Hannah Gaffney – Entitled Fun Lovin’ Criminal

Hannah Gaffney, Cambridge graduate (presumably in cuntishness) has prevented a plane from taking off with a convicted criminal onboard, who was being deported.

She heard a commotion, asked the cabin crew what was happening and then contacted a so called charity which stops criminals from being kicked out, to find out what she could do to prevent the scum from being deported.

In short she encouraged a large number of cunty passengers to stand up so that the plane couldn’t take off. The criminal, who apparently had already raped a women after being released from prison was taken off the plane and presumably this Gaffney twat was then allowed to continue her journey.

Can we expect the airline to enforce costs against her and the others for the delay to takeoff, the additional fuel required, will she be permanently banned from the airline? Will the police even take any action?

He’ll probably remain here for another five years at least, just like that somali rapist who finally got kicked out just recently.

MSN News

Nominated by: mystic maven

72 thoughts on “Hannah Gaffney – Entitled Fun Lovin’ Criminal

  1. These cunts should be forced to provide accommodation and keep for any fucking ‘refugees’ that they think shouldn’t be prosecuted for their crimes. No doubt she’s a big fan of smelly tanned cock.

  2. Probably the sort of nitwit who’s turned on by the idea of being diddled by a gọlly, until the reality sets in and she’s left with facial bruises and about to give birth to Harvey Price-alike.

  3. The dozy cunt lives in Norway, so will never see the aftermath of her cuntish stupidity.

    As this is an airside incident, she should be put on the no fly list of every airline for what is effectively an international crime of aiding and abetting a known criminal.

    • Ms Gaffney should be forced to marry the rapist.
      And be banned from plane travel for life.

      There you go,
      Green carbon neutral ban and a inter race marriage.

      Very modern ✊?

      • Morning Mis. Morning all.

        I worked at Heathrow about 30 years ago and every airside incident was insured for £20m back then. God knows what it is now.

        When you consider the cost of getting the passengers and luggage disembarked and the delay costs, hotel costs, the plane not making it’s return journey, the costs associated with putting the return leg passengers up in a hotel or chartering another plane, you can see how this rapidly escalates.

        Hannah Gaffney needs to have her trust fund, wages and pension garnished until all of these costs are repaid.

        It’s the only way the thick cunts learn.

      • Her brother Dean ought to help out the airline financially using some of the fortune he earned from Eastenders.

      • She shares her surname with the Eastenders actor, but despite her Cambridge education, she seemingly has less intelligence than her namesake’s screen companion, Wellard.

      • Roger the puppy.
        An avid knitter.
        And she drinks coffee.
        Anti-bullying, but saves rapists.
        Spent all of her life, so far, being ‘educated’.
        A most interesting person; not ?

  4. All these refugees “sorry illegals” lovers should be forced to take one or more in..

    And no, not like Lineker’s vetted student, a straight off the boat one..

    Then sign a contract to care and provide for them for 10 years.
    Plus if said illegal commits and is charged for a crime you serve the same sentence.

    Any takers… ???

  5. It would serve her right if the bloke she “”saved” showed her his gratitude by raping her too

  6. To be fair to her, she does look super intelligent and probably knows best. There must be a job waiting for her on breakfast TV or as head of a fact checking company. Who are we to question the actions and motives of the children? The world is safe in their hands because they have all been jabbed.

    Good morning, everyone.

  7. If the Home Office were doing their job properly there wouldn’t be any need to put the odd criminal onto civilian flights : they should be chartering loads of planes full of the scum.

    • The RAF have 14 Voyager transport aircraft just rusting away.

      They can carry 291 illegals at a time.

      Just saying.

      • According to Wiki-fucking-pedia, there are between 417,000 and 863,000 potential Brain Surgeons enriching Britain today.

        If we average those numbers that gives you a total of 640,000

        14 Transports X 291 Illegals = 4,074 Shitholians.

        That means it would take 157 flights to rid Britain of the Cultural Contamination.

        Heathrow Airport claims they handle 1,300 flights daily so 157 more flights per day seems easy to handle.

        157 days is about 22 1/2 weeks…less than 6 months.

        So load up, take off and kick ’em out over the Channel.

        Rinse and repeat until cleansed.

      • I think you will find it is a hell of a lot more than that, General.

        There are over 1,000,000 illegals in London alone.

        The current government guesstimate of the total population of the UK is 68,000,000.

        The slightly more reliable source for total population are the water companies and supermarkets, all of which are indicating that there are around 78 -80,000,000 in the UK, because they are feeding them and treating their shit.

        I know which figures I would trust.

  8. A righteous Cunting.

    But I have to ask, who are the “…the large number of cunty passengers…” who agreed with her? I mean seriously, do you have a shortage of Shitholian rapists?

    Diversity may be your strength but stupidity will be your downfall.

  9. I’m glad she did it.

    But only if it allows the police to identify all those involved in the commotion,leading to all of them being arrested,handed over to a new charity called Keep Britain Tidy.

    This charity tidies up rubbish by putting it all in a boat and dropping it into the Atlantic ocean.

    Never to be heard if again.


    • I once led a outcry about a shoplifter once in Sainsbury’s.

      A elderly lady

      I absentmindedly put 8 tins of red salmon and a bottle of whisky in her shopping trolley.

      The alarms were triggered and security pulled her.

      She tearful pleaded her innocence.

      I shouted

      “For shame!! She’s clearly senile!
      And poor
      Look at her coat!
      Unhand her!”

      This led to other customers getting upset and pleading for leniency.

      Whilst distracted I put the salmon in my rucksack so to dispose of the evidence.

      Turned out ok.
      When she had a funny turn and a ambulance arrived the security backed down.

