Unwanted Interference

“Same again?” Now we all have heard that phrase many times over the years.

But not anymore, a new guidance by the International Alliance for Responsible Drinking. Yep never heard of them..

Who have a training guide for hospitality staff that encourages them not to use the words “Same again or is that a double?” As it encourages binge drinking..
And instead to ask “What would you like?”.

Now the public house trade is on its arse, so I’m sure encouraging people to switch from beer to a tonic water will help..

It’s enough to turn you to drink..

Most people go to a pub for good pint and a good conversation, if the pubs not full of screaming kids.

So please let us be,we are adults who can decide for ourselves..

Now Where’s the gin?
And make mine a treble..

Daily Fail

Nominated by Barry zuckercunt.

95 thoughts on “Unwanted Interference

  1. “Decide for ourselves?” Not any more mate. The Plandemic and the lock down gave them a taste for telling us what to do, despite the fact they were completing ignoring the rules they set for the peasants. Stop drinking, stop smoking, stop eating meat, stop driving cars, stop flying. Save yourselves, save the NHS and save the fucking polar bears.
    You know it makes sense.

  2. Also, getting pissed by yourself is ace. It’s cheaper, you’re comfy at home, you can listen to what music you want, and don’t have to deal with “may I get a little taster of everything and settle on a Pale Ale and piss everyone else off whilst clogging up the bar?” types.

    The Big Piss – Imperial Stout, Barley Wine, and peated Scotch – is an expensive hobby, you know!

    • Getting pissed by yourself if pretty much a genetic trait where I’m from.

      I say ‘by yourself’ loosely – the wife is fixing up a bit of supper and the kids are hiding out in the cow shed lest you take the belt to them.

      • I don’t like drinking alone.
        I’m a social drinker.
        I get maudlin drinking alone.

        Naw, ales best with company.
        Laughter, taking the piss,
        reminiscing, bragging,
        Why it was invented.

        Rarely drink at home.
        If I do it tends to be whisky.
        But not till I’m bladdered.

        This curtailing of speech shite won’t work.
        You just ignore daft shite like that.

        Might take root in Islington but not here.

      • Haha! Now then, MNC! Brought a smile to my face, your comment.

        Old Tom as in Robinsons? Never had it. Fond of that brewery though, especially as they’re pretty local.

        Not Buxton Brewery, though. Cunts to their staff. Big ego problems. Beer’s gone naff, too. We refuse as a family to grease their mitts.

        But back to it, aye, I like the barrel-aged stuff. Stout, Barley Wine. Double figures. Bit of cheese with it, metal or classical blasting out the surround sound. Bliss, mate.

      • Yes Old Tom is a Robinson’s brew.
        As a youth I’d go wild on it.

        Occasionally if out with the lads for a drink we’ll have a couple.

        Great product is Old Tom ?

      • Old Tom’s is good, but I too love a good imperial stout or barley wine.
        Had a 16.5% one the other night.
        Fantastic stuff.

    • I much prefer drinking at home. As you say it’s cheaper, you can have a piss whenever you want (and wherever), have a snack that doesn’t cost you a tenner, watch whatever you want, smoke if you want to, have a wank, fall asleep. Frankly I can’t think of a single good reason to go to a pub.

      • Morning, Moggie.

        I forgot about the joy that’s having an indoor cigarette on the sofa. One of life’s underrated pleasures.

        What’s your tipple?

      • Drink ? then have a wank ?
        You must be a young chap moggie. Even when I was young I had to choose. Booze ? or birds.

      • It’s alright for some. When I tried drinking and wanking the bouncers threw me out and called the rozzers.

      • I like a decent G&T or Woods rum and lemonade, both a 50/50 mix although I occasionally drink Woods neat. I turned 60 a couple of months ago so wanking and drinking on the same day is a distant memory, although I always had a girl on the go when I was young so wanking was unnecessary. Now it’s different, I’ve been dry for 17 months so it’s been chimp time.

      • I forgot to add that, unlike a pub, your house isn’t full of cunts. Unless you have kids.

