UK taking Palestinian Refugees – (Admin Warning)

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Despite neighbouring countries such as Jordan and Egypt refusing to take the cunts, it seems we have no end of cunts demanding the UK take in loads of anti-west, Jew hating Palestinians. What could possibly go wrong? The linked article refers to Humza Yousaf saying this, but I’ve seen a few cunts spouting this shite now.

This country is on its fucking arse, but no. Let’s take in even more third world, backwards, violent cunts who hate us. Great idea.

They can fuck off.

I keep hearing ‘oooh what about the women and children’. As if the people saying this give a a shit! Most cunts saying this either just want more browns (demented lefties, globalists and peacefuls) or are the types who just hate Jews.

Fuck ’em I say. Ever seen what these ‘little cherubs’ say about Israel and the west? They fucking hate us. Or the ‘innocent’ women, proud to have their 5th son in a row ‘martyred’ for Hamas in a suicide bombing?

Maybe, if they hadn’t decided to tunnel into Israel one day and start raping (this part being hushed up a bit I notice) and slaughtering people in Israel, then maybe, just maybe, Israel wouldn’t be giving them a kicking? Israel now wants to make sure the cunts can’t pull this stunt again. And I don’t fucking blame them.

Fuck the Palestinians, I say. About time our spinless ‘leaders’ put a block on all Islamic immigration. In part at least , they’re trouble making cunts who will never integrate who seem to fucking hate us.

Tell these Palestinian cunts to fuck off. Their Muslim neighbours, so seemingly angry with Israel and the west and so ‘concerned’ with the Palestinians’ plight, can fucking have them then. Starting with those cunts in Iran.

I am fucking sick of UK politicians thinking it is the UK’s responsibility to take in the Muslim world’s problems. Let the Muslims take their own.

Get to fuck.

Sky News

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks


99 thoughts on “UK taking Palestinian Refugees – (Admin Warning)

  1. Six of one, half a dozen of the other – just like it was in Ireland. Neither side should be proud of their behaviour. They are both as bad as each other. That is all I have to say – except could we have a picture of Lisa Nandyś tits in close-up?

  2. I think that Mr Yousaf should tour the Islamic nations of the Middle East to get those countries to admit their Palestinian brothers and sisters.
    I do not see why the U.K. should play any role in this situation, it is fuck all to do with us.

  3. Fine take them in.
    On condition that they are housed with rich celebrities, politicians and transbenders.

    Then sit back and watch the fun..

  4. Well put CB.

    As we have learnt the hard way (and the lesson is by no means over of course) multiculturalism is not a strength,its a fucking great weakness that drags a country into the sewer.

    As ever the Arab nations will do nothing for their fellow muzzies except hope the woke,spineless West take them..of course these Arab nations also know that in doing so the Western countries are ruining themselves.

    The fucking Egyptians can have those Palestinian not us.

    Are you listening Sunak you soppy cunt?

    No of course you aren’t.


    • Ho ho, morning UT!
      As I said to Cuntybollocks last weekend about despising muzzıes and wishing to wipe them all out, there’s probably not too much point in posting owt until this afternoon’s cunting!

  5. Bumza Useless can have Scottish independence and take in as many of his fellow goat shaggers as he wants. As long as we don’t have to pay for the parasites and they don’t come south of Hadrian’s Wall. Those Romans had foresight, you have to give them that.

    • Funny thing there is though, it’s fucking Westminister that’s paying to fill Scotland up with all these shitbags – the reason being to effect such a rapid forced demographic change in the Scottish population that any future plans for Independence fall flat on their arse as there’ll be more foreigners north of the border than Scots.

      The best laugh there being, the stupid Nationalist cunts (if they’re genuine, that is, and not ‘controlled opposition’) with all their talk of ‘New Scots’ and their ‘Civic Nationalism don’t realise that they’re being royally played by ‘the auld enemy’.

      Mind you, If you’re one of the ‘ageing UK demographic’ who’ve moved north of the border for the views and the free healthcare then you’re in for a shut eye with a bang, going by what I’ve experienced, our influx of cultural enrichers have priority with NHS Scotland, so fuck the rest of us.

      The only ‘Scottish’ Independence that you’ll ever likely see is when Useless and his crew gain the majority, infect Scots Law with Sharia then declare UDI of the new Caliphate of Jockistan.

  6. These people hate everything the west stands for, but want everything we have. I agree with helping people, but their society is so different to ours it’s shown to be very difficult to integrate them.

    This is another soundbite from a politician or celeb who will not be impacted if we bring them over. But as long as people who say it get to feed their social justice ego’s, it’s a win for them. They know nobody in public life will disagree with the principle of helping for fear of being labelled a racist.

  7. Lebanon accepted loads of Palestinians.

    They had a civil war a few years later

    It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to work out what problems importing millions of men from that part of the world with that belief system could bring within one generation.

    Although this is the liberal/mainstream/left were talking about.

    If the political left’s brains were a game of Dominoes – they’d all be knocking.

    Thick bastards.

    Good Morning

    • Jordanians took a load in after 1967 and ended up with an armed insurrection on their hands. They’re bad fucking news – like pikeys with automatic weapons.

      • Jordan then murdered thousands of palestinians in 1970, and those they didn’t kill got kicked out to Lebanon, which they then destroyed.
        No arab country wants them, even though they shout the loudest for palestinian rights.

  8. Its time we brought in the magic circle to to make all illegals disappear. I’ve as much right to talk bollock as any government official.

  9. Egypt ?? Jordan ?? Syria ?? Saudi Arabia ?? do not these countries have room ?
    We are quite full at the moment

  10. Its time we brought in the magic circle to to make all illegals disappear. I’ve as much right to talk bollocks as any government official.

