Doctor Who (10)

For my second cunting, I should like to nominate the Christmas episode of Dr. Who, The Church On Ruby Road, starring the latest actor to play the role, the fruity gentleman, Ncuti Gatwa. I believe he comes from Cleckheaton. The Gatwa’s from the West Riding of Yorkshire – long established family.

I have been a fan of sci-fi since the sixties, when I was a lad watching those first episodes of the original Star Trek and marvelling. Dr. Who was a constant during my adolescence and the splendid Jon Pertwee was “my” doctor. The fact that he had the delicious Katy Manning and the fragrant Elizabeth Sladen as his “assistants” certainly helped. There are, I believe, some terrific naked photos of the lovely Katy on the interweb…… get hunting ISAC’ers. After Pertwee left, my interest waned.

When the show was rebooted in 2005, Christopher Ecclestone then David Tennant brought the old Doctor back to life and there were some terrific episodes. Inevitably, the decline set in – Matt Smith was poor, Peter Capaldi got some right duff scripts, but the nadir was reached with Jodie Whitaker. Chris Chibnall wrote utter wokey, preachy, bollocks week after week. It was unwatchable tosh. Even the attempt to “lez” it up a bit failed to pique my interest. As an aside, should anyone try to convince you that Bradley Walsh is an actor, they are a right cunt.

Then “showrunner”, Russell T. Davis returned, as did Tennant. Cue three, very enjoyable, episodes albeit with some preaching and a bit of transbumderism. So, to the Christmas Special……. where to start:-

The script was awful and the plotting all over the shop. Baby eating goblins…. in a flying galleon led by, what one can only assume, is Jabba The Hutt’s more corpulent and infinitely more cannibalistic brother. The new assistant, Millie Gibson, whilst being easy on the eye, could not act her way out of a paper bag. As for Cunti, the best that can be said is that he has nice white teeth. The late, great, Roger Moore, acted with his left eyebrow, this fellow is a teeth actor.

Being Russell T. Davis, the wokery was also present in abundance. Mentally ill bloke who thinks he is a woman – tick. Transbumderism covered. Mixed race family – tick. This with the added bonus of the white girl (Gibson) having been adopted by a single (naturally) black woman. I would love to see the statistics on that adoption profile! I’m guessing I wouldn’t need many fingers to count them up.

So, in summary, it was utter, utter, shite. The MSM have fallen over themselves to praise this crock of steaming ordure. One of the less OTT links is below.


Nominated by: Ritchie’s Plectrum

118 thoughts on “Doctor Who (10)

  1. Thank fuck I stopped watching in 1979.

    Otherwise the blek Gay Dr Poo might have time warped me into his Tardis with the young Jimmy Saville MBE for quite awful romantic relations.

    What a bunch of cunts.

    • Darth Vader should shut the BBC down by strangling all the cunts.

      Dr Who is now a certain stinking pile of lecturing woke African dung.

      Fuck Off.

  2. Genuine question from someone who hasn’t watched this crap in half a century:
    How do Daleks eat, shit and fuck?

    • All in that tin can. Things got a bit smelly until Tom Baker retrofitted each Dalek with a drain plug.

    • Don`t think they made it to the boudoir, GT, as they couldn`t get up the stairs. As for eating, they probably use that plunger thingy to suck up whatever delicacies they required and I imagine they would also have a built-in crapper which they would probably empty at various strategically placed waste recycling points. I imagine.

  3. RP, you are a man of taste; Jon Pertwee was the best Dr Who although Tom Baker was very good. Many of the episodes of that era 1971-73 were filmed around my home town Portsmouth. The Cybermen lived in the forts of Spithead.
    The rot set in when that Sylvester McCoy became the Dr ; fuck me, Sylvester the Cat would have been a better choice.

    • McCoy was brought in to finish it off. He did a fine job of that, so fine that nobody objected when it was canned.
      I’m suspecting this ponce has be been brought in for the same reason. Even the BBC can’t possibly imagine any fucker wants to see a queer Doctor Who giving it tranny in a skirt while doing show numbers so there’s no other explanation.

  4. So doctor yoo-hoo is back and he’s a bit fruity, I expect K9 will become KY and supply some lube for the doc’s meeting with the master..
    Remember your safe word doc..

    I imagine the the T in Russell’s name is tosser..
    Because he has turned the show into a pile of wank.

  5. Stuart Lubbock regretted his ill-advised boast at Barrymore’s pool party that his asshole was like the Tardis and could comfortably accommodate anything they could throw at it, even fists up to the elbow.
    Alas for poor Stuart, first up was Popeye, high on spinach.

  6. I consider myself to be pretty, pretty woke.
    For instance, I’m woke to the fact that Doctor Who went rapidly down the shitter right after 2005 when Christopher Eccleston quit.
    Why anyone would waste their time watching it in 2024 is one of life’s great mysteries.
    Even my missus thinks it’s shite, and that’s quite something coming from her.