      • Or dogs. I like dogs, but I don’t want them in a fucking pub. They stink and they’re noisy.

      • I’d rather drink at home. I don’t like most people I don’t know, and I don’t want cunts spoiling my evening.

        I don’t particularly miss nights out or paying £6 for a pint and £25 for an overcooked steak.

  3. Totally off topic but might be of interest to those who keep domestic pets. Our old tom cat Charlie, just died peacefully in his bed. He would have been 18 at Christmas.

    • Sorry to hear it, at least it was peaceful and at home. I’m planning on driving a busload of pakis off a cliff and rest assured, there’ll be no empty seat. I had to have our little Suki put down a couple of years ago and, although I’d love to have another, my wife refuses as it’s too heart-breaking to lose them. But you also lose out on the love they give you and you give them.

      • Same as moggie had to put my parsonsjack russel x springer to sleep because of an inept fucking east european so called vet who did’nt look at her blood results, on enquiry he said Oh she’s a mystery ‘keep an eye on her’ a second opinion found she had blood cancer and had 3 weeks to live! i could have mullahed the cunt but he has susequently fucked off and not seen in these here parts anymore absolute cunt

    • We lost Monty on March 3rd. A loving ginger tom, he was the perfect pet but at 19 years old he decided that the good times were over.
      Fortunately ,Grumps (real name Nelson but a mardy sod for many years), has become Monty Mk 2 and is a delightful lad now.

    • Sorry to hear that, Arfurbrain.
      We have a 16 year old female who is unlikely to see Christmas.
      Be nice if she died in her sleep,
      But more likely to end in a distressing trip to the vet.

      • Suki went downhill in a matter of days and I made the mistake of holding her at the vet while she was dealt with, I wanted the last thing she saw to be somebody she loved and knew loved her. I was expecting her to drift off like you see in films, but no, the vet said it’d be quick. One injection in a canula to sedate her a bit then a second injection and it was like she’d been shot. I was mortified. I kept her in my arms and she got her revenge by pissing all down my t-shirt. The vet explained that all muscles relax. Still remember that vividly after nearly 3 years.

    • Sorry to hear that. Our beloved cat died 5 weeks ago aged 19. Fairly quickly and at home which is what I wanted. Still hurts though. Become such a big part of your life.
      Loved being on your lap and come to greet us when we come in.
      Soon as I sat down she’d get on my lap climb up me and start licking my nose and rubbing her head in. Best friend I’ve ever had.

  4. RIP Charlie from your feline friends in the Colonies.

    Graham Washington Cuntster (Ginger Tabby)
    Boris Wolfgang Cuntster (Norwegian Forest)

    • Thanks for the condolences everyone and best wishes to you and your domestic creatures. Whether you include the wife and kids in that description is your choice.

      You’re up very early General, or is it late? I don’t know which time zone you are in.

      • Hey arfur,

        Sorry for the late reply. (No pun intended.)

        Long involved story cut short. I’m often afflicted with insomnia and have irregular sleep patterns.

        I am on US Central Standard Time (CST) and we observe Daylight Savings Time.

        We are GMT -6.

    • Half gallon glasses ! ??

      Available from JTC Enterprises.

      BUY NOW !!!

      Send your bank details and mothers maiden name to JTC , c/o ISAC.

      You know it makes sense. ?

      Cheers ?

  5. Pubs are getting too expensive to drink in, for a lot of folk.

    They’re closing left right and centre.

    ” Same again ? ”

    ” At these prices ? ”

    Fuck off

    Sad news about your cat, Arfur.

    Remember the good times ?


    Good morning.

  6. OT but I see two BBC journalists were roughed up by Israeli soldiers at a roadside checkpoint.

    Although the names of the two journalists did make me think ‘Hmmmm’. Peacefuls.

    Even if it’s true (hmmmm) maybe sending some beardy peacefuls to zoom around in a 4×4 near the border isn’t so smart right now? Shame the BBC don’t employ honkies anymore, eh?

    Although hearing that some BBC ‘journalists’ were told to stay still on the ground or they’d get shot, is a good start to the weekend.

