Drivers who don’t stop for pedestrians

are cunts.

I don’t care if you’re ‘running late. I don’t care if you have to get to work. I don’t care if you’ve been waiting at a red light for ages.

It is selfish, rude and inconsiderate. Pedestrians have places THEY need to be too and yet all too often drivers are so arrogant and self-absorbed that this gets forgotten.

Sorry admin, as this is a general life experience cunting I don’t have a link I’m afraid.

Opinionated cunt I’ve let this in because you make a valid point. That said any this short again will end up in the Bin. C.A.

87 thoughts on “Drivers who don’t stop for pedestrians

  1. Does this cunting take into account the arrogant, entitled fuckers that purposely stride out in front of cars and stare menacing at the driver, forcing them to stop?

    Sorry, I can’t agree.

    There are enough pedestrian crossings around.
    Fucking use them.

    • Indeed, what about the cunts who don’t even know the road is there because their faces are glued to their phones.

  2. At the end of the day we’re all pedestrians. But the problem is that there’s simply too much traffic of all types of transport cluttering our streets and roads:-

    phone zombies
    pushchair mothers
    mobility scooters
    cunts who stop in the middle of the pavement chatting so you can’t get passed.
    drivers who park cars on pavements and/or on street corners
    And of course the biggest entitled cunts of all . CYCLISTS!

      • or anyone on rollerblades.
        1992 at the community centre roller disco? 2unlimited blaring over the speakers across a sea of Slouffy and Naf Naf.

      • It was the rough kids that wore Naf Naf jackets when I was at school, then they moved on to another brand Eclipse/Spliffy which had the logo of some Kevin & Perry looking yoof holding a big joint which nobody thought was perhaps not suitable for children aged 11 to 16 but ok.

        I seem to remember that woman from 2 unlimited looked a bit of a sort in that metal bodice thing with the mini skirt and stockings.
        …..I might think about that later……I certainly did back in 1993/94

      • Weird how a number of the songwriters of early nineties Eurodance went on to dominate the American record industry of the noughties up until today.

    • I hate to say it but I would honestly ban private vehicles on there and make it public transport only. I can’t see what else could be done – there’s homes and businesses either side so it ain’t like it can be expanded to a dual carriageway.

  3. Depends on the circumstances. And what is it with the latest trend (especially with De Montfort University students) to cross on a pedestrian crossing that just changed to red for them?

    • If you can’t use a pedestrian crossing or are dawdling about,
      You can fuck off.

      I’m breaking the law if I wave for you to cross.
      If something is coming the other way and you go over its bonnet I’m liable.

      I’d prefer to keep my licence.

  4. Phone addiction suiciders please take note of this cunting. ( quite frankly I don’t give a fuck how many of you cunts I mow down )

  5. Good morning

    There are just too many entitled cunts in this world, who have a lack of consideration for others. Pedestrians who step out into the road just as the lights turn green or motorists who don’t stop to let someone cross the road when it is raining should all have a quiet word with Unkle Terry.

    Although they might like to get in a queue behind those planning to disrupt Remembrance services this weekend. There should be a special place in hell reserved for them.

  6. Does this include phone zombie pedestrians?
    Our road network is chock full of crossings and people still cross anywhere and whenever.

  7. Ps
    If I hit you on a country road,
    With no cameras,
    There’s every chance I’ll pop your winky into your hand
    So when your comatose body Is found it looks like you’ve been wanking at passing motorists.

  8. Most of us are part time drivers, part time pedestrians.

    Intelligent people know that they have to wait if trying to cross the road where there is no designated crossing.

    It’s fucking dangerous for a car to stop in those circumstances.

    Even when there is a crossing not controlled by lights pedestrians should wait for a driver to stop for them instead of thinking that cars should immediately stop and let them cross the moment they stand at the crossing.

    If it is the only car on the road let it pass.
    Then cross in safety without inconveniencing anyone.

    Understand that there are drivers constantly distracted by having to check their speedometers, making sure that they are on or under the ridiculous 20mph limit.

    Too many entitled cunts around.

