(A challenge for the Horn section above if you can reach morning wood over the above pic you are a Porn stud or have overdosed on Viagra. C.A.)
(And no, it’s not Halloween today! – Day Admin)
Is a useless cunt.
Now I don’t watch live telly and haven’t done for several years. Three reasons
1 It’s shite.
2 Won’t pay the beeb a fucking dime.
3 I have the attention span of a fish. So I prefer to watch short videos on YouTube or elsewhere. 2 mins is about long enough for me. Can watch boxing football highlights, music or endless Clunt Eastwood clips of him fucking over the bad guys.
Anyway I was at one of the kids on Saturday evening and strictly come mincing was on and I got to thinking what the fuck is the use of old Claudia finge tits.
As far as I can tell not that much. I think she tries to play the funny one in a duo with the tall blonde one as the straight man/woman. From what I could tell she was about as funny as having diarrhoea on your wedding night.
I think that under all that hair that she may be decent looking, though it’s impossible to tell because you can’t actually see her fucking eyes.
Now a quick look on-line I find that she is paid around £375 K. Not bad for someone who is shit at telling jokes and virtually hides her eyes.
Maybe she is lovely a real nice person? who knows?
What I saw at my kids was that she is stealing money for being not very much indeed and therefore a cunt.
Nominated by Everyonesacunt.
A face only Russell Brand could love.
I would, any chance I got.
Have I mentioned yet that I think Claudia is ace?
(Not sure if this counts as trolling.)
Well, I would still fuck her in the shitter and then let her piss on me.
Who says romance is dead Chuff?
Another BBC nepo-baby (mum is Eve Pollard, step-dad is Sir Nicholas Lloyd) who was given Jonathan Ross’ old job on ‘Film (insert year).’ and needed a real film journalist/critic to tell her what to think.
She looks like she has severe chemical dependency, and it was no surprise to hear one of her kids caught fire around halloween; she doesn’t look like she could look after a budgie.
Has anyone been able to discover why the BBC keep her on the books beyond the sprog of media royalty?
If the beeb must emply the children of luvvies can they at least be smart/funny/talented/attractive?
Bendy dick Cummerbund and ‘wanking man’s strumpet’ Victoria Coren are at least borderline. Winkletits isn’t.
Apart from Ladyboy Gaga, Claudia Winklecunt is the most impossible wank in the world.
Even Willie Eilish has nice tits. Face like a mackerel, but nice tits.
That’s the trouble with Eillish. Her tits are superb, but she spouts some misandrist shit to keep herself in the public eye.
You’re right about the face.
Lugubrious thing, isn’t it?
Winklecunt looks like E.T in a Beatle wig.
Winklearse looks like she fell into a vat of Copydex and then stumbled over into a Sue Ryder clothes bin.
At least her mum had a decent pair of baps for preparing a sausage sandwich. Winklearse is so fucking batchy she fails to raise even a perceptible micro-twit in the old Hampton department.
This talentless hideous creature looks like a reject from an obscure tribe living in the Amazonian rainforest.
Another shithead on the long list of cunts that the Buggery Broadcasting Corporation tries to ram down our throats.
I cant stand the cunt, i would love to shave her fucking head and just for kicks after her wage demands all the staff that work for her and around her had to take a pay cut so she could have £375k.
So they must hate her even more than I do, what a cunt….