in the race until sometime around May after the Primaries are over and it’s too late for any citizen to vote again.

      Then some reason will be found for the Old Coffin Dodger to gracefully retire and at the Nationally Televised Democratic Party Convention, Moochie will be proclaimed the Saviorette of the Nation and the only candidate who can defeat the evil Orange Man.

      The niqqer in the woodpole with that theory (so to speak) is said to be Jerkwad Joe and Dr Jill are oblivious to Joe’s bad ratings and have no intention of stepping aside. It is said the Old Fart actually believes he’s the only one who can beat Trump.

      There are lots of other problems with that theory as well. Not the least of which is what to do with Old Flatback. Consistant with this nom they will certainly have to bribe her with something. But what?

      Whatever happens one thing is sure, the “elites” will only allow us the illusion of voting AFTER they have chosen the winner.

      • Yes I see now,thanks General.

        The Female Obummer would give the MSM sopping knickers for sure..

        A dangerous opponent for Donald in the awful woke bubble that is mainstream politics.

        Your invaluable insight is most welcome GC.

      • This seems a very familiar pattern that occurs recently here General. Our cunts seen very much like your cunts.

  4. Looking at that picture, I am sure the Donald is trying to quoit her with is middle finger, no oil.

  5. Hedge funds call the shots now, it doesn’t matter who gets elected if the ultimate power remains with these cursed satanic enablers.

  6. General, is Brandon going to do time for assorted naughtiness? What about all the Bogota marching powders found in the White House? Funny about the silence since that was found. Anyway FJB. Trump 2024.

    • Have you noticed that every time a Republican candidate loses, it’s because of voting irregularities? If every election was conducted properly and legally, the Democratic party would cease to exist.

      • The Democratic Republic of Congo seem to run a election better than the yanks?

        I think after the first 20 times it’d been rigged I’d ask for a enquiry or something.

    • Hey Mort,

      The only time Ji Jing Joe will ever do is inside a Senior assisted living home…eating pudding, shitting his Depends* and drooling into a cup.

      *Depend is a brand of American Adult diaper.

  7. Thank goodness I’m not American and have to vote for one of these two organisations. The Dems are supported by the ever-furious Blue-hairs, the man-haters, tr@nnîes, h0m0s, hippies, and any ethnics, whilst the Republicans are supported by gun-lovers, hicks, yee-haw ‘Muuricans, and devil-dodging religious wackos who believe angels exist and think the world is six thousand years old.

    Nonetheless, I’d vote for Big Donny Trump.

    • Hehehe ?

      Reckon that’s photo shopped?
      Must be.

      Weird looking cunts the presidents wives.

      Nancy Reagan always reminded me of Iron.Maidens mascot Eddie.

      Fittests is Donald’s missus Melonoma.

      But she’s a bit wooden, bit frozen isn’t she?
      Like someone who’s just survived a plane crash or something.

      She lets Donald go out in some right states too.

      His Barnet blowing about,
      Big white rings round his eyes.

      He needs less time on the sunbed and more time with his missus

      • POTUS wives are a big deal in the U.S Mis. Lots of waving and appearing on TV shows talking about pet projects the electorate don’t give a fuck about. Over here we just give them their own Spitting Image puppet.

      • Think with that in mind they’d pick a more eye-catching, media savvy wife wouldn’t you LL?

        Right bunch of dogs.

        Barbara Bush , big Mike Obarmpot,
        Cilla Clinton ,
        Pigs in frocks.

      • What’s that senile old cunt Biden doing over the Houtis killing 3 US soldiers?

        Taking his time isn’t he?

        Waiting for the UK to go in first?

  8. Once the Child Sniffer is bumped on “health grounds”, I’m hoping for a leadership contest between Big Mike and Gavin Newsom.
    That oily-haired slickster wouldn’t stand a chance.
    It’d be like Fay Wray / Jessica Lange / Naomi Watts trying to escape from an enraged King Kong.
    After his defeat, poor Gavin would end up getting spit-roasted by Barry and Big Mike’s dark salamis.
    And he’d fucking love it, the Democrat degenerate.

