British History Deniers & Haters

I would like to nominate people who have no respect for British history as total cunts!
I did not grow up through the wars. I am barely old enough to remember the Falklands war.

None of my family to the best of my knowledge have been in the military and nor am I, yet I respect my elders and what they went through to enable us to live in freedom.
All those who can’t grasp this have no right in this country.

I refer to you the poppy haters, the the pander to the wishes of every other race or religion other than our white majority.

I am not religious myself, I have realised that Romans having planets as gods, the Greeks having a mountain full and even Christians having a hippy or invisible cloud bloke as God it’s All bollocks. Stop using religion as reason for conflict.
If you don’t want to respect the British law tradition or way of life
Fuck off elsewhere

Nominated by: West Cuntry

54 thoughts on “British History Deniers & Haters

  1. Well put WC.

    So called “tolerance” has simply allowed foreigners and their lefty abbetors to undermine our history,culture and memorials.

    The current war between Israel and those pigs Hamas has highlighted this fact.

    Chuck in a police “force” that has become politicised to the extent that it allows paki paëdophile gangs to act with relative impunity,allows pakis to clamber over war memorials and intimidate by mob violence without any response and you have the breeding ground for “extremism”..

    Good,sink the looters boats in the Channel,deport every illegal who’s arrived here in the past 20 years,deport anyone who has given them money or shelter,hang the grooming filth and shoot on sight any rotten cunt who disrespect any of our memorials..

    That’s for starters

    #keep Britain tidy

    • Glad you agree unk.
      Nobody wants to stick up for the traditional British view incase it’s not politically correct.
      Fuck em I sez

  2. Even though I was only one year old when the last war ended, I’ve grown up respectful of my country and will have nothing bad said against it, but for foolishly allowing all the recent riff-raff to enter.

  3. The missus turned her phone screen to me a year or two back … the story she showed me was along the lines of …

    British students want WW2 taken off the curriculum because they find hearing about it ‘distressing’.

    HEARING about it!

    The real reason : laziness and indifference. Cunts.

    Brought a documentary to mind that featured stories of a lancaster crew. Bunch of youngsters heading off to Krautland night after night never knowing if it was their night to be shot down/killed. The tail gunner (worst job on the thing, they said) … was nicknamed ‘the old guy’. He was 29.

    No work-from-home for that generation….

  4. Off to reeducation camp you go!!!!

    Watch the BBC 24/7 until you accept the history we have adopted over historical fact.

    As King Harold said at Hastings……w’happen bludclaught mon? Tis a serious ting y’no.

    • I shall pay my respects later when toasting, “here’s mud, glass, piss and shit in the other eye.”

  5. Whst chance is there when the BBC (and others) actively create programnes filled with dark-skinned actors crow-barred into historical roles? If they can confabulate this, the next stage is bending what happened:

    Henry V only won at Agincourt because he was helped by Nigerians and Ghanaians whom he later robbed and swindled.

    Nelson won at Trafalgar with a crew of Pakistankîes who neither smelt of shit nor groomed any children, and later these ‘stankies invented Marmite, fish’n’chips, and the Ploughman’s lunch.

  6. We should pay reparations to anyone who wants it, not cash just return the shit that has landed on our shores since the end of the Second World War.

    Anyone who claims to be British who isn’t proud of our history should just fuck off and not look back.

    All the ones who hate us do so out of jealousy, don’t like the fact we had the greatest empire ever.

  7. I used to love the old boys’ comics. No doubt they would be banned these days. Valiant, Hotspur, Victor. Proud names that introduced we shavers to a rich cast of characters blasting away at the Hun, the Nip and the towel head. . Sly foreigners were not to be trusted. Brilliant entertainment while teaching us about our history.

    I have never had any problem knowing my place in the world. Top of the pile, British through and through. The sad, useful idiot, anti-colonialists will meet their doom soon enough, and it will be richly deserved. Thrown into the cooking pot by cannibals or off a roof by the imams. And all because they didn’t read their comics.

  8. I was going to write a diatribe about this, then found myself too depressed to do so.

    This lefty woke shit just seems to gain more and more traction. Fuck ’em all.

  9. I am an atheist. However I recognise that Christianity shaped modern civilised values. You can take the piss out of Christianity. Against other religions it’s hate crime because our heritage is disparaged by trendy woke lefty cunts while they defend Islam and it’s tenets of hatred.
    I am proud to be a Brit. I come from a long line of raggedy arsed peasants and all the better for it.

  10. My mother and aunt researched our family tree some time ago and discovered that my Great Great and Great Great Great Grandfathers served in the British Army in India in the mid-1800s. They would undoubtedly have been involved in suppressing the Indian Mutiny of 1857-9, military operations as bloody and brutal as they were necessary.

    Am I supposed to be ashamed of my family history? Am I fuck, I’m as proud as punch that two of my ancestors put their lives on the line in service of the greatest civilising Empire the world has ever known.

    Great nom, WC. British history deniers and haters can burn in Hell.

    • Couldn’t agree more G. T.
      You only have to look at places that have not been brushed by Brittania and her culture e.g. greater Africa=shithole.
      Greater Asia =filthy fucking shithole.
      I rest my case

  11. What happens with the boats that come to our shores. Are they scrapped, sold, sunk?

    Anyone that does not share our values or thinks they can change the very fabric of what we stand for should be taken to where these boats are kept, and told, in no uncertain terms if you don’t shut the fuck up, or like it here is a boat back.

