Mad for woke box ticking would be more accurate.
This new programme offering from Channel 4 are doing their bit for ‘equality’ by completely doing away with any whiteys and producing this pile of shit which I watched last night for the first time (as I like car programmes- normally) solely presented by two thick as pig shit blicks.
This is what happens when you don’t have the choice of using the best, most informed presenters, but simply go for anyone who ticks the correct boxes.
I dunno why the whole show didn’t just review a load of ageing BMW’s (Black Man’s Wheels) and done away with everything else.
Can’t just be me that thought with was a complete crock of shite…looking forward to the ‘sensitive’ reviews…and the not so sensitive ones!
Nominated by Chuff Chugger, additional link below by C.A.
Does it review the best car to get shot in when you ignore the armed police’s request to vacate the vehicle..
There’s only one English all-year-tan chap whose opinion matters. His name is Jamie something-or-other and he hosts a modified car show called ‘Officially Gassed’ on Youtube…it’s fucking great!
Here’s him in a Bond Bug with a turbocharged Hayabusa engine…total madness!
Fuck me, that bug looks fast. I bet his pants were as brown as his skin?
Used to be Bug dragster at Santa Pod in the early 70s. News to you kids.
Volksfest ?
Thanks for that one Tom, fucking magnificent! 600 bhp per ton, just what you need for the school run and Tesco! Though the way it squirmed when he hit the loud pedal I think I’d be more comfortable with four wheels.
Utterly nucking futs.
Turn that steering wheel during one of those intense power bands and you know that that bug would fly away, but dirty side down.
The only car-mod show I ever bothered with was “Wheeler Dealers” with Ed China and that fat fuck, Mike Brewer.
Ed was an ace spanner man, and not just with motors but anything with an engine. Brewer was just a loud mouthed Delboy chancer buying and flogging knackered old cars that Ed fixed up and/or modified.
They went their separate ways in 2018 when Brewer took the American dollar with another production crew and Ed said fuck that and stayed in England with his own YT channel.
I’ve seen his video on why he fucked off. Discovery’s producers wanted him to play a exaggerated character, just as lot of their reality TV docu-soaps already have.
Plus the fat cunt demanded more airtime at the expense of the renovation scenes, good on Ed for telling them to fuck off.
I know someone that worked on ‘Wheeler Dealers’ and they said that Mike Brewer was one of the nicest blokes you could meet and Edd China was ‘Difficult’. Not met them, but, that’s from someone that worked with them.
Blimey, DCI.
You made me jump!
I did reply to you, Jeezum, but Admin wouldn’t post it, thereby proving, in a nutshell, what I said in the post. (Probably the same with this, too).
I like Car SOS although I could often punch Tim Shaw. The blagging may be part of the programme but I feel it’s unnecessary. Just show more of the work on the fucking car, why don’t you?
Fuzz is great. I once met the Practical Classics team and spent the day with them trying out new welders.
I can’t bring myself to watch it but have been following the comments on pistonheads forum and it’s as shit as you can imagine. Tiny talent and the sooty off of formula 1 sky sound horrendous as presenters, pair of know fuck all’s. She raced Clio’s a couple of times in china, now an expert on F1? The difference is huge.
Tiny, along with most of his ilk can’t drive for shit. There was another show on yesterday channel called classic car workshop I think that featured mostly our coloured friends, that went down like a lead balloon as well. Fuck off and leave car and bike shows to the whiteys ( give Fuzz Townsend a break though as he knows what he is on about and seems an alright geezer, even with a touch of the tar) or I will commission a series about drug dealing, stabbing and frizzy hair care and see how they like it.
I like Fuzz. Make of that what you will.
Ditto, I’ve worked with him for a day and he is sound.
Here’s a wonderfully evocative still from the show with the presenter demonstrating a modified BMW M5:
I don’t want the opinion of some uppity macaroon on vehicles.
They can’t drive worth shit.
And I’ve never seen one working as a mechanic either.
Not that I’d use a sootie mechanic .
Fuck that.
Right turn Clyde ?
That brightened the day up!
Or even this Thomas;
And I’m with Miles concrete on the matter of Jewish mechanics too.
Fuckin rob you blind.
Maybe that explains Miles’ phobia, MNC. He took his car to a Jewish mechanic. A plausible theory, except for the fact no Jewish mechanics exist. Most Jews can’t tell the difference between a hammer and a spanner.
Dunno if Miles drives MCMM?
In fact he mentioned catching buses a few times?!
Imagine that!
How awful.
Public transport sat next to all manner of health hazard ethnics.
