State Pension and Stealth Tax

More cuntage wrapped up in shiny paper, which once opened reveals yet another steaming turd!

Daily Telegraph

Unfortunately, this is from the Telegraph, which is usually behind a pay wall ( because their turds, sorry words are so precious, we should pay), but you’ll get the gist, and other papers will have cut and pasted.

Basically, if you’ve been a sensible person and whacked cash away for your old age, you’ve sort of shot yourself in the foot. What you’ve done is very sensible, you didn’t do ought wrong.

But if your income exceeds a certain amount pa, you get taxed like a working person. By hanging on to the triple lock, a lot of people with a small private income will see a big chunk of that vanish in Income Tax come next April.

Oh, you won’t be worse off, but you won’t be as well off as you thought. Funny how these magnificent looking gestures always hit the lower income folk were it hurts, eh?

How about having a pensioner personal allowance of say £25k, that would take most people on state, small private income out of the tax bracket altogether.

And in case any MP reads this, the Grey Pound actually votes, you know?

Nominated by: Jeezum Priest

71 thoughts on “State Pension and Stealth Tax

  1. Serves you right for living too long, the gall of people surviving to their sixties..

    Didn’t you get the memo, to move aside for the new lot.
    And make sure you leave all your money to the state, the coffers are a little threadbare.

    • I thought JP would have his pension plan tied up in uncut blood diamonds and gold ingots?

      Im opposed to all forms of tax if it effects me.

      And you can’t trust the banks!

      My mattress runeth over..

      • I’ve a private pension LL but believe in ferreting things away in my strongbox.

        To many cunts, (banks, HMRC,etc ) are right nosey bastards.

        My business is my business

        I don’t ask them about dubious PPE contracts.
        Cheeky cunts

      • No, I invested in non-fungibles.

        I bought a non-fungible gold ingot the size of the Shard, sold it pane by pane and now I’m living on the equivalent of Necker Island.

        As if!

        I’m an ordinary ex-working person with a couple of private pensions, getting state pension, finally, and extremely bitter about paying It to keep feckless cunts in Ugg boots and whatever the latest, must have, mobile is.

  2. Best advice is not to bother saving for old age and just blow your beans at the here and now. And then you can bleat to the benefits office that you’re skint and they’ll give you loads of money to see you through your old age!

    Also make sure you downsize your home into some shitty 2 up 2 down, and piss the money up the wall before contacting the benefits people. That way you can say “I need to go into a residential care home, but I’m skint!” and they’ll do your wish and let the Taxpayer look after you!

    No wonder there’s 5,2 million people claiming benefits in this country!

  3. Agree 100%. And still they won’t raise the tax threshold to say, £15,000, which would protect the lowest earners.
    And while I’m on about it, that odious little turd Sadiq Khanage, “temporarily”, removed use of the Freedom Pass before 9:30am, because of the fucking covidscam and then made it permanent as I said he would.
    Then of course is the ULEZ cash grab that the municipal Mafiosi are screwing those who can’t or don’t wish to buy an electric firework.
    Funny how virtually all of this shit falls on us older cunts, while they hose it over “freebies” for children and those with their hands out, unless you’re an older cunt.
    The one who actually rolls back this shit, not just talks about it, will get my vote. Similarly if they dump the overbearing “green” bollocks.

  4. Pensioners are draining all the resources needed to pay for the dinghy people. How selfish. What a waste, giving it to old folks. They will soon be on midazolam as they sink into vats of their own piss. Colonialist gammons.

    Sunak has the right idea – give it to the stabbie/rapie types instead. Who needs money anyway? It is only meant for the rich.

  5. I am retired and pay tax. I am also liable to tax on my savings now that I can finally get a decent return.
    Yoy cant fucking win unless you are a benefits king.

    • Far too many titsuckers in the country now to meaningfully reduce taxation. Too many international countries with their hands outstretched for our cash too.

      Remember when the Tories tried to revamp the munificent benefits train; The House of Cadavers emptied their incontinent old bladders all over the proposal.

  6. Means tested benefits are the Promised Land..if you’ve never done a tap in your life..

    So perfect for dossers and foreign cunts..housing benefit,council tax benefit,free prescriptions and a guaranteed cash income thats entirely tax free for life.

    The rest of us can fuck off.

    Anyhow if it were up to me I’d abolish the fucking lot and reward working people and let the workshy starve.

    • My 2 accountants are working flat out on tax avoidance measures so that the government can’t get their grubby hands on my considerable savings!

      If its good enough for cunts like Lineker to legally tax dodge, then I’m up for it as well. I spent nearly 40 years in employment, paying taxes and NICs for very little return. And the thought of being means-testing and taxed all over again in my dotage, is not going to be an option if my accountants can find a a way for me to reduce my exposure to those lazy overpaid cunts at the HMRC (a department that wants to work a 4 day week – mostly from home – while insisting on being paid for 5 days!)