    We taught these cunts how to use knives and forks, show some respect.

  12. Reparations no problem….some new serated knives for our Caribbean contingent,a brand new pot for the tribal chief to mix da potions to ward of the demons in those hallucinatory pogoing dancing sessions,bags of rags for the bearded religion (bin liners for the I’m just a shagging machine wimminz)…..and complimentary ‘you never had it so good when we ruled’ pamphlets to be regularly delivered courtesy of the take back OUR country party …one can only dream ?

  13. The terrible death of Lee Rigby summed up to me what this country has become. There was ample time and evidence to stop the perpetrators before they committed the crime. They were being watched, spouting anti British bile and hatred on the streets but nothing was done. They should have been arrested the minute they opened their mouths and shouted thinly veiled terrorist threats. But no, the coppers looked on whilst stood on the pavements. It just sent a message out to them that they could say what they want, do what they want with impunity. What a disgrace our so called Government is, blood on their hands in my opinion.

    • Very true Bob.

      Same with that piece of dirty stinking sandfilth who bombed the Manchester Arena. The police know where he came from and where he was encouraged to kill people. That infamous mosque in Didsbury. But there has still not been any raids or arrests there. Not one.

      And that’s why they continue to do it. These human muck know that the police and even the so called intelligence serviced will not do anything about them. Drummer Rigby’s murderers and Manchester are proof of this.

  14. Great Cunting, I went to pen a similar one myself a week or so back, but life got in the way. Why don’t we divide the world into two halves? Woke World and Normal World. It would be hilarious; see a socialist nation exploited by theirs world spongers and eat themselves alive with different factions whilst us decent folk got on with a fair, just and productive civilisation based upon reward for hard work.

  15. Two books worth reading;
    Empire by Niall Ferguson
    Colonialism; A Moral Reckoning by Nigel Biggar.

  16. The layout and script of/on that placard are a disgrace by the way, if it was made by someone older than, say, a six or seven year old, .. for something being brought out in public to make such a profound(to them) statement, ..

    Low rent signage for low rent minds …

  17. OT, but absolutely typical.

    A man with no ties to Liverpool FC, no history with them. Yet the Scousers want Sven to achieve his ‘dream’ by managing Liverpool for a game.

    One sniff of tragedy and death, and they are like rats up a drainpipe.

  18. I’m proud of the British Empire ??????

    The pinnacle in human achievement and civilization at it’s finest.

    I hold my head up high and say so.
    Whether others like it or not.

    I’m superior to any foreigner.
    Sultan of Brunei
    King of Saudi Arabia
    President of the united states
    They should tip their hats and bow to me because I’m English.

    We created the world and everything in it.

    As for tolerance I can’t stand the stuff.
    Won’t allow it in the house.

    • Tolerance is mistaken for weakness. Or in the UK’s case, actual weakness. Give an inch and scum will take a mile. I like to assume most are cunts till proven otherwise. I’m rarely disappointed with that take on things. A few generations of soft as shit, woke indoctrination and here we are. Such a shame, I lament.

  19. Don’t like our colonial history? Fine, then leave the place you so clearly hate and seeing as you think you have the moral high ground, don’t use anything invented by the colonials, thus making you a hypocrite. No modern medicine, transport systems, clean water, sewage removal, schooling, electricity, SOCIAL SECURITY, FREE HOUSING….I could go on, but you get the point and the list would take volumes to write, but good luck in your mud hut.

    • medicine, railways and the telegraph system, and saving the Hindus from the zMughal empire = curries, pyjamas and bungalows.

      That’s a fair deal.

    • If only Horace
      Only a country as fucked up as ours has become will allow someone to identify as Asian or African but throw in repatriation and suddenly all is quiet!
      Fucking parasites they be.

  20. If you do not like British history, tough you pathetic thick cunts, you cannot change it.

  21. Even Germany isn’t as ashamed of their history as much as the UK is of its own.
    I have never seen such self loathing and bending over to be buggered by minorities and migrants. The BBC and the Grauniad are especially guilty.

    Some treeswinger like Sasha Johnson can attempt to incite murder and the chocolate slag gets lauded. Morrissey waves Union Jack onstage and he’s the biggest villain since Hitler.

    This country is pigged.

    • Even the Germans now say the döner kebab is a product of Berlin, but we’re too scared to say the same about certsin curries.

  22. That series creases me. The one about Georgian England, where loads of Mills and Boons are wealthy aristocrats. Who live in palaces and wear finery and powdered wigs.

    Pure fucking comedy.

    • Bridgerton?

      Not even a faithful adsptation of the book, which itself was just a bit of counterfactual fiction asking what if Queen Charlotte was actually black?

      Pretty sure it didn’t include half of Regency London turning into the Tavares.

    • Downton Abbey might as well have legions of black people in it, and be set on the moon.

      Pure tripe.

  23. Grandfather -WW1. ARMY. SHELL SHOCKED.


    • You aren’t comparing your mild irritation and general existential unease with serving and suffering in a global war?

      That would be the height of snowflakery and fâggötry.

  24. The biggest anti-British parasites on earth are the amerimutt cunts and the australian convict scum.Fuck em they should both be wiped out of existence.

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