Having already announced he won’t be standing at the next GE the fucking big girl has decided he is quitting as soon as possible.
The poor dear is so upset that the government has actually shown some fucking backbone for a change and is granting new oils and gas licences in the North Sea.
Here is the tarts quote from the attached article
“We can not expect other countries to phase out their fossil fuels when at the same time we continue to issue new licences or to open new oil fields.
“It is a tragedy that the UK has been allowed to lose its climate leadership, at a time when our businesses, industries, universities and civil society organisations are providing first-class leadership and expertise to so many across the world,” he added.
Issuing licences, if they are taken up, will give tax revenue to the UK regardless of whether it’s used in UK.
On a side note, the UK is currently at its lowest level of nuclear capacity in decades, with no coal to fall back on if the wind drops to zero for a sustained period and we get to minus temperature numbers the gas turbines may not be enough, looking forward to power cuts
Nominated by Sick of it.
What ‘climate leadership’?
You mean enacting policies that make us all colder and poorer with lower living standards?
Its amazing when there are sacrifices to be made over climate change mandates, foreign aid or disaster relief, we have to be ‘world leaders’ especially since we were told the country would be irrelevant and a global pariah after Brexit.
Fuck this skidmark wanker.
This is the cunt whose seat will disappear with boundary changes at the next election..
Hardly Thích Quang Duc, though I would be happy to set him on fire.
Call me cynical, but isn’t that really why he’s jumping before he’s pushed?
What this space for news of Mr. Skidmores new and well paid position in something to do with, oh! maybe how to successfully apply for an oil licence?
Watch, not what.
I’ve only had one, honest!
What’s the cost for a by-election for a soon to be defunct seat?
Maybe skidmark can sell his house to fund it.. or his arse? Mandy and streeting will form a queue.
Another traitorous cunt who wants us all to freeze to death in the dark.
Fuck him.
Good riddance to the Ken Barlow looking cunt.
One less at the trough.
Wasting all our gas on electricity production, save it for domestic use and GET SOME FUCKING COAL BURNING.
When Chy-Na get to zero, along with India and the US of A our tiny amount won’t be a problem
Declaring Gas as a clean fuel for heating homes would sort a whole lot of issues out.
I should be in charge of Net Zero/Energy Security, everyone would have cheaper bills
How in the name of god can it be more carbon friendly to transport wood chips across the fucking atlantic than to dig the coal up from a few miles away put it in wagons then tip it on site? Fucking eco wankers and cunts.
Smoke and mirrors, disguised in the cloak of sustainability.
Grow the trees, cut them down and burn, replant and repeat. Carbon in and out.
Leave the trees taking in Carbon and burn coal, same difference, carbon in and carbon out.
Much greener to ship oil and gas in from all over the world. Like burning American wood chips. Makes net zero sense doesnt it.
Another rat departs the sinking ship.
Honestly, who cares?
He’s a useless piece of shite.
Has he got shares in a heat pump company?
Bye you utter cunt?
Probably, Mis.
Lots of guff about ‘Leadership’
Sounds like a Common Purpose android.
– ‘We can not expect other countries to phase out their fossil fuels when at the same time we continue to issue new licences or to open new oil fields.’
Who the fuck actually cares?
Africa aren’t fucking worried.
China aren’t fucking worried
Russia aren’t fucking worried
The Gulf states aren’t fucking worried.
America might dound worried but looking at the tonnage of CO2 per year they aren’t worried.
Net zero is approaching the buffers more rapidly now, not worth fretting about. Remember battery cars?
I saw a nitwit aggressively mount a curb because he couldn’t plug his mini in to the recharging station or turn the car around. He had to wait for the car in the next bay to move to recharge.
What a complete cunt. He fucking knew i was looking at him and laughing from the work van as well.
Soppy, EV-driving, low-T, white-collar bitch. Looked like a Lib Dem candidate.
They’d have to pay me 18k to have a car that was previously used for hire, arfur.
Gearbox like someone had dumped a jar of jam in it, suspension, what suspension? and brakes like bath sponges.
Hire companies don’t give a shit about what they hire out, they write them off as a loss from day 1.
I know what you mean Jeezum, I’ve driven numerous hire cars over the years. The ones that irritated the most were small French and Italian hatchbacks where all the controls were so light and heavily assisted it was difficult to drive them smoothly. Great advantage of an electric car of course is doing away with the gear change and clutch. The great problem though is that we don’t have a decent battery and the laws of physics decree that we never will have. The development of a secondary cell with ever greater capacity and shorter charging times inevitably means more volatility and ever increasing risk of meltdown. In see all the electric buses have been taken out of service in London after one of them self-immolated in spectacular fashion.
