Mass Immigration and Multiculturalism

(Keep it civil please. Remember the Site Rules – Day Admin)

I’d bet that many millions of our fellow citizens would say that mass immigration and the concept of multiculturalism have brought an unwelcome and unwanted nightmare to our country. Large parts of many of our cities have more in common with Karachi and Mogadishu these days. Nobody has ever asked me if I’m happy with the ‘benefits’ of knife and drug crime, people smuggling, extremism and what-have-you that have ensued.

Occasionally however, there is a glimmer of light in the corridors of power to suggest that the degree of complacency on the subject within government circles is not all-encompassing.

One Robin Simcox, Home Office commissar sorry commissioner for countering extremism, has stuck his head above the parapet and stated that ‘a failed policy mix of mass migration and multiculturalism’ has resulted in the growth of anti-Jewish sentiment within the UK. ‘We cannot continue to permit vast numbers of people to come to the UK and then tell them that they do not need to integrate, and that they can maintain certain values and ideas that are at odds with British values‘.

Well no fucking shit Sherlock. Fancy that. Tell us something we don’t know. Pity that the likes of you and members of successive governments over the last fifty years or so also weren’t awake to that likelihood as well. Bit late, isn’t it?

But guess what. Mr Simcox’s suggestion that mass immigration to the UK has caused problems and that multiculturalism has failed have been rejected by Tom Tugendhat, the Security Minister. ‘The UK has had phenomenal success in bringing people together‘ squeaked Mr T, and he should know, because he lives in ‘a multicultural home’. His wife is, er, French. Not of the burka-wearing persuasion, I’d venture to suggest.

Just remember your weasel words Mr Tugendhat, the next time yet another boatload of illegals pitches up on our shores, the next time another failed ‘asylum seeker’ commits rape or murder, the next time masked men are on our streets shrieking for jihad, the next time a bomb goes off on a tube train or in a packed arena. Yeah, multiculturalism really is a Godsend.

What’s that eerie noise I hear? Could it be the ghost of Enoch Powell laughing?

Daily Mail

Nominated by: Ron Knee

121 thoughts on “Mass Immigration and Multiculturalism

  1. I too have a wife from another country. But it’s one that has alcohol, christianity, footy etc. she can’t believe all the people who are here who have nothing in common with the rest of us.

    • Me too SLATFATC ( the acronym of your name almost sounds like Slartibartfast). My wife has assimilated and respects British values ( as long as she’s not behind the steering wheel of a car). She can’t understand why we tolerate immicunts that don’t assimilate.

  2. The fact that legislation had to be introduced to outlaw FGM demonstrates how far apart traditional British values are from the values of some ( not all) of the migrants that the U.K. has attracted.
    It is dawning on politicians throughout Europe that the current shambles cannot be allowed to continue but I fear that it is too late.

    • Yes, just dawning on politicians, the dopey cunts.

      The rest of us “gammons” have known it for fucking years…..

      • We have a massive problem I think. A big part of that problem in my view is that the political class and its entourage in the civil service and the media know this, and are terrified to admit it openly.

  3. Multiculturalism is waving the white flag of surrender.

    A nation needs cultural cohesion.

    What has been done to us?

    Import millions of cunts who l’s culture opposes the core tenets of indigenous culture.

    The same cunts crying about the ‘occupation of Palestine’ are the very people celebrating the occupation of the UK.

    Net migration stands at around 600k but actually 1.2 million enter the county each year, 600k leave, bet your arse it’s not the people you’d want to leave leaving.

    The great replacement theory is a far right conspiracy and nothing like that is happening at all!

  4. Almost every country in Western Europe is starting,probably ten years too late,to realise they have imported far,far too many camel jockeys,carpet kissing cunts and blek savages.

    The politicians are likely being told (behind closed doors of course) not only are a very sizeable number of this rabble likely a direct security threat but that the “far right” is starting to gain increasing popularity across the continent.

    The present situation in the Near East is only going to accelerate the process of,at long last,shining a very bright light on what is going to become an emergency very soon,huge numbers of vermin living in our country actively want us dead or at the very least totally subjugated.

