UK taking Palestinian Refugees – (Admin Warning)

(Notice. Just a reminder to keep things civil, acknowledge the rules of this site, especially towards race hate and incitement to violence. Bans will be permanent. The Admin Team)

Despite neighbouring countries such as Jordan and Egypt refusing to take the cunts, it seems we have no end of cunts demanding the UK take in loads of anti-west, Jew hating Palestinians. What could possibly go wrong? The linked article refers to Humza Yousaf saying this, but I’ve seen a few cunts spouting this shite now.

This country is on its fucking arse, but no. Let’s take in even more third world, backwards, violent cunts who hate us. Great idea.

They can fuck off.

I keep hearing ‘oooh what about the women and children’. As if the people saying this give a a shit! Most cunts saying this either just want more browns (demented lefties, globalists and peacefuls) or are the types who just hate Jews.

Fuck ’em I say. Ever seen what these ‘little cherubs’ say about Israel and the west? They fucking hate us. Or the ‘innocent’ women, proud to have their 5th son in a row ‘martyred’ for Hamas in a suicide bombing?

Maybe, if they hadn’t decided to tunnel into Israel one day and start raping (this part being hushed up a bit I notice) and slaughtering people in Israel, then maybe, just maybe, Israel wouldn’t be giving them a kicking? Israel now wants to make sure the cunts can’t pull this stunt again. And I don’t fucking blame them.

Fuck the Palestinians, I say. About time our spinless ‘leaders’ put a block on all Islamic immigration. In part at least , they’re trouble making cunts who will never integrate who seem to fucking hate us.

Tell these Palestinian cunts to fuck off. Their Muslim neighbours, so seemingly angry with Israel and the west and so ‘concerned’ with the Palestinians’ plight, can fucking have them then. Starting with those cunts in Iran.

I am fucking sick of UK politicians thinking it is the UK’s responsibility to take in the Muslim world’s problems. Let the Muslims take their own.

Get to fuck.

Sky News

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks


99 thoughts on “UK taking Palestinian Refugees – (Admin Warning)

  1. I don’t mind immigration, but only if it follows other countries strict immigration rules based on a points system.

    Migrants from the likes of India, Japan and Hong Kong, would be welcome because they’re mostly hard-working types who don’t get too fussed about religion or woke bollocks. They’re also well educated, polite and would put a lot of our own chav-benefit-grabbing scum even further in the dark as being useless wasters!

    • The people who would benefit this country don’t want to come.
      Why? Because they’d end up having to support the chav-benefit-grabbing scum that you mentioned.

  2. In case any cunt thinks there’s any “equivalence” between Israel and the fucking “palestinians”, check out this site.

    Anyone and I mean anyone, against Israel giving Hamas and its fuck-buddies the deserved kicking Gaza is getting, is a cunt.

    Netanyahu is bang on, which is why the toxic left, various brain-pickled “academics”, Linecunt, various lefty luvvies, the appeasers and ceasefire wankers, the usual Jew hating suspects particularly on the left, and of course the religion of cuddly kittens, can get fucked with a dried out barrel cactus.

    At the rate we’re importing the barbarians, I give the West 10years max.

  3. As President Thomas said in Independence Day, “nuke ’em, nuke the bastards”….

  4. That fucking “Palestine” flag, is the new Nazis swastika.
    All of the Jew haters now emboldened onto the streets.
    Be very afraid, they’re after anyone they don’t like, Jews, Christians, Hindus, the morons of LGBTQWERTYPLUSVAT.

    A note for the idiot Common Purpose infested PLODS and the cunts on charge: When they say they want “jihad”, it’s not inner meditation and a struggle for inner spiritual growth, it a call to kill, worldwide.

    The POGROM in Israel, the worst since the Holocaust, that the cunts filmed and openly distributed and celebrated, is the bellwether for what’s coming to the West.

    My hope is that LillyMong, Lineker and the other cock-suckers-for-palestine, who welcomed them with open arms and open legs, are utterly shocked, when they find that like all useful-idiots, they are the first victims.

    But, naturally, it will all be the Jooozzz and Israel’s fault. The world’s only acceptable victim blaming, oh yes and mustn’t forget, white rape-gang victims.

