I’m not a ‘fan’ of Doctor Who, a Whovian of any kind, but I have watched a number of episodes under duress, and each time I reach the same conclusion:
babies’ telly.
I grew up with McCoy and yes, found certain episodes scary as a child, but then the BBC cancelled it and Star Trek spin offs, Babylon 5, X Files really took over in the minds of British Schoolchildren.
By the time Russell T. Davies brought it back, I was too old to take it seriously as the reimagined Battlestar Galactica had left such family friendly fantasy in its dust, conceptually and dramatically.
If we accept that Doctor Who is family-orientated, that would be fine, but it isn’t, is it; lately, the BBC seems to have forgotten what Doctor Who is -escapist entertainment- not a lecture in Diversity and the struggles of wahmen.
This is the reason the series now struggles to get 5 million viewers, although looking back, i can’t understand why so many adults enjoyed it, even during the Tennant years, as the sophistication of the Sci-fantasy concepts is at the level of Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator, with its space hotel and Vermicous Knids
Compared to contemporary science fiction shows from the States, Who has always looked the poorer relation, especially during the eighties in the post-Star Wars boom, but at least the writing and performances had charm. Lately the Doctor has become a ranting, arrogant egomaniac.
Moffat has him telling the audience how clever he is rather than showing or, more recently, he is demoted to the default woke position of a guilty white bloke,, even though he is an alien who keeps regenerating into one, as Jodie Whittaker’s run was about as well-received as a punch in the throat.
As for the aliens, the new ones are all a bit Teletubbies’, apart from the Weeping Angels and Silence, both based on shitty gimmicks. Then you have John Simm, an otherwise decent actor, mugging and prancing like a tit, while the eorld is destroyed to a song more suited to a fucking Renault advert.
I think the writing in the Russel T. Davies era tried to copy the tone of Buffy and I don’t think it works. The Doctor has a too human sensibility, his dialogue is too matey and familiar and the characters voices are too similar. When this approach was married to the Moffat egomania it makes some of his lines absolutely excrutiating to the point that, quite often, I’ve found The Doctor is the least likeable character in his own show.
Lately the idea of of endless regenerations for The Doctor has been introduced, but all it does is cheapen the death of every incarnation, lowering the dramatic stakes to nil, all for the sake of diversity.
As others have also pointed out, this and other story developments knock the Doctor into the tired ‘Chosen One’ archetype.
It’s sad how this beloved show has been ruined by both the egomaniacal indulgence of Moffat and the woke posturing of Chibnall and Russel T. Davies, no doubt encouraged by BBC apparatchiks.
All three claim to be fans, but they all seem intent on cheapening and mocking both the character and his programme’s history. He seems to resemble a silly old uncle trying to join in with the kids.
While the rebirth of the series in 2005 can’t be likened to the disaster that’s befallen Star Wars, the myopic decision to pander to fringe identity politics and radical activists at the expense of a core audience can.
Even the Gonad thinks it’s had its day);
Nominated by Cuntamus Prime.
And on a similar theme, this time about Ncuti Gatwa, courtesy of Norman
Ncuti Gatwa is a cunt.
Now, there were Doctor Who fans (those ones with their brains removed) who were willing to give this one the benefit of the doubt.
‘But… But he might be good.’ ‘He might not go along with this woke stuff.’
Be fucking serious.
Gatwa was on BBC’s breakfast programme today. The fact that he got the role after only one meeting with Russel .T. Davies (cough) could be a great big can of worms. But he also played the black archetype. ‘I felt like an alien, growing up in Scotland’. Is there not one of them who doesn’t do the victim routine? Always something to whine about, isn’t there?
But that wasn’t the worst bit. That was when the servile Beeb lackey asked him about how it felt to be the (wait for it) first black personage to play the Doctor. Gatwa’s reply was uppity in the extreme. ‘We’re not going anywhere!’ is what he said. He also said that Doctor Who reflected British society. Since when was an alien travelling around space and time in a phone box any sort of social commentary?
But back to his ‘Not going anywhere’ remark. What does he mean? Blacks, Poofs, Africans (which is what he is)? He obviously means ‘diversity’ and
how ‘proud’ he is of being black. Had he said his colour was irrelevant, and that he just hoped to be a success at the role and appeal to all fans, I would have respected him for that. But not a bit of it. Just the same old uppity ”us and them’ shit. But, what did people expect?