  7. Let’s be frank…the Beeb owns Doctor Whoke and anyone who wishes to endure it ought to know what to expect by now, excluding soap opera watching wimminz and halfwit men.
    C’mon all ISACunters, just stop paying your licence fee…3 years for me and no visits (shame), just a pathetic semi-threatening letter every few weeks.
    I really want a licence cunt to come round, just to see how utterly horrible I can be to another human being…hopefully Mengele levels of cuntitude.

    • Disney have bought the international distribution rights via Disney+ and apparently wield some creative ‘oversight’.

  8. The best thing about ncuti is his name. what a glorious anagram. Am I the only one who liked Paul McCann’s doctor? Think it was a one off special.

    • No, he was popular, but the BBC – being cunts – snubbed him for the fiftieth anniversary and got John Hurt for the ‘war doctor’.
      They also lied about the reason Eccleston left.

      I’m not a Whovian but I have a couple of mates who are or, rather, were.

  9. Funnily enough I know a black woman who has fostered 3 white kids . I was well impressed until I found out Barking Council pay about 700 quid a child per week and suddenly didn’t seem quite so altruistic

    • I know a black woman who fostered some kids,
      I don’t know why she fostered some kids…

      Maybe for two-thousand quid?

  10. It was only when I scrolled to the top of this cunting that I saw that it isn’t about a sickeningly woke commercial break in yet another repeat of a ‘classic’ episode of a soap. Contemporary TV is utter shite.

    • Sammy, you were old before the trees that went to make the wood for Noah’s ark were in the ground.

      You have lines on your face older than the lines of fire around the Pacific basin.

      Remember when King Tut’ looked at you and said ‘You one old cracker!’

      • Take piss out of this. I queued for hours to see the Tutankhamun exhibition and had to fork out 10/- shillings for a programme.

      • I do remember the man who had his cock stuck inside a pumpkin in the attic and was just about to cum, when his wife shouted up to him that Kennedy had been shot. A similarity there somewhere.

  11. Jon Pertwee, Bessy and The Brigadier and UNIT were the best.

    I have never watched this bummer new age shite doctor stuff and wasn’t he a she at some point or something.

    Anal discharge for the braindead generation.

    • So true, and what about Elisabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane), christ, what a babe, and died too soon. My #1 Dr Who babe, then Romana (Mary tamm) #2 and Leela (Louise Jameson) #3. After that I grew up and never watched the woke shite again 🙂

      • Elisabeth Sladen was even stunning years later, when the Sarah Jane character had her own series.

  12. The great Tom Baker is 90 today.

    The 60th anniversary episodes were absolute crap.
    Trans worship. lectures on pronouns, Catherine Tate doing her shouty routine, and Tennant poofing it up chasing a Daki Issac Newton.

    And then the arrival on Ncunti Gayblack.

    Fans thought it couldn’t get any more gruesome after Whittaker and Chibnall. But Ncunti Gayblack and Russell .T. Deviant have achieved this

    • Correct in every detail Norman. As for Catherine Tate, I find her absolutely fucking unbearable! I hope I never see her out on the street because I doubt I could resist the desire to drive over her. Is it just me or does anyone else feel the same way? Mind I feel the same way about Michael McIntyre. Maybe it is me.

      • I agree Arfur.

        Every episode of Doctor Who she was in, Tate did the shouty ‘Oi, Sunshine!’ mouth almighty bit.

        With Tennant chewing the scenery with his ‘matey’ Thames Estuary accent and Tate gobbing off. Some episodes were intolerable.

        If Donna Noble was a real person, she’d be seen by most as a right cunt.

  13. It was inevitable that Doctor Who would eventually be black. Next up a trans wheelchair bound non binary blob.

    The BBC could have commissioned a brand new SciFi with a black gay central character but they know that would sink like a lead coasted lump of iron.

    So since they revived the series they have taken steps to remake Doctor Who into the woke shit it is now. Even worse they’ve got Disney on board.

    Not long until the doctor falls in love with a child, how’s about that then girls and boys? Now then, now then.

    Much like Budweiser abandoned its core customer base for the deviant audience the BBC is trying the same. It will end the same.

    The Daleks won’t be impressed.

    ‘The Doctor is a Ni……exterminate.

  14. The chocolate trannie was the very bottom of the pits.
    A nearly 1000 year old immortal time lord being lectured by a circus freak.

    Tennant, of course, is disgustingly woke. Going back to be a punchbag for uppity wimmim was bad enough. But being a whipping boy for a trannie? He destroyed his standing as the Doctor in three episodes flat. And he was only too willing to let it happen.

  15. It was shite when I were a lad. Watched once. Couldnt give a fuck if Suzy Izzard was the doctor.

  16. If Tennant had any sort of balls, he would have referred to the Jodie incarnation of the Doctor when being lectured by the Cadburys Trannie about wimmin.

