Fake “Phobias”

Here are the two non-phobias the fake ones made up to shut down discussion and enforced ruthlessly by the Plods and fascist-left going after soft targets who won’t riot or call them waaaayycist or “phobic”, while the real cunts get a free pass, unless it really cannot be swept under the carpet as it’s too visible.

To whit:-

A phobia is an IRRATIONAL fear, these two are clearly bogus.

1. Islamophobia, how is it “irrational” to fear being attacked, injured, raped, kidnapped, mutilated, blood-libelled and beheaded by these cunts.

Everything now revolves around not offending the cunts and abasing ourselves making apologies for hating everything about their perverted prophet and sick religion of death, demonstrated amply by the hordes of cock-suckers-for-Palestine terrorising all and sundry. Perhaps the word IslamoNAUSEA is more appropriate, we’re sick of it and the perverted psychopathic cunts who promote it.

2. Transphobia. The latest sacred cow of the deranged LGBTQWERTYPLUSVAT and their leftist, Islington middle-class camp followers.

No-one “fears” cunts like Eddie Izzsoft in his lippy and matching granny outfit. He’s a figure of self-imposed ridicule, who when you snigger at the old granny, accuses you of a “phobia”.

The fear is genuine when the Cult of Trans grooms and damages naïve and immature young children or mentally ill misogynistic men, accuse us of “phobias” when we object to these sick perverts invading spaces intended for real women. Worse still when the PlodCunts go after anyone who objects to cock-in-frock predators being indulged in their fantasies putting women and children in danger.

Right, those are the two FAKE “phobias, here is a REAL phobia, one that is completely irrational:

1 Judeophobia or Jewphobia. Also known as Israphobia and Ziophobia.

Jews pose no threat and never have. It’s all made up shit by ignorant cunts looking for a scapegoat for their own fucking failure, 3500 years worth of shit because Jews wouldn’t convert to their version of God bothering.

The demonstrations by cock-suckers-for-Palestine and sundry other cunts, threatening Jews and Israel for fucking defending themselves, after Hamas Nazis killed over 1400 civilians including babies, just for being Israeli and or Jews shows the cunts for what they are.

At least the fucking Nazis hid their crimes, the Hamas PaliCunts videoed and live-streamed to show how proud they were killing and raping for their fucking religion as written in their little book of death.

A POX on the lot of them.

Sorry Admin, if this is a bit long, have mercy and grant this sincere and well deserved cunting.(No worries, Mate. Good concise nom – Day Admin)


Nominated by Sheikh Anvakh.

57 thoughts on “Fake “Phobias”

  1. Excellent nom.

    I agree that “Islamaphobia” is not irrational – just the opposite, its a rational apprehension based on the observable deeds and pronouncements of those cunts. Same for Transphobia – a rational apprehension based on those pervs desires to invade safe womens spaces, even women prisons so certain criminals can have the benefit of living in what to them is a sweetie shop, the cunts.

    Anti-Semitism is the worlds oldest irrational hatred and, unfortunately, the most powerful. It’s been prevalent for 2000 years so culturally its difficult to shake off. It is completely irrational – I know I have “skin in the game” (or an absence of skin in a certain unmentionable area) but Jews are not a threat, although I accept that Israel, a powerful state, has the capacity to threaten, but it’s clearly acting in self defence, as any sovereign state would.

    Clearly Israel sends anti-Semites mad. It’s the realisation of their worst nightmare – Jews with nukes.

  2. Good cunting.


    Politicians and the nut case lefties believe that exposure to what you have a phobia of will cure you.
    So Islamists are imported wholesale.

    But as stated, no such phobia exists and the inevitable clash of cultures occurs.

    Muslims do not want to be accepted by the infidels.
    They thrive on conflict and being seen as the oppressed.

    They do not want to be part of a coherent society so they attempt to take over that society politically or by terror….. Or by both.


    An ugly man in an ill fitting frock and charity shop wig does not want to be part of mainstream society.

    Once they start being accepted then their behaviour will just become more bizarre and extreme.

  3. Freedom for England, kick the peaceful to the sea.

    Thank fuck Tommy R is back on the street, the cunts can blame him for everything now ?

  4. I fear Islam. Who wouldn’t, when you’ve seen what its idiotic followers can do? Logically, I think the correct term should be Islamist (by analogy with racist and sexist) but Islamist is used to define some-one who favours Islam. The English language is an illogical mess.