  9. I’m not stopping for some wanker dawdling out in the middle of road.
    I’d rather just run you over.
    And if you damage on of my classic cars, I’d smack you in the mouth too before the ambulance arrived.
    If Opinionated Cunt did that in America he’d get done for jaywalking.
    The road’s for internal combustion engined vehicles, not bellend pedestrians, Tesla arseholes and dickhead cyclists.

  10. Has anyone done an emergency cunting for the Pro-Palestinians who beat up 78 year old veteran Jim Henderson, who was selling poppies in Edinburgh railway station? Will this weekend be a turning point for “our” tolerance of imported and homegrown filth? I would do one, but very busy today. Outrageous!

  11. I’ve a 100% success rate in crossing roads as a pedestrian.

    Never had a issue.
    And owe this to Darth Vader.

    As a child of the 70s I was subjected to the sage advice of Green cross code guru Dave prowse.


    It still holds water.

    He must of saved countless lives?
    Ok he killed that bloke using the Force and chopped off his sons hand.

    Strict dad.

    But well done Dave and I still use the CODE

  12. Round these parts it tends to be leased white German cars who ignore red lights, drive like the accelerator is glued to the floor and indicate after the corner.

    The highway code is a mystery to them, because they can’t read.

    Pedestrian crossing? What’s that?

    All peacefuls. All cunts. All of the time.

    • Almost every time there is a news article about a “high performance sports car” crashing and killing pedestrians (never the occupants it seems), it is invariably Joe Dakis from some shithole in the Midlands or West Yorkshire.

      • Like that horrific crash in West London a while back. A young woman passenger tragically killed in a Range Rover doing over 100 – somewhere near Park Royal, it ended up on the tube tracks. Mudslime driver showing off. Cunt.

      • Genuine performance car enthusiasts know how to handle their machines safely and responsibly. But you are right – London is infested with the offspring of rich Arabs driving Lamborghinis at 20 MPH through Knightsbridge. As soon as they get on an open road they let loose. They have no idea how to control their vehicles or drive responsibly. They think they are only on a slightly faster camel. Utter cunts.

  13. deffo not a cunting.

    i give you……pedestrians who now think refuge islands on busy wide roads are pedestrian crossings and expect drivers to suddenly stop for them to cross…….and a cunting for the drivers who accommodate this.

    i accept if you are in a queue of slow moving traffic, let them cross, if you are motoring along with nothing behind you, lift off and let them cross if you wish, but fucking dont jam your anchors on doing 40 mph is a train of fast moving traffic so we all rear end each other.

    • I would respectfully suggest Chuff that if the guy in front stops and you rear end him you were too close to him for the speed at which you were travelling. Consider this; I had a lorry pull out of a side road square across the front of me. My car stopped in its own length and was destroyed but fortunately for me the guy behind was far enough back to stop so I just lost a little blood and lived to tell the tale. I derived some small satisfaction from the fact the lorry driver was prosecuted and it was so open and shut they didn’t even call me as a witness. Point is of course that you only need one cunt in the parade to be too close and you get a multiple fucking pile up like my missus and I watched happening right in front of us on the M5 in Somerset one afternoon.

      • Not in this case Cuntamus. He was a Brummie employed by the council and driving one of their lorries.

      • arfur . this is indeed a fair point. and i am one of those who do keep their distance….being old and fucked slows you down…and also makes you wiser. i am one of those who read the road some distance ahead, so although i am personally at a safe distance behind the car in front and can stop in time, it still comes as a fucking surprise for someone just to jam their anchors on for no reason other than they think its courteous to potentially cause an accident (from those behind me, who aren’t quite as savvy when i comes to distances)

        stopping suddenly in fast moving live traffic flow without assessing what is behind you just to let some c cunt cross when its not a pedestrian crossing is a cuntish thing to do

  14. The Highway Code will soon be revised down to about 2 pages come 2030:-

    Page 1. The poor will be banned having owning any kind of motorised vehicle including ICE and EV. Stick to Public Transport, or better still stay inside your hovel you call a home.