Physics? That’s an oppressive tool used by white men.
Blue-haired fatsoes and dreadlocked Earth mothers know better.
If he resigned because we weren’t showing world leadership at machine gunning dinghies in the Channel, I might have some sympathy for the soft cunt.
As it is, he can fuck right off. It’s nobbers like him who will have us on rationed electricity & no diesel cars. He should go & join JSO & hopefully get run over by an irate motorist at one of their fuck-monkey roadblocks.
Well, TSG, considering how much insurance companies have hiked their prices for car insurance recently, I’d not be surprised to hear that people are :
Either considering their car as a luxury they can no longer afford or
Driving uninsured.
Someone, somewhere, is determined to make private cars an unaffordable luxury for ordinary people.
I wonder why?
True enough JP. The days of the proles being allowed on aeroplanes are numbered, as is private car ownership. I’m convinced that if Magic Grandpa & his commie mates had grabbed the helm we’d already have measures in place.
‘You’ll all use public transport & be grateful…’
I live in rural Cumbria & never see a bus & as for rail, Northern can’t run a timetable for a single day without cancelling at least one train.
TSG, I live in the suburbs of Sheffield, and have a reasonably reliable bus service, which I can use to get to the Tram network if I wanted to.
But what about those folks, and there are still many, who rely on cars to get out and about?
The village shop/post office are practically as rare as unicorn farts, bus services are virtually non existent & a lot of folk who live in these locations are elderly.
Fuck net zero, you arseholes, and all those young, fit 25 year olds fleeing oppression with an I-phone I can’t afford.
Cunt just wanted to be seen to be going on a matter of principle and not surrendering like a Frenchman faced with German tourists at the next GE.
Show me your investment portfolio Skidmark, I’d be surprised if it meets your new found principles.
Old Skidders will no doubt find a couple of cosy directorships and/or consultancies in the private sector, or perhaps a Think Tank based around climate change and net zero. He’ll be well compensated for his lost seat and tantrum. He may even end up as a writer for The Guardian!
It should also be remembered that ministers and MPs past and present can claim full expenses on their personal energy use. Therefore, what the fuck do they care about rising energy prices or having solar panels or heat pumps fitted when they can simply send the bill to the Taxpayer!
Cunts one and all
He has already got his grubby fingers in the trough and will earn shit loads of cash in the Green lobby scene.
All these cunts desperate for net zero should be thrown out in the snow/frost when the power starts going off.
Yup and digital id, when it comes in. Father in law owns one of India’s biggest firms specialising in just that. Or so I read.
Why isn’t this slimey 5th columnist cunt a member of the Greenie Party.
Fuck off.
The Tories need a cull of the ranks.
It’s full of immigrant loving , green agenda soy eating bisexuals.
Not least that fat slug Boris Johnson.
That’s partly the reason they’ll be decimated come the next General Election.
Theyve spat in the face of the voters,
Some who voted Tory for the first time.
They all have the same attitude as that awful cunt Ed Davey,
Who still refuses to apologise for his role in the Royal Mail scandal.
I don’t know who advises the stupid cunt,
But he’s guaranteeing his own downfall.
I’ve come to the conclusion, Mis, that a lot of these Conmen don’t actually want to be re-elected, probably because they’ve got private sector jobs lined up where it’s a case of ” who you know, and what you know”
Like who buried the bodies, and where.
Hope there’s a whistle-blower out there!
I predict a scandal of biblical proportions. Make the Post Office one look like someone feeding pigeons against local by-law’s.
Evening JP?
You could well be right.
They don’t exactly appear worried about winning another term/ keeping the position they have do they?
They have no politically held convictions anyway,
None of them.
Just lining their own pockets.
Hey JP,
Know how you said for me to stay away from acidic Jews as they’re a bit odd?
Theres a story in the news about them getting arrested in New York over them digging tunnels under the streets!!!
What the fuck are they upto?!
In a city with skyscrapers it’s best not to go making tunnels.
The amount of hairspray the stupid cunt uses on a daily basis kills 4 polar bears,14 whales and melts all the polar ice caps.
What a fucking twat..
Oh wait it’s a politician so par for the course.
Eco warrior Oven.
The whole Conservative Party can go fuck themselves. They are everything the socialists say about them wrapped in wokeness. The conservatives are all up to their necks in Blackrock etc so they have to sell ESG derivative policies to get their share of the cash.
Fuck them, money is their lord and they are bought relatively cheaply. Not one fuck is given about this country or the white British that built it.
Trough feeding pigs.
They are ?
I’m surely the old dears in my part of the world will keep voting for them.
