Lydia Gribbin

This bitch is part of the JSO mob who stopped a West End show of Les Misérables. Her and 3 or 4 other activists were arrested and charged with aggravated trespass.

They appeared in court on 3rd November. However, this entitled bitch asked if the trial could be put on hold until next February while she jets off to India for a holiday break.

The wise old judge told her to fuck off with her request, which she wasn’t very happy about.

This is just another example of the staggering hypocrisy of these clueless and incredibly entitled middle-class fuckwits. Not only that but they show a breathtaking lack of self-awareness.

And the MSM don’t seem all that perturbed by her actions, which also underlines their own double-standards of how the celebs and the elites are exempt from their own green bullshit, while the rest of us have to suck it up and make sacrifices to save the planet for an extra few days.

Daily Mail

Nominated by: Technocunt

96 thoughts on “Lydia Gribbin

  1. These JSO cunts steam my piss. Not long ago, a bunch of them dumped all their banners and shit in a field somewhere after one of their “aren’t we edgy” crusades. Clueless on life, spoilt, living on daddy’s trust fund cunts who get moist on causing trouble to the public while media whoring for views. A public flogging in the town square would be a good order. Cunts all.

  2. I take it she was going to India to protest about the huge stench of curry and shit emanating there?

    Or more likely going to a luxury spa in goa.. namaste you cunt..

  3. Clueless cunts.Feed them all to the hungry crocodiles ??.Makes my piss steam.Useful idiots spring to mind.

  4. It’s a sad indictment of our Modern Society that these mental cunts weren’t kicked half to death by enraged members of the audience.

    Perhaps one day soon they’ll pick a place to protest where onlookers aren’t quite so “modern”.

    • Having read,like many,of the hysterical nonsense spouted by these JSO nutters when asked why they are “protesting” it seems apparent they ate beyond hope and will likely just be a continuing nuisance.

      The cure is to dump them just over the Saudi border in Yemen and let the Saudi border guards help them become dead.

    • Unfortunately the Jso mob get the plod in on any protest to protect them. If they ever tried any of their nonsense without their minders, and out of sight of cameras, they would rightly have the shit kicked out of them

  5. The hypocrisy of the JSO and sleb climate fuckwits is getting beyond satire. They don’t seem to have any piss left that can be taken.

  6. When I first read the article I thought that it was a hoax but on reflection I realised that it is typical of a hopefully small segment of modern youth.

  7. Just stop oil… perhaps a fitting punishment would be to deprived these thick twats of everything manufactured using oil derived products.

    Let’s see, that’s everything in the modern world right down to your knicker elastic… you dumb fuckers…..?

    • With the roll out of smart meters all the Just Stop Oil and the rest of the net zero mob could have their meters programmed to shut off their electric when there is insufficient wind to power the grid.

  8. Can’t fault her for having the balls to even ask the question but it just shows how little common sense these cunts actually have in their obsessed little heads.

    Just stop oil but not the oil that has made the fuel for my flight to India ?

    I really hope her request doesn’t make the judge less sympathetic to the case ?

  9. Hannah, Lydia, Noah and Poppy.

    Fucking trust fund activists, they are like every middle class cliche going.

    I bet they all have degrees in Mongolian yurt building or puppetry.

  10. Full marks to the judge for not taking any bullshit from these middle class star wars bar rejects. Not only did he cancel Lydia’s holiday he gave another swampy cunt a bollocking for chewing gum in court and told them all their proposed defences were a bag of shite. I hope he’s sitting when they come to trial. He should be made Lord Chief Justice.

    • Me too, Stanley.

      Nice to hear common sense from Judge Snow, if I were him, I’d be seething that the maximum sentence is three months.

      Let’s hope they do something stupid during the trial so he can give them some time for contempt.

  11. With names like Hanan, Noah and Poppy you know exactly who you are dealing with here………Daddy’s precious little flowers. I’m glad this bitch is going to India, one of the world’s biggest polluters. Presumably she’s going to be throwing orange paint around and blocking roads etc. Good luck with that one slagface , Johnny Gupta trying to get his goods to market won’t take too kindly to that. See if Daddy and his posh pals can get you out of that one.

    • Unkle Terry’s solar-powered air fryer I should think.

      We’ve all got to do our bit of whole cities will be brought to a standstill by silly cunts.

  12. The case should’ve been laughed out of court for only disturbing the West End shite show and not stopping it completely. Its ugly cunt Webber who should be locked up for destroying a work of art. They should spit roast the the girl for wasting people’s time and then allowed to go on holiday.

  13. Jetting of to India ? How’s that work then ?
    I thought JSO were against fossil fuels whats her jet run on then bull shit?
    Total hypocrites ??
    Send her down ??

  14. What they should do is fine these fucktards the total cost of the theatre and the audience, plus interest. Then lock the cunts up to become B wings pet bitches.

    • The Daily Mail article suggested they were on the hook for the entire costs of cancellation. Could make a nice dent in the old trust fund.

      Dozy fuckers are defending themselves as well. What’s the betting their rich parents will have lawyered them up properly by the time it comes to trial?