I see the cunt is Rwandan.
So much for sending our unwelcome visitors over there if we’re importing them.
I remember William Hartnell combating the Daleks, and this woke Dr Who has morphed into an unrecognisable joke, and a series I haven’t watched for years.
Ncuti Gatwa can set his Tardis for Rwanda at any time he chooses and fuck off back there.
Any colour you like.
As long as it’s black.
Henry Ford would not be amused.
Morning, Duke ?
The BBC ‘s go to intergalactic vehicle for diversity, inclusion, transbumderism and all round woke shite.
I’m amazed they never gave the lead role to Jimmy Savile.
A load of cunt, for cunts, from a cunt organisation that’s well past its sell by date.
Good morning ?
Well,I for one hope that Darth Vader kicks his teeth in and sets fire to the cunts Tardis.
Of course as it’s children’s science fiction I can also imagine in some truly far fetched storyline that his “asylum application” has been rejected and the Gay Blackie gets deported by force,along with all its verminous family.
How silly.
A load more aspiring actors,doctors and brain surgeons we won’t be putting in hotels.
I wonder if they ‘verified’ this good news?
I’m somewhat baffled why there even exists an ‘International Organisation for Migration’.
Invasion surely ?
As for Dr Woke, fuck it off under a bus along with the juvenile brained manbaby’s who watch it. Russel T Gloryhole abuser needs to be shot with shit from a rubber gun, but that’s probably his daily ablutions anyway.
Christopher Ecclestone was asked if he would reprise his role as the Dr. His reply went along the lines of ‘only if the writer, production team and show execs are all replaced’
The toxic, virtue signalling environment surrounding the show is it appears to much, even for an actor. Feck it must be bad.
Good morning and fuck it all. I am going to look at scantily clad Liz Hurley pics.
You can rely 100% on Russell T Davies to bring fudgepacking and minority sensibilities to what is a kids TV Sci Fi series.
Bumfucking Daleks, the cross-dressing cybermen and a black, gay, transexual Davros.
What a cess pit. Fuck off.
Have you seen his abomination of A Midsummer’s nights dream? An absolute race and gender-mixing orgy of shit. The man is an utter degenerate.
According to wiki;
“The film gained attention for its gay additions to the story, including a kiss between Hippolyta and Titania. Russell T Davies said, “I wanted to have a man with a man, a man who was dressed as a woman with a man, and a woman with a woman because it’s 2016, so that’s the world now”
But that’s not actually all he said. For some reason wiki skips the most sinister angle;
“…because it’s 2016 now. That’s the world now and and you want children to watch this and see the real world, in the middle of this fantasy.”
Yes, that’s right, he wants children to see it. Whatever for you may wonder.
It’s like the last days of Rome and the fact that a ludicrous mincer like Davies is not only open about his degeneracy but actually celebrated for it is the very thing we were warned about by Juvenal in his Satires.
Horrifying, chilling…..
I don’t use wikipedia very often for this reason. I find it very patchy on these things and if you want to write/edit an entry about something covered by a forbidden source, such as the Mail (and not many others), then it gets attacked by the Wikiwankers for lacking sources.
Ncutu Gatwa, in addtion to being a gôlly, is a fruit as well, inevitably.
Who knows what sort of poofery shenanigans the Turdis will see during its trips to Hampstead Heath at 3am to meet Kevin Spaceman?
Everyone associated with Doctor Who should be bundled inside the Turdis and it be set on fire.
Exspeminate the lots of them.
The Full Gayblack.
I have to say he does remind me of a younger, fruity Lando Calrissian, who was a snappy dresser back in The Empire Strikes Back.
I think Lando has been made into a bisexual now anyway.
He has
I fully expect ‘ minor attraction ‘ to eventually creep into this steaming pile of shite.
You can see it coming a mile off.
That was pretty much Russell T. Davies breakthrough gig ‘Quare As Folk’, especially given Charlie Hunnam’s character was portrayed as being at school.
Nevermind, it will soon be Dr El Whadi on his time travelling carpet.
The cyber men will be Isaelis and the Dale’s will be Christians.
Harvey Price will be the next Dr Who ???
