Dentists are money grabbing cunts.
I have had toothache for several days, I made an emergency appointment for today. You have a choice of a root canal filling or an extraction.
I went for the extraction in for under thirty minutes came out to settle up £200 please. Fuck me crossways says I £400 per hour? Fucking nice work if you can get it.
Sorry there is no link admin, it’s a personal experience.
Nominated by Cunty Mort and seconded below by Miserable Northern Cunt.
God yeah.
I hate the dentist too.
I second this nom?
they are preachy nosey bastard’s,
do you smoke?
” just crack”
do you eat chocolate?
” like Vanessa feltz pal”
you’ve not been flossing have you?
you know I haven’t.
this a trick or something?
they put you through agony then pick your pocket☹️
know these big pearly white smiles celebs an yanks have?
not me.
my teeth are fucked.
like old crockery.
chipped , stained, and AWOL.
Fuckin dentists.
I’ve had that root canal and in all honesty I don’t see the attraction.
stings a tad! ?
Smoking that fucked my toothypegs up.
That and sugar.
There’s a shortage of dentists.
people screaming out for them.
Do it yourself and save a few quid.
Steve Buscemi’s teeth are great.
Like a mouthful of Scrabble tiles.
His teeth have their own agent..
I think I’ve posted before Mis, a lad I worked with in the eighties dug out one of his teeth with a lever he used for opening crates in the stores. Wound up in hospital with sepsis. Still, at least he didn’t go there via Turkey so he saved the air fair.
‘Root canal work’.
The three most terrifying words in the English language.
For me it was, “Time, gentlemen, please”.
You’re forgetting to factor in the wages of the dental assistant on minimum wage. That must bring it down to £390 an hour.
The dentists say they’re not being given enough money by the government to make it work – I suppose that depends on how much you’re expecting to make. Given the lack of dentists, they can go private and charge what they want.
NHS – free at the point of service. Except eyes and teeth.
The last couple of times I visited the dentist it cost me £500 each time.
A routine check up and clean seems to require a full head x-ray, fillings, replacement fillings and a course of antibiotics
I need to get to the dentist soon as I have a cracked wisdom tooth.
Shan’t be using those rob dogs again.
Now, where are my pliers?
Talking of pliers, they’re was a piece in the Mail at the weekend :
Some Brits who couldn’t get treatment here were pulling their own teeth. One builder from Bromley said he looked like a druggie afterwards!
My dentist is a Sikh.
nice enough fella.
still don’t want to spend time in his company though.
I have a cavity in my wallet.
Did he think your missing teeth were playing hide and Sikh?
That sounds like a hate crime, mate. Expect a knock on the door by the hurty-word police anytime soon.
sounds like a turban-lent experience..
Good Morning
I am going to steal that joke MNC.
My previous dentist, nice enough fellow, was a tad incompetent, his fillings, crowns and bridgework all use to fall out on a regular basis.
I was recommended to a new chap, a Portuguese bloke, who is practicing locally. He took one look at my molars and said “this is going to be profitable “ and for him, at least they were.
I finished up having implants, about the price of a decent 2nd hand car. At least I had the comfort of a nice, soft, right tit, in my lughole as his dental assistant applied the sucking machine.
Did he moonlight for the council filling in potholes by any chance ? More cunts.
For the ridiculous sums these cunts charge there should be free morphine om arrival and a titwank off the dental nurse upon waking from the robbery and torture.
I wonder if our dinghy riders holed up and roughing it in 4 and sometimes 5* hotels have to pay for their fucked up teeth?
I somewhat doubt it.
But hey, we should remember that a good proportion of these new arrivals are fully trained/qualified doctors, brain surgeons and of course dentists. Therefore given the laws of supply and demand, costs should now fall and everyone will be happy!!!
And include nuclear scientists too ?
Shit! I have it all wrong.
My lying eyes have been telling me they are drug dealers, terrorists, welfare fraudsters, muggers, rapists, draft dodgers, benefits breeders and known international criminals.
Furthermore, my lying ears have been telling me they are illiterate third world morons with a sub Saharan IQ, who will never be employable in a first world country.
Doubtful.These fuckers will be deployed against us in the near future in some police/military capacity you can bet; once fully prepped.?
I’ve been lucky with my dentists.
The one I had for the first 25 years was a personal friend of my dad.
So he went the extra mile to look after my gnashers,
Despite being a “painless Parker” type.
That said, he nearly made me pass out once while struggling to extract a molar.
When he retired the chap who took over his practice was fucking ace,
I have an appointment for check up this Friday.
Never preaches or suggests unnecessary treatment.
He’s a brick.
Good morning.
When we were shavers, a trip to the dentist was the cause of profound dread. The old cunt we had was probably a Nazi on the run from Simon Weisenthal’s lot. He would always find a ‘tiny filling’ that needed doing. What he meant was he wanted to fill your head with mercury and hear you crying in agony. In those days the needles were massive and the drills were turned manually by the dentist using a foot pedal. No one cared about the torture of children back then (a bit like now really). It was character forming.
I have a lady dentist now. Brilliant.
Good morning, everyone.
