Whinging Cunts Who Can’t Afford Christmas

I know this nom has probably been done before, but here goes another one because I am a bit hacked off at moaning cunts running to the media and bleating that they can’t afford the presents their partners and/or kids want for Christmas, and that its all the government’s fault!

A lot of these people are spending a lifetime on benefits or have jobs but spent all their time bending their credit cards on flash cars and huge mortgage commitments, only to realise that they’ve got fuck all cash left to pay for expensive Christmas presents such as iPhone 15s or PS5s.

Why these cunts can’t just tell their family members to make do with far cheaper alternatives and be satisfied I really don’t know. Instead they moan on social media that they can’t afford the £500 PS5 their darling son wants and the £900 iPhone 15 their daughter wants (even though she already has an iPhone 14).

I would love a ASUS GeForce RTX 4090 24GB TUF OC graphics card, but neither I or the missus can realistically afford the £7,000 asking price, and therefore I’ll have to make do with something far cheaper and live with it.

Whinging cunts blaming the government and wanting more money to pay for it all just like the handouts they get/got for the Cost of Living crisis and the energy crisis. They want the Taxpayer to pay for their presents and they’d still moan they’re living in abject poverty!

Ho fucking ho!

Daily Mirror

Nominated by Technocunt.

88 thoughts on “Whinging Cunts Who Can’t Afford Christmas

    • Correct.

      “Let ’em starve, let’em starve, let ’em starve”

      And a merry Christmas to all on isac.

    • No work, no eat – useless shower of shite.


      Merry Swedish Christmas to you all from the frozen North.

  1. Can’t afford Christmas?!
    Then you don’t deserve Christmas you fuckin pauper.

    They should never of shut the workhouses.

    I of course enjoy a opulent Christmas.
    Sat on a velvet pouffe in silken robes being handfed Quality street.

    Limited edition Quality street in proper wrappers.
    Not that eco shite the plebs have to have

      • Hehehe ?
        Working over Christmas DCI?
        Or you getting a rare break?

        Either way a merry Christmas to you and your family ?

      • Wot ho DCI.

        Haven’t heard from you in a while.

        Hope things aren’t too hectic for you over Xmas and you get a decent break.

        Have a good one mate.

      • Cheers, gents, same to you. I’m on the ‘Naughty Step’ so my comments go into moderation so, I can’t be arsed, really. Working on Boxing Day and New Years day. Let’s hope it’s the ‘Q’ word. It’s been a hell of a year. More deaths than Harold fucking Shipman. Not been called to the coroners so can’t be all that bad.

    • Quality street. The purple ones all go in one day. the toffee pennies and fingers linger on as well as coffee cremes.

      ‘don’t them to the dog!’

      Too bad Nestlé hasn’t invented one called country creme

  2. Oh dear how sad..

    Perhaps should of cut down on the takeaways, strong cider and scratchies..

    Well tonight thank God it’s them instead of you.

    Cheers everyone..?

  3. I believe the latest i-Phones have more cameras on them so that you can take even more photos of yourself in different ways. Perfect for the generation that reality forgot.

  4. Oh dear me, poor Emily Cratchit.
    Why not just wrap Tiny Tim’s crutches up in paper and hand them back to him as a Christmas present? Sorted.

    God bless us, one and all.

  5. I’m sure some people are struggling, but not the disgusting crowd down the supermarket this morning. Fat waddlin’ tarts in overstretched pvc trousers buying enough food to outlast a nuclear winter. And probably complaining they can’t afford the very latest of everything. “I deserve it don’t I”.

    • Merry Christmas to all on ISAC including Admin.?

      I like the simple things in life and the wife has bought me a blood diamond big enough to choke a horse.
      I don’t want anything else during these days of austerity.

      I plan to have the diamond mounted on the Akita’s collar or to fill a gap in my teeth.

      I got her some cadburys Heroes.

  6. In mah day we used to make us own Xmas presents. Clothes line skipping ropes, cardboard planes, crackers made of rolled up Izal boxes, hats from newspaper…

    We wuz poor as church mice, but we wuz ‘appy. Young ‘uns today don’t know they’re born, the whingin’ cunts.

    Morning all.

    • It’s a shame I wasn’t your landlord back in the day Ron.

      I’d of turned up on Christmas eve and emptied my bins on your floor with a hearty ho ho ho merry Christmas!

