The throwing of care home residents under the “pandemic” bus was an act of monumental cuntery that is finally being exposed in at the Scottish COVID Enquiry.
You already know the charges:
Residents and patients ignored and left to die, forced to sign ‘Do not resuscitate’ orders or having them imposed anyway, no medical oversight, dehydration, starvation, missed medications, families and loved ones’ protests ignored, patients transferred from hospitals without testing, no visits allowed…
Will the fuckers who allowed it to happen and the perpetrators of this horror ever be brought to book? War crimes style trials would be appropriate.
Of course, the same atrocities occurred in the rest of the UK but the whitewash is being applied in more lavish coats at that Enquiry. Fuck off and burn in hell.
Nominated by: Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea
The inept performance of HMG in an admittedly difficult situation is astounding. Boris Johnson will take most of the flak but none of the advisors and decision makers are emerging with any credit.
I fully support this nomination. There must be no cover up. Those responsible must be named and shamed. They should lose their jobs and should be stripped of honorary titles.
But they won’t .
Sod losing their jobs, they should be criminally prosecuted
Of course Boris will get the blame, he was forced to follow hhe science by a bunch of commie “experts” in money grabbing and absolute power.
I know someone who had a ‘ do not resucitate’ on their bed in hospital.
His wife went apeshit.
He went on to recover but a shadow of the bloke he was,
His confidence broken.
He’d been a savvy jovial business man before.
Don’t know how//why the decision to not resuscitate is made?
But surely the family should be consulted first?
Chilling .
Who the hell made such a decision?
Probably a touch-of-the-tarbrush witch doctor.
An accountant.
My guess would an NHS manager. Fucking oddballs.
This was common, MNC. Also, people with learning disabilities were issued with ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ orders with no reference to family or loved ones or even, in some cases, medically qualified people.
This is the sort of shit that the Nazis got up to. Nothing to do with covids, everything to do with social engineering.
Our caring NHS made the decision. The NHS is anything but caring. A medical sausage machine.
The heroes have murdered more people than Ghengis Kunt
Just look at that cunt ‘Legohead’ Sturgeon in her fucking tartan face mask. Couldn’t refrain from trying to do a bit of political point-scoring even at that awful time.
What a horrible little fucker.
Afternoon all.
Nessie McSturgeon has reportedly deleted her WhatsApp messages from that time. How fucking convenient.
She wasn’t the only one I’m sure.
It was all just ‘routine’ deletions I’m sure.
The Scottish Inquiry was told last week that the messages were deleted because ‘ the rules were not understood’. Who made the rules ? The cunts who now claim that they didn’t understand them!
That little cunts official mobile will be at the bottom of Loch Ness.
Sturgeon went on to greater heights by putting male rapists in women’s prisons.
But…but…but…she’s a hero!
Seriously, only click on the link text if you’ve a strong stomach, I’ve no idea as to the origin, I thought it was a pisstake at first but there are so many deluded cunts still who actually believe this of the deviant little shitlerette…
Sturgeon surrounded by infantile, gay shite.
An accurate portrait.
Is that an anal probe bottom, ooh er, left?
The places at the time of the Covid epidemic, that should’ve been prioritised, caused unnecessary suffering by cunts who will end up in care themselves eventually. Just take their names and wait until they register.
Don’t be silly, the Covid enquiry is all about who had the most number of swear words in their WhatsApp.
5 points for Cunt, 4 points for fuck, 3 points for Twat, 2 points for Wanker and 1 point for Bastard.
Sounds like a “Logan’s Run” approach would have been more humane.
Wake up people.
At the start of the pandemic Hancock ordered a drug that suppresses breathing to treat patients with a breathing related illness.
UK and US authorities sent patients with Covid to care homes.
You weren’t allowed to visit your elderly relatives when they were dying with Covid, to protect them or to cover up their treatment?
Ventilators were used when doctors were advising they may make infections worse.
The elderly were culled in my view.
My view too, six. Frightened elderly people were herded to their deaths and, in many, many cases helped on their way with premeditated cruelty. I had an uncle taken into hospital who was not allowed visitors. Not even his daughter or soon-in-law.
A loving family man, he died utterly alone. I will never forgive.
It’s a disgrace mate, sorry to hear of your loss. The enquiry won’t go anywhere deep enough and people will still believe that the government had no idea what they were dealing with.
This is far from over!
And to see wanksock currently larging it on ‘Who Dares Wins’ has even contaminated my respect for Hereford’s finest.
Bastard tied to a post on the shores of the Nile as the crocs assemble would be high value tv entertainment in my view. ? even better with the Komodo’s of the Galapagos islandsThose guys like the slow dining approach.
Johnson and Hancock culled the Conservative Party’s largest voter demographic:
The elderly.
Which is why the Tories will lose the next election by a landslide.