Putting the tard in Tardis
I’d watch that!
In fact, the fun factor of most programs would be massively increased by having a blind, spasticated Mighty Joe Young-alike rampaging across them.
Imagine Songs of Praise with Harvey swinging from the rafters? Hilarious!
Katie Price saying “Harvey, come down from there” and Harvey refusing until his mother offers access to the special prize, where only several hundred intrepid men have been before.
Sorry all, i’ve got Harvey in mind for my new Godzilla project.
I preferred Dr Who when he was just some doddering old scientist who’d discovered how to travel in time and space.
Then they made him a ducky alien ?.
Now he’s some sort of space sootie .
I’ll give it a miss.
Stick your jelly babies up your arse
Your not a real doctor
Dr Woke can shove his TURDIS up his ring piece.Pile of ???????????
The Turdis will become a cottage for fruity gentlemen, duckie…
That’s how they pronounce it in the Black Country.
Not in the corner of the Black Country I came from Sammy. Nor do they call butter batter or call a glass a glarse.
Morning to you. Hope you’re well.
Sorry about that art. Can I stick with the glottal stop instead?
Even Doctor Who’s iconic Sonic Screwdriver is not safe from the subliminal messaging.
A Rwandan proverb saying “the sharpness of the tongue defeats the sharpness of the warrior” is etched onto the side of it. A kind of ‘the pen is mightier than the sword’ sort of thing.
Should of been “I’m a talentless diversity hire because I’m black and gay”.
Like Cuntamus I’ve seen a few episodes under duress but in today’s upside down world I’m not at all surprised that this idiotic incarnation would be Witch Dr. Who.
That brings us to Ncuti Gatwa…a name I’ve never heard before and hopefully will never hear again.
Poor little Ncuti! He didn’t feel at home growing up in the Scottish Highlands. He was probably the only kid at school who had to take vitamin D supplements.
Add that to the fact that little Angus, little Euen and little Rory didn’t let him play any Highland Games with them…not even traditional Scottish games like Knobkerrie bashing or Assegai stabbing…and it’s easy to understand how traumatic it must’ve been.
Mr. and Mrs. McGatwa must have been devastated.
Finally a black immigrant who is a doctor, the BBC must be so happy to find one..
At least if this crowbarred-in token darkie is a shirt-lifter, he won’t be flying round the galaxy rapîng da white women.
However, he still might be nicking stuff around the galaxy, the dirty, thieving, négrō time lord.
Eating da cosmic poo poo.
Tom Baker: Quick Leila, set the co-ordinates for Galatica 9, ensure the thrusters are fired, re-fill the jelly baby container, and change into that skimp loinclothe again.
n’Cunti GakHead: Dee door issa broKEN on de TARdees fingy. Me is gon employ ma burglary skills, innit.
You should be named Barry Zingercunt after that one ?
If a Dalek’s wheels seize up can he/she/it get a new set on Motability and, even more to the point, why have the woke and inclusivity obsessed scriptwriter-wankers not given them all stairlifts? Can Daleks get ADHD and claim for that too? Dr Who and The Daleks and The Pronouns vs The DWP.
Ncuti, an anagram of Cunti.
or I, cunt.
I note a few cunters have watched Dr Who “under duress”….
“Oh yes, nurse…I lost my keys, so was climbing through the pantry window and my trousers somehow got caught and came down and I slipped and fell onto this bottle of tomato ketchup and that’s it’s become lodged up my arse, honest.”
When I was in college waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the 1970s this little stoner chick I was banging thought Dr. Who was cool.
If I didn’t watch, I didn’t bang. So I toked up and suffered through it.
I haven’t seen her or it since the semester ended.
Ho ho, I know…just teasing, GC.
In 1991, I was forced to watch a sickening sweet film called “My Girl” with Macaulay Culkin and Anna Chlumsky. It was total shit, but the girl I was with cried and I took full advantage and managed to acquire savoury fingers with her in my car (a 1.3 Fiesta supersport) in the cinema car park.
The ‘Hugh Grant defence’, Mr Cunt Engine.
“I took a wrong turn on Sunset Boulevard, officer, and was asking for directions from this young lady when she tripped and fell onto my erect penis”.
