“Archie, Lilibet may inherit ‘shocking genetic condition from Meghan Markle” – goes the headline!
Now I have to wonder if this shocking condition is going to be are Archie and Lilly butt (assuming they actually exist) are going to be egocentric Al, attention seeking, gold digging, lying, untrustworthy, manipulative, semi royal cunts (assuming of course they actually exist) or is this yet another attention seeking attempt for Megain Sparkle to claw back some sympathy from those very few deluded fuckwits who still think she is a long suffering oppressed woman of colour and not a complete cunt with all the above traits and a few more I’m sure who will lie like a Persian rug when it suits her to try and restore her derelict facade and screw some attention if she can, and drag along that ginger idiot for the ride.(Might need a few commas and full stops in that lot, mate. – Day Admin)
What a cunt she is and pimping out her family to make this happen Katy Price style just proves how much of a cunt she is and how low she will go to try and get her gold digging face into the news.
Get a grip on your life you cunt and realise nobody give a fuck about you an your fucked up family (if they exist at all) any more, just fuck off and stay fucked off cunts….
Nominated by: Fuglyucker
Looks like the smarmy cow is still trying to elbow her way in among the Tinseltown big timers.
We’re so lucky to have her.
Morning all.
Sorry, precise link;
Her thumb can move a bit more than other peoples?
Probably from sitting on it for too long.
Her cry is she’s only 19.
What a ridiculous, meaningless, click bait non story. So because Sparkletits has a wonky looking thumb in some photograph “experts” have decided that her brats are going to be spastics. Fucking brilliant! The kind of made up bullshit eagerly lapped up by libtard, middle class housewives, with fuck all else to do, all over America. What a pile of old shit!
If her kids are going to be spastics there’s a far more direct reason. She’s an entitled spastic, married to an even bigger entitled spastic. The kids, if they do indeed exist, have no chance.
Is it cos she is blick.
One thing for sure, the little cunts will inherit ultra woke from MeAgain and Hewitt.
The little Hewitts will also inherit a shedload of dosh.
I’m sure that will make up for a bendy thumb.
Never mind that.
Archie should be more worried about his inherited ginger mop.
I don’t think he will get the chance to be bullied at school and will probably be educated at some wellness retreat playing bongos and crying about his mental health.
The only ginger n*gga in the class ?
Stamping his little feet screaming ‘I’m Black’
Gary Lineker apparently tweeted some support to little Archie saying “I know how it feels to be de only black kid in de school, suffering from casual racism and being forced to comb out my traditional corn rows to conform to de white mans values”.
will they call him the jaffa cake?
Funny, when John Barnes was getting real racial abuse and bananas chucked at him, Lineker never mentioned his own brush with racism. He also never offered Barnes one word of support.
Gary always lectures the ‘uneducated’ masses on calling out racism and the mantra of “silence is violence” but has strangely declined to name those in the game responsible for his own.
Being a quadroon is already a hideous genetic defect, and also the alleged sperm donor is a ginger! What more do I need to say?
Is that Baroness Doreen Lawrence in the nom pic?
Lawrence can fuck of and all.
A peerage? For bloody what?!
‘But… But her son died.’
So? My Mum (RIP) lost two kids in the same year, but she never once shouted about it or milked it. Fuck ‘Dame’ Lawrence up my arse. The cunt.
The whole Lawrence thing just reeks of double standards, virtue signalling and anti white racism.
The Malteser headed ugly fat fuck is hardly the first woman to lose her child is she.
Thanks for the clickbait. Could’ve explained the condition in the nomination.
Also, ‘Lily butt’?
Really? It’s a baby.
Poor effort.
I doubt if either of these money hungry, entitled cunts go anywhere near their brats. Royal children are brought up by nannies ……. yes Sparkletits isn’t Royal, but she considers herself a notch or two above that.
Under the circumstances they’ve got a better chance of growing up normal than your average Hollywood brat.
As long as neither of them inherit any traits from great-uncle Andrew.
This shite again?
fuck sake.
Nowt left to say after 19 fuckin noms.
I’ll be bored of Meghan by her 50th nom.
sorry that came across as petulant an spoilt, meant no offense to Fully either, noms well written ?
But I’m bored of this daft yank slag.
The only thing I look forward to with regard to this fucking cum dump is waking to find that her, her ginger dimwit ginger cunt and imaginary kids have been viciously slaughtered by the fucking Mau Mau and had their throats cut and there tongue pulled out through the slit! There, I’ve said it!
hypermobility!!! most black people only achieve that 30 seconds before KFC opens..
She can shove her thumb up my tea towel holder if she wants.