  5. Excellent nom.

    As Sheikh says, a phobia is an irrational fear. Being scared of Islam doesn’t strike me as anything but rational when you see the way the cunts carry on around the world, and increasingly, on the streets of Britain, where they’re becoming more emboldened.

    I’m ‘carcinophobic’ after a couple of scares; being scared of cancer doesn’t strike me as being irrational either.

    Fear of clowns, string, balloons and the like, fair enough.

      • It should say ‘of’ but it’s a recurrent mistake I make, fucking tablet, and fingers and shit.

      • Fear of butterflies is entirely rational.
        It’s a well known fact that the flapping of a butterfly’s wings on the other side of the world is entirely responsible for the chaos currently engulfing Western liberal democracies.

      • Fear of butterflies is no more irrational than my fear of spiders. Those little cunts give me the creeps. I can’t face a spider and leave them to my wife to deal with. I know it’s irrational but all phobias are irrational. Knowing its irrational doesn’t seem to help though.

    • It’s the same kind of logic that suggests discrimination is a bad thing – I often get out of the way of people I don’t like the look of, might be the only reason I’m alive now.

      • I suspect Maria Schneider was phobic about butter, after Last Tango in Paris.
        I am phobiaphobic.

      • That is founded in evolutionary psychology, a field seen as the new eugenics by Lefties.

        However, as evo psychologists say, evolution didn’t stop at the neck.

  6. Screw the Alan’s snack bar cunts. Screw the Trans cunts too. No NOT fucking literally. Smirk and tell them you look fucking ridiculous mate. Watch the fallout then. The jews get a pass. Their belief? The law is the law.

  7. I am proudly and genuinely afraid of Islam, H0m0z, trans-pretenders, and most foreigners. It’s not irrational, bigoted, or racist. It’s because of the destructive impact on my beloved culture and homeland. As a result I am politicophobic. Those in power who have overseen our systematic destruction deserve our disdain.
    To be all inclusive I guess I am cunt-phobic.

  8. Then there’s ‘ergophobia’. There are millions in this soft-as-shit ne’er do welfare state who are shit-scared of doing a tap and who go to great lengths to feign a genuine inability to get off their bone idle arses. I’ll give them one thing, as soon as an excuse to do nothing comes along they move like greased lightning to grasp it with both work shy hands, ADHD being the current favourite.

    • Seen it full-blown in several people. Depression, bad back agoraphobia social anxiety and the ADHD.

      All used as excuses.

      A few weeks working a Welsh slate quarry and living on site is my solution.

  9. Some crazy phobias that are real and not fake –

    Arachibutyrophobia (Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth).
    Ablutophobia (Fear of bathing).
    Globophobia (Fear of balloons).
    Omphalophobia (Fear of belly buttons).
    Pogonophobia (Fear of beards).
    Decidophobia (Fear of making decisions)
    Phobophobia (Fear of phobias)
    Vestiphobia (Fear of clothing)

  10. Wait till the left get their wish and this really is a totally left wing country, most of the cunts will be in jail or dead. Unless it becomes Muslim first in which case there’ll be no option, they’ll be dead.

  11. And now there is ‘Fatphobia’. Which is basically referring to someone like Lizzo or Tubby Capaldi as a lardy cunt. Point out that someone is obese, then you get called Fatphobic.

  12. Jews are heavily over represented in every field of human endeavour. There are reckoned to be some 16 million jews in the world, about 0.2% of world population. There are more than 200 jewish nobel laureates. There are some 1.8 billion muslims, about a quarter of the world population. There are 16 muslim nobel laureates, more than half of whom became such since 2000 AD. I know what I read into that. The muslims hate the jews because they know themselves to be inferior. Same reason the blacks hate white people.

    • Our Old Testament allies have always punched well above their weight.
      In every sphere.
      Apart from DIY, apparently.

  13. I have said this on here before but Islamophobia is bollocks. I am not afraid of the cunts. I just don’t fucking like them. As for transphobia that is bollocks too. Weirdos and pervoidal types are of no fucking interest to me as long as they leave me alone and keep their hands off kids. Unfortunately many do not, and I would sincerely like to see such cunts burn. All of this should be completely uncontroversial.