Two cheeks of same arse.They all align on the big-ticket issues.Wars,bioweapon-rollouts,mass immigration etc.Surely you’ve worked this out by now ? Voting is a mere symbolic gesture just as Wefminster is symbolic of representation.
Were Humza Yousaf’s in-laws trapped in a care home….in Gaza?
I’m sure we would have all fucking heard about it if they had been.
I could save the Scottish taxpayers millions by predicting that the enquiry will find
that it was somehow Boris Johnson’s fault and lessons will be learned.
The fucking rag head cunts are back in Scotland, there was a ‘family’ picture doing the rounds yesterday… fucking British Passport blagging bastards.
….and not one of them wearing a poppy.
The only place you’re guaranteed to see poppies (red) being worn is on the BBC.*
All their presenters, guests, etc, miraculously appeared with poppies on simultaneously a week or so ago, without exception.
Leader of the Green Party wore a massive white poppy along with a generic red one supplied by the BBC.
* Other virtue signalling poppy nazi TV channels are available.
The Covid inquiry could be concluded within a fucking week if they wanted, the inquiry is another money making scheme lawyers.
It’s obvious what went wrong, the country wasn’t prepared for a pandemic, didn’t respond quick enough and didn’t have a fucking clue.
Conclusion: Must do better next time.
Sounds about right!
And didn’t have a proper government.
Has anybody said ‘lessons will be learned’ yet?
Ron, I am sure those very words will appear somewhere in the official verbiage that is produced following the deliberations of the stooges that are charged with producing the ‘findings’.
What pandemic?
C*mmings had it right. All politicians are “fuckpigs” and “morons”. Telling the truth now wouldn’t save him in my book though. I would have him dangling from a lamp post along with the rest of them.
These cunts care more about that fucking sheep in Jockland than they do about us. Never forgive never forget.
Cummings may be madder than a box of frogs (no pun intended),
But at least he wasn’t looking for a knighthood or comfy seat in the Lords or a highly paid celebricunt job on TV.
Unlike the those other criminal scumbags.
My mother was in a care during COVID, she died having never got to hold her first great grandchildren, only ever saw them through a window.
The place was ravaged by COVID anyway no matter what they tried.
I did ask the management why the staff can come and go as they please but a two year old great grandson can’t…
” Government guidelines” was the stock answer.
May a curse be upon them all….☠️
Terrible, Arch. My condolences. Yours is a story that was replicated across the country. Covids was the opportunity/excuse for every little wannabe Hilter to come crawling out of the woodwork to make the lives of ordinary people a fucking misery. A jobsworth’s wet dream. Police, NHS workers, teachers and others were paid to be officious cunts. The volunteers were just plain cunts and sadists without any excuse.
They should be made to pay, but will get away with their crimes under cover of the bogus inquiries/cover-ups that are currently underway.
History will likely condemn them in due course, but we are unlikely to live to see it.
All this a bit old hat in the sense that we have been all through it before it ever made the jocko newspapers. Has been part and parcel of the NHS caring sharing mentality for decades. Have been a walking “Do not resuscitate” zombie for 30 years and am refusing to kick the fucking bucket to spite the cunts.
“Residents and patients ignored and left to die, forced to sign ‘Do not resuscitate’ orders or having them imposed anyway, no medical oversight, dehydration, starvation, missed medications, families and loved ones’ protests ignored, patients transferred from hospitals without testing, no visits allowed”….
Sounds like a normal day to me in Our NHS.
All these enquiries are bollox,if the govt can’t get the basics right:national security,the economy etc etc..then in what could be an emergency they will fuck us all with their monumental idiocy and cowardice.
OT but it does factor in what is becoming an Orwellian state..
How can someone be convicted of sending something “grossly offensive” via “public communication” when WhatsApp is both private and encrypted?
Fucking hell, my WhatsApp would give me 10 years ?
Welcome to IsAC Mr Chadwell.
What other cuntfuckery are we going to bear witness to in the lead up to the election.
Now, show me a threesome with Abbott, Analease and Dodds and you’ll get my vote.
You can bet Wee Jimmy Krankie was on her doorstep clapping for the NHS with the rest of the braindead fuckwits whilst simultaneously condemning thousands of vulnerable old people to their deaths.
Mustard gas the lot.Shit weasels.Same old same old.”If” another scandemic arrives the loons will request a total lockdown for who knows how long.CUNTS.
Your post suggests what could be heading our way; thousands of extra scans done to catch cancers ignored during covid, although the NHS has been slower than the health services in the developed world getting is cancer screening programmes back on track.
The facts of the matter are that they didn’t want to close the borders when bat flu was first detected in China, because it might appear racist for locking the rinky dinks out on Chinese new year.
Are the people who make policy complete fucking retards?