    Get to fuck.

    Back on topic

    All part of the nanny state. Soon you’ll only be able to pay using a QR app. It’ll tell you that you have exceeded the safe alcohol amount for the week and can’t have another anyway. Or that you said you didn’t agree with Greta in a social media post, so now you can only buy bread and water at a 400% mark-up, with a 50 quid fine that goes to a climate emergency company.

    Double plus good!

  7. Off topic.

    Today you will see a strong indication of the level of infiltration, by people who would do this country harm.

    You will also see the level of collaboration from the left wing running dogs of Islamic extremism.

    Londonistab will resemble Beirut.

    What does our government do ?

    Ramp up aid for Palestinians in Gaza.

    You couldn’t fucking make it up.

  8. 8 have made my own set of bullet points, if counters will, based on those nominated by Mr. Zuckercunt:

    1 – Stay at home and get the lads round.

    2 – Use taxis or have people drive over who don’t need to leave the next day.

    3 – Place a massive order for a ruby and some chicken cottage.

    4 – Everyone brings different drinks, but keep track that you don’t run out of one type.

    5 – Mix drinks. See point 4. Variety is the spice of life after all. Now might be a good time to get some green distributed, too.

    6 – Get Fifa out and the cards, make sure guests bring cash for gambling.

    7 – Set a plan to a limit but don’t go into too much detail, you’ll be fucked soon and forget it anyway.

    8 – Don’t invite wankers who cannot control themselves. If your inviting people into your house; they typically shouldn’t be nobs anyway.

    9 – Can’t see an issue with this.

    10 – Just enjoy yourself and be responsible as an adult. Don’t be a cunt and try to employ rules. If you do, just drink on your own, or invite people who don’t require ‘rules’ .

    I say all this, but this must be causing some havoc with people getting pissed at home with the neighbours. It can get a bit lairy 7 pints in, 3 joints down and your Buxton playing your mate as Leek Town or some shit.

      • Apologies gents, its the Bradford coming out in me.

        It’s a fake KFC chain of fried chicken shops, popularly referenced in a film called ‘four lions’. But a massive hit with the Asian community for those who want cheap fried chicken…

        The food is actually quite tasty when plastered.

      • CEO@

        We have something called a Kong burger when on the lash.

        Big fuck off burger,
        Don’t know if it’s actual bushmeat and don’t really care,
        But never had one sober.

        And scared too in the cold light of day

      • @ MNC – It’s always the best way! I have my drunk tasy food outlets and my sober ones.

        When I used to work in Moston there was a cracking chippy called Farrell’s which was the best sober one.

        I wonder if Kongs uses gorilla meat in their burgers ?.

      • There’s a place in Soythampton called Chickoland that served botg kebabs, burgers and fried chicken. A lot nicer than KFC and open until 3.30.The place to go after a session.

  9. I no longer drink alcohol. But when I did I was a very disciplined drinker.

    There were only 2 occasions when I drank:

    1. When I was alone.
    2. When I was with someone.

    Furthermore I limited my drinking to when I was awake.

  10. Today’s generation must all be gays.

    Alternate alcoholc and non alcoholic beverages?

    If I or any of my old drinking group had tried that back in the day, you’d have been met with a chorus of “Ooooh coo-eey, ducky! Let’s all drink lemonade!” Brutal it was. I was once given this treatment for buying a bag of prawn cocktail crisps. “Oooh nice pink bag. I hear they’re Freddie Mercury’s favourite. Have you got the AIDS too?” etc

    Brutal it was in my day.

    • Quite right too .
      Crisps choice says a lot about someone.

      Ready salted- safe pair of hands, good in a crisis

      Tyrells vegetable crisps-
      Fuckin la-di-da beatnik,
      Boring cunt

      Wotsits- probably a pee do

      Cheese an onion- man’s man.
      Well balanced.
      Good dependable type.

      Prawn cocktail –
      Broadway types
      Happiest dancing on a carnival float in Brighton.

      Morning ?