Turkeys and Christmas.
They are all a bunch of traitorous cunts.Full immediate oven gas mak 10 Unkle.
Very well then.
Shove the cunts in by the dozen.
#keep Britain Tidy
Cheers Unkle ?
Fuck the Tories. Sunak is the cunt that no-one wants. A Prime Minister in name only. I hate the cunts for what they have allowed to happen to our country since 2010. In particular, I will never forgive or forget what they did to my friends and family during 2020 – 2022.
I can no longer buy house coal because of the cunting government (although I can but smokeless). Some Oxbridge prick probably thought that was a cracking wheeze. And I think it is easier to buy crack-cocaine than paraffin nowadays. Ffs – fuck the greens and get the fucking mines going again.
News last week mentioned that a 7 foot tall ape had died out due to climate change 250,000 years ago according to scientists, make your fucking minds up I thought the climate emergency was down to the evil actions of Great Britain and its development of the industrial revolution. The wankers say one thing and disprove it with another, just proves that silly climate change is a natural phenomenon.
No, he’s still with us and lives near Stockport.
Sorry couldn’t resist.
Anyhow this cunt can fuck off and when he gets there I hope he’s greeted by those sand wôg cunts of Yemen..
Yet another sand niğģeř country that needs modernising by way of multiple nuclear warheads.
Go Green!
Nuke the Arabs!
The Houthis are nothing, militarily, without Iran.
Everyone knows that a war with Iran is virtually inevitable.
It might as well be now.
Cut the head off the snake and Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis are fucked.
Wipe the cunts from History.
Good evening.
Well said Jack.
We might well be a shadow of our former glory but knocking the tar out of this Arab rabble can only do us good.
If Iran wants to set to then nuke the entire place.
Glow in the dark mad mullahs is a vote winner.
The three Hs take a poke at the yanks at the behest of the Iranians and the yanks smack ’em with Tomahawks and F16s. Heartwarming. Wonder when the silly buggers will tell Tehran to do it’s own dirty work?
Looking at the cunts ‘protesting’ again again again…. today in Londonistan, we could start there. At least the prevailing wind would carry the fallout across the the North Sea towards Scandinavia and eventually Russia.
‘From Lands End to John o Groats shoot every cunt that looks they arrived on a rubber boat’
I hold political cunts like this Skidmark character personally responsible for the deliberate and rapid decline of my Country. Don’t even get me started on Lib Dem’s…
My utter pissing contempt for them knows no bounds.
Trust me you are not alone. I know the media try to make out, we all live in eutopia. They are wrong, there is seething deep hate and resentment.
Probably not a great idea to let fallout reach Scandinavia or Russia.
I’d rather not irradiate some of the the finest women in the world or piss off Putin.
I would personally make every net zero loving politician to sign a agreement that when the power goes out, “and it will”.
The public can torch their house to keep warm, 60 secs to grab anything precious to them.
Fucking climate leadership my arse, all we’ve had is China and America pissing themselves because our useless fucking government have decided that the U.K. will be living in the fucking Stone Age in10 years time.
Iv just read an article about how we can’t send our aircraft carriers to war. The royal fleet auxiliary hasn’t enough people to fill the resupply ships. Fuck sakes, maybe if they hadn’t spent years trying to get w0gs and women’s into the armed forces. All while alienating those who traditionally gravitated toward it, mostly white working class men. Kids constantly being told to be week, effeminate, soyboy, snowflake, crybabies who only want to become influencers (or other shit). That and being constantly told our country is shit, nothing to be proud of, bleck people built everything and we need to be ashamed of slavery. Get to fuck most British people where little better than slaves. It’s the same rich cunts who where responsible for slavery, who now want us to be under the boot. These fucking liberal lefty cunts taking aim at kids, making them into brain washed shit heads. It’s great to stand all high and mighty pointing the finger at us prolls, while insulated from it all. Private health care, private education, dentistry and a free pass in life. All while we have our freedom and rights removed. No cars, no meat, no travel. Just cold micro houses built by cunts, designed to fail. What a wreck this country is!
Bravo ! ?
Agreed ?
The carriers being diesel powered doesn’t help matters and neither does the lack of a battle group to protect them.
That’s if they can get out of the Solent at all. They’d probably get flipped over by the wake created by the yanks’ Gerald Ford-class steaming through the channel..
Vile piece of shit.
How fucking dare the bastard inflict “net zero “ on us !
I really hope that the traitorous cunt suffers a painful death….eg when the cancer of his arsehole starts burrowing into the bones of his spine.
While I’m at it I wish that a similar agonising punishment is inflicted upon all the “net zero / man-made climate change” cults.