Christopher David – I’ll Be Back

A Czech national ( so that’s his real name?)

Originally entered the UK legitimately, as we were in the EU, but almost immediately started to commit crimes. After his first custodial, he was deported.

He came back, using false documents, and not by dinghy of the back of a lorry, but on a scheduled flight!

Rinse and repeat. He is now in prison again and will be deported for the 5th time. His defence lawyer referred to his multiple crimes as “low key offences”, well she would, wouldn’t she, and that he is a father and grandfather to multiple brats, which is why he keeps coming back to the UK.

Well, how’s about next time he’s on the plane home, he’s accompanied by his extended family?

Go on, fuck off, we’ve enough criminals here already, thank you.

Lancashire Telegraph

Nominated by: Jeezum Priest

67 thoughts on “Christopher David – I’ll Be Back

  1. We really are the laughing stock of the World. Case in point last week. “The asylum figures have come down dramatically”. Yes, by granting asylum to 51,000 of the fuckers. How many are like this piece of shit? Glad that Farage and his new party will be standing at every seat at the next election. The cunts in charge are in for a shock. Myself and thousands of others are sick of being treated like fucking idiots,

    • Easiest solution is to turn the boats back to France while in the channel.Useles spineless tossers.

  2. Before he’s released, amputate his legs.

    Then tell him that if he comes back in, next time, it’s his head.

    The fucking shifty looking cunt.

    Good afternoon. ?

      • Yes that’s the method Mis. It would certainly curb their antics and the great thing would be the example shown to other immos who might be thinking of emulating his actions. Four boatloads of ethnics attacked a container ship recently and the yanks sank three of them complete with crews. One boat was said to have departed the scene and some people questioned why the yanks hadn’t destroyed that one. Thing is of course that those survivors would have told their mates what had happened which would hopefully have caused them to hesitate before trying the same game.

    • Jack, you might like this little 20 min film.
      The disappearence of Willie Bingham. Oh if only.

    • It’d be a damn sight less crowded in the country if he had.

      No Notting Hill carnival!
      No curry mile!
      No Brighton Pride!
      And the mayor of London wouldn’t be the son of a bus driver!

      • All good points well made.

        You can see why the hard left hate anyone to the right of Karl Marx. Anything approaching national identity and the right to fight for it or be proud of it terrifies them, because they know they will be swinging at the end of a length of piano wire if a real right wing party ever came to power.

        The worthless sack of shit in the nom is only one of millions of cases who are like a reoccurring dose of herpes that simply won’t flush because the left rely on them to keep pushing their agenda and stay in power. be it locally or at national level.

      • Absolutely, MNC! I’ve been saying this ever since I re read all my history! Uncle Adolf and the gang would have wiped these fuckers from the face of the planet once they’d finished with the eternal victims aka the Red Sea Pedestrians! Anyone who remotely resembled a n*gnog, ? ? or Mong, and it would have been a short, sharp trip to the shower block! Anyone after that who could not keep their fingers out of the cookie jar would have shared the same fate, and quite right too!

      • Poor old Uncle Adolf got a bum rap.

        Who cares if he caused untold misery and sentenced millions of innocent men, women and children to a ghastly death?

        His heart was in the right place, lol.

      • Brian Ferry and the ginger Prince would have been proud to wear the uniform!

      • Indeed, HJ.

        I sent off my £199 + 1p P&P several years ago and am currently awaiting delivery.
        Mrs Bottler reckons it’s a scam!
        Silly moo.

        Good evening.

    • I regularly wish my great Uncle Adolf had won.
      This country would be part of the Fatjerland, connected to what was France by a marvellously engineered bridge and all darkıes and tiddly-winks would still be occupying their own countries.
      Any asylum seekers who managed to get past our heavily armed schlachtschiffs patroling the channwl would be ripped to pieces by machine gun fire or raped by specially-bred homosexual teams of Rottweilers.

  3. Border Farce are at fault.”Come straight through Sir”. Shocking!Wishy Washy wants the hangman’s noose.Useless Dabber Waller.

  4. The only reason this scumbag is a problem for us is down to our shit-for-brains politicians. thinking about it that’s true of virtually all our difficulties and I apologise for unthinkingly insulting shit.

  5. I think he meant to say “I’ll be black”….his next genius plan for sneaking back into Blighty.

  6. Albania’s ambassador to Britain is a former illegal immigrant.

    Sneaked in on the back of a lorry and pretended to be a Kosovan..

  7. Bolton Crown Court looks like a nice place. Has it won any architectural awards, I wonder?

  8. How is it they can deport this cunt yet can’t do anything about the hordes of assorted filth coming in on a daily basis?

    • That’s the problem, though, Moggie.

      We can, and do, deport this cunt, but like a turd that won’t flush, here he is!

      Add to that, he’s coming in on false documents, on scheduled flights, so who’s actually asleep at the wheel, here?

      Last time I went through a British passport control, there wasn’t a single white face amongst the Border Control officers. Is it lack of training, indifference or corruption?

  9. I was going to suggest a micro chip under the skin, to track it, like a dog or cat.

    Then my right minded correctness got the better of me, as that would be against its ‘youmaaan rites’ so I came up with a better idea,

    Shoot it, and it’s lawyer and any other cunt that tries to defend its actions,

    • Personally, Leo, I think it’s a cracking idea, one I’m sure to adopt should I ever become Home Secretary.

