Nigel Farage (5)


If we accept the fact that 95% of politicians are control freaks, liars or whores, the behaviour of publicity hungry Nigel Farage is especially egregious.

If we take for granted his enthusiasm for Brexit is genuine, the rest of the man is totally fake, as fake as Starmer trying to pretend he is working class.

Forever retiring then un-retiring, popping up on TV, trying to position himself as the next leader of the Conservative party(!) – they might be desperate but not THAT desperate – Farage has now reached his nadir by appearing on the TV show run by two 50 year old teenagers

¨I´ḿ A Nonentity Get Me Out Of Here¨, the home of desperate old slappers, pansy TV personalities and failed soap stars.

The silly cunt though still thinks he has a future as a serious politician. As if!

Nominated by W. C. Boggs.

87 thoughts on “Nigel Farage (5)

  1. Never seen it. Never will. Don’t know most of the people who appear in it. Don’t care about those that do. I think that covers this nom for me.

    • In agreement about the shite show and decant trodden on. The pair of fucking twats !!!

    • I think I watched it a few times, but many years ago, just for the tits.

      (I didn’t have the internet).

  2. Farage is well past his sell-by. And appearing on this shitshow isn’t going to make him out to be a serious contender for anything other than for being a complete twat.

    He had his 15 minutes more or less after Brexit and the Tories reneged on their commitments. But now he is floundering in the wind desperate for attention.

  3. is Nigel Farage better than most politicians?


    but the bars set quite low.
    Do I trust him?

    He’s a politician.

    I like what he did in regards to Brexit
    and the Coutts debanking scandal,
    well played.

    But I don’t trust anyone asking to be trusted.

    Same for that oily cunt Richard Rice.
    He has that ‘ Bob Monk house ‘ greasy sheen that used carsalesmen , motivational speakers and yank evangelists have.

    The type caught at 3am climbing out a bedroom window.

  4. Mrs Terry watches this festering bilge and apart from setting himself up to make some quick cash I have no idea at all why Farage would involve himself in it.

    If I thought politicians were the answer to stopping the country sliding into the abyss and Farage was a serious contender I might vote for him..he simply couldn’t be worse than the greasy fucking cunts we have now.

    Anyway that’s enough political discourse,I’m off to start a military junta.

  5. I don’t know about cunting Farage. He’s a good salesman but doesn’t really seem to care, seeing that he dropped the candidates standing for the ‘Brexit’ party in safe tory seats.

    He did show up the Dianne Abbott impersonator for what she was; a raving narcissist..

  6. Don’t care about ‘I’m A Cunt……..’ but I think he will be fine.

    He has spent the last thirty years around spineless parasites that make you want to vomit so I’m sure he can put up with it for a few weeks.

    As for leading the Tory cunts? If by some miracle it does happen he will be like every other cunt over the last thirteen years; bullied by the shadowy party puppet masters and civil service into towing the line.

  7. Bollocks. He’s done more for this country than all the rest of thieving, grasping eurocunts put together and don’t begrudge him making a few quid on some shite TV show aimed at the lowest common denominator.

  8. A show run by two fifty year old shortarsed wankers. Definition of indecision: which one of the two warp factor irritating cunts to punch fuck out of first.

      • Yes, I hate that cunt more than the other marginally more shortarsed cunt. An entrepreneur could make millions by bringing out a punchbag with his face on it. Second thoughts, I don’t think there’s a punchbag big enough to accommodate the cunts big baldy forehead.

  9. not sure if he is trying to place himself in the position of leader of the tories, rather the current tories seem to be doing a good job themselves by all being a total shitshow of woke pandering nothingness, with no balls, no substance and no idea……..and yes i am a member of the party for all my sins, and i think they are cunts, but still better than the other cunts.

    thats the issue in politics now……they are all so low down the credibility and capability ladder its a case of voting….assuming you do vote….of who can cause least damage.

    politicians are so heavily scrutinised by the online juries, that they are now afraid to say or do anything for fear of seemingly upsetting potential voters…..and so nothing actually gets done.

    when it comes to farage, i have voted for him and if he were leader of the cons i would again, but even if you had the most dynamic politician leading any party, by the time he or she had read the partys protocol handbook, even they would become a simpering, hand wringing wet weekend with wings clipped and a yes man (or woman)

    • Totally stupid rabble would are happy to offend the majority so as not to offend the minority, those who would murder the fucking lot of them, with good reason.

  10. I prefer Tommy Robinson also known as Steven Yaxley Lennon.

    But he gets arrested every time he sets foot outside.

    I also like David Duke.?

    • He was arrested having his breakfast in a London cafe the other week, I think it was because he refused the vegetarian option.

      Fucking Nazi!