    All the soppy hand wringing cunts won’t be able to hide the gathering storm on the horizon..

    Soon enough it will be them or us.

    Can’t wait.

    • All the civil unrest going on at the moment is being fomented by ‘the far right’.

      ‘The Cuntiad’ has been warning us of this danger for ages. So has little Owen Jones, bless him.

      We’re all just blind to the fact.

      • An interview with Owen (I am tougher than I look) Jones where he doesn’t mention Tommy R is as rare as rocking horse shit. ?

      • The irony being Ron that if those that pose the real threat I.E the Middle Eastern and Stanley scum imports continue to build a power base it is exactly the likes of Owen Jones that they’ll go for first.

        And they say Turkeys don’t vote for Christmas. Every cloud and all that jazz……..

    • 10m violent, medieval, west hating, potential bombers in this country but it’s the 47 far right cunts that are the dangerous ones. Sounds about right.

  5. If diversity really is our strength and we all love immigration, then why don’t the Government set up a whites only homeland and let’s see how many people choose that. The blacks and dakis can then live in peace without us. And seeing as they are all such great engineers and scientists, they will have no problem developing their part of the country into a beacon of prosperity.

  6. Well they all seem like a jolly nice bunch to me?
    Just watch any advert and you’ll see it’s working.

    Allah Akbar!!✊?

    • Guzzigal drew my attention to the Lidl Christmas advert which is virtually all white. I think that Lidl are smart enough to realise that their average customer could not give a flying fuck about diversity.
      From little acorns mighty oaks grow.

  7. Funny how multiculturalism is always a benefit to the west. Almost 98% of Japan is ethnic Japanese and they have had one of the worlds biggest economies for decades with a strong sense of national identity, super clean and very little serious crime. Even if you have one nip parent, you are never considered ‘proper Japanese’.

    • Yes LL.
      They have the right idea.
      Don’t pollute the indigenous peoples with mass immigration.

      And they’ve adjusted that bad attitude they had after glowing in the dark for a few years ?

  8. One intends to as a self funded retiree to emigrate to Caithness, my ancestral homeland. Cold, bleak, sparsely populated with no fucking parrots or blowflies, paradise.One dearly hopes it’s not like Mirrabooka or Maddington (local shitholes full of 3rd rate refo’s with worse social graces than a rabid dog) by the time I attempt to move there. I’ll change my name, dye my hair and get a tan before I try.

    • Shackles@

      No, it’s sparsely populated, beautiful and rugged with a fresh climate.

      You might be best bringing a coat though.

      Take you a while to climatise.

      • A few years time and we can expect to see a few changes with the media.

        BBC will be called British Blacks Corporation
        The Daily Telegraph ditto The Daily Taliban
        Daily Mirror ditto Daily Mecca
        The Sun ditto The Burka
        ITV ditto Islamic TV
        Daily Mail ditto Daily Mohammed
        The Guardian ditto The Jihadian

    • Try again, a short version of the ones that went into the ether

      Muslims will never integrate, obvious in places like Rochdale 60 years ago

      Old hag during Covid lived in the UK 40 years didn’t speak a word of English but it was our fault that she didn’t know what was going on.

      All Cunts and they breed like rats

  9. There are all sorts of benefits to be had from multi-cultiness For example, somel practice black magic. They are the more highly educated types, obvs.The Nigerians use it to trap women into prostitution. If the huge arsed types you see on London buses are examples, they would have to use black magic to trap the fucking punters. Still, I suppose we did have Aleister Crowley.

    ‘Eat da poo-poo.’

    Good morning, everyone.

  10. From a seaside dweller, It must be getting very noisy these days in large cities, with the far right and far left having to shout at each-other to be heard.

  11. Just to remind everyone it was Tony ‘Satan’s envoy on earth’ Blair who threw open the doors to all of the labour voting filth of the third world, ‘To rub the right’s nose in diversity’.