    • As Voldenorks said “Everyone’s got something in the back of the wardrobe.” That’s were transbumders should be, under lock and key.
      I wonder if Voldenorks ever paid Fergie for access to Andrew? Has she got a vacuum-packed leg of Andrew (53.72 kg) at the back of her wardrobe, like some long-forgotten and pointless holiday souvenir?

  14. How the fuck can any bloke be scared of a bloke in a frock and heels, women have enough trouble walking in the things and they are used to em, upset a transgender and see how well he’ll do chasing you bedecked in clicky clacky size 14 strappy shoes. It’s not fear of transgenderism it’s more pity, and confusion at how there are so few mental hospitals being built to care for the delusional fuckers

    • Trans etc s a social trend. There are some genuine cases ut a lot of the younger ones are brainwashed by social and corporate media and the state into thinking like this.

      All I say is, get ready for the increasing rates of suicides and attempted suicides amongst generation Z.

  15. It’s interesting that the term Islamaphobia has become an accepted term,used frequently by those who allowed thousands of the cunts into our country..

    It’s just a handy tool of spineless politicians to deflect from their own pathetic failings.

    If I had my way there’d be a new phobia,based wholly in reality,Ovenaphobia…fear of the Oven,brought on by being an outright cunt.

  16. According to the Left Suella Braverman stirred up Islamophobia yesterday and emboldened the far-Right.

    Yes that’s right, a woman of Indian heritage, the daughter of immigrants from Kenya and Mauritius and married to a Jewish man is now the face of Britain’s far-Right movement. It’s like David Duke being the spiritual leader of Black Lives Matter.

    Next the BBC will be giving her the Tommy Robinson treatment and referring in reports as “real name Sue-Ellen”.

    • Cunts.

      I could just as easily say that the ‘Palestine’ issue has emboldened ‘the far left’; there’s always a load of the cunts only too happy to fasten onto any cause if they think that it can further their agenda.

      • Good point Ron don’t see many rushing to help though, especially the motor mouths. Find it hard to understand why these warriors for peace ain’t in Gaza giving the IDF some shit.
        Of course good chance of getting your stupid fucking head blown off and shit someone has to get a degree in transsexual gender studies or work in the diversity unite of the local bankrupt council. Pox on the fucking lot of them

      • Any mention of Palestine gives the loony left the collective ‘orn. Always has done. For Magic Grandpa, it is foreplay before mounting the Flabbott a tergo.

    • They don’t need Braverman or anyone else to stir up ‘Islamaphobia’.
      Their raping, murdering, freeloadng and dark ages religion makes them figures of hate.

  17. Funny.

    Stephenyaxleylennonalsoknownastommyrobinsonwhoisknownasafarrightactivist is called a far right activist at every opportuniy. But Gary Lineker is not called a far left activist.

  18. I suffer from the following phobia, Islam alphabet people cunt gutless politicians the whole woke shitefest and totally wank immigration system a legal system that is the laughing stock of most of the world and the court of umam rights phobia.
    What is wrong with using baton rounds to disperse and discourage cunts? Basically you can do what you like as long as you stay on narrative.

  19. I do know that blacks suffer from Ergophobia, which doesn’t take much thought for reasons behind it, leaving you no time at all to fathom it out.

  20. Just watching the movie “1917”. It’s a movie I know but, I wonder what that generation would make of England today..

    I think they would be very disappointed….!

    • even that fillum couldn’t be left untouched – did you spot the random soots and dakas littered amongst the troops?

      Not in there own regiments, mind, just kicking their heels with their honky mates before the big push.

  21. How about Istaphobe?

    Any normal white bloke who expresses an opinion contrary to the woke orthodoxy, because that means they’re either an -ist or a -phobe of some sort and that is a hate-crime… RRREEEE!

    Honorary Istaphobes now include; women who believe biological women are women, black conservatives, gay conservatives, British-Indians/Asians who voted for Brexit, Labour supporters who voted for Brexit, British-Indians/Asians who question current immigration policies or have an issue with Muslim non-integration.

  22. The only way Radial Islam can be halted is for Craigslist to stop publishing ‘Men seeking goats.’ That’ll be a right revolution for the raghead goatfuckers. They assassinated my mother’s cousin on Pan Am 103. They can fuck the fuck off.

  23. The only way Radical Islam can be halted is for Craigslist to stop publishing ‘Men seeking goats.’ That’ll be a right revolution for the raghead goatfuckers. They assassinated my mother’s cousin on Pan Am 103. They can fuck the fuck off.

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