Children’s books and the nonsense that is being instilled. Whether this particular example or wokism or unscientific trannyism.
”Stonehenge was built by black Britons, a new children’s history book has claimed.
The illustrated book entitled Brilliant Black British History, by the Nigerian-born British author Atinuke, says “every single British person comes from a migrant” but “the very first Britons were black”.
Readers of the newly-released book are told that Stonehenge was built while Britain was “a black country”.”
Well, that explains why Africa is so advanced, technically and socially. Why Nigeria leads the West in scientific innovation.
I suppose this entitled black with a chip on her shoulder couldnt quite fit black slaves into the story so decided to cut out wicked whitey all together. And of course a black skin would naturally take to living in Europe 1000s of years ago.
Oh, and it’s a picture book so blacks can enjoy it.
One way or another, they are coming for our children.
Nominated by Cuntsable Cuntbubble.
They need the ‘Pop Up Book of Nı99erin’
A pop up machete across pages 4-5
A little panel on page 7 that opens to reveal a rock of crack cocaine
And on page 13, there’s a little tab to make your darkıe run away once the female chimp has told him she’s pregnant with her 5th child (by 4 different men).
Available from Waterstone’s.
Price: £18.99. Or free, because, let’s face it, you’re going to steal it, unshackled from the concerns of any police action.
If blacks had built Stonehenge it would be a giant reefer and called Stonedhenge.
And made of mud ans straw.
Ah now, think about it? N*gnogs doing a days hard graft? Fuckoff! The lazy cunts would have nicked everything, got themselves fired and then claimed racism! Cunts!
One has to wonder if white people actually did anything?
Oppress da black man.
Blacks can’t build a stable family unit, so stonehenge it way out of their league..
Wakanda forever…
Wank ‘arder forever!
All basic standards of primary school education are under constant attack by mentally deranged left wing ideologues.
It’s subversion.
Everyone involved in spreading this shit should hang.
I hate this world more and more every day…………
Yep me too ☹️
Weave us some black magic then ? You black lazy cunts.
I despair at these silly gibbons.Stop the world I’ve had enough.Send them back to Africa in their dinghies.
I Saw this Poster a few Years ago Gave me a chuckle
You would Assume they would Claim something more Plausible, but the Light Bulb, Really?
And the bloody acoustic guitar as well….who knew?, Oh, wait…
I’ll concede mop and straitening combs.
peanut butter was invented by a white canadian chap.
And I see amazon are up to their old tricks,when cuntstable nominated it,I had a look at the reviews loads of 1 star reviews..
Now they have miraculous disappeared, a bit like any evidence the so called author had on her claims..
Let’s not forget that dingbat “academic” who claims Jamaican slaves invented iron smelting (yes really) and that the invention was stolen by wicked whitey.
They have also been into space.
Discover Magazine
I knew they had achieved something
Astrochimps, I thought that was what they were after a heavy session on the blunts..
Neil Armstrong on the moon is white man propaganda.
It was Michael Jackson (pre white) moonwalking to Billie Jean.
That weirdo Creepo Jacko nicked that Moonwalk thing. Off a lad called Jeffrey Daniel.
But, of course people think (formerly) Blacko Jacko invented it.?
‘Planet of the Apes’ is a documentary.
It was originally called ‘Life in Brixton’ but it didn’t sound exciting enough!
Black Britons built Stonehenge…. Then what ?
They invented the PG Tips tea bag.
‘Eat da poo-poo.’
As a child, one of my favourite books was
Edward Lear’s Nonsense Omnibus.
Good afternoon.
They should publish the real Brothers Grimm fairy tales for the children. They would even frighten us all to death, even we cunters.
Brothers Grimm stories would firstly have to pass through the sensitivity readers censorship process and then be given a woke makeover to make them more suitable for today’s spineless wimps.
The Saturn V rocket? The light bulb? The internal combustion engine?
George Floyd invented the banana butty. Beat that, useless honkies!
The Saturn V rocket?
Last line shouldn’t be there cunting bastard cunt arse tits.
Nah, a rasta named Charlie who worked with my dad in the 70s invented the fried banana butty?. Chiggen Floyd George invented fuck all.
But you’re right, of course Cuntybollocks.
Funny how Pasteur, Edison, Newton, the Wright Brothers, the Lumiere Brothers, Ben Franklin, Marconi, Logie Baird, Faraday, Hargreaves, Stephenson, Kingdom Brunel, Curie, Einstein, and even Thomas Crapper were all white.
So just what have these congo cunts given or invented?
That thick looking monkey didn’t INvent, it INserted knives, bullets, blows and cock into anyone.
Certain cunters will tell you the Saturn V rocket was invented by Stanley Kubrick.
cluck-cluck jibber.
Nasa told they lost all that technology so it must have been legitimate.
A few deviant books being fed to kids too. Tranny shit, gay grandpops stuff and even one I saw with the ‘love is love’ motto in a pro tranny/gay book for kids (love is love is a pea dough motto I believe).
Cunts putting this filth in classrooms should be executed.
The first Britons were black.
This lie has been spread like marge in recent years. From kiddies books to TV programmes, and – naturally – the BB bastard C.
For some warped reason, these revisionist congos are obesessed with Hadrian’s Wall. According to them, they buillt it and then they guarded it. They never shut up about it. That uppity chukka type on the once great (but eventually destroyed by woke) Endeavour, babbling on about how his lot ‘were here first’ and how ‘they’ built and guarded Hadrian’s Wall. ITV should never have let such a load of shit and such a blatant and made up lie even get on air. They know it isn’t tree, everybody does. Yet they still did it. Shameful really.
‘Brilliant Black British History, by the Nigerian-born British author Atinuke,’
That has to be the most inaccurate use of English (British) ever!
