A cunting for Jihad

Apparently it has several meanings, so it’s confusing when a bunch of rag heads are chanting it on a Pro Palestinian demonstration.

Specifically there was a sub group, a fundamental Islamist mob Hizb ut-Tahir, now given that these cunts are bent on an Islamic state you could probably apply the Jihad chant to a ‘fight against the enemies of Islam’

Plod decided that it’s not an offence, fair enough, but with the numbers of cunts who are attending these demonstrations it makes you wonder how long it will be before they become more violent especially when Israel start the ground offensive.

Just wait for the ‘mostly peaceful’ statements to come out when a few hundred coppers are injured.

Diversity is our Strength.

Bbc news

Nominated by Sick of it.

Quick note for Miles and his Bob the builder aliases,No you can’t comment, your hate speech is not welcome now fuck off. C.A.

113 thoughts on “A cunting for Jihad

  1. Frankly, plod are asking for it. What’s more, they’re going to get it. The simple question is when? I reckon not long now. UK will be a caliphate before the end of this decade.

    • Jihadi John will have to rethink his name.

      If you listen to the top brass of the police the meaning of jihad is fluffy and light,
      More a call for cuddle time than religious holy war?

      Some cynics may say they’re full of shite,
      Appeasers and cowards,

      But rarely see it on valentine’s day cards do you?

      Love and Jihad

    • Afternoon Moggie, afternoon all.
      Don’t think so Moggie.
      3,868,133 Műslimes allegedly in UK.
      67.62 million population err maybe.
      So if the rest of the Cuntry gets it’s arse in order, they could easily, how shall I put it, sort them out.
      Hopefully the Cuntry might get the message if things kick off next Sunday.

      • Most of the country will no doubt be watching Strictly or some other shit, they couldn’t care less. Look around you at a supermarket, or any such place, and consider whether they would fight for their country. What do you reckon?

  2. The meaning of “Jihad” should have been clear enough to Plod from the context – and no, Plod, it did not mean developing your inner spiritual strength so you can spread peace and happiness across the globe. Quite the contrary.

    The Police said they took advice on the meaning. But it appears, according to yesterday’s Telegraph, that the individual from whom Plod was taking advice is a radical fundamentalist lawyer, based in Luton, who was spotted at yesterday’s rally calling for death and destruction.

    If you want sound advice, always go to a radical fundamentalist lawyer from Luton! I can’t believe how thick Plod is.

    Truth is that this countries institutions have been infiltrated by radical Islamicists in the guise of “community” advisors.

    Wake up Britain. We are being flushed down the toilet pan. The truth is that some cultures (the West) are superior to others (Islam).

  3. Good job those shouting “Jihad!” weren’t holding up placards saying “Not My King” or they’d have been straight in the back of the police van.

  4. I said it last week.
    Within 20 years this country will become an Islamic caliphate.
    Because of Liberal lefty traitors like Lineker , Owen Jones and weak politicians that will facilitate them. Bradford and Birmingham already are Islamic cities.
    What i don’t get about the hard left is they are always banging on about LGBGT rights but support a despicable medieval death cult that would murder gay people in an horrific way.
    It’s anti semetism the left support and the anialation of the Jewish people pure and simple.

    • It’s called cognitive dissonance.

      Liberals are masters at it, more so than the traditional left.
      Just look at the Lib Dems.

      It’s easy to achieve if you have no moral principles.

  5. So Jihad means ‘effort’ or ‘struggle’ does it? Same as ‘Mein Kampf’ then.

    And on the subject of translating into German, ‘From the river to the sea’ translates as ‘Arbeit macht frei’.

  6. The Muslim population of the UK is approaching four million.

    Of course most of them won’t be ‘Islamists’, but I think we can guess where overwhelmingly, their tacit support will lie in the current Middle East showdown. And more of them arrive here by the week. I think we can also guess what a ‘free’ Palestine would look like if Hamas and Hezbollah ever get their way.

    They also appear to have an unhealthy influence within the Labour Party, and increasingly, within the SNP.

    As for the police, well, there’s open evidence of nutters on British streets screaming support for a proscribed terrorist organisation and for jihad, to which their response appears to be fuck all basically. Misgender somebody though, and you’ll be lifted for commiting a hate crime.

    We are fucked ladies and gentlemen.

      • Demographic Jihad.

        The Palestinian birthrates are astronomical.

