Drivers who don’t stop for pedestrians

are cunts.

I don’t care if you’re ‘running late. I don’t care if you have to get to work. I don’t care if you’ve been waiting at a red light for ages.

It is selfish, rude and inconsiderate. Pedestrians have places THEY need to be too and yet all too often drivers are so arrogant and self-absorbed that this gets forgotten.

Sorry admin, as this is a general life experience cunting I don’t have a link I’m afraid.

Opinionated cunt I’ve let this in because you make a valid point. That said any this short again will end up in the Bin. C.A.

87 thoughts on “Drivers who don’t stop for pedestrians

  1. I’ve mentioned this before I’m sure, but it’s worth mentioning it again.

    Several months ago while still living in the Dallas area, Mrs. Yank and I had reason to visit a shopping mall. We parked in a car park across from the mall so had to cross a road in order to get to the mall entrance. The road was moderately busy so we waited for a gap in traffic before we could hoof it over to the other side. While waiting for said gap, we observed two individuals about 50 yards to our right who also wanted to cross the street.

    Brief description… caps on sideways, jeans hanging off below their arses, laces not tied, slouched posture….you know what I’m talking about. Anyway, this pair of cunts, not content with actually waiting for a gap in traffic, just wandered out into the road forcing motorists to slam on their brakes to avoid ploughing in to them. They then proceeded to saunter across the road at a snails pace eyeballing the car drivers like the cars had no right to be there, no doubt giving it large to the drivers “yoh, iz like I iz here now innit”.

    No doubt if a car had wiped out the pair of cunts, it would be a hate crime and racist. Innit. And they wonder why the rest of us have an attitude about their piss poor behaviour and lack of respect for others. Absolute scum. One assumes their local Tufty Club was actually a meth house when they woz yung innit bro, ya feel me.

    • It would’ve been bloody marvellous if one of their own had turned them into Road Pizza.

  2. While on the subject of cunts, Yank school buses. What the fuck is wrong with these cunting things? First of all, they come to a dead stop when they approach railway tracks across the road, before proceeding across at 1 mph. Why FFS? There’s no train coming, so just keep going you bone headed cunts!

    Even more annoying is the bastard kids drop off routine. Tub-o-lard Brad and beached-whale Britney get dropped at the end of their respective driveways, even if they live next door to each other. I’m not making this up. The fucking driver will stop to let lardy Brad off, drive 20 feet, then stop again to allow Britney tubbs to swim home. Each time these fucking contraptions stop, a thousand red flashing lights fire up and a pathetic little STOP sign on the side of the bus swings into action, meaning all traffic has to stop – in both directions – while the scum kids disembark. Not into the road mind you – oh no – ON THE PAVEMENT SIDE!!!!! Presumably the lesson the school district is trying to impress upon these lazy fat fucks is….whenever kids are around the world stops to accommodate them. Erm….wow, life in later years will come as a huge surprise to these mollycoddled vermin. If some of the slower, thicker bastards got flattened by a passing dumpster truck, perhaps the surviving little shits might learn some road safety. I managed it at their age and so did millions of other Brit school kids. I also WALKED about 3 or 4 miles to/from junior school every fucking day too. Imagine that in this day and age. The horror….the horror….

    • That way of handling level crossings I’ve never really understood IY. Seems to be a spin off of the attitude that slower is always safer. When ours were learning to drive I taught them to wait until the vehicle in front of you is well across the other side and then hit the crossing carrying enough speed that if your engine stalls or anything else untoward occurs you will still make it clear before getting into a tangle with a hundred ton locomotive. Seems common sense to me.

    • ‘According to the Centers for Disease Control, approximately 71.6% of adult Americans over the age of 20 are overweight or obese and 39.8% are obese.’

      Good job it’s such a fucking huge country. My brother’s been several times. He says a lot of the food is on par with school dinners in the UK and the yanks can’t cook a vegetable. It’s just grey-brown matter they call ‘greens’. and the salad tastes of urinal cakes.

      Then again, he won’t touch McDonalds, Subway etc over here.

  3. My comment from earlier about the traffic situation on my road has been deleted too. Why? I haven’t done anything aside from point out that my nomination met the required length.

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