He was probably indoctrinated by some Palestinian on the bus home from the library.
Yep, never seen a Jewish mechanic.
Tell you what I did see once.
A (orthodox?) Jew with a beard like mine, big cowboy hat, curly sideburns etc
Climbing onto a bin lorry playing holy fuck with the binmen!
I nearly crashed the van I was that distracted.
The guy you saw is probably the one that beat up Miles.
Car mechanic and Jew, naw!
Get a grip.
With me being cyclist as you already know. Why don’t these two halfwits show the best 2 wheeled vehicle I can buy for trafficking drugs and deceiving the police.
Which I think would be right up their street and wondered why I’d left that bit out ?
If they are going to have an ethnic only car show it should have Indian mechanics. Crank gone, don’t worry we’ll knock you a new one up in the hut using only a nail file and a hammer.
We have a lot of ethnicities in this country for better or worse but it only seems to be the blacks that have everything given to them on a plate.
What about all the Eastern Europeans, ignored, not one show for plumbers.
Surely if you’re making a car show with ethnics you’d have Pakistani taxi drivers presenting, they drive cars for a living.
They know about child locks, soundproofing, how much fertiliser you can fit in which model.
How many kidnapped underage kiddies can you get in the boot.
I may be vile and pernicious but you can’t look away
I’ll make you think I’m delicious with the stuff that I say
I’m the best you can get , have you guessed me yet
I am the slime oozing out of your tv set
Frank Zappa. R I P
The best track on that album is Camarillo Brillo.
I have a photo of Frank standing next to a TV that is joined to the upstairs toilet.
Only tree huggers and vegans are more boring than petrolheads. Didn’t they used to say that cars were a “penis substitute”? Put a bunch of petrolheads and tree huggers in a room together and let them fuck each other. That would be entertaining.
I’m not a petrolhead by any means, but it’s better than not having a hobby or interest and just vegetating in front the idiot lantern.
Oh Freddie, I’ve always rated your posts but petrolheads are boring? Now I’m wounded! I shall go and sulk in the corner.
Cunt Engine likes to combine his love of car boots and hogtied young women.
And old wimmin too.
Ahem… An inflatable women..
Everyone knows that Dark Key types can only approximate driving a car if:
1) the boot is full of drugs.
2) they can’t be bothered to stop for the Police Farce.
3) they are late for an appointment with one of their “bitches”
4) they are involved in political activism,ie: armed robbery known in blek “circles” as muh reparations,which usually ends up with being shot by armed police,thus invalidating the insurance they never had.
Fuck Off television cuntfest.
Anyway,they can get to fuck.
When I’m appointed Supreme Leader all “ethnical” minorities will immediate be banned from driving.
Transgression will be met in each case with lethal force.
Good evening.
It’s powered by a gas turbine engine.
Eh? this was supposed to be a response to Sammy Scheidt’s request for a getaway bike.
An interesting nom.
I stumbled across this trash last week and was drawn into watching it in a kind of ‘what the fuck is going on’ way.
Apart from the programme being a pile of pointless dog shit, and darkies pretending they know “some-ting ’bout cars, init blod, pass me da fried chiggun, ya, rude boy, bumbaclot – dis old banger like me sister Julie – BMW old skool – init Black Man’s Willy, dat the white girls like”
They seem to be a pointless bunch of poster boys for diversity.
Here’s a thought…
Why do we live in a world currently where all ‘de whitey’ programmes now have poeple who are:
Female (OK not fair)
BUT there are still programmes being commissioned which are pure nig nog or female – this does not feel like sanity, diversity, or inclusion.
It’s more like let’s be more diverse within our own programmes, then over fucking diverse giving them exclusive ‘cultural’ programmes.
Fuck off and lick my big hairy sweaty ball sack.
You have to feel sympathy for any black people who aren’t in programmes about Sport or Music and don’t talk in that patois.
I bet that lad Will Kirk from Repair Shop gets called all sorts by his bredren for daring to learn a trade and appear on a programme for dem wypepo.
Just like his namesake Will Smith was seen as ‘corny’ by the ‘authentic’ black rapping community in the nineties.
I bet he gets called the Fresh Prince of Weald and Downland Open Air..
A dark- key car show? I’m guessing they don’t review or test cars as such. Just how loud the stereo is – does the bass sound like it’s breaking the sound barrier and can it blast out offensive rap lyrics for at least a 5 mile radius.
No, it’s about how many cars you can nick in one hour.
How low is the suspension.
Load of ??.Silly chimps.Play with some old used tyres.Avoid at all costs.
I’d like to see a park key version of this.