        Every time a bomb reduces a building in Gaza to rubble – it seems that some Palestinian is on the telly bemoaning the loss of his 6 children.

        Probably the result of being sexually retarded bloodthirsty religious fanatics hellbent on outbreeding the rest of mankind.

      • That Layla Moron was on the box last week talking about so cunt in Gaza had lost 51 members of their family…. 51 for fuck sake, how many were there to start with ?

  7. Only now are the leftards, politicians and police waking up to the UK’s Muslim problem.

    Still think that letting hundreds of thousands of unvetted illegal gimmigrants wander around unchecked is a good idea?

    • I really don’t think they are waking up to it. Some paki could be sawing at one of these cunt’s throat with a plastic picnic cutlery knife and the cunt would still be banging on about Palestine and islamophobia.

  8. I wouldn’t believe a word of anything Islamic.
    Their meaning of Jihad changes depending on who they’re talking to.
    Their religion allows them to lie, if it furthers the cause of Islam, which can mean whatever they want.
    They go straight to Hell if they commit suicide, yet there’s no shortage of volunteers, brainwashed by some Imam into blowing themselves up. Why don’t they ever ask why the liar giving instructions hasn’t yet availed himself of 72 virgins?
    The biggest lie of course is that Islam is the religion of peace. Invented by a pædophile warrior General.
    It is time to stop kowtowing to these brainwashed fuckwits. Adhere to the British way of life in the UK, or fuck off back to the desert.
    In fact just fuck off anywhere you cunts.

    • Suicide bombing tutor;

      ‘Now pay close attention my brothers; I’m only going to show you this once…’.

      • “…We’ve all got Tony Blair to thank for the UKs slide into the mire….”

        You’ve got to go a lot further back in the historical timeline than Blair to get to the root of this cunt-fest.

  9. It’s called practicing the “Taqiyya”

    That’s Towel Head for “being a sneaky disingenuous bastard”

  10. Every since the two party state was first suggested 1948 ish the palestinians have rejected it. They did right at the start refusing to acknowledge Israel’s right to a home land.
    They have been waging Jihad since then on Israel. And their leadership still vow to wipe Israel of the map and face of the earth.

    There cannot be any settlement until this default position changes.

    Footnote the Grand Mufti of the Palestinians visited Hitler several times during WW2 and approved of his solution for the Jewish people. Some even joined the SS.

    • Now now.

      Let’s not forget that this month is anti Islamaphobia month. According to Kweer Charmer, Muslim communities are feeling threatened and beleaguered.

      A bit like Israel, I imagine. Come on Sir Kweer, let’s hear you call for an anti Israelophobia month. Sorry, didn’t hear you. Louder.

      • I think there is no such thing as “Islamaphobia”. What is usually described as “Islamaphobia” is a rational apprehension based on solid and verifiable facts.

      • The spineless piece of shit is observing an ‘anti-poppy month’ too seeing as his took his off to lick Muslim arse.

        Morning Ron.

      • I seen a snippet of an LBC video the other day with that smug tosspot James O’Brien, attempting to completely downplay the fact that Starmer had removed his poppy before grovelling to the peacefuls.

        Making out it was absolutely nothing and meant nothing and was basically a “nothing story” designed to “cause division”

        I happen to think it’s a big fucking deal myself. Why take the thing off? Especially when you were seen with one on that same day.

        Typical of the likes of O’Brien to sneer at such a thing. It might not seem like much but in the UK of 2023 – it speaks huge volumes.

        I think I hate that cunt James O’Brien more than anybody else on earth. Including the perpetually flustered and constipated Tony Blair cardboard cutout – Kier fucking Starmer.

      • When it comes to the poppy, the likes of O’Brien always dismiss it as a ‘right-wing talking point’.

        Anything dismissed as a ‘talking point’ is something inconvenient to their narrative.

      • Ron, if this month is anti-Izlamaphobia. does that mean we can be anti-raghead for the other 11 months?

        The smelly, backward cunts.

  11. Religious people believe that they have been given a gift. That gift is knowledge of the wishes of the creator of the universe and a golden ticket to whatever paradise their version of Abraham’s Delusion promises.

    Doesn’t seem to make them very happy, does it?

    • Good point. And I’m talking about the above, not your point at Brum yesterday.