I am probably of the same vintage as yourself. Every time we went to the dentist it was a filling. I’m sure I have contributed to many a dentists yacht or massive house.
Morning your Lordship. Our dentist already had a big house with a long drive, at the top of a steep hill. A bit like the Addams Family’s gaff. By the time we had walked there we were quaking with terror.
That bought back some unpleasant memories, Twenty.
I used to dread having an afternoon appointment, because the dentist was so knackered by that time, he could barely get the drill up to speed and it took twice as long for him the drill the tooth, sheer torture.
My old Dad, bless him, would never have an anaesthetic, the mad git. Had extractions, crowns, the lot done, with no pain relief.
Hi, JP. Your Dad was probably right to err on the safe side. The bonkers old cunt we had should not have been put in charge of a stationery cabinet let alone prescription drugs!
That should be er, ffs.
Another profession, like vets and doctors, that is tightly controlled by their union, I mean professional association, to make sure the numbers that can train and set up practices are limited. For some reason, the free market forces beloved of government don’t apply to them.
I recall quite vividly a massive drop on dental appointments in the late 70s after the showing of “Marathon Man” in cinemas across England and Europe.
It contained that notorious “Is it Safe?” scene when Lawrence Olivier is about to tool up and go to work on Dustin Hoffman’s teeth.
Cheers for that Techno
I’ve got an appointment in two weeks time.
By the way
… with nominations being cut by a third, do you think embellishment is roughly the same with not giving a monkeys ?
Robbing bleeders
Not sure about this nom.
I have been with my dentist for over 20 years, (private of course, non of that NHS State stuff don’t you know!)
I get checked up every 18 months as surprisingly my gnashers are in good order as opposed to the rest of me!
£80 for check up and XRay and clean ‘n’ polish about the same twice a year maybe.
This all might come across as smug, but it is not difficult to look after your teeth.
I do have a mouthful of filings though, but that is due to the Australian Cunts who came over in the 50’s and 60’s working as NHS dentists and getting a bounty for every filling.
Anyway would anyone want to poke around someone’s manky gob day in ay out?
And fat chance off getting an NHS dentist with 3/4 million country shoppers invading us every fooking year. Bet the cunts fighting the government’s attempt to ship some back to Shitholekistan don’t have to worry about dentist’s fees either. All cunts – oven for the fooking lot of the parasitical cuntfucks.
I’ve just got back in my local dentist after a three year covid lock out.
My dialysis has given me priority, but I am lucky to have got in. This small dental practice in a small quiet town has been swamped with Dickie Dakis and Um Bongos, It was like that in 2019, and now it’s even worse.
Because I was an old patient, I got back in. But anybody new who wants NHS treatment will be buggered, as they will be behind all these unwashed fuckers who ‘need an interpreter’.
My old dentist was a top bloke, used to get on really well with him, never made any recommendations for unnecessary work, and had a great sense of humor.
He used to have a small statue of a dentist pulling the teeth of a struggling patient in the surgery, that you could just see out of the corner of your eye while in the chair.
Long gone now though. Left me loads of WW1 stuff that belonged to his father, as he thought his own son was a feckless twat.
The current dentist is a bit miserable though. Slovenian, never smiles, face like a slapped arse.
My dentist is a good looking woman, mid 30’s with a cracking arse.
Perfect, well almost, keeping hoping she with offer ‘extras’ ?
By the time my final teeth arrived, I was still unaware that they needed to be cleaned. Being poor in the 1950s was no excuse for my parents not to show me how to look after my teeth. My understanding of a dentist, was where you went to have teeth yanked out if they gave you pain. From roughly 9 years old, my first experience was listening to dental patients screaming from behind closed doors. Still no mention of a toothbrush. I had to bring myself up even though having the full amount of parents and 3 older sisters. I was beginning to loose my teeth that were given to me that should be lasting me a lifetime. I vaguely began to find out for myself about toothpaste and brushes and that dentist were there to help you preserve the teeth. Jumping a few decades and being fortunate to have most of my teeth, a dentist tarted them up for me with crowns and some gold, all under the national health, which I thought strange. Realised he was ruining a practice for being badly treated, because I never saw him again. Won’t bore you with anymore, only having wrong teeth taken out recently and still most are my own, with the coverup of false teeth to make them look decent.
Your experience almost exactly matches mine Sammy and I imagine quite a few others on here. The living conditions for many in the working class in the fifties was horrifying. Dental care was unknown. The school dentist absolutely scared the kids witless with his brutal and uncaring attitude and casual infliction of pain. As far as I knew adults either had teeth which were the colour of mahogany and completely rotten or had dentures. Housing was cold, damp and draughty. Almost everyone smoked heavily from their mid-teens at a time when they were hard up and in real terms cigarettes were much more expensive than they are now. The cigarettes were also of a strength which would be illegal now and one result beside the damage to health was that adults stank and had yellow fingers. The good old days? No thanks. Nostalgia is a myth.
Thanks Fullbrain. It was like listening to a next door neighbour.
Luxury! ?
Had an extraction two weeks ago. £250.00 and a week of an acting jaw. The tooth is going to be replaced with a permanent implant in the new year. Total cost about £3000. My wallet aches more than my tooth.