    Except it didn’t ‘rub the right’s nose in diversity’ at all
    It turned inner city areas into no go zones for whites. It raised the retirement age to pay for pension for scum who have never paid a penny in and it made up new laws to force the indigenous population to coexist with the type of vermin who haven’t evolved past the 9th century.

    There are no benefits to the indigenous population, only misery.

    • The right wingers they wanted to expose to diversity all live in the country, and their immigration policies saw those white working-class people in cities and seaside towns shift to the right. roll forward 25 years and you get Brexit, an 80 seat tory majority an the collapse of the red wall, as well as enclaves of the Middle East popping up in various British cities.

      Doesn’t seemed to have worked the way the left hoped.

      A bit like communism.

  12. We had Immigration about right until the blair creature.

    As for multiculturalism, it’s worked for some; Indians, East Asians, Nigerian christians, bubbles etc but for many, especially one large cultural group who may have taken the words of a certain Prophet far too literally, and a lot of our own Jafrican bredren as well as certain East European gangsters.

    Rod Liddle called London Dubai-on-Thames, but it’s worse than that. Ypu can only compare London to Dubai or Singapore if either then disbanded its police and used social workers in yellow bibs to police the streets.
    London is Chicago on Thames, but with knives instead of guns.

  13. If I were a Jew I think I’d fuck off to Israel and buy the finest semi automatic weapons available to humanity. I think I’d be a lot safer than relying on “British” politicians and coppers to protect me.
    First swarthy looking cunt up the garden path gets a hand grenade followed by a face full of lead. Ask questions later.

    • The UN (The Gut Man) ‘Gaza is becoming a graveyard for children’

      Maybe he should be telling Hamas not to use children as human shields

      Israel have said they would have a pause for humanitarian aid and release of hostages. Then bomb the bastards!

      • He also said we were now boiling to death.

        No mate, that’s the heating in your plush office in New York.

  14. With no hope in sight. I watch old films and Look at Life episodes, before its my turn on the handcart to hell. I’ve had my money’s worth, besides having been a naughty boy at times.

    • Me too. I see those old photos of Londonstabistan in the 60s and 70s on YouTube. A land I grew up in and now gone forever. If it wasn’t for the fact I was there it’s hard to believe it ever existed.

      • I’m nostalgic up to the eyeballs about my dear old Bradford Manchester, even though having suffered poverty. Its been taken over by the Shitihad Stadium, hard for any United fans to take. Even I don’t care now, with everything driven by money.

      • I love looking on our-tube also Ron, at inner city walks from all over the world, only our Cities seem more unrecognisable compared. Who’d have ever thought it.

  15. I actually live for the day when the n*gnog and camel jockey rise up and slaughter the white British people in droves. I want to see ISIS strangle the country and execute cunts like Boris Johnson on live TV. Then and only then will people finally sit up and take notice!

  16. Tony Blair imported 20 million into the country basically hoping that they were going to vote for him and his party. But the infrastructure to manage this huge influx never happened. It’s not rocket science. This breeds anger when the indigenous white Britain works but struggles to see a Doctor, Dentist, Hospital Appointment. When housing that should be for our homeless and homeless veterans is going to a family that hasn’t paid a single penny into the system. Are those in power that stupid or is it a grand master plan to bring down wages and for control? In my opinion it’s the latter. If another 20 million come into the country, what’s happens then? It’s not racism, it’s just common sense.

    • They’ve already started with the “Party of Islam”. It was not allowed, but only coz of paperwork. Come the next election, they’ll be ready. Then it’s only a matter of time til they form a government. then watch all of the puzzled lefties when they’re on top of the bonfire…….”but….but…..we’re your friends…..”…..time to get tooled up, my friends.

    • You might want to do a little research on Count Richard-Coudenhove-Kalergi for the bigger-picture of white genocide ?

  17. The BLM joined up with the pro-Pallies during the current London demos. Both started chanting anti-Jewish sentiment. But then the BLM started chanting “You’re next” to white people either watching the demos or carrying on with their day-to-day lives.

