Computer Game Hate Crimes

Police now investigating imaginary ‘play’ crimes.

The MSM have reported that our woke police service (note ‘force’ is slowly being phased out) are investigating a supposed ‘crime’ whereby a young girl who was playing a game in the metaverse (no, me neither) via a VR headset, found her avatar (imaginary cartoon of her manufacturing) being assaulted by a ‘gang’ and then being supposedly raped, and as a result this young player has suffered some sort of trauma.

Now, forgive me, but has this fucking country lost the plot completely now? I mean, in this shit real world of ours it’s as much as you can do to get the police out to investigate a real world crime…they either aren’t interested or the don’t have the resources or both. Surely, if this avatar wasn’t raped, but shot in this game would the police be seriously investigating a murder? No, because it did REALLY happen…just like this supposed rape. When it gets to the point the police start taking make believe rape more seriously than those that regretfully happen in real life (and up until recently this has been the case) they really have got their priorities wrong.

I am sure this young player is quite happy to play VR games whereby she goes around shooting and killing all sorts of things..such as we see in GTA games and she wouldn’t think twice about it, because it’s a game. I am not saying it is correct to create a game whereby this kind of thing can happen to an avatar…..that is a flaw and is clearly wrong, but to complain to the police and for them to take it seriously as a crime to an avatar and the players feelings is clearly bonkers, otherwise where will it all end?

BBC News

Nominated by: Chuff Chugger

And seconded by: Jeezum Priest

Sinclair, you’ve a lot to answer for! (Sir Clive Sinclair    in case you were wondering – Day Admin)


So, a 16 year old is playing a VR game and a gang of VR thugs get together and gang rape her, all in VR.

She, apparently traumatised by seeing this, is being treated as if she was actually violently sexually assaulted, and the police are investigating.

It seems to me like it’s a blame game. Why would you let a child play violent computer games?

Why should the police investigate.. Oh, wait, there’s no real, actual violent assaults to investigate, regard this as a training exercise, eh?

Why market this shite? Yes, I know real life isn’t all butterflies and unicorns farting rainbows, but really, a VR game where incels can get rocks off?

I truly despair!
Parents, police, games company, VR thugs, cunts, all of them.

70 thoughts on “Computer Game Hate Crimes

    • Approximately 800 pixels, some of which were brown, last seen vanishing into a tiny white dot.

  1. To be honest it’s not hard to traumatise young people these days, wifi off for 15 minutes or love island cancelled they start to have suicidal thoughts.

    If the virtual perpetrators where of colour would the police describe them?
    Laughingly probably not.

  2. This seems perfectly logical to me. The Police are now a virtual force, sorry service, so they just investigate virtual crime. Real crime is of no interest to them, with one exception.
    Get burgled? Tough shit unless you’re a millionaire footballer (eg Grealish or Joelinton) in which case they turn up in numbers to have a nose inside your pad. After all, Mrs Plod loves to hear about all the WAGs’ tacky mod cons.

  3. If the girl is anything like Angela Rayner, she probably enjoyed it, her quim is probably wet at the thought of it. She probably dreams of being spit roasted by David Lammy and Alistair Campbell with his beer breath all over her face. Mandy probably has the self same dream.

      • A girl who worked in the office of an engineering company where I did my apprenticeship was k own as the Mighty Quim.
        There was always a chorus of singing when she walked through the works.
        “Come all without”…

    • Does the game have an optional plug and play, vibrating, knobbly, black, one size fits all mandingo dildo?
      And a bottle of watermelon scented lube?
      And a bucket of post coital chiggun?
      And a lie back and relax reefer?

  4. VR has been around for ages and is most definitely old hat.
    However, with the advent of AI added to the mix, all of a sudden we’re heading towards a real-life Matrix scenario.

    Spend too much time playing these games adorned with VR and AI, and young impressionable minds either won’t be able to differentiate between what is real and what is virtual. And to some extents they will prefer to live in the virtual world if it is suitably safe and accommodating for them, because it will be long a never ending dream.

    But just like with the Matrix film, there’s an underbelly, a dark side that will fuck with the minds of these people, especially with AI and the ability of coders to mess with dream-like realities to the point where the young victim won’t know if they’re being falsely attacked in the virtual world or genuinely attacked in the real world.