  7. I have sunk all my money into dinghy and prayer mat futures..
    Plus I own a american and British flag producing factory..

    I will be dining out at Alan’s snackbar..

    • I thought I’d done the right thing investing in ISA’s. Today’s inflation means I’m losing money, not saving. You might as well bend over because they’ll get you in the end.

      • I was thinking more in the line of bespoke swimming pools, just start filling those bombs craters with water..

        Chuck in a couple of pool noddles, volia it could be Saint tropez..

  8. Another thing: if your kids or grand kids start moaning about Boomers and Gen Xers being selfish old fashioned cunts, while they whinge about not being able to afford their own homes, just amend your will and bequeath all your worldly possessions (including your home) to M;tebbe and his 9 brothers and sisters living in a shithole mudhut in deepest Africa.

    You can add in your will “Well kids, I know you despise me for a being a Boomer and that you Millennials and Zoomers are always virtue signalling about how we’re also racist bastards. Therefore I have amended my will so that my £400,000 fortune will now go to poor little M’tebbe in Ghana. I am sure you will approve. Lots of love xxx”

  9. Old people should be means tested, if you can’t outrun a XL fucking tough.

    However, this has really pissed me off and I have written to my MP three times only to receive fucking stupid answers.
    I asked why I am paying tax on my state pension, anyone who retired after 2016 will probably be in the same boat if they were in SERPS (not contracted out)
    They don’t refer to serps anymore, it is phrased ‘if your starting amount is higher than the basic pension then the additional amount is the protected payment’
    Protected, not a chance, well not from tax, my basic plus protected payment takes me over the personal allowance but as I have a very small private pension that pot is raided by HMRC on paye.
    I told my MP that if the fucking personal allowance remains frozen until 2028 my private pension would be worthless (well to me, not fucking HMRC).
    I did point out that if I qualified for pension credit and pension credit took me over the PA I would pay tax because Pension Credit is tax free.

    ‘Can I count on your vote’, yes, you can count on it not being for this useless government

    PA should be raised to 15 or even 20K, make work pay and cut benefits.

    • It’s state funded managed deterioration of the country, the only growth in the underclass are food banks.

  10. Where is JP anyway?

    Probably sat in his kimono and fingerless gloves busily weighing his kruggerands and sovereigns?

      • In Meadowhall shopping centre throwing his money around?

        Then has the cheek to complain about having to pay a bit of tax!!

      • JP is out shopping for Christmas entertainment and will be haggling down the old biddy in his local Sue Ryder for a jigsaw of the late Queen Elizabeth and the Mouse Trap board game, minus the mouse.

      • Worry not, I’m here.

        I did all my Christmas shopping on Black Friday.

        I’m sure the Lass will be thrilled with her Ryobi jigsaw!

      • God your such a D list that it pains me to reply.

        But pity is my weakness.
        Maybe change your name to something more “you”?

        How about ‘never been kissed’?
        Or ‘flaccid winky”?

        Try and contribute more!
        Be more interesting.
        Maybe develop a personality?

        Christmas kisses ?

      • I can be as pendanic as any twat, Mis.

        Just as a point of interest, Nelson said

        ” Kismet, Hardy”

        as he lay, dying, and not kiss me.

        I also get enraged when people say
        Alas, poor Yorrick, I knew him well, Horatio.

        Anyway, Hardy can kiss my ring.

      • ‘ Likkle Removals Boy’

        That’s not even at the level of a sozzled and embittered cat lady on Twatter.

      • Just a fan.
        Had em before.

        Think they get off on being insulted by me?

        Sort of a latent homosexual thing.

        Probably infatuated by me.

        Hardy is the Renfield to my Dracula

      • I’m a martyr to my crown LL I really am.

        Every little malcontent festering in the shadows wants to spar with me.

        I don’t understand it?
        I’m the nicest on here!

  11. Hiow the bastards can tax income on savings if the rate is so low you’re already going to be worse off in real terms due to the low interest rate and Higher inflation?
    The banks are crapping on you, then the government add another dump.

  12. Another thing that really pisses me off is when the state pension is referred to as “a benefit”.

    I worked and paid my bloody dues for that, so fuck off media cunts who call it a benefit!

    • Fucking right, JP. I earned my fucking pension. Never claimed a benefit of any kind, ever.

      It also pisses me off that state handouts to the feckless are called benefits. They are not benefits, they are charity paid for by the people who fucking go to work.

  13. And another thing, what about all the folk, like my late partner, who worked from the age of 15 and died less than three years after getting state pension?

    What happens with that, then? I’ll tell you, bugger all, unless they had a child under 18, that’s what.

  14. I’m still waiting for my £10 turkey money Mrs got hers two weeks ago. Get a text message every couple of days to file my self assessment,bastards.

    • Elecuntrian, yep I got mine.

      £10, ffs. Doesn’t even buy a decent size bottle of gin!

      I remember my Granny getting it, over 40 years ago, £10 then and still £10 now, it’s almost insulting, but probably not to the poor buggers who really don’t get owt but but basic pensions.

