We all know that there are many sick men who for convenience when in court change their gender and sick women who do the same thing. They are perverts of course, but this latest case also has the fetid stink of Coprophilia
I don t know what this thing is – I suspect a queer man with a shit fetish (literally and allegedly), but the bloody judge helped him by allowing him to parade his sexual confusion and going along with the usual practice of calling ḧim¨, ´her’. If I were on the bench he would get an extra year tacked on to his sentence for wasting the courts time.
Where do they get these bloody insipid judges from?. Let’s get back to the days of Michael Argyle (the ´Schoolkids Edition of Oz´ judge who sent smug Aussie Richard Neville to prison) or Travers Humphries, who more than once had to put the black cap on. Real hard nosed judges who would prescribe hard labour for acts of gross indecency.
If a real judge of the old school had come across Martin he would have had no compunction in sending him to penal servitude for acts of appalling depravity. As it is, he treats him with kid gloves. That is not punishment. He will probably end up serving a few hours of community service.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs.
‘It’ would be a more appropriate pronoun.
I don’t think UT would like the mess this individual would cause in his oven.
You missed the ‘sh’ off the front So Long
Stunning and brave!
I’ve said it before, have a fucking shave and at least attempt to look female.
Pink hair or a pink t-shirt does not fool anyone “Abbie”!
I was typing out similar Jeezum, whilst making a brew.
You’d have thought at least he’d have had a shave and smartened himself up, if wanting to appear a slag. Pink in the hair, here and there is laughable, just like the little old ladies do.
Imagine this cunt being called up to fight a war with the Ivans?
Putin must be laughing his bollocks off at what the West has to offer these days!
He is ?
What a complete fuck up.
Plastic bag and gaffer tape round the old noggin for him I think
Here’s some more of this sickness from Trudeau’s Canada;
Watch and weep.
Trudeau is a waste of oxygen.
And his mother was a massive slag.
I understand Norman, that his mum inherited some great guitar skills.
A simple repellent. If they want to be tars. Take off their cocks and stitch them to their foreheads. They can then be seen in public as the dickheads they truly are .
“tarrs” ( sorry )
Hunched shoulders and side glance, shows embarrassment written all over it.
Sarah Millican is from South Shields as well.
I think they might be related.
No – this thing is funnier.
Does this mean that this woman-thing has every right to enter women’s changing rooms or take a job as a school janitor and watch young girls get undressed in PE lessons?
If anyone says to “it”, what are you doing looking at semi-nude preteens, “it” can say “I’m a wimminz. It’s my right!”
As for judges and the judicial system – well it always struck me as funny why judges and other assorted cunts wear wigs and gowns,and have done for donkey’s years!
I guess they have a close affinity with these transformers now that its become “acceptable”.
The world is becoming unhinged by the day.
Among my little list of great old legal legends, I should have included of course, Mr. Griffiths-Jones of the Lady Chatterley case. I am sure, if he were still alive and the Starmer manifesto was in print, he would say – as he did of Connie Chatterley’s goings-on ‘is this a book you would even want your wives or children to read?”
But seriously it is impossible to imagine the depravity of things like the defendant in this case.He should have been remanded in custody, not given his freedom till April.
sorry “wives and servants”. -not children.
Him, her, it? I’d ‘it the cunt alright, as ‘ard as I could, several times and where it ‘urts most. Fucking creep.
The beak was probably up it’s arse after ?…… weirdo’s sentencing weirdo’s ?…. bring back the witchfinder general he’d be on permanent overtime ??⚔️☠️
I look forward to the next Census forms come 2031. It will probably run to about 90 pages, with about 6 pages devoted to identifying what gender you are!
Gone are the days when a simple “Mr”, “Miss”, “Mrs” and a “Ms” at a push, would suffice. Today there’s talk of around 100 gender pronouns. Could even double by 2031 (assuming Putin doesn’t drop a few bombs on us first – which to be honest, might be a blessing!)
Not sure what gender type this twat falls into – “Deluded Twat” perhaps?
In the 19th century we’d happily send petty thieves on a rat infested ship to the colonies for life.
I’d like to recommend reinstating this first rate policy with immediate effect..
Stick this sack of shit on a boat with every other deviant,foreign murderer,suspected terrorist,fifth columnist,illegal looters etc and ship them to North Sentinel Island.
The results would be wonderful,and make for great t.v.
Plus it would be good for the planet as its not as far away as Australia..
But we could have them pay for it anyway.
What a disgusting waste of a life.
I’ll bet the thing doesn’t work and never has done lives in a council flat with the curtains closed all day long, smokes weed. ‘Cus it’s good for nerves like.
Burn it, burn it again then once in cinders Terry’s oven.
