Fat Cunts with BO

(Enjoy your breakfasts! – Day Admin)

Wary travellers will know that going anywhere by bus is not the best way to get to your destination.

Aside from the fact that buses are just not dependable, the hapless passenger runs the risk of unwanted encounters with a variety of undesirables during the course of his journey. There’s screeching brats and cunts bawling into mobile phones. There’s sneezers, coughers and nose-pickers. There’s pissheads and loonies. No wonder most people won’t get out of their cars and onto public transport.

Anyway today I had to go into town, a journey that has been made almost impossible to do by car these days. So onto the bus I got, and just a couple of stops further on, on she came, a colossal cunt of a certain persuasion with an arse like a barrage balloon.

Up the bus Big Bertha wheezed and waddled, until she collapsed like a ton of bricks onto the seat immediately in front of me. Then within seconds it struck me; the sickening, sour stench of body odour emanating from this beast.

Now believe me when I say that we’re not talking mildly offensive; this reek could have floored a rhino. Definitely a real lack of familiarity with a bar of Lifebuoy here.There being no way of tolerating this potentially all the way into town, I had move upstairs sharpish. God knows what the rest of the unfortunates on the lower deck made of it.

Bloody hell. It’s bad enough when people let themselves become like a beached whale. If they can’t make the effort to control their weight, couldn’t they at least pay a bit more care and attention to their personal hygiene, if only for the sake of the rest of us?

Fat as fuck and even smellier; a combination made in hell.

Nominated by : Ron Knee

80 thoughts on “Fat Cunts with BO

    • Can I just say that I think that header picture of Emily Thornberry is the most glamorous I have ever seen of her. We couldnt get a picture as good as that when Boggs Pornographic Film Productions (Taiwan) worked with her on one of our educational films Keirś World Of Fisting, even in widescreen.

      • Interesting stuff WC.

        Just out of a purely academic interest of course, where can an interested punter access the output of Boggs PFP?

  1. You lost me at get on a bus….

    If you want to do a UK safari then a bus is perfect. The wildlife gets on the bus with you.

    My skins crawling at the thought.
    If you need to use public transport for a trip into town Ron you ought to consider moving.

    • Gawd Geordie there’s some talent to look at there and no mistake.
      I could spend hours massaging them in sandalwood oil.

      Nice one.

  2. Does suffering from an overactive knife and fork mean she qualifies for Motability? Wouldn’t be much use to her if it did because I don’t think even Motabilty scrounging cunts are entitled to a horse box.

  3. As one who frequents the scum shovel twice daily to get to and from work, I can confirm the type of cunt who uses the bus are generally awful.

    Some council estate protohominid dropped his guts and found it hilarious a few weeks back and I was incredibly tempted to wander over and throw up in his face.

    I think this is indeed the answer for all smelly fuckers, be it BO, or the smell of some dooshka who hasn’t washed before going to work (straight out of bed smell ?) or fat lard arses who have a once a month wash with a sponge tied to a stick.

    Just throw up on them. Then explain it’s because of the smell.

    They’ll get the message.

    • I do that with people smoking in restaurants when abroad, or at least tell them I am likely too.

      Good Morning

  4. Perhaps her butler (i.e., the unfortunate fellow tasked with cleaning her butt) was away that week – she couldn’t reach to clean herself over those rolls of fat.

    A car wash wouldn’t reach into all those folds and crevices – the personal touch is needed.

    Now your breakfast has probably returned, I’ll stop pretending I care about the land whale – obviously there are no mirrors in her shed.

  5. Years ago on a plane, I was sat in the row in front of my Mother, who was sat next to an enormous fat woman.
    She knew full the flight was six-ish hours.
    As the plane levelled out, she said right into the woman’s face:
    “You’re spilling over into my seat. Why do you have to be so fat?”
    The woman started crying.
    Sneering, my Mother followed up with “And you smell, too.”
    And there were still 5 1/2 hours to go but she didn’t feel awkward in the slightest. On the contrary, I heard a few lines like “for crying out loud!” when the lardo had to get up for a piss.
    Ho ho, my Mother…what a splendid cunt!

    • Wasn’t she doubling up as the inflatable evacuation slide?

      Morning Cunt Engine.

      • Morning LL, I doubt my Mother would’ve made a good evacuation slide. She was too skinny.
        Besides, in the event of a fire, she’d have blocked off access to every darkıe on the plane and let them burn to death.

