For my second cunting, I should like to nominate the Christmas episode of Dr. Who, The Church On Ruby Road, starring the latest actor to play the role, the fruity gentleman, Ncuti Gatwa. I believe he comes from Cleckheaton. The Gatwa’s from the West Riding of Yorkshire – long established family.
I have been a fan of sci-fi since the sixties, when I was a lad watching those first episodes of the original Star Trek and marvelling. Dr. Who was a constant during my adolescence and the splendid Jon Pertwee was “my” doctor. The fact that he had the delicious Katy Manning and the fragrant Elizabeth Sladen as his “assistants” certainly helped. There are, I believe, some terrific naked photos of the lovely Katy on the interweb…… get hunting ISAC’ers. After Pertwee left, my interest waned.
When the show was rebooted in 2005, Christopher Ecclestone then David Tennant brought the old Doctor back to life and there were some terrific episodes. Inevitably, the decline set in – Matt Smith was poor, Peter Capaldi got some right duff scripts, but the nadir was reached with Jodie Whitaker. Chris Chibnall wrote utter wokey, preachy, bollocks week after week. It was unwatchable tosh. Even the attempt to “lez” it up a bit failed to pique my interest. As an aside, should anyone try to convince you that Bradley Walsh is an actor, they are a right cunt.
Then “showrunner”, Russell T. Davis returned, as did Tennant. Cue three, very enjoyable, episodes albeit with some preaching and a bit of transbumderism. So, to the Christmas Special……. where to start:-
The script was awful and the plotting all over the shop. Baby eating goblins…. in a flying galleon led by, what one can only assume, is Jabba The Hutt’s more corpulent and infinitely more cannibalistic brother. The new assistant, Millie Gibson, whilst being easy on the eye, could not act her way out of a paper bag. As for Cunti, the best that can be said is that he has nice white teeth. The late, great, Roger Moore, acted with his left eyebrow, this fellow is a teeth actor.
Being Russell T. Davis, the wokery was also present in abundance. Mentally ill bloke who thinks he is a woman – tick. Transbumderism covered. Mixed race family – tick. This with the added bonus of the white girl (Gibson) having been adopted by a single (naturally) black woman. I would love to see the statistics on that adoption profile! I’m guessing I wouldn’t need many fingers to count them up.
So, in summary, it was utter, utter, shite. The MSM have fallen over themselves to praise this crock of steaming ordure. One of the less OTT links is below.
Nominated by: Ritchie’s Plectrum
Personally I think you are all being terrible people, when do you ever see blacks or gays on television in this day and age..
Never really been a Dr Who fan.
It always looked a bit home-made. A bit like these fan-made films by enthusiastic amateurs who got their dad to build the props in his garden shed.
Sorry just how I saw it.
Yeah i think Doctor Who suffered from not being able to compete with a lot of the American series we had growing up, such as Battlestar Galactica.
I used to be a fan of hiding behind the settee, tom baker was my doctor with extra monsters. I always remember the dr who exhibition they used to have at longleat that really scared the shit out of me, authentic props from the show, daleks, cybermen, sea devils, silurians and all that. Cuntness now as is everything.
The message I got from sci fi was
Be pure
Be vigilant
One out of three ain’t bad.
Torquemada can fo guck himself…
The message I got from Sci-fi was
Be young
Be foolish
Be happy
Or was that Sonia?
I grew up in the Pertwee/Baker era in my humble opinion the golden age.
Can’t say I know the ‘doctor’ but the lovely Jenna Coleman often left me in need of a doctor (racing heartbeat, tunnel vision and sudden bouts of stiffness in certain regions)
It does seem as if she’d be filthy in the sheets.
Jenna is ???
I’d like to see Davros inspecting Karen Gillan’s arse.
Dr Who?
Best sci fi theme tune?
What about?
I always loved this one as a kid back in the late 80s and early 90s
Obviously it’s this…
Is there anything more chilling as a armed ape on horseback?
Then it came true…
Best sci fi theme tune?
Rod serling was ace.
Twilight Zone was ace.
My favourite sci-fi theme was this one.
Thunderbirds with military precision.
An armed me on horseback!
I saw an online photo of this being advertised with the token and the blonde and assumed it was an advert for sofas or the latest rape incident.
Should have known where it would end up when glitter did that Doctor Who song…..
Tom bakers birthday today. The only Dr Who worth his salt. Everyone who has met him seems to of bumped into him in a off-licence or pub. Happy birthday Tom….