Great sketch from Not the 9 o’ Clock News.
These establishment figures are all rancid perverts, I have no evidence to back that up but they just are.
No doubt the judge was wondering how he could spend some time with this perverted piece of dog shit.
Ha ha
That made me laugh!?c
Fucking sausage fingers
Obvious this repulsive creature didn’t pay for its ‘surgery’.
No, it will have been on the taxpayer’s nut, via the NHS.
So, the cunts who gave this thing what it wanted have a lot to answer for.
These psychotic narcissists abuse the system, the taxpayer, the health service, and – in a lot of cases – other people. And we live in a country that openly allows this.
This cunt should be set alight and destroyed. But the people who allowed it to exist and aided it every step of the way shoild perish too.☠
I don’t think it’s had surgery yet, Norman, unless it fell foul of Marius Gustavson, in fact I doubt it’s even contacted a gender reassignment service.
These hard of thinking cunts seem to be of the opinion, because the man in the pub told them, that cracking on that they are going for it makes them look a bit mental elf-ish, so they’ll be let off with a wrist slap.
They don’t seem to mind that they’re mocked and ridiculed.
Should be shot, skinned and made into nappy liners, filthy bastard.
I’m still trying to work out exactly what this individual is hoping to achieve. No-one seems to be accusing him of sexual arousal in relation to faeces, he’s just apparently dumping dirty nappies in inappropriate places. His appearance and his actions would lead people to think that he’s simply an attention-seeker. I suppose it depends on who is crapping in the nappies – is it children or is he doing it himself?
Ah but he’s was but they didn’t put that charge forward interestingly.
An eighth charge of outraging public decency “by being inside a bin containing soiled nappies and disclosed garments and interacting with soiled nappies within sight of the public” was not put.
The new look for primary school teachers Spring 2024.
Not even trying, is it?
I used a gender-neutral toilet yesterday. Probably the last place it should be; a burger king at services off a dual carriageway.
Some little tart pushing her tits up in the mirror after a night on the town and some 6’5” twenty stone truck driver with a belly over his belt barges in.
Dirty deviant.Burn it at the stake ????
O/T, diversity is our strength…!!!
Man uses ladder to creep into sleeping child’s room in ‘nightmare’ attack
I googled that name as it sounded Eastern European to try to get a handle on where it’s most likely found.
Well fuck me would you Adam and Eve it the surname Horvath is most commonly found in Slovakia a place where even Eastern Europeans think is a shit hole.
Another import to remind us that diversity is our strength.
I’ll be interested to know how this crime is recorded. Will they as I suspect record it as a crime committed by a man as he was at the time or as a woman as he claims to be now?
If they accept his name\indentity change at trial then I assume he will be sentenced as a woman. I’m pretty sure they won’t go back and update the records to the original charges tho. But if he commits further crimes he will be charged as a woman and the crime stats will show an alarming rise in S.O’s by women in that area.
As more and more offenders jump on the trans wagon crime statistics will suddenly show a dramatic rise in deviant criminality committed by women and members of the LGBT community.
I’ll never understand how women are so supportive of the radical trans movement, a transvestite is a mockery and parody of women hood. Feminist’s embracing trans fuckups are once again submitting to men simply because that man says he is a women and slaps some lipstick on his stupid face.
Used to me women lectured men on how little we understood how hard it is to be a women but now have to admit it’s as easy as changing your name to Sharon and being constantly indignant that people who have eyes are unconvinced that they are women.
I guess Martin|Abbie would if asked to comment say “Fuck this shit!”
If I was sat in a pub drinking and thinking deeply intellectual things and Martin in the header pic walked in ?
I’d immediately figure him for a sex case.
I might even accuse him of calling my pint a puff,
And if he got lippy he’d learn the fundamentals of leaving a pub backwards in mid Flight.
He looks deeply unwholesome!
And the type not to be tolerated,
Although as I stamped on his throat I’d remember to respect his pronouns.
You wouldn’t hit a woman, would ya?
No, but he’s not a woman Six.
I’m not quite sure what he is,
Apart from a deviant.
It’s definitely a cunt!
“calling my pint a puff”
Definitely a creep and just what is he doing with soiled, baby nappies anyway?
Oh well, I suppose if he’d identified as a man then the shrieking harpies wouldn’t stop banging on about the patriarchy and toxic masculinity.
But he’s not a man though.
The least convincing woman since Michelle Obama
Sausage fingers again plus several ales
If it thinks it’s a women cut it’s Dick off dig it a cunt and let it grow some tits and let’s see who wants to fuck it problem solved
I’ve seen that picture before.
It was on a poster promoting unrestricted abortion on demand.