  10. Deportation should be a boat trip to international waters and thrown into the fucking sea, that may solve return issues.

  11. Excellent nom JP. Send this cunt amd his family plus all know foreign national friends and associates to Rwanda. Some may think this is harsh but this cunt thinks he’s above the law.

    If I was allowed my way he’d be in the Terry oven first offence.

  12. Slavery.

    It’s had bad press in recent years but all great civilizations were upto their nuts in slavery!
    It’s great!! ?

    Zero unemployment.
    How many countries can say that?

    Off the dinghies straight into manacles and within 2hrs tarmacking a motorway.
    You are automatically signed up for 10years labour at the end of which your deported.

    Teach them a skill for when they go back to Shitholistan.

    Same for the home grown bad back on disability benefits cunts.

    Bad back? It’ll soon limber up after shoveling gravel for a few hours.

    Might cure you enough that you get a easier job?

    • No, I think it’s a far far more humane thing to just oven the cunts! I mean, why give them false hope? Could use the ashes for land reclamation, just like they do here in Singapore!

  13. I’d send that cunt packing in pieces.

    Along with every other foreign sack of rats that committed any offence,especially the ones that an offence was made up just so they could be seriously damaged then posted back to France.

    Fuck them all,permanently.

  14. Lord Dave Snooty’s staff will leave every stone unturned in their efforts to keep the scum out. The Tories have been tackling immigration in this manner since 2010. In that time they have done more damage to our country than Blair and Mandelslime could have imagined possible in their wettest dreams. Rwanda!!! Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee. How’s that working out? Fucking off.

    Good afternoon, everyone.

  15. Rwanda is a joke, a magicians trick.

    See, nothing in my right hand, while stealing your wallet with the left.

    It was a bone that was thrown,
    “Look, we’re doing something”
    while not actually doing anything except spending public money on candyfloss and unicorn droppings.

    I’d love to know who got the kickback cash.

    • On which subject, why is that Mone woman and her husband selling off all their assets?

      Could they be going on an extended holiday to Venezuela, perhaps?

  16. He’s no longer considered a threat, being a lonely pebble on the beach, compared to hordes much worse that are coming here on a daily basis.

  17. Christopher David

    Shite Top 40 Hits include:

    7 Days… until I re-enter the UK illegally

    I’m Walking Away… from the UK border force to the benefits office.

    Can You Fill Me In… Go on then, if you insist you cunt.

    And many more.

  18. Send him and all of the festering shite he has engendered straight back. If he or any of them then dare attempt re-entry don’t go to the time and expense of custody, defence lawyers, prosecution, a trial and then a jail sentence. Costs a fucking fortune. Simply really beat the shit out of the bastard and any who follow him and then seize sufficient possessions of his to pay for the cheapest and most unendurable journey back. Not in a plane or by rail but, for example, taped to the underside of an HGV for two or three days until he’s back in the shithole where he came from and where he belongs. Fuck him and all like him.

    • I still say blinding hims the sensible option.
      Don’t have to use expensive chemicals,
      Just a sharp stick dipped in dog shit.

      Irony is , next time he popped up he’d have a Labrador as his companion.

      If he makes it in then, put him in blackface, sit him at a piano and grant him asylum.

  19. “…. his convictions have included affray, common assault, dangerous driving, possession of crack cocaine, shoplifting and theft.”

    Surprised he was even arrested. Let alone charged, convicted and deported!

    I mean, it’s not as if he’s done anything serious, like misgendering someone or committing virtual rape in the metaverse…

      • Not a single Non-Crime Hate Incident on his record, JP.

        The fella is clearly a good egg – a veritable pillar of society!

        Good evening.

  20. My town is full of these Dooshka-type cunts. I can’t tell if they’re Czech, Polish, Romanian, Slovaks, or Lithuanians. All I know is that they’re all criminals. For every one that’s caught a-raping or a-flogging drugs, there are 99 sitting on walls drinking dooshka pilsner from the East European “grocery” shops.

    We escaped the EU 25 years too late. They already sent us all their Commie pîkēes and Iron Curtain gýpsîes.

  21. He shoukd be a subject for George Dawes to sing about..

    White, alright. take scheduled flight.
    Tanned and stinky, in the dinghy

    • He’s like terminator.
      On a motorbike shooting drugdealers.

      Why can’t our politicians be like Mr Duterte?

      How many drugdealers did Boris Johnson take out with a mortar?

      Fat lazy cunt.

      And I’m betting when teddy boy Kier Starmer gets into number 10 he’ll not bother to do wheelies round Brixton while discharging a handgun .

      I don’t think you should be allowed to stand for government positions unless you’ve killed a criminal.

      • Evening Jack ?

        Good cheers pal,
        Walk in peaks, Sunday dinner at the pub.
        Small pleasures.

        Customer of mine dropped off some jars of honey (she keeps bees) for my dad.

        Apparently honeys good for the immune system.

        You out with Ethel?

      • Good morning ?

        Ethel has been a bit limited lately.

        She had a bit of minor surgery a couple of weeks ago.

        So it’s just been gentle walks.

        Sunday she didn’t go out at all.

        So it was just me and the hound ( first walk at 5.30 am FFS )

        Had to put me spikey boots on, it was that slippy.

        Honey is good for wounds too

        Wonderful stuff. ?

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