      You kids could of helped yourselves!

      • Fuckin’ hell Miserable, we could have feasted. Instead we had to make do with the broth off a fish head between ten of us.

        If you could have run to a packet of Polos, we could have got grandad to suck them and then sat around his tongue to keep warm.

      • Hehehe ?

        On Christmas Eve I like to nip round to the Barnardo’s kids home with a selection box and let them watch me eat it Ron.
        Motivates them to endeavour to persevere ?

        Merry Christmas to you Mr knee and your family ?

  7. Mrs. Cunt’emall has 3 nephew/niece type relatives. Horrible little cunts, the world revolves around them as far as they (and their parents) are concerned.

    None of them at their various ages have done a single selfless act of merit in their combined 45-odd years. Every fucking Xmas & birthday, .. the missus sends the little cunts, I mean darlings, more or less always 50 quid per … never even gets an acknowledgement from the fuckers (the mother(her sister) thanks her by text on their behalves).

    Every December I implore her to do the ‘buy a goat for a third world family’ type thing ‘on their behalves’ (another racket but I would just LOVE to be aware of the 3 aforementioned being disgusted that their (unwarranted, anyways) ‘gift’s didn’t benefit them in the only way the youf of today care about.) Maybe their true colours would show for a bit in front of the parents, that’d be good. But no. She won’t do it.

    Of course I would feel sorry for said GOAT, if donations to that camp actually do what they claim with donations. And the third world problems are unfortunate but I don’t lose any sleep in that direction either. Nope. Just to give the 3 a little life lesson.

    Bah humbug y’all, btw…

  8. A bit of a simplistic and mean-spirited cunting., especially at this time of year.

    There are plenty of families who. do work and still can’t afford presents and christmas dinner, or to go out socialising and see friends, worrying everytime they put their hand in their wallets.
    There are also a lot of pensioners who wont be celebrating or able to treat their grandchildren this year because of fuel and food costs.
    For many it’s not really all about people blowing hundreds on gadgets, but more about affording a turkey dinner and a bottle of sherry. with the bills going out, despite people working their nuts off to provide for their kids.

    I know a bloke who paid into a scheme where a hundred quid would see a christmas hamper delivered to his family. It was a scam and the company folded, leaving families without any way of recovering that money or paying for christmas food. The chap wasn’t dole scum but a brickie and luckily a whip-around saw him recoup the money.
    Before any cynics point out he could’ve scammed us, we knew him well enough and he wasn’t that good of an actor, plus his missus was fit and we couldn’t have her upset.

    Ba hum bug to this cunting.

  9. Probably got no money because they donated it all to the endless bo, bardment of charity begging ads on the TV for the last few weeks.

    Spread some joy at Christmas – save a starving child in Africa so he can ride a dinghy across the Channel when he grows up. Provide a room for a homeless person over Christmas. Help MSF give live saving aid to foreigners. You get the picture….

    No. They get fuck all from me. An AgeUK chigger knocked on my door last year to sign me up for a direct debit. I pointed at my Grey hair and before he could open his mouth to give the sales pitch I said I delighted to meet him, and asked how much he had come to give me. He stood there with his mouth open.

    Two things I don’t do : churches and chuggers. Fuck ’em. Marie Antoinette got it right – let them eat cake.

    The good lord helps those that help themselves. But not to the cash I worked so hard to save so I could have a comfortable retirement…

    • I’m in a fine mood today.
      Feeling quite holy.

      Might go find a carol service later?
      Join them.

      I have a beautiful singing voice .
      Sure I’d make a welcome addition?

      Im watching Alister Sim as Scrooge at the moment and I’m starting to worry about my soul.

      • You’ve got a soul, MNC?
        I hope you and all my ISAC cunt chums have wonderful Christmas ??

      • My favourite adaptation is the one with George C.. Scott and David Warner.
        Failing that the Disney version that introduced Scrooge McDuck.

        Can’t stand the one with Patrick Stewart. ‘Buy the fattest goose in the shop and have it delivered to Mr Bob Cratchett’
        Yeah, you already have the biggest ham, eh Patrick?

      • CP@

        I also like the one with Albert Finney in it,
        The musical one with all the chirpy cockneys!

        “Fank you very much, fank you very much
        It’s the nicest fing that anyones ever done for me.”

        Are all cockneys so musical?

