Nonces Avoiding Jail

Seth Kneller, a 43-year-old cunt from Crewe, should be in jail but, due to the cuntishness of our justice system, isn’t.

He got into the news back in May by ramming the gates of Downing Street with his car. I’m sure we’d all like to express our frustration with the government from time to time, but causing criminal damage that the tax-payer has no doubt had to pay to rectify qualifies you as a cunt.

He was given a jail sentence but, as seems to be par for the course these days, he won’t actually serve it because he says he has ADHD and autism. I mean, fair play to him for having the balls to play both those cards at once. If I were the judge I might give him extra jail time for pushing his luck.

But anyway, I digress because this all pales into insignificance next to his other crime – when the coppers examined his phone they found kiddie-fiddling photos on there, but even this wasn’t enough to get him banged up. The judge took into account “his mental health, early guilty plea, lack of previous convictions and his good prospect of rehabilitation”.

Can anyone give me one example of a nonce who’s been “rehabilitated”? Or explain why you can get away with crimes just because it’s your first offence? Maybe the judge would like to explain to the kids’ parents why an early plea qualifies this paedo for extra leniency?

BBC News Link.

Nominated by : Do You Think I Meant Country Matters?

(Note: There’s a separate nomination due to go live soon regarding prison overcrowding. Therefore please keep comments focused on this arsehole. Thanks – Day Admin)

28 thoughts on “Nonces Avoiding Jail

  1. Jimmy Savile was rehabilitated by a terminal case of pneumonia.

    Best thing he ever did.

    Morning all.

  2. Rapes and noncing are seen as minor offences.

    When you see the likes of the Met allowing characters like Wayne Cousins to serve then you can understand why.

    There’s also the disregard for the victims of grooming by the police because ‘racism’ , but perhaps more tragic is that, according to Maggie Oliver, several of the police officers investigating thought the girls involved shouldve been drowned at birth.

  3. Sounds like a right idiot, must have know that ramming the gates would lead to arrest and the police would check his internet history.

    ‘What is there to live for’, well drive your fucking Kia into the Thames, sorted

    • Gary Lineker talked Nonce-sense in the Brass Eye special.

      I can clearly remember the old man saying ‘Lineker… you fucking prick!’ when telling the viewer a pederoid could use special gloves to touch children through their computer screens.

  4. ADHD, the get out of jail free card. Seems to work every time.

    I wonder if those scallywags in Hamas are all suffering from ADHD.

  5. I’m surprised he didn’t get a treason charge for the Downing Street gates, it would be called an insurrection and threat to democracy in the states.

    The other stuff? C’mon man, stop picking on a much victimised minority. The rest of the taboos are now celebrated, how long till the Pride alphabet gains a new letter?

    Drag queens in schools, sex toys in lessons, there are things accepted now that would have caused riots 50 years ago.

    You think it won’t happen? Our grandparents would have said the same about much that is now embraced and celebrated.

    Do we have to wait until child sacrifice joins the alphabet before the majority actually see through the woke toxic cloud?

    There has to be a line but no one’s willing to draw it……

    • It’s already started Six, in an attempt to downplay the crime, nonces are referred to as minor attracted persons.

      • They’re also covertly included in the LGBTQ movement under ‘Quare’. One reason why so many gay men and lesbians are disowning the alphabet alliance (the trans crap is another major factor).

    • Excellent synopsis there Sixdog though as regarding the acceptance of deviancy I would have to go back a little further than fifty years. Buggery was legalised for twenty-one year olds in 1967.

      • Good point, arfur, I believe the contraceptive pill was also key in the slide, whilst it could be said contraception is a good thing hit does appear the wrong people are using it.

  6. I’ve always thought that a good birching would help with behavioural disorders.
    I’m not a psychologist of course, so perhaps people like Freud would disagree with me.
    No problem, they can be housed with the families of the bleeding hearts that sympathise with anyone who comes out with a bullshit reason for committing crime.
    Just keep them away from me you gullible cunts.

  7. Maybe the ‘Mother of The House’ put in a good word for him.

  8. Perhaps it was attempted suicide, hoping by ramming the gates the coppers would shoot him. He should have driven into a mosque…….they would have had his head off in ten seconds flat.

  9. A filthy beast a scabby nonce, but once you deal the mental elf card all is forgiven.
    A good candidate for experimental Sjambok work

  10. Totally OT but I feel I must congratulate Hamas on ending the Ukraine war, at least on the BBC.

    Suddenly there’s nothing to report from the eastern front. My ironic comment is in bad taste but I think it shows how bigger part the media play in elevating stories to the point any one thing can become the only thing happening.

    Suddenly the terrible unforgivable suffering of the Ukrainians is over. I did smile wryly when I read Volodymyr Zelenskyy is spitting has dummy as the US diverts attention and arms to the Middle East.

    • Sixdog your observation is valid and similar “changes of interest” happen all the time. Items that appear to be of universal importance disappear overnight to be replaced by the latest item of universal importance
      Often find myself asking is that it?

  11. Seems a “disorder” is an excuse for any sort of criminal/ anti social behaviour nowadays.

    Perhaps the BBc think that Hamas have some sort of “disorder” and it might upset them if they are called, vicious murdering sadistic bastard’s.


  12. Ah yes the mental health card. I actually have Asbergers and suffer from depression (both verified by a professional) I’d still expect to be done if I broke the law. The judge is a joke

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