    I wonder how the Progressive Liberals will react once the Jews have been “dealt with” when the BLM and perhaps other anti-white groups start taking potshots at them and us?

    • It’s too bad, given how so many London boroughs are controlled by Labour or Lib dem.
      The radical white liberal hates whites more than anyone.

  18. Did the white BLM marchers chant that too?

    It wouldn’t fucking surprise me , the thick cunts

    • Some dreadllocked white student in a pub in Portsmouth once shouted ‘death to the white race!’

      I think it was a desperate cry for attention after daddy probably missed him growing up to run a company but paid for everything, including education until 30.

      I say egg these loathsome cunts on, just to see them take the self-flagellation a bit far.

      As Eddie says to Richie in Bottom

      ‘Go on then… top yourself’.

  19. Multiculturalism has failed.

    It’s time to pull up the drawbridge and start fucking people off to foreign shores.

    It’s time to outlaw islam in the UK and fuck off every muslim, islam and democracy are incompatible.

    Shut down every mosque.

    Will it happen ?

    Will it fuck.

    So what will happen ?

    Civil war, and not just here.

    Europe will be in flames.

    They are amongst us.

    Good afternoon.

    • We keep hearing about this civil war but when is it going to happen?

      Too many people making shitload of money off the tax-payer in importing and housing all the aspiring doctors and architects who are also very good at gaslighting the fuck out of the general public.

      It is even more jarring in my native Oireland where the average metropolis in the West has a population of about 20,000 – there isn’t a fucking chance thousands of foreigners will integrate.

      In the context of all the things listed; unacceptable waiting lists for health care, being bottom of the pile for help despite a lifetime of paying in, witnessing the sheer audacity of some chimp crawling over statues etc. – we’ve already put up with more than enough and been found wanting.

      Why would those that are making a fortune start to change now?

      • @MBE. I can’t see it happening in my lifetime.
        I expect a long period of further deterioration, social unrest morphing into violence along ethnic and religious lines and the culmination of these and other factors resulting in a civil / religious / race war.

        A Pan European jihad, if you like, probably including some very odd alliances on all sides.


  20. I’m no historian but has there ever been a nation in history that flings open its borders to those who hate them?
    The modern West is reaching new lows all the time.
    Other examples:
    Gay “marriage”
    Allowing homosexuals to adopt children
    Mass “vaccinations “
    Funding human trafficking
    The gender fiascos
    Is history even taught anymore? Maybe during drag queen story hour?

  21. NHS has a waiting list almost at 8 million, way up this before the pandemic farce. A lot of those are for mental health issues, but quite a lot more for the newly arrived migrants who seem to be getting pushed up the priority queue, just as they are for available social housing in some areas.

    Moreover you’re not allowed to say anything derogatory about these arrivals, at least not in public or on the internet for fear of being arrested for various hate crimes.

    We have local boroughs/wards/towns/cities run by non-British mayors and council leaders who are willing to bend over backwards to continually accommodate migrants at the expense of the indigenous people.

    And now we have these racist/anti-semitic protests in the streets unofficially supported by most of the MSM and politicians. While our very own important cultural events/occasions/anniversaries seemed to be ever-more sidelined or even removed completely.

    The Build Back Better, mantra is slowly coming into fruition but for all the wrong reasons. And our politicians and institutions are just standing by letting it happen.

    I’m afraid to say this country will be totally unrecognisable in the next 10 years, and by then most of the Boomer generation will be gone, while the other problematic generation, the Gen Xers will be too old to interfere any more.

    • “I’m afraid to say this country will be totally unrecognisable in the next 10 years, and by then most of the Boomer generation will be gone, while the other problematic generation, the Gen Xers will be too old to interfere any more.”

      Yes. That’s the plan. The Marxist slow march through the institution’s will have gone full cycle by then and the dopey dipshits who don’t know if they are a bloke or a bird will be running the show.
      Under the iron slipper of Islam.

      They will own nothing and be happy.

      Ever seen the film Idiocracy? That is the future the useless prats are carving out for themselves.

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