        * CP

        Merry Christmas to you and your family ?

      • The George C Scott one is my favourite too, along with the Muppets one, Michael Caine is a class act.

    • it gets better than that, Dio.

      There is an ad on facebook asking for just £100 to put a tranny up in emergency accomodation this Christmas, because they can’t go home.

      Well, whose fucking fault is that then?

      I thought about it and then went out and spent an additional £100 on booze instead.

      • £100? for tranny shit? nope!

        £1.00, even, then?


        A penny?


        We gave our usual couple of hundred quid to the donkey sanctuary that our equine rescues came from though.



    • I’m hoping for a Christmas BJ.
      Administered with sloppy enthusiasm by drooling horn monster Rosie Jones.

      • Not after last year, Odin.
        We ruined her, remember?
        And don’t forget, she gave you Tertiary Syphillis.
        I did tell you not to lick out her pussy for that long but you wouldn’t listen, you dirty boy!

      • That’s a shame, Thomas..

        Although this might explain why I am drifting further into murderous insanity and my septum fell out in the shower last week.

        I had Ellie Simmonds lined up for a DP for afters too.

      • I’ve got a lovely feather to give the wife her Xmas Eve bottom tickle later on.

        She just drools at the thought. I’m not unethusiastic myself.

  10. Have these cunts not heard of living within their means? Try doing a job and then doing a couple of hours overtime a day. Christmas? Sorted, now fuck off and stop whining.

    Merry Christmas one and all. Thank you for the coffee facials my monitor has had this year.

    • You’ve got that absolutely right Cunty …
      And I add my thanks to all for my monitor christenings this year..
      I think the best today was MNCs visit to Barnardos!

    • I got one as a kid, fucking awsome it was too. Got a battering ever time the rocket bounced off the old mans head. the dog had PTSD and shell shock after 3 days of bombardment.
      Good days.

  11. Great nom Techno.

    The spirit and true meaning of Christmas is long gone for most and has never been.

    Me and the Mrs never go overboard with material shit at Christmas and never have done. She knows that the increasingly grotesque material excess that accompanies Christmas makes me very uncomfortable. Who’s birthday are we celebrating again?

    A few presents for the people who matter basically.
    Combined with time. My time spent with them, which you genuinely can’t put a price on.

    Maybe that’s my ego. Maybe it’s because I’m just a tight arsed miserable cunt at heart.

    Church tonight for Christmas Eve mass and the carol service, Bailey’s and ice when we get in.
    Christmas dinner tomorrow, a few drinks, a few games and a bit of telly.

    Sounds boring but far better than frantically trying to find extra last minute plastic tat to waste more money on to go with the PS5 and Plasma screen TV for your ungrateful brat.

    • Herman @

      You going for a carol service?
      I’m slightly envious.

      You do realise that organised Christianity was behind the covid jabs, the shooting of JFK, and 9/11 don’t you??

      Merry Christmas to you and your family ?

      • Afternoon Mis.

        Yes pal looking forward to it – Carols on Christmas Eve is probably my only visit to church in the year barring the usual christenings funerals thing.

        Mrs Jelmet is a good catholic lass so I have to keep her happy by going along at least once a year.

        Happy Christmas to you and yours an all. ?

        * Did you see any of the boxing last night?
        They need to sack this Saudi shit off and get the fights back to Vegas or UK in my opinion though. You could hear a pin drop last night during those supposed big fights.

  12. Well Arabella and I will be taking our children Bijou and Roman to help cook Christmas lunch tomorrow at at our local Homeless Centre. We feel we ought to give something back to those less fortunate than ourselves at Christmas, and it really warms our hearts to see the joy we bring those poor people.
    Someone else serves the food of course, as we don’t want to get too close to them and risk catching something. Then when lunch is over they’re all turfed out onto the street again and we can forget about the homeless for another 364 days.

    Just doing our bit.

    • You could write down this little ditty of virtue signalling as a ‘Round Robbin’ – to let all friends and family know just how good you are sir.

      I’m sure they’d appreciate it.

  13. Christmas has become a more, more, more load of nonsense, should call it Spendmas, can’t afford it, tough.

    Merry Christmas to all, I am exited that Santa will bring me fuck all as usual ?

    • Just pull my cracker you moaning cunt.

      Merry Christmas Sicky to you and your family ?

