Nicholas Rossi (or whatever he’s called)
A wanted, on the run alleged rapist faked his own death it seems and was hiding out in Scotland. I’ve heard more about this cunt than this story. It’s very murky. He was involved in politics. He was called a ‘demon child’ by former foster parents in America. Impossible to live with every cunt says and would attack his family (girls in particular). His step dad finally lost it one day and beat the shit out of him, putting him in hospital. He sounded a fucking nightmare.
Then he got rapey it seems and would beat women up. Allegedly.
He then faked cancer and his own death, with politicians praising the cunt. Who says politicians are all cunts?
Anyway, his displays of being ‘Arthur Knight’ (I’ve seen the paper he allegedly scribbled a few fake names on…included names like Robert Hood and Winston summat, and other, overly British sounding names that nobody has in reality. His fake British accent (which changes from time to time) is fucking hilarious. As are some of his interviews. Comedy gold. Hunt them out, they will crack you up. Pretending to be British and disabled.
But I keep reminding myself while laughing, tfat he is a wanted rapist. What the fuck is that new British wife all about too? All very strange.
Well now the cunt is finally getting extradited to America.
Lock the cunt up and throw away the key Merikuh.
Unless he really is ‘Arthur Knight’ of course. Yes, I know, I know..
Nominated by: Cuntybollocks
This is the sort of disgraceful shit that can only happen in Modern Times.
Imagine trying to pull this silly fucking panto fifty years ago?
The coppers would have booted the fat cunt out of wheelchair,shoed him in and stuck him on the next plane to the U.S.
Legal aid gravy train?
Oven the lot.
To be fair that all sounds like a lot of work.
They should have hung the cunt on day one.
100% thick rope and a stout tree !!!!
Arthur Knight. Sounds like Arthur King and his stupid English K-nigits. What a poseur. And an evil cunt of course.
I’d be able to spot the septic right off, once asking him to repeat ultimatum. Then send him packing.
Or ‘Nuclear’.
Every American I’ve ever heard says ‘nuk-u-ler’.
Don’t get me started, Ron. They also iron-y, instead of
Does anyone know if some delusional idiot has started a petition on Change. org to stop the deportation yet, or a GoFundMe to pay his legal fees?
Perhaps that mope from JSO could do a tearful plea for him.
I think one of the names he had allegedly scribbled down may have been Winston Nelson ?
Comedy gold this:
Try this instead
Pmsl no fucking way that’s him , that’s David Walliams and Matt Lucas.
Best thing this cunt could do is drape himself in a Palestine flag which will render him untouchable.
Though he will need a extra large one..
“…drape himself in a Palestine flag which will render him untouchable….”
Daft cunt, tried to wrap himself up as a jew and even that didn’t work. The ADL know a goy when they see one.
Must be fucking thick as shit to get himself kicked out of the country. When does that fucking happen? It doesn’t surprise me that he’s got a British wife……there are so many dumb bitches who will swallow any sob stories. Good move on his part …..the libtards love a “family” yewman rites story. He couldn’t use the gay angle as the Yanks don’t hang poofs. Unfortunately.
Set fire to his wheelchair and watch him run like fuck.
Disabled my arse.
Good morning.
So the nhs does free (unwanted) tattoos whilst you’re unconscious in hospital now? Of course it does mate.
They do all-sorts, so long.
Only last week, I went in for knee surgery, and I awoke from my anesthetic to find a nose piercing, a mohican haircut and a huge pair of plastic tits.
Think yourself lucky you were not bummed, Cunty.
Indeed, they could have performed brain surgery and he woke up shouting “Free Palestine” and “Save the Fucking Polar Bears!”
What’s your bra size Cunty?
(just asking for the weirder elements on here).
All he has to do is identify as black and/or H*mas supporter and he will be home free. Fatso coppers will be apologising, footballers will be kneeling, politicians will be asking questions, lawyers will be making fortunes, protesters will protest. All will be well.
Good afternoon, everyone.
In what way is this cunts continued existence at all beneficial to society? Bullet and lime pit, it’d be a merciful kindness.
Bullets aren’t cheap, use a brick.
A tonne of bricks
Probably see the cunt in the Biden administration by Christmas. They like freaks and liars.
Haha yes probably an Admiral or summat
As an accomplished liar and blatant bullshitter he could replace that black bint who is Sniffer Joe’s Press Secretary.
She looks worn out lying out of her arse every day of the week. Give the girl a break.
Admiral General Field Marshal
O/T but a rousing version of ‘Being a Yiddd’ at this evening’s match to show solidarity with Israel would be both appropriate and cause the BBC wokies a total meltdown!
The sooner he is fucked off back to the U.S. the better. We should not be spending taxpayer money on cunts like this, we have enough of our own.
The whole extradition process should be speeded up with no right of appeal. That should be left for the courts where the offence was committed to decide.
Sounds like a plan.
Specs as worn by Christie of Rillington Place…
Ee’s a wrong in.
Looking at his barnet I’m suprised JSO aren’t boycotting the oleaginous twat.
He’s taking the piss.
Nobody has mentioned that Mr Rossi was a cartoon:
He even looks like him. Every time he was on the news I’d sing his theme tune.
The cunt looks like he’s trying to disguise himself as Arthur Askey.
Gallows please.
His name is Arthur knight and he’s a innocent man.
Hes co chair of the ‘we the people ‘ party and being set up for his political beliefs.
It was a one armed man that did it .
Then wrote abuse to Gareth Southgate
Arthur knight?
Did he fall from his horse as a portcullis was let down?
Your thinking of his brother.
Suge knight.
Burn his bollocks off with a blow torch
Barbed wire and a lamppost
You’ll have to forgive me if I’m being unbelievably thick but surely, if he’s already a convicted sex offender in America, they will have DNA samples, as will we?
Or will he claim that the NHS gave him a complete blood transfusion, against his will, from this other person
Who he definitely isn’t?
Hey JP.
Good point, it doesn’t go into how they got it, but the rozzers in yankland have DNA evidence. I guess they compared his DNA from the hospital he was admitted to, to the DNA they had in America?
Not sure what the hold up still is though (extraditing the cunt). They’ve said he can now legally be extradited, but it’s probably going to take several months I heard. Why?
Fucking lawyers, eh?
Every once in a while a news story comes along that makes you think what the actual fuck?
Same with that case about a decade ago when that British fella faked his own death and was living in Panama and his wife even went over to visit him on holiday.
Did anyone have Gordon Clegg in the dead pool?
This fat fuck should be force fed until he explodes…..