Even airhead catwalk clotheshorse Caprice had the solution figured out FFS!
Never go full retard
Tropic thunder. saw it for the first time a month back on the flight back from Denmark.
was pissing myself the whole flight.
Are the people who make policy complete fucking retards?
Off topic
Amsterdam is banning the Brits.
The tall, good looking, liberal Dutch cycling wankers have had enough of English lads pissed up, fighting, whoring and spewing in the canals.
A noble move , till they realise it’s English stag parties that generate 80per cent of their revenue.
They’re upset by a bit of fighting but have prostitutes in windows, and cafes full of drugs.
No wonder the German s basically walked in during WW2.
Well , fuck em.
I won’t be going again.
Anne Frankly couldn’t give a fuck.
Give it a year or two and they’ll be begging for us to come back and throw up on their women.
Engerlernd!!!! ???
Glad to see our dads and grandads not so long ago wasn’t they?
They didn’t complain about our fighting then!!
The fuckin shithouse druggy cunts.
Set of big headed cunts the Dutch, had many a good time beating the fuck out of them on the rugby pitch, big bastards. The pros weren’t bad either.
Rather a shame, for Brits who just want to visit the place and enjoy a gentle stroll about.
Still, can’t really blame them. Stag and Hen parties should be banned, full stop, from everywhere.
Disgusting antics, offensive behaviour, foul language and the only really fit one sneaks off early to give the groom to be a sympathy shag!
On a stag do in Amsterdam I was feeling a bit poorly,
Probably the foreign food?
And was in this bar,
This African fuckin woman kept mithering me.
My mates thought it was hilarious,
Egging the silly cunt on.
I told her clearly
” why don’t you just fuck off.”
Still wouldn’t leave me alone!!!
The place is unhealthy,
Full of degenerates.
Quite pretty early in the morning to walk around ,
But not as nice as Buxton.
I’ve come to actively dislike the Dutch with their shithouse modern many of our European “friends” they do seem to have quite remarkably short memories..
The British Empire liberated Holland and stopped the starvation of the population by the Germans.
In retrospect the whole fucking brutal effort wasn’t worth it,let the Soviets knock fuck out of the lot of them.
Marshall Plan? Yes if it was to nuke Berlin.
Ungrateful vermin.
These covid enquiries are just exercises in public grandstanding. We all know what the end results will be – a finger wagging session, followed by “lessons must be learned” and then everyone walks away relatively unscathed, but at huge expense to the short-changed taxpayer and of course the relatives of the victims to these scandals.
Just like when some bastard social worker allows an at-risk child to be returned to its heroin-addicted parent.
The only lesson ever learned is how to shuffle the blame onto some other sap.
Guten abend, mein Fuhrer!
Bloody MNC, criticising my sausage-nibbling, lederhosen-sporting heritage!
Cheeky blighter, especially considering he’s the only Indonesian residing in Northumberland.
And that turned out well, didn’t it?
I did a nom about this, and similar well-judged situations, some time ago, but it hasn’t as yet been posted, and may never well be seen.
Well, thems the breaks.
Wenn er seinen fetten Tropfen nicht zuhält, wird es Zeit für MNC Lampenschirm!
Then to cap it all they fired tens of thousands of care workers who refused the jab, that helped the care crisis no end.
Key worker to fuck off in a matter of months.
Oddly, the Astra zenica and Moderna vaccines that the government were so keen to pump a terrified public with were all pulled in August of last year.
Strangely just before they were due to report their ‘trial’ findings in February of this year.
Apparently, ‘excessive deaths’ isn’t a great outcome when trialing new and previously untested drugs on the public.
That said, I bet the one off, tax free payment of £120k hush money to the families of those who died as a direct result must be a great comfort for the loss of a loved one.
The government are at best incompetent and at worst profiteering evil bastards.
And now it’s revealed that Pfizer released a different “vaccine” to the one they trialed.
Safe and effective
A lot of people made a LOT of money out of covid.
Not the likes of us ,
We got the odd scrap thrown us ,
Loans, grants etc.
I mean the Westminster rats and friends.
PPI contracts, etc.
That first month was a weird time.
My missus was scared.
I spent months working on my own on empty roads,
I could name my price!!
I was driving to a industrial estate in Manchester and filling my van full of Easter eggs.
Nobody checked on me.
I’d then deliver them to schools around Manchester,
A caretaker would unlock the door then scuttle off,
Worried I was one of the infected.
I nearly died of Easter egg poisoning.
Birdsong was louder than I’d ever heard it,
And neighbours would grass on each other.
Strange days indeed
That’s an interesting statement, MNC:
“I was driving to a industrial estate in Manchester and filling my van full of Easter eggs.”
I remember that story…holy shit, was this you?
It’s a well known fact that Cadburys creme eggs are for puffs.