  6. My sympathies, Ron. I get on a bus most Saturday afternoons and there is a particular family of hillbilly cunts that get on – thankfully toward the end of my journey – and you can hear all the other passengers groan. Three dirty filthy fatsos in ill-fitting pastel shaded tracksuits (why do they insist on pastel shades? Do they think they look slimmer in them?}. Ma and Pa have no teeth, and their son, in his twenties, has very few. They all look as though they have been rolling in lard, and stink of the sewers. No one ever sits near the front seats of the bus as that is where they always sit, their hairy arse cracks on full display. Then, they all produce family sized bags of crisps and snacks which they ram in their cavernous gobs while talking squeaky gibberish.

    I guess if the fat cunts described above are looking in, they will recognise themselves, so here is some advice just in case – buy some fucking soap and use it!

    Good morning, everyone.

  7. You sure you didn’t board the sunshine coach by mistake ron?

    Didn’t you find it strange when you arrived at the zoo..

  8. I used the bus once and the most stinky chap ever sat down and then emptied half a can of lynx all over himself, like a shower.

  9. At least with that obvious lack of health awareness she’s not destined for a long life, wouldn’t want to set up an undertaker’s business now the investment in heavy equipment to deal with these old bullocks would be extortionate. The stink from the crematorium would qualify for a reduction in council tax as the encrusted BO ignites.

  10. God forbid that I ever have to use Public Transport.

    In my experience, the British Public are best avoided.

    Especially the smelly ones, those of foreign extraction, white trash, black trash, bummers, transbumders, wimminz, loonies and anyone who knows me.

    The fucking cunts.

    Turned out nice again ?

    • The bus wankers are representative of the Great British Underclass. Much easier to avoid when driving and only using country pubs.

      Haven’t gone near a bus stop or Wetherspoons in years.

  11. I suppose they have to get the bus. Looking at the header, that mammoth would occupy the entire interior of the average 5-door hatchback.

    • good idea for a makeover/restoration programme.

      ‘You Are Your Car’

      Disassemble the reassemble a Messerschmidt bubble car or Trabant around a fatty and send them down a hill.

      Channel 4 would buy it.

  12. Forgot to mention royalty, the aristocracy and politicians.

    Everyone really.

    Get To Fuck.

  13. Thing is, if that monster in the head pic gets a flight she is charged the same as a proper human being. But you can only have 20kg in luggage.
    That fat cunt probably has 20kg of shit up her ringpiece….?

  14. Id rather walk on my hands and knees than get on a bus.

    Ethnics, smelly cunts, ethic smelly cunts,
    Miles plastic,
    Fat cunts with BO
    Ron knee with his tartan shopping trolley.

    Fuck that.
    There’s nowhere I need to be that badly.

    • Nothing wrong with my tartan trolley Miserable.

      It brightens up the bus, and gives other punters something to talk about to while away the journey time.

      My ‘see you, Jimmy’ hat also has many admirers.

  15. Its strange we always use the term getting on the bus when talking about having to sit next to undesirable fat smellies and not in the bus which we do and have to suffer. Sitting on top of the old omnibus in the fresh air, would’ve come of such great relief, only that it would be most unlikely to sit next to someone that fat years ago.

  16. Back in the days when you could do this and I was a serving soldier serving overseas, the punishment for being a stinker was to be thrown in the shower with as much of their gear as would fit. We’d then scrub them as hard as we could with hard garden brushes until they started to bleed.

    Funnily enough, hygiene was never a problem after that.

    Can’t see why we shouldn’t do it to any stinker.

  17. I call these morbidly obese cunts ‘shelf arses.’ you could put a whole breakfast tray on them and still have room to spare?

  18. The pic up top (skin shade apart) perfectly sums up this gross fatball I encountered.

    I’m surprised that the driver didn’t charge her double fare, or that the suspension on the bus didn’t give way.

    I don’t know how people can have so little pride or self worth that they allow themselves to get into this state.

    Morning all.

    • Very true Ron and a lot of the time it is younger people too. The thing is with chubbies today, like every other ‘victimized minority’, is that they think society should change their ways and accommodate their unhealthy lifestyle choices.

      • There’s a sense of entitlement too.

        People like this porker, demanding that ‘fuller-figured’ cunts should get an extra seat free on flights.

        What a cunt. If you need two seats, fucking pay for them. Imagine finding this cramming you into your seat.


        Don’t get me started on all the whales on benefits because they reckon that they’re too large to get a job.

      • If they have to fly, the RAF should sell its Hercs to BA.

        They won’t have seats. Make do with pallets you ghastly heaps.

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