The wife and I were at Asda earlier, and on the way in, had the misfortune to be behind what the missus referred to as ‘a couple of right jakeys’ (neds, scratters).
Picture this. What passed for the female half of the duo was regaled in a lime green top (again, what the good lady referred to as a ‘cami top’), which revealed rippling love handles and a considerable amount of black bra. Her lower half was clad in a pair of ultra tight leggings which could barely contain an arse like a couple of melons. Class.
What really made me piss myself laughing however was the fashion statement by what I assume was the apparition’s other half. This cunt was swaggering along doing a great scatter strut, with his not-too-pristine grey track suit bottoms barely hanging around his hips.
I can only assume that the purpose of this gravity-defying display was to show the world that he was wearing a pair of Calvin Klein drawers, because I can’t fathom why anyone would otherwise make such a cunt of themselves by walking around like this.
I understand that this odd practice is referred to as ‘sagging’, and originated within the US prison system, as a means of marking some poor sod out as somebody’s bitch. Consequently, why anyone would voluntarily walk around looking like this is an absolute mystery to me. It truly is a bizarre world.
Nominated by Ron Knee.
You haven’t lived until you’ve seen some scrote with his jeans about 2″ above his knees.
Looked a right cunt.
A mark of being someone’s bitch ? I don’t know about that, but I’m 100% certain it Mark’s you out as possessing the IQ of a bin bag and the complete inability to be your own bloke and not follow an insidious black gang culture especially if you’re a honky
IQ rates have definitely dropped..
9000 views of that clip ron posted..
And worse still people commenting, saying how much they love it..
And labour want to lower the voting age..
Raise it to 30 I say..
I’m with you on that one.
In fact, I’d ban anyone claiming bennies and not actively seeking work from voting. (Excluding genuine cases on disability etc)
Or anyone who watches Ant and Dec.
Oh, and I’d include students as well.
Morning, FMC,
You alright?
I’ve long-lobbied for IQ tests for voting rights.
Twats like these along with those lazy arses who go shopping in their jim-jams or Onesies. They’re all trying to make a fashion statement:-
“I am a lazy, dirty, smelly attention seeking cunt!”
(This will give Katie Price ideas, no doubt)
In her case lagging, Techno.
Lagging ffs.
I fucking give up with this pox-eye tablet. Sagging.
Is there an algorithm on this site that deliberately fucks about with your text, as I checked all these comments before I posted.
I thought that the trend originated in the prison system where inmates are not allowed belts to hold up their trousers.
Just in case they hang themselves.
Either way, you’re not in prison now and probably never have been.
You might have had a few police cautions for petty shop lifting but that hardly makes you a gangster.
You scruffy, deluded cunt!
Well there is one thing going for “sagging” the sagger does not need to try very hard to be a complete bellend. I wonder if they saggers ever venture onto Hampstead heath?
If they do I’d guess that it’s more likely their arseholes which will end up sagging
In an attempt to keep up with the times I sagged myself outside the changing rooms of the Whitley Bay women’s beach volleyball team. I was just trying to impress the ladies as they were returning for a shower after a game. Unfortunately I’m not quite up to speed with modern trends and I didn’t know that going commando at the same time would be deemed socially unacceptable.
And that is the God’s honest truth, your Honour.
There be plenty of sagging in Liverpool this week..
Tits, arse’s, faces.. and that’s just rachel reeves.
Less sagging in a stroke ward..
A fine example of cultural enrichment…
Especially on buses in Croydon.
Hang the cunts.
The finest Primark grey tracky bottoms.
Not to be sniffed at.
Not to be sniffed full stop.
Unlike you like the aroma of shit, stale jizz and McD’s…
Give it a few more years and Suckdick Khan is the PM, he’ll insist we all dress in those gowns and hijabs the camel jockeys and their wives wear.
Any signs of sagging and you’ll be publicly punished with a 1000 lashes from Annalise Dodds’ well used g-string!