  15. I don’t care if she interrupts a middle class shitefest such as a musical, but I most sincerely hope she gets spit roasted by bull elephants in India.???

  16. Lydia Giblet, Indigo Rumbelow, What is it with their ridiculous names anyway ?
    Benedict Cumbersomesnatch, I mean, seriously ?At least Inigo Pipkin made puppets instead of acting the life of one.

      • If you see a bald effigy hanging from a lamp post with Ten Hag written on it, then you’ll know who has done it….

    • Maybe she’ll do a Greta and use a big catamaran, then all the crew fly back to their homes. She could give a couple of quid to some dodgy Indian charity to not plant any mango trees to offset the carbon she has generated by flying. Or my favourite 3 fucking months in Holloway sharing a cell with a large passenger on the alternative omnibus.

      • I vaguely remember one of these cunts being pulled up about some sort of transgression against the ten commandments of JSO..

        I think Jemima said the actions of the individual don’t have the same impact as whole nations being forced to live in caves wearing leaves.

        Or some shit like that.

  17. So the last nom was a stupid entitled gibbon, and this one a stupid entitled gribbin..

  18. Look at the dopey look on the soppy tarts face, that’s probably her orgasm face as well doesn’t look like anybody’s at home does it.
    It’s all about getting attention plain and simple, if it wasn’t oil it would be some other lot of virtue signaling bullshit. Shower of thick un-worldly ignorant cunts.

  19. Not such a wise judge. I would allow her to fly to India and then issue an international arrest warrant for her detention in a steaming hot Indian jail where she can take daily rodgerings from sweaty Indian transexuals. But then she might enjoy that.

    • I heard a rumour that there is someone who lives in India who is held up as a deity because they are, out of over a billion people, the only one who doesn’t smell of spicy b.o

    • Just stick her on a train. I know of a well-heeled local girl who had poking and prodding her Pondicherries, and she was with English friends.

    • Imagine the giant unwashed minge on it though.
      And her fanny would be all vinegary and sour.

      • My guess is the hypocrisy is strong with this one. I’d bet she attacks the bush weekly with a petrol powered hedge trimmer and reduces the inevitable stubble with a gas powered weed burner.

      • I think it acceptable to prevent the inevitably foul veganist farts by stopping up her arse with one’s cock.

        If mentally deranged woke hippies are your thing of course..

      • I am 53 years old this birthday,and I still can’t stop myself giggling when anyone says or types the word ‘minge’.
        Thanks TTCE.

      • My thoughts were that she’s probably one of these ‘taking back control’ types who doesn’t shave her under arms and under carriage and it probably looks like the floor of a hairdressers before they sweep up.

  20. ‘Flyin’ ta India the muthafuckin’ JSO bitch? Fuck me, ya couldn’t make this muthafuckin’ shit up’

    Jonathan Rees-Mogg MP

    • After attending a showing of “Pulp Fiction” at the Hackney Odeon in 1994, a middle-aged Jeremy Corbyn managed to entice delicate beauty Dianne Abbott back to his one-bedroom studio flat for some interracial leftie shagging and, as his tiny little socialist winkle was about to splort its load into Dianne’s velvet castle, he shouted the cum phrase ‘Shheeeiit, negŕo!”
      To this day, he still believes Dianne Abbott’s 100% chimp son is his own progeny.

  21. The stupid entitled cunt can suck my diesel’s exhaust pipe. Can’t be bothered to write anything more when it comes to these clitheads.

  22. I’m with Labia Gibbons.

    I wish I’d gone to India as a youth to experience transcendental dysentery and exploit the poor.

    Ogle the lepers and pay peanuts to the locals for sexy parties.

    Unfortunately I’m afflicted by deep systemic racism and hate everything about India and everyone in it.

    The price you pay for being a gammon.
    I’m deeply ignorant of other cultures.

    Fuck em ?

    • Evening MNC, I trust you’re well?
      I’m currently fucked with full-fat Covid!
      Only last week at work, I confidently stated “only unfit losers get chinkyflu” so my colleagues are finding it quite amusing.
      Indians are indeed smelly rapists, but you’d have to give them a bit of leeway for the joy of curry…and, unlike the slitty-eyed pooch-munching yellow bastards, at least they didn’t invent Covid.

      • The Joy of Curry.

        Yes it is,chicken tikka Nepali Special and half a bottle of decent red wine followed by a good amount of scotch will send the Wuhan AIDS packing.

        Make sure you go in work and spread it first of course.

      • I don’t like curry.
        It’s absolute filth that some sabu has had his unwashed shitty hands in.

        Sorry to hear that your ill Thomas☹️

        If it helps someone on here said it doesn’t exist (chinkflu) so maybe your suffering from a conspiracy by a shady cabal of powerful elites?

        Doesn’t matter the cures the same.

        Midget porn and a back arching wank.

        Here , get you started

    • Isn’t that midget some famous swimmer ?

      I bet she likes being done up the wrong ‘un.

      The filthy creature.

  23. Oh dear, Thomas.
    Hope you feel better soon.

    P.S. Don’t come anywhere near me, I’ve not had so much as a cold in 15 years, I certainly don’t want your ” made in fucking China”.

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