      • It’s almost like someone spitting in your face, Sick, and to make a point of it being tax free, fuck ’em.

        I donate my turkey money to a tiny local charity that tries to help contribute towards the vet and food bills of other little rescues.

        I can do without the gin, animals need feeding.

        Sheikh Anvahk has it right, raise the Personal Allowance threshold. They won’t do that, though, because they won’t be able to skim off as much as your other income in tax.
        That triple lock won’t pay for itself, you know!

        So prudent folk like me are effectively partially paying for our own state pension increase, the very definition of robbing Peter to pay Paul.


      • It’s a bit like having potato smiley faces for tea and they’re laughing at you because they know your tea is shit.

      • Potato smiley faces, turkey dinosaurs and mixed frozen veg saved this country from the Germans.

  15. This government is very keen to gather any taxes.
    Scream about it.

    Once they get it they fritter it away like Viv Nichols on Christmas Eve.

    As a white English working man I’d like a invoice with a breakdown of exactly how my money’s been spent.

    Bet they’d drag their heels then?
    Despicable cunts.

  16. I paid into a company scheme and as a result of that despite paying probably 20 x the NI contributions that the missus did I receive a third less state pension than her…!

    NI contributions were promoted back in 1946 as a payment for the newly formed NHS, time has now come to scrap it completely…. it’s just another tax so why not call it that.

    Adjust income tax % to absorb it, plus that would mean the higher earners pay more…!

    Unfortunately, not the shifty tax dodging self employed who can claim for everything unlike the paye employees…

  17. Dunno Arch, I’ll bet any money that each and everyone of the wfh shitweazels that work for HMRC AND the DWP are claiming partial energy bill costs back, plus stationary ( had to buy a pen and hilighters, and paper) because they can’t nick it from the stationary cupboard at work now.
    I mean, wtf are Cressida and Joylon supposed to use to draw pictures while I drink coffee and navel gaze, ahem, I mean work my bollox off!

  18. It will be interesting to know what a possible Labour government will do with taxation and the benefits culture.

    Will they be a party of low taxation and Small Government (ie. taxing an axe at the bloated public sector)? Which is ironic because this is exactly what the old-school Conservative Party believed in.

    Or will Starmer and his Marxist Front Bench punish the working classes even more with further taxation while giving more to the “vulnerable” and migrants and assorted lazy, workshy cunts?

    Wouldn’t surprise if they added new taxes for people who are white, who are British, who voted Brexit, and don’t like foreigners, the Gays and other assorted oddballs!

    • But Techno, voting is supposed to be anonymous!

      So why, when you go to the voting station with your card ( and ID ), do they write your ballot paper number against your name on the voting list?

      It’s a form, although tedious, of finding out who you voted for.

  19. OT. Those BBC cunts claiming 8 million viewers tuned in for the Strictly Come Dancing final, 5.8 million women and 2.2 million male sex offenders, then.

    • Surprised you’d show your face on here Norman, after the United team forced the coach driver to attack those poor Liverpool fans causing them to drop their bottles.

      There should be an enquiry so everyone responsible is held to account and the Liverpool fans attacked so viciously can get the justice they deserve!!!!

  20. It’s easy to get hot under the collar about taxes – stealth or otherwise, frozen allowances and the routine pickpocketing from your average Joe.

    But which political party is going to put an end to this disgraceful state of affairs ?

    None of them.

    Which leads us to the first truth.

    The government is not your friend, or more precisely, the government is your enemy.

    So now we know where we stand. What can we do about it ?

    The easiest thing is to use the breaks that they do give.

    One example would be to invest in low cost , stocks and shares index trackers, within an ISA. This will give far more flexibility than a pension, with the advantage of being in a tax free wrapper ( excluding inheritance tax ). A time horizon of at least ten years would be a sensible approach.

    British gold coins are another item worth considering. Sovereigns and Brittanias are classed as legal tender and are VAT and CGT exempt. They are easy to sell, as and when you see fit, in dribs and drabs at your own discretion. Again, a minimum time horizon of ten years is a good idea. Twenty or more is better, for everything.

    There’s other things, but you get the general drift.

    Pensions are not all bad, depends on the scheme you’re in. Contributions attract tax relief, but remember, it’s not tax exempt, just tax deferred. I draw an occupational pension from when I was a wage slave, prior to self employment. It comes in very handy.

    As to other things….. you may have a little sideline, build up a stash. Like a Viking or a gangster.

    Hard cash is always a great comfort.

    Just a few thoughts……

    Good evening.

    • It’s nigh on impossible to avoid paying some tax.

      But how much tax you pay is a completely different kettle of fish. ?

  21. I’m an old bloke just sitting here watching my money mount up. I go and buy food and other things I might need. But the money comes in quicker than I spend it. Don’t want to worry like other idiots at this time of year and panic buy. I’ll just keep quiet and not tell anybody.

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