    • Hey Thomas,

      Gaslight Gavin Newsom was all over the news and even visited the White House. Conventional wisdom said he was going to challenge the Old Hair Sniffer.

      But the powers that be in the Demonrat Party feared a Primary challenge would divide and weaken the party.

      They also weren’t sure that Gaslight’s plan to Californize America would sell in Peoria in a long drawn out political campaign. The spotlight would be on the ruinous state of California and too many questions would be asked.

      So the whisper is now that Gasy will be proclaimed Moochie’s VP at the convention.

      No voting. No campaign. No debates. No questions by the people or press. No vetting. Just a proclamation:

      Preserve democracy! Vote Moochie and Gasy and save us from MAGA!

      • You aren’t secretly Ted Nugent by any chance are you GC?

        If so I claim my free Gibson Byrdland and will sell it for a King’s ransom and then use the proceeds to go on the trip of a lifetime around the world.

      • Hey Harold,

        Those of us not hypnotized or otherwise under the spell of the “elites” can see what they are doing and hear what they are saying.

        Sometimes we get it wrong. Sometimes their plans get abandoned or otherwise don’t work out. But they’re always plotting and always scheming and it’s there to be seen for anyone casting a watchful eye.

        We don’t have to rely on their stooges in the MSM and the propaganda put out by the Uniparty.

    • Old Joe will run again but this time in an Iron lung emblazoned with the Lockheed-Martiin logo

  9. Slightly off-topic, but this link provides a fascinating insight into America’s elites not only despising their own country, their own people, their own history and of course their utter contempt for Trump.

    The elites over there are no different to the elite cunts over here. They’re globalists at heart and want to distance themselves from anything associated as American to the point where they more or less want the country renamed to a more globalist happy place,

    But they not only detest Trump, but fear him. Chiefly because he and his cohorts could make life very difficult for them should be become president again.

    He might be rich and powerful, but has no class and isn’t educated unlike these Harvard University fuvkwits.

    • Evening TC…the Don already promised to ‘drain the swamp’ when he was President and almost entirely failed.
      The agencies weren’t working for him then; they had their own agenda.
      If he somehow became President again, what will have changed? Apart from the agencies being even more blatantly biased against proper Republicans.
      Quite frankly, I’m amazed he’s still alive and hasn’t had a “heart attack”…

      • Barry’s mates are high up in the various agencies. He did work for a CIA front company, after all, and as hawkish and as right-wing on foreign policy as Bush, but more keen on the role intelligence played.

    • Actually, Techno you are right on topic with your thoughts and comments.

      The Establishment Republicans, the RINOs and the Uniparty all consider themselves elites and as you so correctly pointed out…they detest Trump.

      As my old man used to say; “There ain’t a dime’s worth of difference between ’em.”

  10. People always get the government they deserve. What we have now in the States is a reflection of the people. No integrity, self serving, emotional, and sexual deviants. The form of government doesn’t really matter. What the people will stand for determines how they are ruled.

    • “Every nation gets the government it deserves.”

      (Joseph de Maistre, circa 1796)

  11. The evil corrupt Saros runs the States, made his money from the collapse of the pound, foreign cunt.

  12. Sadly not a unique problem for the USA at the moment, can anyone tell the difference between the “convervatives” and labour? Canada might aswell be uni-party with that tryrant Trudeau in charge, France is going that way with Macron unless the French do what they do best and have another boogaloo. Even the “rights” wins with Italy and Argentina I am still suspicious on, Meloni has been a softie. We need to look at places like Hungary for inspiration, barly any trouble because they understood that keeping your population of the native demographic as much as possible and helping people start families helps unity and cohesion, rather than becoming the stab captial like London.

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