  11. Nigel Farage did a bit on GB News a few weeks ago about Denmark who took in 321 Palestinian refugees in 1992. Fast forward to 2019 and an official government report said 64% had a criminal record as well as 34% of their children with the vast majority living on welfare. In the UK that is considered a success story.

    • They are set to protest on the 11th.We are the toilet bowl of the world.Send in the SAS.Shoot to kill.Piss poor “government”.

  12. Great to see Bungdit Din offering sanctuary to 2 million Pallys in Scotland. House them in Greenock and Pollockshields and within a week they’ll be pleading to go back to Gaza.

    • Fine as long as no English tax pays for the cunts and we put up a big wall between us and Scotland

    • Or let the Irish take them. They’re always banging on about how much they support the palestinians.
      Varadkar and that malignant dwarf Micheal Martin can roll out the welcome mat.

  13. Abu Hamza Yousaf is an exact example of why we DON’T need these cunts in the country. Preaching that we continue to fill the country up with shaded rabble that will ultimately be gobby, nothing but fucking trouble & a burden on the welfare system …then bring an extended family of 50 over after them.
    Fucking prick.

  14. Oh to have a flame thrower to toast the cunts in the header.

    This is England!

    All these cunts cheering the fucking Islamic hardliners should fuck off to Islamabad or Tehran and as for that P*ki in Scotland, he should fuck off as well.
    The cunts speech about everything being white should have been reported to the police, cunt

    Refugees from Gaza, I thought it was a fucking refugee camp ?

    Fuck them, hide Hamas terrorists and you reap your reward, all those idiots marching around shouting ceasefire now may as well as go home because Israel will not stop until the erase Hamas from the face of the earth.

    I am no fan if Israel, been there and it’s shit, but seeing all those cunts waving the stupid Palestinian flags and crying about dead children just shows the hypocrisy.

    Where were all the marches calling for a ceasefire in fucking Yemen, yep none existent, they don’t give a fuck when rag heads are killing rag heads, it only becomes an issue when a non Muslim starts killing Muslims.

    Gaza, sorry I don’t give a fuck about any of them and certainly don’t want any of the cunts here.

    • Remember about 10 years ago when the Syrians were busy murdering each other, there was a palestinian refugee camp near Damascus which was blasted to oblivion by Syrian helicopters dropping barrel bombs. I don’t recall a single protest about that anywhere.

  15. Fucking Peacefuls can’t even get on with each other…….you’ve got the Shites who hate the Sunny Delights and you’ve got hundreds of sects in between. They would all kill each other at the drop of a hat. Who needs these fucking bloodthirsty bastards?

  16. Meanwhile ‘So Useless’ Braverman wants to stop people living in tents on the streets of the U.K. I am getting so fucking depressed with the state of this country and I don’t have words for the Cunts that are supposed to be running the show……..

    • The Tories gave up even trying during covid. The dense posh cunts ran out of money and it all became too much trouble.
      It’s their version of ‘quiet quitting’.

  17. What does everyone think is going to happeni on Remembrance Day next week?

    Are these cunts going to cause trouble.

    I’m a fairly relaxed ex serviceman but any non observance of proper tradition might just make me head up to London

    • Nothing will happen at the Cenotaph because King Chimpboy, Prince Baldybollocks, The Suntan Kid and Starmzy will be there pretending they give a fuck. The useless Old Bill will keep the commies well away.
      More likely will be trouble at the Remembrance Service at the Albert Hall the night before. The BBC will be there and fucking loving it.

  18. The Pakistanis are forcibly deporting up to two million illegal immigrant Afgans. Does this mean they can now take in two million Parquis from England to fill the gap? Not fucking likely. Witness how the religion of peace cares for its brethren.

  19. The Globalists will love all of this forced migration of migrants from various trouble spots from around the world.

    They will want them to make their new homes in Western Europe, Australia and North America. They will not concern themselves about cultures and customs of those same host nations, just so long as a few boxes are ticked and to hell with the ramifications & consequences further down the road.

    Well here we are and the fuse has been lit…

    • The Woke establishment try to gaslight people into thinking ‘globalist’ is an antisemitic slur, while turning a blind eye to genuine antisemitism.

      These people are fucking reptiles.

  20. I think it is important that we take as many Pally towel-headed cunts so that they can get to work taking hostages, beheading babies, and generally slaughtering Jews in our own fucking high streets! Fucking idiot tube drivers can help cheer them on, allegedly. We are governed by total fuckwits.

    Good afternoon, everyone.

  21. For fuck sake, this is typical bleeding-heart crap coming from a demented Scottish twat. So why do all these undesirables end up almost entirely in England?
    Fuck ’em, don’t let them in. I for one can’t stand most of the cunts native to this country, let alone more foreigners.

    • Hadrian had the right fucking idea. Keep the fuckers out. Hannibal was also a top bloke. Trample the barbarians with elephants.

  22. Bringing these people to the West means their problems come with them.
    Get used to stench, flies and violence.
    The goal of liberalism is to spread the misery around liberally.

  23. Go to London Zoo and see the gorillas in their enclosure. They are all cute and furry and everyone goes aaaaaah as they chomp on their bananas and play with their children.
    But if one of them got out there’s a bloke with a rifle who will shoot the bastard.
    That’s the way I see the Peacefuls.

  24. We are the largest sardine tin in the world and the smelliest, from what I’ve seen coming in.

  25. Of course non of our useless politicians can foresee any problems with Hamas terrorists posing as civilians.

    Like the Taliban posing as Afghans, Isis as Syrians and Kurds or Albanians as Kosovans.

    It won’t matter in the end because everyone is a victim with the MSM hanging off the knobend of any cunt with a bullshit sob story.

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