    Page 2. Rich cunts, influencers, celebs, politicians, recently arrived migrants, Grandma Greta and her 6 kids can own whatever they want and do whatever they want (much like now in fact)

  15. oh….and pedestrian wandering around car parks with headphones in looking at their phones. then give you a shitty look when you sound your horn to make them aware youre going to run them over if they dont get out the way…..mate, im doing you a favour by letting you know im there whilst you are wandering all over the place. cunt

  16. I don’t drive, but what boils my piss is when drivers stop at crossings for some Cunt and the said Cunt does not acknowlege the courtesy of the driver with a nod or wave, but just ambles across.

  17. “Take your Fucking ear pods out”

    was my last conversation with a pedestrian.

    This was on a track up in the Pennines, ” sorry didn’t see you COMING”….!!!!

  18. In Modern Britain all bets are off when it comes to our roads.

    If its not a pothole the size of a bomb crater its some rich cunt in a giant 4×4 they think is as wide as HMS Victory,some cunt who parks on the pavement or Black Keys driving parcel vans like they are still in Kinshasa.

    A special mention for the paki,especially female letterbox smelly bearded cunts who haven’t ever passed a driving test,having sent a paid letterbox imposter to do it instead.

    Blue mobility three wheeler straight to Oven.

    • All true, Tez.

      And cunts that don’t stop at zebra crossings need extra time in the oven.??

    • Dead right regarding the letter box drivers Tel. Having driven in the East End at school chucking out time the lack of driving skill displayed by those folks is astounding. One morning when the roads were icy I was on a rural back road in Bucks. People were driving carefully making their way to work. The queue in the opposite direction at one point vanished and the explanation appeared after a couple of miles. The driver of the first car to appear was in the full letterbox garb trickling along at walking pace in first and through the slot you could see her eyes bulging in terror. The whole rush hour queue was stacked up behind her.

  19. Speaking of dangerous roads, I’ve been watching a playlist from the Free Documentary channel (fuck you, BBC!) on that very subject, but from different countries around the world!

    It’s a real eye-opener, especially in countries like Ivory Coast, Bangladesh, Columbia, and a shedload of African countries (Kenya (#68 in the playlist) – is especially fucking mad!),. None of them have any Highway Code to speak of, and if there was they’re ignored by 99% of local drivers.

    Moreover, most drivers don’t have insurance, don’t even a driving licence. And the rustbuckets they call cars/buses/trucks are fresh our of the Ark with no MOT.

    Clearly some of the cunts who live in those countries are now over here and carrying on with their driving habits as if the Highway Code doesn’t apply to them.

    • You can drive on a British road with some third world joke driving license. That’s wrong. My wife is Chinese and she did not have to take a test when she came to this country 20 years ago. And she’s a terrible driver. Not that she speeds – quite the opposite. She can’t drive faster than 25 and gives right of way on the main road when she has priority. I’ve banned her from driving – the embarrassment even when I’m in the passenger seat is too acute. I have to sink down to the level of the glove box so no one will see me.

      • She can’t help it MCMM.
        All Chinese are awful drivers.

        My dad told me this ages ago,
        And I thought
        ” naw. There’s millions of the little fuckers,
        Be a few who can drive”…

        But no.
        He was right.

      • I’m not quite with you there on the regs MMCM. I understood that with some exceptions the rule is that you can drive on a foreign licence for a year which allows for tourists and short term visitors, but after that you are required to take a test. I worked with an American years ago who took a driving test for that reason. It was only minutes before he went off to be tested that he learned crossing your arms on the wheel was strongly disapproved of; apparently that is peculiar to the British authorities. He said that his greatest fear was not driving on the left but that he might try to change gear with the window winder! Good lad he was, hope you’re keeping well Pete.

  20. What I cannot understand about people today is their absolute lack of value for their own lives. When I was a lad, I would never have gone out on my bike without lights in winter when cycling to school. If I had and been knocked off, everyone would have said it was my fault for not being visible. Nowadays, every cunt on a bike is in dark clothing with no lights and the driver who hits them will be at fault. Same with delivery mopeds and some pedestrians. How did this happen? At what point does someone think “I know, I’ll cycle up an A road in the dark on a rainy night and I don’t care if I’m splattered over the carriageway by 44 tonne truck”? fucking tools.