I like to think MNC was doing his duty by all upstanding red-blooded heterosexuals the world over and taking them to be melted down and made into kinder surprise eggs…
Fuck me that’s so foul I’ve promptly run out of scotch.
Yes the birdsong was lovely.
The curtain twitching Wuhan Stasi should have been turned out and shot.
A bloke near us had only moved in a month or two earlier.
I was walking the dog one day and he said
” that’s the second time you’ve been out with that dog.
Your only meant to go out once”!!!
The cheeky cunt.
I told him,
” Your only allowed a hours exercise.
I’ve done 10 minutes.
I’ll be taking the dog out a few times today.
Was that your family you had round yesterday?”
Cunts never spoken to me since ?
Feed the nosy cunt to your dog.
Then report him to Hancock for not wearing mask in tesco in April 2020.
See if a fine can be issued retrospectively to his estate.
More importantly though, was anyone important called a fuckpig?
Hehehe ?
Nowt to do with me!
I could help myself to as many as I wanted when covid first kicked in.
Chocolate covered handprints all over the van?
It was great driving during that time wasn’t it Thomas?
Empty roads ??
I got followed only once by the police.
Think they thought I was flytipping.
Indeed it was…I used to pretend that I was the Omega Man and that every other fucker was dead (especially the ex-wife) and the roads belonged to me.
Not as good as the Queen’s funeral though…the roads were utterly empty and I managed to get over 160 in a 50 with no real danger. Lucky a deer didn’t jump out, mind…I’d have been braaahn bread.
So how much of all that lovely money earned during lockdown did you admit to your good lady?!
Oh Ive no secrets from missus Miserable.
Only the taxman.
So sometimes to protect her I don’t tell her things.
For her own good, like.
Ha…just noticed your new moniker Thomas.
You haven’t got a Windsor branch in the family tree then? When the revolution comes I’ll keep an eye out for you in your vintage Panzerspahwagen.
Stop teasing him .
He’s a cracking lad is Thomas .
( real name Seamus Messerschmitt)
I’ve still got a video that I took driving down the M6 between the two Coventry junctions at 6.30 in the evening.
I was the only fucking vehicle . The whole southbound M6 to myself during rush hour. Bizarre indeed.
That Handcock cunt made sure his friends and family won contracts (April 2021). Should be in fucking prison not making cash on reality TV.
Anyone who fell for is sob story is too soft in the head to carry on breathing.
Below is a Wiki list of British politicians convicted and sentenced to a term in prison for various reasons over the 100 years or so.
Just goes to show that these “people’s representatives” are just as culpable, nefarious and utterly contemptible as us mere plebs on the street that they allude to represent!
It was a cull.
Kill a load of old and vulnerable people in care homes, or at least “help them on their way” and there’s your “first wave” of said “pandemic”
If it wasn’t that then it was things such as the old “die in an 80mph road collision but had previously tested positive for Covid a fortnight earlier = Covid death.”
Got to keep those numbers up to create fear.
Evening Herman ?
You and a few others called foul from the beginning didn’t you?
Didn’t get jabbed up etc.
I got the 3 jabs.
Still probably would.
Thought I was doing what was right.
Thought I was protecting others.
My dad has no immune system due to cancer treatment,
Wanted to do my duty to protect my family.
They lied to us about a lot of things didn’t they?
Between them and crackpots saying about chips in the vaccines,
It was a torrent of misinformation.
What a clusterfuck
Evening pal ?
Yeah something not right about any of it from almost before day one for me.
I don’t blame people for taking the vaccine such was the way it was sold to the public.
Especially if you were vulnerable or had vulnerable loved ones
I had zero intention of ever taking the vaccine but I take no comfort in my concerns about it either because just about everybody, bar the odd one or two near and dear to me, have partaken in it.
A few young people in the town died suddenly/very unexpectedly, earlier this year and it frightened the life out of me to be honest but things seem to have settled down again thankfully.
None of it seemed to make any sense to me and the holes in the plot often bordered on the ridiculous at times.
It was a disinformation super highway and I just hope that whoever is guilty of whatever crimes, face the appropriate punishment.
I’ve had six bloody Covid jabs. The latest one was done last week. That and the flu jab on the same day in the same arm. What a pain in the arse.
They jabbed you in the arse Norm?
Hey Norman if you have had Covid and Flu pricks at the same time that is “Contra-indicated” because it increases the likelyhood of heart attacks and similar fun apparently
Happy days
Quite right, Herman.
The way to avoid covids was not to take part in their shit. No masks, no tests, no vakzine, no trick and track, have friends and family round if they wanted to come, no BBC or other MSM allowed in our house. Hey presto, no covids!
Utter psyops crap from the get go. Pure cunt. All the mayhem and misery was inflicted on people by liars, sadists, and crooks, and they should be made to pay. Unforgivable.