      • Given the non action of the police re. of some of the cunts on the pro Plastecine march, their reaction to Robinson was bizarre.

        As far as I can make out he’d done fuck all that was against the law, yet he was pepper-sprayed and frog-marched away by about 20 bluebottles as though he’d just knifed somebody.

        It’s that there two-tier policing again…

    • Hi MNC. Interesting that the leftie Palestinian bum lickers (including Owen Jones and Corbinn) actually hold the same views as dear David, the Klansman and long time alt-right pin-up boy. Wankers don’t see it though. Too busy looking up their own arses while calling us ‘right wing’ Ha, ha.

  11. Why did he do it?

    The £1.5 million that has been reported.

    He knows, like the rest of us, that the Conservatives will be fucking blown out of the water at the next GE, Labour will pick up seats in Scotchland and more than enough in England and Wales.

    After 5 years of Starmer and his low rent Labour Party it is obvious that the UK will be so far down the shitter there will be no way back.

    Farage has shown he is pretty good in the media role with GB news and I can’t see him heading back into front line politics, he has a back seat role in Reform and unless the first past the post system is changed I doubt he would have any ambitions (but never say never)

    We are sadly missing a strong right wing party capable of getting a few seats in the commons, UKIP in the heyday had more votes than SNP, Libs and Green put together with nothing to show for it.

    Farage isn’t a cunt, more in touch with political reality than most, I’m a celebrity is a pile of shit but looking at the line up of cunts in the Jungle he is the only one who is literally a household name.

    • my wife watches it, and i dip in and out while shes watching it….trust me, i am no fan of low rent tv i can assure you my only experience of this kind of shite is a nightly report from my wife over a glass of red.

      apparently farage did say some home truths about the house of lords the other night according to the wife, which is no bad thing…..and a week or so ago i did see the ‘conversation’ between him and that thick blick nonentity nella someone, and he was very patient and articulate, whilst subtly proving how thick she was. good on him

      • Yes, I heard about the Nella (who fuck is she anyway) and Nigel conversations, the conclusion seemed to be she is (or was) a fucking dumb ass

      • Why do these eggands always seem to wear beer-bottle-bottom specs? Makes them look totally brain-dead.

  12. I quite like Nige although I usually go to bed while it’s on and Mrs Cuntus tells me the next morning who was fucked off. Last night it was that big lipped fat fucker who left, so that cheered me up this morning. I used to be a card carrying member of the Tory Party, but after the Boris and Liz removal cancelled my membership and sent an email telling them to fuck off and why I was leaving. Next time I will vote Reform, although that will probably let Dame Kweer Starmer into No10, but they are all a bunch of cunts anyway. 2 cheeks of the same arse.

    • It will take decades for the Tories to rid themselves of the stench of Boris Johnson and his deplorable administration.
      If ever.

  13. Farage has a lot of support.
    more than any Tory politician.

    At the Tory conference he was mobbed by young conservatives who flicked past current cabinet ministers for a selfie with Farage.

    They need a bit of populism.
    being about as popular as genital warts.

    And Farage is popular.*

    * not with me, like,
    I think he’s a chinless bugeyed cunt.

    • …..ive always wondered quite what the problem is with populism MNC.

      i mean, heaven forbid a politician should do popular things for the electorate.

      • Dunno Chuff?
        I thought the same when they were denouncing Donnie Tango as a populist.

        Thought being popular would be a good thing for a politician?

        dunno, I’ve never been popular myself due to my terrible hygiene issues.

      • Its only when populist movements are ‘far-right’ like Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, Trump or the batshit Argie that it is expressed as a negative thing in the media.

        At least that cunt Keir Smarmzy won’t have the problem of being elected on a tide of populism.

  14. It has to be said that without Farage ” call me Dave” would not have had a referendum and the UK would still be “fully” in the fucking corrupt EU.

    So for that alone, he’s ok in my book ..??

  15. Can’t agree with this cunting. Farage has done more service to the UK than whole pig-sty at Westminster. If he is making a few bob out of ‘I’m a Cunt’ good luck to him – I won’t be watching.

    I see some other Conservative black person has gone to Rwanda to give them more cash. Nothign clever about that. Cunt. Desperation steadily rising with a General Election looming. Hope the fuckers all lose their seats to the marxists filth so that the whole country can be turned into a fucking jungle. I am beyond caring. Fuck off.

  16. Farage is alright by me, he upset’s a lot of snivelling cunts..

    Fucks knows who would want to run this Country after 5 years of starmzy power.

    Even Hitler or stalin would have their work cut out purging all the filth and cunts infesting this once great country.