‘I can’t believe I’m not getting paid for this!’
M Markle, Duchess of Nutfux.
A piece of trailer trash, nothing more.
‘But… But she was an actress. She was in ‘Suits”.
So what? A bit part in a piece of crap that makes Flamingo Road look like Armchair Theatre. She did fuck all of note, until she bagged the thick Hewitt boy. Can her apologists and fancunts name anything else she has been in? Nah, didn’t think so.
I know there are plenty of these ‘famous for nothing’ cunts. Katie Price, Mr Beast, those Kardashian slags and so on. But the Markle shitehawk has taken it to a new level. Like Beckham’s horrendous Mrs, Megain is a turd who won’t flush and who we will probably never be rid of.
If she didn’t want spazzy kids, she shouldn’t have married an inbred royal,
But – like all her slights, woes and tragedies (miscarriage, yeah right) – it’s all made up. It’s probably about as true as her ‘racist’ treatment from the royals.
Racism from the Royals.
What a fabricated load of bollocks.
She’s as fucking white as freshly driven snow
problem is, he is not an inbred royal…..
He is however the spawn of two upper class twits.
Good afternoon.
Duchess of Sussex?
Trash D’ Garbage, more like.
Archibald and Lillypad are quadroons.
Only a touch of tar brush.
so, to the eye appear as little white kids.
just a propensity to theiving and banana butties.
you wouldn’t know.
But I would.
Moss sides thatta way ?
Afternoon Mis.
What about this Saudi boxing card scheduled for 23rd December.
day of reckoning… I reckon you would see less has-beens at a Stock Aitken Waterman concert..
Fucking pointless bint and marginally less black than Linekunt I’d wager.
Piss off now, we are all sick to death of you and Mr Hweitts lad.
Aye up Herman ?
I’m very excited ?
A early Christmas present for me is seeing that mental mardarse AJ put on his arse by Deontay Wilder!
I hate that fake lives with his mum, doesn’t have a girlfriend, twat.
Did you see the Louis Theroux interview?
I watched it thinking
” give the bloke a fair chance.
you might have him wrong? you are a racist .
maybe hes a decent lad”
I hated him more.
a absolute wanker.
Stop pussyfooting around and say what you really think Miserable.
Well I don’t want to spoil your early Christmas mis, but wilder is fighting parker.. the mirror kisser Joshua is fighting otto wallin..
Happy new year to you..
That chocolate fireguard Joshua will be mincing about, advertising that Lynx piss in a spray can this Christmas.
Where’s the fucking tunnel accident to put us out of our misery? I would wet myself if Migraine and Mr Hewitt went out that way.
She is looking a lot more ‘blek’ nowadays than when she was in Suits.
The liberal use of choco-tan and pulling her hair back tight.
Its fashionable to be one of da opressed, blud innit?
Unfortunately cuntidude is inherited. Luckily, unlike his ‘ brother,’ the ginger cunt is not inbred, which would exacerbate the condition.
I thought the Lilly Butt remark was funny and quite clever. Especially since her older brother’s name is Arsie.
Not so much as a dig at them as a commentary on what a pair of cunts their parents are for giving them some kind of perceived special and meaningful names.
Wasn’t Arche (? too lazy to look it up) supposed to mean something profound in ancient Greek…a language these 2 shit for brains cunts wouldn’t know the first fucking thing about…even though Phil’s ancestors supposedly spawned in the seas around those bits of rock in the Aegean.
And Lili’s name was a clear case of trying to ingratiate themselves with an aging and increasingly infirmed Liz.
Fuck these 2 grifting cunts.
She is as thick as pigshit, and so is Hewitt.
Their sprog has ginger hair and they call him Archie.
Archie is the name of one of the most famous comic and cartoon characters in America. And he is – of course- ginger.
The stupid cunts might as well have called him Howdy Doody and have done with it.
alright Baz?
Thought he was due to fight Wilder?
checked an your right!!
both on the card but not fighting each other ☹️
here’s ‘AJ’ getting upset by Big Baby Miller
Nice to see a boxer dress up for a change.. was Daniel Dubois going to a bond audition after the press conference..
He was working the door at the Riyadh Ritz.
Becoming a massive cunt is no handicap if you’ve got a few quid behind you,
The kids will obviously end up in a zoo,where they belong
Wench.Throw her in the sea.
I find this pronouncement deeply offensive. My grandson has Hyperinsulinism which really is a horrendous genetically inherited condition which had GOSH not removed 95% of his pancreas when he was still a baby would certainly have been fatal.
He was also on drugs for the next 12 years and fed overnight by a line into his stomach to prevent him dying in his bed.
This cunt has no fucking idea…