I was at my daughter’s under 11 match football tournament yesterday. One of the teams had a boy up front called Elsa .
Little cunt scored about 5 goals too .
Utter fucking madness and encouraged by his school as well
World has gone utterly mad
It is fucking child abuse. Teachers are arseholes.
100% agree, shouldn’t be promoting this sort of cuntish behavior in schools. Its going to get to a point were you wont know if its a man woman or a fucking cod (well the cod could be mistaken for a woman especially the Essex lot including that little mermaid Ursula lookalike Gemma Collins)
Wait until Sharia law comes for him. Ha ha ha the cunt.
When ours were young we taught them the standard stuff to stay safe CotL, you know; don’t take sweets from strangers, look both ways when crossing the road, etc. Nowadays we would add that people like Elsa are dangerous deviants to be avoided.
… yet they couldn`t build a pipe into my hut from 200 miles away.
You built a new hut, Sam?
I thought it was 300 miles away.
No, no. Don’t tell me, let me guess.
You got an e-bike, donated by kindly English charity people.
This really happens, and e-scooters, too. So they can zip to their interviews with the Immigration Authorities, while claiming to be 14 years old.
With the greatest of respect to this Nigerian-born scholar, she is talking out of her arse.
It is quite possibly true that the first ‘Britons’ were black. All humans were. But the gene for lighter pigmentation is widely thought to have occured in Northern Europeans around 18,000 years ago. The most generous estimate in her favour states it could have been between 12,000 and 6,000 years ago.
Alas, Stonehenge was built some 5,000 years ago by people on this island who were of light pigmentation.
All of this misses the most important point, so obvious that it ought not even to be needed.
Whatever shade the builders were, white, black or somewhere in-between. They were OUR ancestors.
Not hers.
Nicely summed up Mickey.
Good point!
Our ancestors, not hers.
I am struggling with the idea that all humans started out as being black.
The whole ‘out of Africa’ idea doesn’t really work for me.
Why did some parts of the world end up with a white population when other parts have yellow skinned people?
I think that we are all related as humans but with different sub-species.
Obviously the black Africans are at the bottom of the pile.
Obviously the black Africans are at the bottom of the pile.
Indeed they are. Artful.
The most ignorant. ill mannered and grabbing cunts.
They also only let onto or speak to other darkees. And they call us racist?!
Something hilarious happened at the renal unit last week. This ugly African bint tried to come on to this black lad. Just because he is black, she thought he was a fellow ignorant treeswinger from the Congo. He was totally baffled, as he is English and from Farnworth, and she frightened him to death.
Hahahaha the Romans had viaduct 2000 years ago, the chocos are still walking to a muddy river to collect sewage in a jug.
Any rational patent should take their child, if possible, out of state skools.
Lying banana sniffing cunt.
It’s only a matter of time before colouring books come with only a black pen/crayon for faces..
All white people should stop work for a week and let the blacks do it. That should be fun.
They would blaxploit G*llyoaks and W*gglebox.
Bollocks is my response to this arsewipe of a book. The visitors to our isles after the last ice age most likely had darker skin than we have, but they certainly were not of a sub Saharan body type.. This is just wokist crap, made worse by complete ignorance
As for being migrants the only place that I know that was not inhabited by migrants is Africa. Why don’t these cunts tell the American Indians that they are migrant land stealers, likewise the Aboriginals in Aus.
U.K. a bastion of science and technology my arse
The Romans were here weren’t they? Then the Vikings invaded.
The ‘Norman Conquest’.
More recently Pakistan.
I mean Rome is in Italy, Southern Europe. The Vikings came from Northern Europe. The Normans from just across the Channel.
But Pakistan is miles away. It’s on another continent.
How did it happen?
The majority of Paki migrants in the UK originate from Mirpur in Kashmir, which has a long history of out-migration. Sailors from Mirpur found work as engine-room stokers on British ships sailing out of Bombay and Karachi, many of whom settled in the UK in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Paki migrants who came to Britain after WWII found employment in the textile industries of Lancashire, Yorkshire, Manchester and Bradford, cars and engineering factories in the West Midlands, and Birmingham, and the growing light industrial estates in places like Luton and Slough.
Other groups who migrated from Pakistan in the 1960s include Punjabis who mainly settled in Glasgow, Birmingham and Southall in London.
Hope that helps.
No it doesn’t. Send the fuckers back please.
Following WWII there were no restrictions on immigration from Commonwealth countries, and as British subjects, Pakis had full rights of citizenship.
This principle was reaffirmed in the British Nationality Act of 1948
It was not until the Commonwealth Immigrants Act of 1962 that stringent restrictions on the entry of Commonwealth citizens into the United Kingdom was enacted.
Subsequently only those with work permits (which were typically only for high-skilled workers) were permitted entry.
There’s always been historical debates about the purpose of Stonehenge…….ie why did they build the fucking thing anyway?
If it was built by the silveries then that throws a whole new light on it. A prototype KFC perhaps? An early supermarket they could rob on a daily basis? A tyre swing leisure park? The possibilities are endless. I can feel a book coming on.
Makes me laugh about these cunt acade.ics wringing their hands over the Chinese saying they are the first humans and didn’t come from Africa and yet they push this bollocks.
They’ll moan about our ‘post truth’ world then lie about biology and how the Romans were black.
Good old Soviet era bullshit.
Including that dozy mare Prof. Alice Roberts.
Has a problem with Chinese saying they arent descended from Africans but signs up to a new lockdown for the Omicron strain, despite everyone in SA saying it’s very mild and barely slowing the country down.
Another politicised public ‘scientist’ weighing in on subjects outside her expertise, like Neil DeGrasse Tyson.