A couple of inbred, pyjama wearing peacefuls in sandals would be perfect presenters.
And the costs involved in production would be minimal. All you’d need every week is a black Audi A3, a Mercedes, Nissan Micra and a Prius.
They could have Top Gear style challenges too.
Which one is best for delivering fried chicken and kebabs?
How slow can we go over a speed hump without stalling?
What’s the most dangerous place we can do a u turn?
Etc etc.
They could even promote a new magic tree fragrance, sweat and curry.
It’ll be a ratings winner in Slough.
How many ? could you cram in the boot?
Only fair, motor vehicles were invented by an Africunt, don’t you know….?
Indeed. I believe the internal combustion engine was invented by a certain Mbweno Daimler in the late 19th century.
I could be wrong though, there’s so many black ‘pioneers’ to choose from.
True ??
Any black person at the moment must be under the misapprehension that they are all knowing and superior, they couldn’t be more wrong, getting Nominated for Oscar’s / Baffta’s when they couldn’t act daft or being shoehorned into all types of History where they do not belong. And for the record, Windrush didn’t arrive here and save Post War England.!
Britain just needed more slave’s, only problem we had to pay them a wage second time around….?
Theyd be led to think that if they watched adverts.
But I know the truth.
They’re basically wildlife in sportswear.
The pinnacle of achievement under their own steam was
Wearing a fez and dancing to the organ grinders music.
✊? Apologiesforkenya#metoo
They said Chimp Boy Charlie would stop short at making a full apology in Kenya about British colonialism but he still sounded pretty simpering to me.
I wish Prince Philip was still alive.
“Where is the cunt with the plate in his lip?”
There’s nowt to apologise for .
We killed a few Mau Mau.
They needed killing.
We also employed other African troops to kill some.
Amongst those was a young rosy cheeked lad by the name of Idi Amin Dada.
He did well and later went on to do great things including inventing the sport of crocodile water polo.
It’s pronounced ‘ keen ya:
And should still be part of the British Empire ??
As Idi Amin was the King of Scotchland, surely he ought to’ve had utterly ginger hair and chronic addictions to whisky and heroin?
Why Scotchland though? Bloody weirdo.
I heard he was fond of tartan.
That could just be a rumour, though.
I think you heard Tarzan, JP.
That’s also possible, LL.
I’m a bottle in, and haven’t had my nightcap yet.
Soon, though.
Nurses? All black. There has never been one white nurse in the history of the NHS.
I saw it on BBC Bitesize.
Julius Caesar? Black.
Napoleon? Black
Albert Einstein? White but his mentor was black and he stole both theories of relativity from him.
Charles Dickens? Obviously black, as he wrote about poor people and had a social conscience.
Same goes for H.G. Wells.
So channel four have remade starsky and hutch..
Spooksky and butch, with David lammy as hungry bear, he will snitch on anyone for a pack of jaffa cakes.
Crime fighting on the mean streets of Peckham.
OT, I see that BLM Xaraha Zaleem got a custodial for misappropriation of funds pledged to another “no whites allowed” charity.
Appeared in court wearing a burkha, the fuck she think she’s fooling?
Diversity is our strength…!
Who can name me one Blick that’s ever invented something for the betterment of society.
Or invented anything at all ???
Erm, Erm….
Kunte Kinte, oh wait, he’s fictional.
That guy off the marmalade jar?
Jiveass motherfucker
Didn’t Lizzo invent chocolate flavoured lard?
Megain Sparkletits invented being black without actually being black…..?
I think that must go to Tim Westwood.
Wakanda is a magical place full of wonderful inventions.
Oh wait…
The Watusi dance.
To digress from my two wheels, a new one on me from a basin cut, United’s Alejandro Garnacho is wearing a coal scuttle look.
Picture, please.
Don’t think I’m capable with only an iPad.
Nowonder the toon are 3 up, its coals to Newcastle.
Ten Hag sacked by Xmas, Sammy.
I am sick of the moaning inept bald cunt.
Well, to be honest, I am sick of the lot of them.
Martial is a turd, Onana is a black Paddy Roche, Eriksen is Joe Biden in a red shirt, and Bruno is a shithouse.
Ah well, at least Ten Twat brought Mother Rashford on..
Martial is about as effective as my grandmother would be up front for United and she’s been dead since 1980.
Martial is a fucking useless incompetent pointless cunt.
Haven’t watched this shit but that looks like that weird looking patchy fucker with the bags from the IKEA advert….
Watched part of the first episode as quite fond of anything with an engine.
Quickly realised the direction things were going to be on the presentation front, fuck that never again!