Morning LL…what Hugh should’ve said was “I failed to break into the zoo to fuck a lady gorilla, so Devine Brown was the closest creature I could find.”
Morning Cunt Engine.
You can only imagine the public schoolboy blustering. Like every casting he has ever done then.
I prefer MNC’s tried and tested excuse.
“What am I doing up this ladder peering through your bedroom window? You mean you don’t want the windows washing at 3.00am?”
Harder to explain away why he was only wearing his rigger boots though.
Ha ha! If only you knew how close to the truth you are there, Mr Cuntengine???
Duress or cultural osmosis, Thomas.
I really can’t stomach it.
I preferred watching DW to HP. What a pile of cunt.
Still, i’m not turning down a loony arts chick with 34G tits.
I’m not going to bother talking about a programme that died a death in the same decade it started. For me anyway, leaving my teenage years. Its being pedantic about colour, which white & black aren’t. We whites have more shades of colour than any black, who only depict a shade of shit.
For anybody who wasn’t aware, Ncuti is a Nigerian name and is pronounced “Shootie”: not N’-Cutie, not N’-Cootie and sadly not Cuntie.
I however am going to be referring to him as Rootie Tootie, Point & Shootie Fatwa.
A shootie up the arse would be the ideal ticket.
A shootie to his stupid head instead
Peter Cushing was the best Dr Who…..
I can honestly say I’ve not watched it in thirty years and have no idea of the stupidity going on now but I bet it’s rancid if the BBC hold form.
News anchor ” today a ‘man’ was arrested in a mobile crackdown after reports of a serious sexual assault,
The Met deny that they posed for selfies with the suspect.”
DCI Hunt ” ok, need a tissue?
Victim” sob ‘ no I’m ok.
DCI ” so what happened?”
Victim ” he…he..put a sonic screwdriver inside me and made me smoke crack.”
DCI ” you are aware this man is a BBC employee and a minority?
And you could be facing a Hate crime charge?”
Was it Huw Edwards?
The BBC has been on a downward trajectory ever since they cancelled Chigley. Wasn’t ‘Dr Who’ originally pitched as ‘Dr Whom’? If so, we might have known how things would end up.
Good morning, everyone.
Don’t worry about Dr Who, look at the fucking prime minister!
And with one singular remark we are thrust back into reality.
Please no
O/T, jumped before he was pushed. Linicunt will be next..?
BBC News – Ian Wright: Match of the Day pundit to step down at end of season
Get Alison Ham-Mound to replace him.
I had the misfortune to be in the LGW BA lounge a few years go, him and his simian friends what a set of self entitled cunts.
Babies telly indeed.
Tom baker used to scare the shit out of me when I was a kid, but even as an 8 year old I found the bacofoil sets and rubber monsters laughable.
Now, with the aid of cheap CGI the BBC think it’s cutting edge.
Add a sprinkling of out of work actors and ‘comedians’ and it’s like an intergalactic Holby City.
And this is meant to be a BBC flagship program?
Dog help us!
On a happier note, I see Ian Wrong is ‘retiring’ from MOTD.
I wonder if others may wish to spend more time with their families?
That black cunt never knew right from wrong. Sack the other bald cunt and let Heer Leikner take over with his own show, chatting on any subject he knows fuck all about.
I loathe that shouty treeswinger, Ian Shite.
He now infests radio with his horrendous Pepsi Max adverts.
The classless and loudmouthed egg and spoon shouting ‘BETTAH!’ ‘BE -EH -TAH!’ and ‘Make it BEH-ARRGH!’ all day, every day.
I hated the little shit as a player, and now I hate him even more.
And his ‘solidarity’ with Lineker showed that Shite is part of the BBC Old (Bum)Boys Club.
It’s decades, Norman since I heard the gruntings of the trio. I find that an achievement. From what I read on here, they’re still spew the shite.
Doctor Woke, got pissed and went back to bed again.
Dr Who Fucking Cares?
A British icon utterly destroyed by The Message.
Fuck it and all who sail in it.
Morning all.
I bet he nicks the stereo out of the Tardis dashboard.
It became shite after Tom Baker left.
Matt Smith was just about watchable, but that mainly due to the presence of Karen Gillan and Jenna Coleman.
Now it truly is ‘Dr Whoke’.