    • Ive had cunts in dark hoodies ridingbbikes with no lights or reflectors looming into view while driving at night. One got a fucking earful from me as i pulled over and bellowed at the cunt.

  21. Cunts on foot need to remember one thing. If you get hit by something moving at 30mph, even a bicycle you’re going to come off worse.

    What the law says doesn’t mean shit when 2 tons of metal hits you.

    Be a sensible cunt when crossing the road.

    • An old woman found that out in the local high street a couple of years ago. She was dragged under the wheels of an artic’ and shredded. The road was cordoned off and the schoolkids had to walk through a country estate to avoid seeing the mess.

  22. This works both ways. Old dears who don’t my way to see me as i’m turning at the junction are a danger to themselves.

    I don’t think ive ever run a red light, except when stopping wouldve been too dangerous, probably twice in 18 years of driving.

  23. Fuck the cunts, most people with half a brain use common sense.

    Open your eyes (and ears) a pay attention to the road, most drivers will allow a pedestrian to cross but in places like London where there is an endless stream of gormless cunts wandering around if drivers don’t ‘ignore’ the stupid rules they would never actually move.

  24. If I saw Hannah Ingram-Moore crossing the road I would speed up. Although I did piss myself with laughter this morning when I read on Ali Baba Beebie that the family have been ordered (within 3 months) to demolish their ‘spa’.

    Silly fat greedy slag (who I understand is also under investigation – or was for being a thief) thinks she is above everyone else.

    Her slippery husband, who is allegedly a financial business planner and management consultant has also been shown to be a fat fingered cunt.

    I sincerely hope they end up broke, poor, and Hannah has to rent out her arse to get by.

    These dirty cunts deserve everything coming to them – I feel sorry for her pops who must be looking down from the heavens in absolute disgust (unless, and we won’t know as he is no longer with us, he was just a slippery – ain’t no smoke without fire – she obviously got her cunning cuntiness from somewhere…).

    • Captain Tom died of Coronavirus after raising millions for the NHS

      What a waste of money.

      • The article (which has been updated) is incredulous.

        This entitled pig faced slag asked for 12 months (not three) to get her affairs in order, then had the audacity to say this is becuase she needs to get the land fit to have the original application for an L shaped building built (in the meantime it would mean having tennis courts rebuilt then demolished).

        This cunt must be on ketamine or mushrooms beucase she is on another planet – unless she is spunking the charity’s money so there’s nothing left to give back.

        Bird time is whart this slag deserves.

  25. I live in a quiet little seaside town on the east coast, that doesn’t have traffic lights or zebra crossing. Everyone are so courteous to eachother, that some motorists and pedestrians are still waiting for one or the other to make the first move. You can tell by the amount of cobweb covering, how long some waits have been.

    • Opey@

      Your not one of these ‘ radical pedestrians’ I hope?

      Because let Spoonington be a warning to you.

      He was a nice old chap but a Tarmac Target.
      He didn’t learn after he was run over the first time.
      My van still has a indentation of his surprised face on the bonnet.

      Think on.

  26. Since I became an old cunt I’ve found that drivers regularly stop their cars to let me cross the road. It must be because I look so pathetically helpless standing there. I always give them a wave of appreciation. There are still considerate people out there.

    • To be fair,
      When OC originally submitted his nomination
      There were only 6 lines.
      Because the first 3 lines of the nom, as published above,
      Were all 1 line:
      “Drivers who don’t stop for pedestrians are cunts”
      Either way, not sure how you make it 9 lines.

    • @Admin
      Not sure why you have not deleted my above two posts,
      As they were replies to an idiot who was slagging off Opinionated Cunt.
      In one post he actually called OC a cunt.
      Which is not cricket.
      Understandably you removed his posts.
      Now mine are left dangling out of context…
      Would appreciate you deleting them.

  27. Are you trying to bore us to death?
    Who fuckin cares?

    Your hardly Johnny Ball yourself

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