Greta Thunberg [17]

I see our favourite goblin has got herself arrested for once again, protesting at a port she had literally just been in court for blocking previously.

Two things, Greta.
No one who matters is listening and the rest don’t care.
The definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.

Go home, get married and raise a new generation of goblins whilst enjoying your millions.

Please, before someone decides you are a cunt, and not an exploited child/woman, and decides you’d make a better martyr.

BBC News Link.

Nominated by : Jeezum Priest

63 thoughts on “Greta Thunberg [17]

    • I very much doubt it. She retired from her academic career in 2017 because of what she called “the political nature of climate science.” A distinguished academic background counts for fuck all compared with the slick media machine surrounding the Swedish goblin.

    • Many thanks for that link IY. I confess I had not even heard of Judith Curry before but that interview was highly illuminating. I shall watch it again tomorrow I think. Thanks again.

  1. I was jumping between radio channels yesterday evening and happened across the ‘world service’

    A wimmin interviewer was given a nameless politician a grilling over netzero, and quoted words and figurs from the Scandinavian Snow Gremlin Thunderberg as if it was the sage of all knowledge an authority.

    I quickly changed stations before my boiling piss exploded.

  2. She looks like a Zandozan from The Last Starfighter.
    Forgive the obscure reference but that’s the first thing that popped in my head and I love that movie. Ground breaking CGI.

  3. Bong Bong Mong
    It is with regret that we announce this news, that Gollum formerly known as Greta, has indeed found the Precious after many years of fumbling to find the golden Ring.
    She remains in hiding at this stage but close sources report that she hasn’t left her bedroom since and the heat emissions emanating are a contributing factor to climate change and remain very concerned about Greta, sorry Gollum
    One source very close to events, has also reported that she screamed out loud
    “fk me and my environment , again an again an again, oh Precious aah “

  4. Say what you like, but I’d still bend her over and do her till her little Rat eyes pop out! I bet she’s a minge like a Mouse’s ear and it’s been touched by man not beast. I bet she doesn’t shave it up, either!

  5. The virtue signalers and celebrity turds only like Greta because she is ugly.
    If she was a fit ‘un with a beautiful face and great tits, they would hate her and steam with jealousy. Climate change or no.

    These woke degenerates love to pat uglies on the head and treat them like pets. So it pleases them no end that their favourite eco-truant looks like a gurning gargoyle.

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