    • Seems to me that it wasn’t Brexit that emboldened racists, but BLM and the increasing apathy towards anti-Semitism by our leftie establishment.

  5. With all hotels soon to be bursting at their seams, the stately homes will be next. How are the aristocracies going to cope with that. I think the biggest laugh would be if Buckingham Palace rehoused them. If only Prince Philip was still alive.

  6. There are times when I wish Russia, Israel or some other nuclear-weapon-totting country just doesn’t put us out of our misery and fire a few nukes around the world, and especially the UK!

    This country is finished and needs to be completed cleansed and rebooted

    • Just one khinzal to the ‘Crown City of London’ (square-mile) would effectively take out the head of the snake…ie-Rothschild banking hq-Bar-Association-Anglican Church and High-level-Freemasonry in one fell swoop.

      The CCOL is an independent sovereignty with its own mayor,police force and charter which operates via parasitizing off its ‘host’ nation (even the Windsors have to walk deferentially behind their mayor when visiting)… old.blighty.

      Same deal as with DC and Vatican,3 spikes of the same satanic trident and where the geopolitical bullets are loaded.”Come friendly Khinzals” and all that.Slough is dreadful admittedly but CCOL is Satanic.

      • Was wondering how long it would take ptarmigan to crawl out from under his rock.
        Been too busy polishing his jackboots I’ll bet.

  7. One thing to remember about these bastard demonstrations is that a lot of Peacefuls have to turn up or they get grassed up to the Imam. That could have serious repercussions for them and their families. If I were a churchgoer and I didn’t turn up for a couple of weeks nobody is going to knock on my door and call me a cunt.
    That’s the difference between civilised people and primitive retards.

    • I suppose that could be said for the easily led weak minded-sheep. Facetwat and Instacunt are their religion and not having a live feed wrapped in the Palestinian flag showing solidarity could be construed as being Islamophobic and/or pro-Israel. Imagine being a Jonty or Jemima at university and being called out on it Monday morning at your lesbian poetry reading? Social suicide.

  8. No race hate with me, worked drank and associated with them all.
    When I was younger I was an ardent anti communist.
    Now anti Roper, China is right.
    Also anti 4 eyed crisp seller, cunt needs it’s jaws wired up.
    Please desecrate the cenotaph, then we can bring thus bollux to a head.
    Peace love and happiness brothers.

    • I think we should show a bit of compassion and get more into the spirit of helping these displaced Palestinians. I have a place for one refugee, she would be in the age range 18-22, with a good pair of tits and a Sunni disposition. She’d have to be house-trained and mustn’t Shiite on the floor. Can’t see there being a problem.

  9. ‘Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha oh fuck my aching sides ha ha ha ha ha….’.

    Enoch Powell
    The Far Side

  10. The whole of the arab world refuse to take in Palestinians because they hate them…. They often go over the border and commit serious crimes. They are the Pikeys of the arab world and regarded as a threat to national security.

      • Sheffield will take them – it’s proud to be a progressive and welcoming city, in other words an ethnic shithole. Hell, the native Yorkies are bad enough aren’t they?

        Backwoods Lincolnshire folk like me are quite content to be bigoted and far less welcoming.

      • Why not, it’s a he’ll hole anyway, can’t make it any worse.

        I’ll tell the Lass to sell up and move to mangleworzel land.

    • Could this be a consequence of being coralled into a concentration camp for over 7 decades having been usurped from their ancient lands at the behest of the Rothschild satanic banking dynasty perchance ?

  11. I agree with every word of this excellent nom.

    I’ve said my piece about this on other threads so I will say no more to avoid accusations of being overly sensitive to anti- semitism or ganging up on Miles Breeze-block or whatever he calls himself.

  12. A few years ago, if you asked the British public if they’d like to import a large number of people from a Terrorist state, they would have said Fuck off in overwhelming numbers and rightly so.
    I’m not so sure anymore.

  13. Naturally, that human skidmark, Lineker is encouraging these terrorist loving vermin to protest on Armistice Day.

    Surely the day will come when this jug eared turd will piss on the Union Jack live on Match Of The Day. Such is his hate for Britain and its war dead.

    To say I hate the cunt is a Yellowstone Park sized understatement.

      • Like most sanctimonious lefty millionaire cunts, he’s good at preaching tolerance from the safety of his high walled mansion.

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