      The salmon was divine.

  10. Bitches like Gaffney will never experience the inevitable result of their self aggrandising do gooding. Hundreds of thousands of horny young men with nowhere near enough Peaceful birds to go round. What do you think is the inevitable result of that? It’s simple demographics. Not where Gaffney lives though. That particular delight is reserved for the British working class she despises so much.

  11. Not in the least surprised by Hannah’s actions. She is a research fellow of an institution with an unassailable record of producing arse holes over many years. May I throw out a few names? Blunt, Burgess, Cairncross, Maclean, Philby…..

  12. What a cunt – perhaps this libtard, champagne socialise slag should have had 5 mins in the toilet with this vermin, joining the mile high club.

    I suspect after that she would be seeing things very differently.

  13. It is always a sanctimonious woman, fucking always…. Arabs got it weighed up centuries ago.

  14. The solution is simple, empty the plane except for the cunt being deported, all those who refused to sit banned from ever flying again.

    Guaranteed it wouldn’t happen ever again.

    Charge the bitch with whatever law covers causing danger to an aircraft.

  15. Hopefully some illegal cunt rapes someone close to her.
    Might have a change of mind then….!

  16. I think that she may well have committed a criminal offence on the aircraft and the ‘charity’ which gave her advice should be done for aiding and abetting.

    • She certainly has Guzzi. On a commercial flight the guy who is in the left hand seat, i.e. the captain, is in total command. Anyone on that plane who refuses his orders is breaking the law. To get off such a charge you would likely need to prove that he was insane. I suspect the “charity” who advised her have now been told this which is why they are backing off fast. As pointed out by Odin the costs of a plane missing it’s slot are eye-watering and I think the airline would have a cast iron case if they sued her, the “charity” and the other cunts who refused to sitdown.

  17. Funny how opinions change with different Admins!
    Plenty of people (myself included) hope she gets struggle-snuggled by the very simian she was seeking to protect, yet on these very pages a few ago, I expressed the wish that Lily Allen’s fish pastey fanny was forcefully obliterated in the Sangatte refugee camp and got my post removed…

    • Morning Thomas.

      I had a nomination vanish into thin air that I typed up quite some time ago.

      It had a link provided and although it wouldn’t have been popular with some – wasn’t exactly controversial and still a perfectly valid cunting in my opinion.

      I know Admin said they were looking into it but it would seem it’s either vanished or been binned.

  18. What can you say? I find this sort of behaviour utterly baffling.

    She should be charged with delaying and disrupting the flight. She won’t be though. She’ll no doubt be feeling really pleased with herself.

    Morning all.

  19. What was reported wouldn’t have happened. Everyone standing up to prevent the flight ? Bollocks ! There’d have been individuals refusing to stand, because of their own destinations of importance and arguing with the self-important tarts stance !

  20. In an ideal world he’d have been taken away, shot and then this self-important cunt should have been roughly dragged from the plane, raped by an ugly and diseased illegal immigrant (preferably Albanian) and then shown the corpse and told that it was her fault that he is dead and not merely deported before being told to pay for his burial. Who the fuck these cunts think that they are is beyond me.

    • Since I posted the above I’ve been thinking about how to prevent the same thing happening repeatedly in future. From today on, the illegal cunts should either be sedated and put on board at the back of the cabin and quietly buckled into a seat or, if they resist, heavily coshed and then sedated and put on board. Better still would be to sedate or cosh and sedate them then put them in the cargo hold shackled and wrapped in something that would ensure that they don’t quite freeze to death before being released into some East European, Middle Eastern or African shithole of their very own making, Welcome home, cunt.

  21. This country is fucked thanks to these clueless dogood ng cunts who get on their soapbox with no knowledge of the situation.
    She should be stuck in the room with the deported for a day or two until she realises why the cunt is being thrown out of the country.
    Furthermore she should be made to fund the cost of this whole debarkle including all the inconvenienced people.

  22. Good news.

    MSM reporting that an invader has, this morning died in Channel whilst attempting to enter this cuntry illegally.

    There’s a chance another is also very poorly.

    Apparently the remaining invaders were returned to the Frogs.

    A small glimmer of Christmas cheer. Praise dog.

  23. There was some good news, a boat load of illegals sank in the channel in French waters so were taken back to Calais, sadly one didn’t make it.

    That’s 66 (allegedly the number) who won’t need deporting for now, Stop the Boats, when they sink it seems to work.

    • What hacked me of even more was some charity wanker called Solomon, on the wireless earlier. This cretin was pontificating that more must be done, the government must open more ‘safe routes’ and the poor immos mustn’t cross the busiest shipping lane in the world. And of course given free rein spout shit by his BBC host…..

      How about Solomon, you just fuck offffff.

      There are HMG safe routes in existence, Ukrainian and Hong Kong citizens are afforded the privilege…and there are more..

      Busiest shipping lane in the world is another bullshite statement. Yep it’s busy, but so are the Straights of Hormuz, the Malay Straits, the Suez Canal and the Panama Canal.

      Biggest lie from the feekers mouth, calling them refugees. So France is unsafe is it, how come so Brits are about to head there for Christmas holidays then???

      An excercise in how to make yer piss boil and never challenged by the cunts in broadcasting house.

      • Wrong, it is the busiest shipping lane in the world, not because of commercial traffic to and from the continent but from south-north passenger traffic, especially that from secluded beaches just outside Calais.

      • James Cleverly has said we need to do more, I think sinking in French waters is enough.

        Turkey making boats that deflate on contact with sea water would be a step forward.

      • If we’re not allowed to deflate the boats, how about deflating the passengers instead? Filling the cunts full of holes would stop the flow in its tracks.

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