      If they all believe 100% in the eternal afterlife, why can’t they wait a few years for it? Why are they so uppity about everything here on earth?

      • Rather they just kill themselves immediately and leave the rest of us in peace.

  12. All this just proves, there is no willing integration into the British way of life and it’s values. The UK is now just a hotbed of hate for the British which will rise up from within……all aided by various laws and acts which are designed to actually erode British values and to prioritise ad promote other ‘foreign’ beliefs and values above our own.

    I fucking laugh (I know I shouldn’t) but when you see reported the police are trying to ‘manage’ hate speech during these protests in London, where you have the Palestinian supporters on one side, and the Israelis on the other…..and by the letter of the law hate speech and the promotion thereof via banners, posters etc is deemed illegal, the Police should be arresting pretty much everyone……but they haven’t a clue now…all because the British Government thought it the right thing to do to create these laws. Only guy that got threatened with arrest was the guy who unfurled a Union Flag and was told to remove it. I mean…WTF??

    This country is fucked. We are too tolerant and too accommodating……only issue now is we are so full of those that don’t give a fuck about diminishing British values that I feel I am in a minority and nothing will ever get reversed ‘for the greater good’ as there as so few of us who would vote for it. Maybe, that’s the plan with all this immigration all along?

  13. What have the politicians done to this nation and why?

    The reasons why?

    Economic growth once they forced all the women into work additional growth could only come by importing it once they converted us to a service economy.

    Cheap labour suppressing wages for the indigenous.

    Demographic change to undermine the cultural adhesion and loyalty to national identity.

    Globalisation is the new religion of the political class, nationalism is equated subtly and not so subtly with fascism.

    The people of the country kept grazing and are now waking up to see the country they thought they lived in is finished.

    The barbarians are now inside the gates.

    • Exactly the same as the Roman Empire. And we know how that ended.

      One fucker, reported in The Spectator, was saying that British Muslims now outnumbered the population of wales. He said if all British Muslims moved to Wales they could claim it as their own caliphate, and there was nothing the UK could do about it.

      The Welsh might have something to say about that. Although knowing our spineless government they would probably recognise it and start sending them billions in foreign aid every year.

      • If sll the Welsh fought the UK population of Muslims, think of all the tax revenue we could save.

      • “… if all British Muslims moved to Wales they could claim it as their own caliphate, and there was nothing the UK could do about it….”

        So nothing at all like millions of European jews deciding to up sticks and move to … ohhh let’s say … Palestine for instance and displacing the indigenous inhabitants?

      • In the 19th century Jews outnumbered Palestinians in Palestine. There were significant and large Jewish communities there pre- Mandate. The Palestinians are actually Jordanians. The majority of Israelis are Sephardi Middle Eastern Jews who were always there and in adjacent Middle Eastern countries. Ashekanazi European Jews are a minority in Israel. And they wouldn’t have gone there if they had not been persecuted by Christians for two millennia and then slap by Nazis. Try educating yourself. Otherwise stick to the Guardian.

  14. I must admit to still being baffled as to why every institution in Britain seems hell bent on destroying the country.

    The police are a disgrace,they don’t need a 500 page text book on the meaning of fucking Arabic to know that jihad has one meaning if you British…it simply means war,war against us.

    For that alone those protesters should have been rounded up en masse..but I fear our police are no longer up to the job of confronting angry mobs..

    Confront these evil cunts with the entire strength of the Army,let’s see if there is anything left of the bravery that carried us to victory twice in the last century against fearful odds.

    Otherwise Starmer,Sunak and all the other weaklings can watch the country burn..probably from the Bahamas.

    Wretched Cunts.

  15. Young Jewish woman stabbed on her own doorstep yesterday in Lyon. A Swastika painted on her door.
    La diversité est notre force.

    Only a matter of time before it happens here.

  16. You only need to go back to Desert Storm and apply Saddam’s meaning

    He had it right , we all fucking know it

  17. If the police took their euphemism name “PLOD” seriously, they’d be filling every Black Maria they have in stock.

  18. How fucking thick do you have to be to say ‘not all Muslims are violent fundamentalists”

    I agree but when the fundamentalists have the upper hand what do these thick lefty cunts think the moderates will do?

    They’ll fall into line

    So when the liberal gays are being chucked of Big Ben , they’ll have themselves to blame.