    • When you think about it, he is the only one I can think of who has actually achieved his political life goal of getting us out of the EU. He can’t be blamed for the shitshow that followed as he wasn’t negotiating our shake down, I mean Brexit divorce. In contrast ‘Call me Lord Cameron’ said his proudest moment in politics was getting the gay marriage legislation passed. Says it all really.

  17. I like him.I prefer him over 99% of the leeches in “Shitminster”.Come back to parliament Nige!

  18. A cunt of a cunting! Sir Nigel is the greatest living Englishman. ??????????????????
    If you can’t see it just look at the bastards who hate his guts. Traitors and communists every single one of them. Fuck them and fuck this cunting!

  19. This cunt is being paid 1.5m – I’d be sticking roaches down his jap-eye. Exempt my ass.

  20. No, I cannot stand with this nomination. Somebody on here once said about Trump, “He’s a cunt, but he’s my kind of cunt.” That’s how I am with Farage. Look at the abuse he’s taken over the years, but seen off those EU apologists; abuse from shitstains like Blair, Alcoholic Al Campbell, that weird COTY 2016 Tim Farron, the BBC, the fucking guardian and its sanctimonius guardianistas, Question Time when he was often the only Brexiteer out of six guests, Russel fucking Brand on QT, Sky News, Vince “Graveyard” Cable, pig-fucker Cameron, nazî Tusk, drunker Jùncker, Ursula von Fuckwit, Guy de VerOddballStat, and every whining, weeping, bed-shitting, UK-loathing Remoaner cunt slime since 2016.

    • And let’s not forget that fat, race-baiting cunt Nella ‘the Elephant’ Rose on ‘I’m A Sleb’ as a bonus.

    • Russel Brand, where the fuck is he know – he’s made a very quick exit from the limelight hasn’t he.

      • Brand is probably preparing his legal case. Every bint who’s come within 50 yards of the plastic creep will be issuing writs.

  21. A cunt in a TV show made by cunts for cunts.

    I couldn’t care less if they were all sucked into a giant pile of shit.

  22. Only time id watch this shower of shite would be if it was in gaza a day after a ceasefire

  23. A little late for an opinion.

    Most honest political figure in uk ??

    Don’t watch the ozzy insects ? show. Fuck Ant & Lard. They are cunts.

  24. In his defence, there was no mention of being made to look a twat on the £1.5 million pay check Farage received. But he must of known this would be the upshot – it’s written on the tin.

    Farage said he agreed to do it so he could get himself across to a younger generation. Rubbish – and I refer you again to the £1.5 million cheque made out in the name of Nigel Farage, esq,

    Farage is a bit of a plonker. However, all is forgiven for Brexit and for sticking up for the beleaguered and despised ordinary English person. And for socking it to NatWest. He’s also courteous and never attacks or cancels his opponents but debates them. Why can’t more politicians be like that.

    Go for it, Sir Nigel.

    • Good nom Mr Boggs ?

      I like a nom that sets the cat amongst the pigeons.

      No sacred idols for me.

      Reckon most people like Nigel Farage though.

      He’s a populist after all.

      And I get the impression Farage would support your right as a Englishman to voice your opinion .

      anyway, good nom.?

  25. Can’t agree with this cunting. He likes a pint and does a bit of fishing so ok my in book. Would I vote for him, mmmm dunno however.

    The slightest mention of Farages name and the leftwaft go into meltdown. That alone is worth the entry fee.

    Plus he spent many years living rent free in that euro cunt Verhosftwats gapped tooth head and that makes me chuckle.

    AntandDec and ITV, there’s some proper cunts and no mistake.

    • Re living rent-free in verminhoftwat’s noddle, I hope he left a big shit under the floorboards. That would explain a lot.

  26. Nigel Farage should surely have a great chance of being elected as things stand.

    I’m no political expert but what have figured out over the years is that our election process in particular, is a shower of shite.

    His best bet would be as a Tory.

    If Farage somehow joined the Tory party and the spineless, useless cunts actually made him leader of the party – I reckon they’d romp to the next election.

    Let’s be honest – the cunts will elect any pathetic twat from within. May, Truss and possibly worst of the lot (and that takes some doing) Shoeshine Sunak

    The Tories have absolutely no chance at the next election and should be begging Nigel Farage to join them. Otherwise they’re long gone.

    With regards to Minor Celebrity Get me out of Here – it’s a load of old bollocks that never sees the light or time of day in my house.

    Didn’t they get the Angel of Death Matt Hancock on there last year? In some kind of bid to make him appear human. Instead of the lifeless blood sucking freak that he is.

  27. Politicians as a whole are self serving, lazy, thick scum. Who should be kicked to death when spotted in public..

    Sorry I lost my train of thought…

    Now where was I?
    Fuck it death to ant and dic..

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