    I’m doing a course in “AI Fundamentals and Dynamics”, and it really is quite frightening what AI could be capable of further down the line.

    Scary times!

    • Morning TC…this might amuse you…I’m currently learning a bit of Unreal Engine 5.4 with a view to making my own indie game…at least as far a tech demo.
      Even knowing a bit of C++ isn’t really helping with the complexity of Unreal Engine!
      The game’s going to be…truly worrying…

    • I’m not an expert on this stuff so will bow to the IT mob’s superior knowledge, but I did hear on the radio that some leading AI cunt said that it had taken AI over 2 hours to decide whether or not to take a left turn on some sort of route planner so he sleeps easy about the future of AI.
      I wasn’t listening that closely so might have got it wrong…

  5. I have to admit,to my great shame,that in 1985 whilst playing Bruce Lee on my C64 I flying kicked a green Sumo in the head.

    Should I turn myself in this morning for this racist attack?

    Woe is me.

    • My parents certainly weren’t over-enamoured when I used my Christmas money in 1984 to buy “Pakı Torturer Deluxe” on the ZX Spectrum.

      • Spectrum ZX? I bet you’re still trying to load that game. Bloody thing crashed more time than Lewis Hamilton!

      • I remember a game called Mail- Strom where you control a postman and can murder old women with your van. This was also on the Spectrum.

  6. I’m glad they’re phasing out the word ‘force’.
    Force implies strength of purpose, protection, the upholding of the law.
    Service is much better for the current shower of shit. Serving their lefty political masters to be precise.
    This kind of thing is right up modern old bills strasse. No leg work and the chances of dark keys being the perpetrators are pretty slim as a degree of intelligence is involved.
    I’m not remotely surprised they’re taking this seriously.

  7. Maybe all the Rochdale, Rotherham,etc,etc young white girls should have said it was all a game and they’d been virtually groomed and raped then the knee kneeling plod might have took it seriously instead of you know what…. ‘ your lying to me,liar,liar,liiiiaaarrrr’ ?

  8. If a cartoon character is raped by a cartoon character then the game is sick. Go after those who make it.
    On the subject of plod investigations surely to fuck they should be investigating real crime. ??

  9. Bet it was Pacman.
    Well known for chasing skirt.

    Probably helped by swarthy foreigner Mario.

    And head of community projects for Hackney council Donkey Kong.

  10. I guess enduring the ‘trauma’ was preferable to removing the headset & hitting the off button. Fucking dipshit.

    As for the rozzers investigating it, get a fucking grip you dozy cunts & have a good look at yourselves.

    • Looks like a typo in that BBC link, Arch. They specify `Asian` men. Probably hasn`t been proof-read by the Woke Dept.

    • i cant be arsed to read the story, but it would seem the police have taken the place of social services now. duty of care, vunerable person etc etc. all i hear now…..but have they broken the law, have they been a victim of a crime….no, well its fuck all to do with the police. stop being social services and get out there and prevent and solve crimes. oh, and wear a proper uniform that fits and put a tit helmet on instead of a baseball cap. coppers now look so dishevelled and comical its easy to lose

  11. Expect a knock on the door from the Plod the next time you get Cluedo out.

  12. One can only imagine the police response if the avatar attacked was a man with tits, transphobic online hate crime civilisation as we know it is doomed said assistant chief constable Wokeright

  13. I expect some of you cunterati have also been traumatized by VAR whist watching your team`s performance on the pitch.

  14. I once played an arcage game several years ago, in an arcade in Margate. It was a simple shooting game at a row of darkies. I wonder if it is still there ?

    • Not really.

      I nominated some climate change loons who showed up at a Trump rally and it disappeared.

      Then I tried to make a joke on this page and…poof….it vanished as well.

      If you find either of them, you should (as always) exercise your prerogatives as to what to do with them.

      Thank you and regards to the Team.Back on the Noms page General, C.A.

  15. Space Invaders, should be redesigned and renamed “Migrant Invaders”

    Rather shooting rockets into space, we could use rocket launchers from our bunkers on the beach and fire them at the small boats out to sea!