    He should have said, ‘Well, I was a woman. And at least the tits and clunge were real!;

  17. It should be no surprise that the new doctor is black and from Africa, hundreds of them turn up in Kent every day..

  18. I tend not to fret too much about Dr Who.
    I don’t care if it’s woke, Far Right or promoted Hezbollah.

    I don’t watch the shite.

    Only thing I liked in it was leather clad knife carrying Leela,
    And the Daleks.

    There’s something about neonazi, authoritarian pepper pots that works well?

    • Now some sootie is the doctor bet that TARDIS is littered with chicken bones and broken crack pipes?

      I was always on the side of the monsters anyway,
      More so now!!

      Maybe he can go back in time and rescue Saint Stephen Lawrence?
      Cheer up his mam Doreen!

      She might not go bald then.

    • That’s pretty selfish of you, CP….one of my kids is round tonight and you show me pics of horny spacco lezzers in wheelchairs knowing full-well that I can’t ‘explore things in greater detail’ until my boy goes back to his mum’s tomorrow.
      Now I’m thinking of that little Davros woman slapping Rosie Jones’ juicy tits with her tiny, deformed hands.

  19. The time lords have put out a statement.

    We have been informed that a TARDIS has been stolen, believed to be in the possession of a black man posing as ‘The Doctor’

    Any information of sightings, please call Gallifrey (0) 000111000111.

    The TARDIS will be driven erratically as everyone knows Sooties can’t drive.

    • If they’re ought like local plod, they’ll respond in another time, another dimension!

      • But they always travel via the portal marked ‘Anatolia Kebab and grill’.

        ‘Give us the usual, Mehmet.. ,’the Police Box… cheesy chips and extra garlic mayo’

  20. As sci-fi goes Dr Who isn’t even in my top ten.

    Planet of the apes
    Tomorrow’s people
    Star wars
    Star trek
    6million dollar man
    X files
    Lost in space
    Space 1999
    Red Dwarf
    The invaders


    I liked the invaders , it played to paranoia!!?

    They look like us but they’re really aliens!

    • Kubrick’s 2001 beiing the top for me.

      I also love the 1980 Flash Gordon film. Max von Sydow and Brian Blessed camping it up. And Ornela Mutti lookine edible.

  21. I understand that a complete reboot is in the works complete with a new title for the next generation.

    Dr What the Fuck

    • Evening General, how’re things stateside?
      That Joy Reid is quite an asshole, huh?

      • Hey Thomas,

        Globa Warming notwithstanding, we here in the States are in the grip of the dreaded Polar Vortex. To borrow a phrase, it is cold enough to freeze the testicles off a cast alloyed simian.

        Unlike the Midwest where I’m from, down here in the South homes aren’t are not built for it. We (and everyone else) are having plumbing problems due to the cold and have to call a plumber…who is so busy they can;t get here until tomorrow afternoon.

        At any rate…Joy Reid is the kind of cunt who gives other cunts a bad name.

      • Hiya, General.

        If it makes you feel better, the UK has been having some bracing days and nights.

        Thermals on, so nice and toasty.

      • My move to the USA is looking likely in a couple of years, General.
        The bloke that owns the engineering company I jointly-run over here has now moved to the States and wants me to join him.
        Hopefully the dem pricks won’t have ruined the entire country by then!

      • Hey Jeezum,

        Me too. I have some cold weather gear from when I lived in the Midwest so I’m staying warm even if the aboriginal crackers and groids are chilled to the bone.

      • Hey Thomas,

        You might be the only white immigrant from a civilized country to legally enter the US.

        It’s not just the Demonrats. The Goddamed RINOS* in the Surrender Caucus** form what we in Fly Over Country call the Uniparty.

        *Republican in Name Only
        ** Like minded members of the House of Representatives form themselves into informal groups. The Dems have The Congressional Black Caucus (no Republican Groids allowed), the Progressive Caucus and so on.

        A small minority of Republicans have formed the Freedom Caucus and generally champion good causes and try to fight the Uniparty. However, many Republicans always give in to the Democrat demands and are derisively called the Surrender Caucus.

  22. Are we quite sure that Ncunti isn’t a white Dr Who’s shadow that’s become sentient, like in Peter Pan?
    Shortly to be remade as Peter Pansexual by those grọomers at Disney.

    • I don’t tend to watch much sci-fi nowadays?

      I did watch the Mandolorian which I enjoyed.

      And watched something called ‘

      ‘what we do in the shadows ”

      About vampires, very funny.

      I used to like the old sci fi show ‘ the invaders ‘
      Alien invaders masquerading as human ,
      When they died they glowed.

      Perfect paranoia ?

      • Evening MNC…here’s a splendid film suggestion from long ago:
        The Last Starfighter.
        Have you ever seen it?
        3rd best sci-fi, after original Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back.

    • The third series was shite though.

      Uppity bloody wimmin, hardly any Empire, no Gina Carano (Disney bastards), and an episode starring that huge mound of black blubber, Lizzo.

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