      • Haha

        Beef and onion always made me think it was a cunt with smelly farts and didn’t wash his arse

        Monster Munch – mental case.

        Pork Scratchings – lives alone and doesn’t look after himself. That’s his tea.

        Peanuts – sex case. Bar nuts are covered in blokes’ piss I believe. They like that.

        Sandwiches (some bars keep a few if they’re not selling food) – Drug addict who’s not eaten for 2 days and is now finally hungry as fuck but too hammered to move.

      • Fucking love monster munch.

        Don’t forget Disco’s. They are brilliant. You never know when you will end up eating a crisp which is loaded with flavour powder and it just blows your fucking head off. Especially the salt and vinegar ones.


    • Cunty, there’s a whole community now who call them selves ‘AF’.

      Its tragic. I think psychologically they are insecure ex alcohol addicts who join groups together and give themselves names like Spartans AF.

      So it’s like: ‘Spartans as fuck’ but if a mummy tries to complain they can say its ‘Spartans Alcohol Free’

      They basically can be seen bragging and condescending down to people having a drink who just want to forget the shit day they have had.

    • Bacon fries, cheese and onion or dry roasted peanuts for me.

      Obviously from in a bowl at the bar.
      I’m not a monster.

  11. International Alliance for Irresponsible Drinking brief guidelines:

    Firstly drink floor cleaner, old spice and white lightning until you can barely navigate your surroundings and then make sure you drive only after you are treble the legal limit, while making sure to drive on the pavement to save time and avoid traffic. Don’t mind the fleeing pedestrians, they shouldn’t be on the pavement. The dead cyclist was like that when you got there also. At the pub, bar, venue etc, make sure to flirt only with married women and in front of their husbands and demand he pays for your drinks and let you use the top of his head as your beer mat and If you need to vomit, do it over a small child(preferably not your own)

    Everyone in the International Alliance for Responsible Drinking should be steamrolled over and the mulch used as fertilizer.

  12. 1972 as an apprentice Friday after getting paid.

    3 pints of John Willie’s bitter – 33p
    10, no6 fags – 11p
    Packet of golden wonder crisps – 4p
    2p left for the bus home.

    I can’t be arsed what that would cost now, but I’m guessing it’s one of the reasons pubs are closing and young folks do drugs. It’s cheaper..!

  13. That takes me back, AS.
    I remember in 1974 you could get a pint of Fed Ordinary in some Working Men’s Clubs in the North East for 10p.

    Mind you it was weak as virgin’s piss.

    • Like that Border Ales piss you used to get down Wales way.

      Flatter than a witch’s tit to boot.

  14. I think they might be missing the point,even with their target audience,those On The Other Bus.

    Alcohol makes people do daft stuff,carefully laid plans go out the window etc etc,so that flowchart was made by cunts for cunts.

    Also anyone drinking non alcoholic drinks in a pub is a cunt who should be thrown out immediately.

    Nanny state soppy babies.

    Good morning gents.

    • Back when I was a civil servant we’d have the dreaded Christmas do. Always a meal in a pub after work on a Friday, then those who wanted could go on a bit of a pub crawl afterwards.

      There was one old Scottish bag (her arse smelled of cheese and all) who’d boast about the pubs having to give her soda water (I think it was soda water) and ice for free. She said it was illegal for pubs to charge for this. Right tight cunt. She’d get her free drinks too. I’d have kicked the cunt out if it was my pub. Taking up space and keeping spending customers waiting. Fuck that. “Out, you tight cunt!”

      Refused to spend a fucking penny apart from the meal – and she’d look for the cheapest thing. Usually a small plate of chips, I seem to recall.

      Fuck me, I thought Scotch people being tight was a myth until I met that cunt.

      • How do you know her arse smelled of cheese CB?

        As gruesome as that sounds – please do tell.

      • You didn’t need to get down and sniff at close range. You’d have passed out HJ. She had that smell of unwashed arse some folk have. Couldn’t miss it. Every cunt tried to avoid sitting near her.