  14. Yo-yos (real not the horrible biscuits). pop-guns, kazoos. That was what you got from Father Christmas in the late fifties and early sixties. By the time the seventies arrived it was fucking ‘Clackers’. Two plastic balls on a string that you knocked together. Banned at my school. Every kid wanted them for Christmas. Tell that to the spoilt brats of today and they don’t believe you!

  15. They were scrapping in the isles of my local store, over tins or roses.

    Fuck the lot of em, bah humbug.

  16. If council people can’t afford a proper Christmas dinner, they ought to eat their ugliest child.
    If the kids are mixed race, there’s bound to be at least half a dozen of them, so they can spare one.

      • True, but if you eat the flesh of a mong, you’ll become one too.
        Imagine a fellow’s kids come down Christmas morning to discover that Dad has been transformed into a dribbling spac?
        To be fair, that sounds hilarious.

  17. £900 for a fucking phone, The Worlds gone wank for Christmas.. would be a good time to start the bad Santa only problem is getting a mountain bike up a fucking chimney. It’s not all mince pies and sherry. Happy Christmas one and all may the universe see fit to give you a positive new year.

  18. Is it Christmas then? I thought there’d been another ‘crisis’ to account for the masses drooling and spaccing their way through town in their joggers, mottled, flabby arms laden with processed fodder and gaudy tat.
    “Tis the season to be serial slaughtering, tralalalalalalalala” *

    * originally penned by a scouse.

  19. I’ve only spent a couple of hundred quid on the missus – mostly all stocking fillers.

    Just wait until January, and then you’ll hear moaning fuckers on social media whinging about how much they have spent on prezzies when they receive their credit card statements

    • I wanted to send you a water-cooled 24gig card, TC…a bit out of my price range, so I’ve sent you the next best PC instead:
      A 486 (DX, not SX, so it has the extra co-processor) with 4mb of RAM and Windows 3.1. Guaranteed to run any 2024 game built in Unreal Engine 5.1.3.

      • Thanks, Thomas. A 486 DX – bloody hell, that’s my fantasy come true!

        Of course back then you could buy an Intel Pentium Overdrive x2 chip.

        Anyway, I shall drool over my 486. The naked Scarlett Johansson blow-up doll I ordered, can take a hike!

  20. I recall quite vividly comments in the msm last Christmas from parents annoyed at the sheer ungratefulness from their kids when they opened their presents only to find that it was “only” as Sony Playstation 4, rather than a top of the range Playstation 5. Or an Apple iPhone 13 rather than the latest iPhone 14.

    Apparently their kids took to social media criticising their parents for going for the cheaper option an not considering the “needs” of their poor children and the subsequent ridicule they would receive from their friends if they knew they had received such “dated” presents!

    Ungrateful cunts.

    • Couple of years back the 15 year old son of a couple I know, apparently said /asked “is that it?” after opening all of his presents.

      Caused a Christmas day riot in the house by all accounts ?

      • When they were younger, I told each of my kids that any signs of ungratefulness would be met with their games consoles being crushed with my lump hammer.
        And I’d have done it too. Lessons that stark last a long time.
        My 21 year-old still remembers writing 2 sides of A4 with the lines “I will not disrespect my Father” aged 11 with the backs of his legs stinging.
        Damned fucking right.

    • I would have taken the lot back on boxing day, got a refund and proceeded to piss the cash up the wall.

      I believe this year’s spoiled little shit response to anything they don’t like is “I’m calling childline”.

      The correct response to this is “Here, let me dial it for you” as demonstrated by my daughter when the grandkiddie got a bit lippy.

  21. I thought that, nowadays, all you had to do was identify as black and then just walk out of the shops with anything that takes your fancy?

  22. I can afford Christmas, but I dont cos I feckin hate it. Forever dipping in my pocket the rest of the year so Christmas is a good excuse to treat myself by welding my pockets shut.
    That Grinch fella is a mere amateur compared to me, fuck Christmas and all the false jollies that accompany it, and Father Christmas is a lying fat cunt, round the whole world in one night I doubt it, Royal mail cant get round the neighbourhood in a day. I shall be blockading the local soup kitchen tomorrow to stop the scroungers getting free scoff.

  23. People really have forgotten that what you can afford to buy at Christmas in relative to your financial situation…..not how much the government can afford to give you (or you can sponge) Cunts.

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