I saw this kind of thing in the fifties, when my parents took me to the circus. The clown were dressed similar to make us laugh. Their long braces made of elasticated material to make the children laugh. Glad to see they’re keeping up the tradition.
RK, I have never understood this odd style of dress.
In the part of London I am near to, this is a common practice amongst our friendly jungle descendants.
What I can’t get my head around is this section of society is quite often in trouble with the law and regularly stopped and searched. Should they need to make a hasty dash for it I feel they are at a serious disadvantage becuase it can’t be easy to run with your jeans almost around your ankles?
Equally, should one have a slightly dodgy tummy and have the misfortune of following through after releasing some methane then the whole world will see you have shit yourself like a little baby.
You wouldn’t catch me sagging in Asda.
I go to Aldi.
And I like my pants to button just below my nipples.
This is for yank convicts and pavement apes,
Not Englishmen.
Pavement Apes, that’s a new one for me and I like it! ????
You need to check out the deep fake David Attenborough narration on the mating habits and life style of the North American pavement ape. I was sent a link from Tick Tock or YouTube and sadly being a Luddite I can’t replace it here. It truly is wonderful to behold.
Go to YouTube and search ‘North American Pavement Ape ( A Documentary).
I saw this kind of thing in the fifties, when my parents took me to the circus. The clowns were dressed similar. Their long braces made of elasticated material made the children laugh. Glad to see they’re keeping up the tradition. I tided up my tale, something these idiots should be doing now.
And then they wonder why no-one will offer them employment.
The same with people sporting a face full of ironmongery.
Sagging trousers and the back-to-front baseball cap. Two fashion statements made by the imbecile.
For women it is the spray-tanned, duck-lipped, fake lashed, groucho eyebrowed, botox’d-to-fuck face with top knot, onsie or spray on leggings over malformed arse and legs.
I used to refer to the back to front baseball cap as a ‘brain reducer’. I nearly got into trouble once when the kids shouted this out when they saw some geezer sporting one.
The reason these “pants” dont fall down is the little pink or blick peg in the front. Cunts.
Gravity seems to let them down, when it’s gravitas what they’re looking for.
I suspect that the ‘woman’ was Thangam Debbonaire, Labour’s Shadow Culture Secretary.
I suppose if Naomi Campbell, or some other bygone supermodel was wearing this kind of wank down a catwalk at some Milan fashion show, everyone would cream themselves, and definitely worthy of the designer asking price of £10k
What about buying a pair of jeans with fucking great holes already worn in the knees? That’s been around for at least ten years now and I still don’t get it. Would you buy a shirt with buttons missing or a pair of shoes with busted laces? Well, a cunt might.
Or a bra with only one cup?
My trousers kept falling down whilst at school in the forties because I didn’t have a belt and didn’t know what underwear was. With holes in my seat, it made no difference. Nobody cared due to the majority being similar. It was just after the war when we had fuck all and I mean fuck all !!
The caption appears to be a prison yard of inmates being denied belts. When its a good belting these scruffy cunts need.
Sagging jeans and tracksuit bottoms are prominent in our high street as groups of dirty, filthy wasters and smack heads get together to gibber about their bennies and generally make the place a mess. Occasionally things will erupt into crazed arguments in Scotch or Scouse. New on the scene are the groups of East European immies that grumble together and look tough. There will be blood. Fuck off.
Good morning, everyone.
You must live in Boscombe 🙂
For a group of people that are always complaining about “battymen” (indeed, one of their top microphone shouters done a “song” about boom bye bying them), they aren’t shy about advertising their wares for all and sundry to see.
Sometimes i marvel at the ineptitude of some of planet earth’s inhabitants.
If i was plod i’d tell him to pull his trousers up, probably get the sack for cultural insensitivity.
Interesting fact:
“Saggin” is “Niggas” spelt backwards. True story.