Not a fan of Troughton, Pertwee or Davison?
I’d forgotten about Karen Gillan being in Dr Who.
I seem to have acquired a penchant for redheads. Although a lot of them tend to be like Fizz out of Coronations Street. So perhaps not.
Karen’ legs…..
Who watches this shit?????
Good morning ??
Especially nowadays.
Watched every episode since number one. Even Jody whatshername was tolerable – just.
I’m not racist but this latest Doctor just isn’t right. And what’s with the white girl with the Caribbean family?
To woke, too diverse, too ‘inclusive’. He’s supposed to be an alien FFS. If we’re forced to have a non white Doctor, why not a green or blue one. This is just quota ticking. Typical BBC. No wonder they keep winning Cunt of the Year.
I’m done with it…
It was intolerable under Moffat, and not just for the woke crap.
Agree about Moffatt, Cuntamus.
Stories were convoluted garbage, more holes than a cheese grater, ridiculous ideas (the moon as a giant egg, the metal Statue of Liberty as a Weeping Angel (which are stone) ), the EastEnders style shit (Amy as River Song’s mum), making it more about the sidekicks than the Doctor himself, the crappy woman Master, Zygons in place of ‘persecuted’ peacefuls, the hated and bog awful Dalek re-design, a nice Richard Nixon, a Horse that identifies as a woman, and many other stinking examples.
I liked Matt Smith as the Doctor and Peter Capaldi could have been the best since Tom Baker. But they were both let down by badly written shit and a cunt of a ‘showrunner’ who had a bigger ego than all of Crosby Stills Nash and Young combined.
‘a cunt of a ‘showrunner’ who had a bigger ego than all of Crosby Stills Nash and Young combined.’
That comes through in Sherlock as well. Both characters resort to telling – rather than showing – the world just how brilliant they are, the ultimate ‘do you you know who I am?’ in fiction.
Had his fatso kid play the younger versions of Sherlock and the Doctor as well.
Tom Baker was the Dr Who in my childhood.
It was watchable because I was a kid and didn’t know any better and there was only 3 channels and to cap it off he was a tad eccentric.
But if I’m honest, on reflection it was actually, shite.
Reminiscing about Dr Who reminds me of blokes, not unlike myself who go out and buy a hot hatch from the 80’s that they couldn’t afford at the time and pay through the nose for now and realise that actually, they really are shite and no where near as fast or as much fun or entertaining as they thought they were.
I loved horror films because apart from the suspense you would be guaranteed a flash of a bare breast and as a young teen in the early 80’s that was enough for me.
Then Hammer produced the Hammer House of Horror series around the
Same time, on a tight budget but it was eminently more entertaining than Tom Baker and K9 and I still find watchable even to this day.
I think it’s fair to say that Dr Who has always been a bit shit being outclassed by the likes Star Trek and many many other Low budget attempts at Sci-Fi.
Genuinely who watches this shite. The BBC are like Giant Panders, they seem to actively want to destroy themselves.
Look at Top Gear, watched by almost 10m so they sack its main Star for slapping a fucking Pikey. He should have received a gong for that.
In its last incarnation the viewing figures had halved and no surprise, Harris and Flintoff just about bearable but fuck me Mr I’m from Bolton me made it unwatchable.
I will put money that they have killed it quietly after Flintoffs accident.
Cunty would like to write the final script for Dr Who where Russel T Davies gets teleported from the Blue Oyster Bar and wakes up In Uncle Terrys oven just as he turns up the dial to Cunt Mark 9.
Daleks are ace though.
I mean the proper ones. Not the crap fat gay luminous ones from the Moffatt/Gaytits era, and not the thin shit ones from the Whiitakunt/Chibnall years.
There should be a series just about a big fuck off Dalek civil war.
Davros and his Daleks vs the Daleks of Skaro vs the Daleks from the old TV21 comic.
And then Daleks invading woke planets and killing ever fucker.
I gave up on Dr Who when they had that fucking big head, massive ego cunt, Colin Baker! The last good Dr was Tom Baker, although David Tennant was watchable. Christopher ‘Grinning Imbecile’ Eccleston was absolutely wank and cannot act his way out of a shithouse! Best one for me was Jon Pertwee and his stunning assistant, Sarah Jane Smith – Elizabeth Sladen. I have to admit I was gutted when they announced her passing. My Gf when I was 16 was a dead ringer for her.
Ffs put it to bed. Dr Who should be Dr Why?
Pointless now.
Let it go and stop flogging it.