    And as for the random appearance of a UFO traversing across the screen, well that could be Harry fuckwit “flying” his helicopter, or better still Gary Linecunt in his private jet!

    Definitely get the ICBMs out for those two cunts!

  16. A VR plod avatar, hello, hello, hello, what have we here…

    What a pile of crap, fancy going into a game with ‘male’ avatars as a little girl avatar and playing doctors and nurse ?

    Mummy, mummy, I am being raped, take off the head set, no I can’t I will lose the game.

  17. I look forward to the day that I can have a disgusting drool-slicked orgy with Rosie Jones, Ellie Simmonds and Dawn Butler.
    Er…in VR, obviously.
    Definitely not in real life.

    • Some bad news for you, Thomas. Some baroness tart no one has heard of or voted for, wants to ban extreme online porn. The link below is paywalled so you may not be able to see it, but here’s an extract, which is also tenuously linked to this nom.

      Quote – “Extreme pornography could be banned as part of the biggest overhaul of the legislation in 40 years, says the Tory peer appointed by Rishi Sunak to review the industry.

      In an exclusive interview with The Telegraph, Baroness Bertin, the independent reviewer of porn, said she was concerned that adults and children were legally able to view “very harmful” pornographic material online.

      It was so extreme that if they physically had a video with the same images, it would be illegal under laws that would punish possession with up to two years in jail.”

      Looks like you may have to spend your free time hoovering the carpets or digging the garden from now on, lol

      • The tories tried to introduce similar measures under the Blair govrrnment.

        Don’t be fooled by ‘hug a hoodie’ bollocks, they really do think the British public are animals. who are only useful for lining their pockets.

        Hopefully they’ll be out of power by the end of the year.

      • I had to take a look to confirm that there actually is an ‘independent reviewer of pornography’.
        By Christ, so there is.
        I wonder if they offer freelance assignments……

  18. I have sympathy for the girl.

    I got blown up the very first time I played Minesweeper and I still have PTSD.

    I doubt whether this girl contacted the police herself.
    Her parents would have.

    Instead they should have told her to grow the fuck up, it’s only a game and if you think that you have been violated then you are insulting the women that really have been.

    How long before kids get traumatised by a virtual punch, or perhaps an insult.
    A hurty word or if a virtual character ‘looks’ at them the wrong way.

  19. I for one welcome this development. As a big fan of the computer version of the board game Catan I will be straight on to the Old Bill next time the bastard dice algorithm causes me to lose a game.


    In other news, it’s hot as FUCK here just as the new school year is due to start.

    • Well we in England are mostly freezing our bollocks off, with minus degree temperatures and the threat of snow and ice to come.

      wanna swap?

      • Enjoy.

        One of the reasons I moved to colonies, TC. I was in my classroom this morning setting some stuff up and had all three aircons and the fans blasting.

        No doubt I have contributed to climate change with my eco crime. Is that Greta I can hear crying or one of the denizens of Cunt Engine’s ‘love’ dungeon?

  20. I’ve had PTSD ever since I enrolled at our local boxing club as a teenager. When I got in the ring for the first time my opponent only went and punched me, the bastard.
    Never again.

  21. ‘The victim, wearing a headset, remained unharmed as there was no physical assault’.

    That’s not what Gary Lineker said on Brass Eye.

    I wonder if plod find themselves impotent when it turns out the assailants are from outside the UK, just as was the case with the racist mockery of England’s black players after the shoot-out vs Italy.

    ‘Good Pen’ = racist filth! we condemn the racists. They aren’t real England fans!

    No as many come from Middle Eastern and Asian countries, you fucking zombies.

    As for ‘Fuck Sancho’, i bet that’s pretty common sentiment around Manchester these days.

    Just as with their complete and deliberate misunderstanding of what ‘trolling’ is, the authorities make themselves look hopelessly naive cunts regarding the internet.

    P.S. I bet the rape gang were furries.

  22. to quote from Jeezum’s post “has this fucking country lost the plot completely now?” The answer is a resounding yes. They’re all fucking nuts!!!!

  23. Play stupid games….
    Win Stupid prizes.
    Can’t these fuckers tell the difference between a game and reality?
    Maybe the fact that too many idiots base their whole life around a cellphone screen leads to this madness.

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