I paid over a grand for an implant.
Six weeks later the fucking thing came loose.
The cunt of a dentist told me that I had lost bone in my jaw through smoking.
So I said that she shouldn’t have put the implant in if she knew that it would fall out.
So more treatment…….
The last time I went there she had to stich up my gum.
That was 2 weeks ago and it still hurts.
She prescribed me an antibiotic which contained penicillin, which I have an allergy to.
I’m having the stitches out tomorrow.
She is a fucking cunt, but I will have to wait to tell her.
It’s not a good idea to upset these people while they still have work to do in your mouth.
Dentures are cheap but your face can cave in a bit.
I’m a dirty smoker and want all my teeth out to have whole mouth implants so I can have Julia Roberts/ Tom Cruise teeth that glow in the dark. Cost 10k for ‘all on four’, upper and lower. Bit of a wedge to risk if the implants fail. F’d if I know what to do. Love me fags more than me teeth.
I havent been to the dentist in a couple of years. I don’t need to. Have had one filling my whole life, and that was only aged 38.
Holes at both ends have always given me gyp.
Mrs Cunter goes for professional cleaning every 6 months.
Her usual dentist jacked up the price from 40 to 60 euros.
She went and found another.
He sat her down, did a 5 minute assessment then asked her to wait at reception.
Then she was given an estimate of over 3 grand for ‘essential work’.
She told him that she was only there for cleaning, she did not want any other work done and that he should fuck off with his estimate.
She found another dentist for cleaning who told her that her teeth were in excellent condition and no work was necessary.
Nobody has ever explained to me why NHS treatment is free but NHS dental treatment isn’t. I don’t know how much it costs for private treatment but I already feel like I’m being robbed.
I went to the surgery for my six-monthly check in early September and found myself being seen by a new dentist. I told her about one tooth at the back that had been feeling sensitive. She said I could have root canal and a crown costing over £300 or I could have it taken out. I chose the extraction.
Two weeks later I went to have it taken out and apparently she’d changed her mind, she said she didn’t have the equipment and was going to refer me to another place where they specialized in extractions. It’s now two months later and I haven’t heard a thing. I suppose NHS patients aren’t a priority.
Fucking robbing charlatans, dentists are. They’re like vets.
Whilst living on the continent many years ago, The Cunt Ex decided to introduce a cat into our home. I hate cats, but I’m a reasonably accommodating type. Fucking thing fell off the third-floor balcony and mangled its leg.
The vet smiled at me when he said “I’ll give you a discount” which turned out to be the princely sum of EUR 5. I could have strangled the patronising wanker. And the feline. When we broke up after this around six months later, the cat was sent back with The Cunt Ex, who turned out to be a drug-dealing scumbag.
As for dentists? My teeth look alright from the outset, but they’ve taken a battering from a fair shift of smoking and drinking during my 20s. My party trick used to be opening bottles of beer with my teeth. That’s worn ’em down, chipped ’em, you name it.
One of my bottom front teeth is partially missing because I broke it eating an olive like a right ponce whilst trying to buy a then-new BMW.
That was eight years ago. I still haven’t been to get ’em fixed.
Afternoon, one. Afternoon, all.
My Dentist has Snow White hair, a bit of an accent and every time I go for a check up he asks me “Is it safe?”. I’m starting to get a little perterbed by this.
Der weisse engel!
I am fortunate in that I am registered with a NHS dentist in Whitehaven. As a consequence I am having as much dental work as soon as possible (including dentures) just in case my dentist says fuck this, I’m off into private practice.
What Marigold said it to Alf Garnett about his teeth.
‘If you had a white one in there, you’d have a snooker set’.
Classic stuff.
my old gnashers are appalling years of gastric reflux have rotted all the back ones out and years of having horseshoe nails in my mouth have worn the fronts out, and to top it all I’ve now got bruxism. And cant afford the dentist now.
Had to go to this dentists in Middleton for this 360 degree x-ray.
It was like the Starship Enterprise. Massive, modern, five receptionists (all white and English, astonishingly), and loads of fit birds working there.
Also, most of their patients were white and English, without a migrant in sight.
A proper Twilight Zone moment.
I remember my old man having all his teeth out in the early 80s.
He hated dentists, and I asked him why he’d had it done (he was only 44).
‘So I’ll never have to see the fuckers again’ he said to me.
Got a decent set of NHS dentures and he never regretted it.
Mind you, that’s how it was back then. My dad paid in for decades, so he got the treatment he wanted and deserved. Not like now, when somebody who has also paid in for years gets shoved to the back by some foreign cunt who has never paid in and never will.
My old dentist was a top bloke, used to get on really well with him, never made any recommendations for unnecessary work, and had a great sense of humor.
He used to have a small statue of a dentist pulling the teeth of a struggling patient in the surgery, that you could just see out of the corner of your eye while in the chair.
Long gone now though. Left me loads of WW1 stuff that belonged to his father, as he thought his own son was a feckless twat.
The current dentist is a bit miserable though. Slovenian, never smiles, face like a slapped arse.