    You only have to look at countries throughout the world where it happens

    The only hope is that other non Muslim migrants and indigenous English folk try to prevent it en masse as I can’t imagine the Indians being too happy about any fucking caliphate

    • I think the presence of large numbers of Hindus in Britain would be the strongest deterrent to any caliphate gaining hold.

      Our venerated Anglo-Saxon institutions seem to have folded completely.

  19. The BBC and various other branches of the media, refer to ‘The War on Gaza’. Cunts; it’s a war on Hamas – who are intentionally hiding behind and amongst civilians – but don’t let the facts obstruct the truth.

      • War on fucking grey bearded, four-eyed, sky pointing hypocritical cunts and the sadistic and mindless wankers who believe the shite that they spout.

  20. ‘Four Lions’ is still very funny. Has it been banned yet?

    I saw somewhere that the mental Gove cunt is introducing new legislation to make it an offence to undermine British Institutions. Fuck off, they have already undermined themselves.

    How’s this for a preemptive strike against Govian oppression> The fatso Met Plod and their jihaddii cheeseparing , ha, ha, ha, No one takes the cunts seriously anymore. Teachers teaching purvoid sex to nippers and expecting respect,, ha, ha, ha, Wimminz Judges cutting murderer’s sentences because the victim didn’t suffer enough and expecting respect, ha, ha. NHS doing fuck all and moaning about ‘winter pressures’ in August and expecting respect, ha,ha. Now fuck off.

    • Tories are authoritarian cunts through and through, unless you went to school with them, know their dads or worked in banking or the city. Big on family values but shot through with sleaze and perversions and drug addictions themselves.
      Don’t worry about Starmer and his fucking zoo, the record of hate speech statutes and various communications bills shows just what the conservatives think of freedom of expression and how the plebs should be limited. They went for lockdown as eagerly as Labour and employed behavioural scientists to wage a psychologicsl war on their own voters.
      Even when in opposition, the cunts wanted certain types of consensual BDSM porn banned, and it’s the tories pushing through the ‘Online Harms’ bill.

      Never voted for the power-mad cunts, never will, and those who have because of what Boris said about Brexit is a turkey voting for Christmas.

  21. Unfortunately, gentlemen. It would seem that Dear Old Blighty is going to end up like the former Yugoslavia.

    Civil war and insurrection, based along ethnic and religious lines.

    Not since the Viking invasions will we have been in such a situation.

    Islam and democracy are incompatible.

    There is no room for both.

    A straight choice.

    One or t’other.

    No middle path.

    The Israelies know this.

    If they stop now, they’re signing their nations death warrant. ????????????

    Good afternoon.

    • It is truly shit here.

      In fact so shit that I was thinking of becoming a Jew and availing myself of the right of return

      Whilst there are often under the cosh , they at least don’t allow their culture and borders to be invaded without severe fucking consequences for the invaders

      Unlike us who put them up in hotels

      • It’s been about 10 years since I last went to London, just for the day, and I really can’t think of a single reason I would ever go again.

      • Twenty five years since I’ve been there, Moggie.

        I have no desire whatsoever to return.


      • I was explaining to my teenage daughter who thinks London is super cool that unless you have 30 million to spare to live in closed off 1 Hyde Park then don’t fucking bother . Everywhere else is a fucking shit hole

      • Yes, I remember teenagers going on about London as if the streets were paved with gold. Having lived there for half of 1995 and worked there between 1999-2001, I laughed at them.

        If it wasn’t London, it was Brstol.
        If it wasn’t Bristol, It was Brighton.

        The rise of the ‘Anywheres’.

  22. Jean Raspail predicted all of this back in 1973. Of course that is only known by right-wing extremists, and me.

    • What cunts, anyone going in MacDonalds should be given a medal for bravery, eating that shit ?

    • I think half it is for social media likes. At the front of the crowd shouting ‘shame’ at people coming out of McDonalds, there is a girl in a hijab laughing.

      It’s a day out and a bit of clout, just like the anti-Brexit and Just stop oil protests.

      ‘uh, like, I weally hope this sends me viral’.

  23. This Rowley motherfucker is no better than his predecessor, Commissioner Strapon. Straight from the Officer Dibble School of Wokie Policing.

    • hopefully not, if the Indigenous British are given free rein they will hold their own and triumph against the foreign invaders as has been proven time and time again not many races are as proficient in war and death dealing as we are when our backs are to the wall.?????????

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