  15. Cheeky interfering twats trying to take the fun out of life I bet the cunt that wrote that is a laugh a minute. Drinking to excess is a skill to be learnt as a youth some can handle it pleasantly others are fucking arsewipes , my 22nd birthday I was stood on a chair with a catering teapot full of shots of everything off the top shelf and topped up with beer from every pump and told to drink it out the spout ,boy was I ill ? it was a tradition with my squaddie mates in their squadron and being the only civvy I had to show some backbone their piss taking was lethal.

  16. OT but doncha just love hype.

    Just now at the cricket world cup, “India v Pakistan! In the biggest stadium in the world (it isn’t) with a full house!” (I see a few empty seats behind the cunt shouting this.)

    Anyway, come on India I suppose.

    • Is Flintoff there? Spending some of his 9 million he’s been awarded for his top gear accident?

      I hope that’s coming out of insurance and not license tax.

      • I cunted this yesterday.

        The BBC are claiming it’s not from the licence fee, it’s from it’s ‘commercial arm’.

        They mean the licence payers pay for the shows and the BBC then flog them abroad, with all the cost that entails, but this somehow means it’s not the BBC somehow.

        They’re making a fucking habit of saying ‘Oh, it’s not done by the BBC!’ lately.

        That Savile series? Made by ITV they say (bollocks! It was filmed in Itv studios, but it’s a BBC production and they had final say on what was shown!) Lineker? Oh he’s not employed by the BBC!

        They must think we’re fucking stupid.

  17. Fucking parky out today. The pubs will be turning their heating on and then closing down when their energy bill comes in…….the mythical global warming won’t save them. We’ll soon have you back in front of the screens drinking in the propaganda instead of alcohol. Wrap up warm and enjoy yourselves you cunts.

    Your Sincerely,
    HM Government and the BBC

  18. I propose that we have an IsAC Alliance for Irresponsible Drinking.

    Fuck these mithering cunts.

    Good morning all, and cheers!

    • Morning, Ron,

      You well?

      I’m quite a gifted drinker. May I nominate myself for Vice-Chairman?

      • Fine thanks CC.

        Just back from a couple of ‘Scorchio’ weeks in Tenerife and trying to re-adjust.

        Trust you’re in good fettle.

  19. ‘2021 International Alliance for Responsible Drinking
    IARD’s members and the members of its Partnership Council are a diverse group of organizations with a variety of viewpoints. They might not necessarily agree on all or any subjects. Any statements, findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed on this website do not reflect the policies or views of all IARD members or the organizations they represent, unless explicitly stated. However, all members agree on and support IARD’s mission of reducing the harmful use of alcohol.
    The resources on this website are not intended as health advice to individuals about their drinking. People with specific questions about their drinking are encouraged to consult a healthcare professional. Together, they can determine what is best for that individual, based on individual risk factors, including family history, genetics, and lifestyle. For some people, the better choice may be to not drink at all.

    IARD members include Anheuser-Busch InBev, Asahi Group Holdings, Ltd., Bacardi Limited, Beam Suntory, Brown-Forman Corporation, Carlsberg, Diageo, Heineken, Kirin Holdings Company, Limited, Molson Coors, Pernod Ricard, and William Grant & Sons.’

    Industry front attempting to keep regulators off their back.

    Anheuser-Busch did manage to stop a lot of people buying their beer when they used Dildo Myahole as their frontman erm girl erm thing.

  20. It’s all part of ‘building back better’. Drinking and eating red meat will be the next targets to save the NHS and the planet.

    Enjoy it while you can.

  21. I can’t stand the way alcoholic beverages taste. That’s why I don’t drink. Fermentation and rotting are almost synonymous.
    When I was single I drank socially only to fit in. Each swallow was unpleasant to say the least. I bit into an over ripe honeydew melon recently and it tasted like an alcoholic beverage.
    The worst part of these beverages is that they exponentially increase my chances of saying something I’ll regret or doing something unwise with my cock.
    Non alcoholic beer is a concept I cannot grasp. All the rotten taste with no effect.
    Nothing against those who drink though. Not for me is all.

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