In their attempt to show that they are right-on and ‘with it’, Braun have decided to use a ‘trans man’ complete with double mastectomy scars, to advertise their latest trimmer.
With any luck their business will go due south, just like bud light and costa coffee.
Nominated by mystic maven.
More on this nonsense shit show from General Cuntster below.
Let’s have a Transheuser Shaved Bush cunting for the Kraut manufacturing company Braun GmbH. To be fair they are owned by Americunt Conglomerate Proctologist and Bumbler but they are and have been firmly ensconced in the 4th Reich and operate independently so they get the nomination.
Their newest advertising campaign features a Tranny with visible mastectomy scars shaving It’s face with an electric razor.
Is there really anything else to say other than how long must we endure this continued assault on Western Civilization by these Idiot Wokeists who foster their degenerate Utopian Dreams of a Brave New One World Order on the rest of us.
Stop buying Braun products. Sell your Procter and Gamble stock. They want to market to Trannies, degenerates and Wokeies…fine let’s see if there’s enough of them to support their delusions.
I’m fucking done with the evil bastards who promote this lunacy.
Not much of an advert if it? Our shaver can just about manage to shave off a bit of bum fluff that the hormone taking trans has grown.
Agreed – That same shaver would be unable to cope with what I imagine would be the cornucopia of twigs `down below`. One would likely need to call in industrial forest clearing equipment and a detachment of military flame throwers.
I don’t think this is quite what the Austrian corporal had in mind for the Ubermensch. He’ll be spinning in his bunker.
Wunderfrau perhaps, GT?
Unsubstantiated rumours in the advertising media suggest that Braun’s sales have dipped quite sharply over the last 2 quarters.
Whether this is because of their full-on wokeness or because their latest products are expensive shite is unclear.
At the end of the day you can be as diverse and inclusive as you want, but if no one buys your product you’re fucked!
PS… just ask the former head of John Lewis, Dame Shazza White.
More agenda driven woke shite to appease the thought police. I hope their sales dive like a lead balloon. Braun’s version of the whole Bud Light fuck up. Self indulgent bollocks. A decent headshrinker is what’s needed.
Haha look at the state of that!
Everyone knows the Tranny bumfluff simply blows off in a moderate breeze,thus eliminating the need for a woke trimmer.
Anyhow they can take their mangled tits,virtue signalling puke and fuck right off.
Electric shavers are for puffs and rapists anyway. I was once bought one for crimbo when I was a young man. Made me feel itchy and unclean. And ‘as close as a blade’ my fucking arse.
A real man wet shaves.
Get to fuck. I’ll just avoid their kettles that I think they make but can’t be arsed checking.
Braun already make a ‘lady shave’ for women/women without tits—cordless-electric-shaver-and-trimmer-system-with-1-extra-10244544-
Sick to the back teeth!!!
I would TRANSfer all this newfangled shite, concerning these cunts who don’t know their arse from the elbow, to the farthest corner of the earth and bury it.
If you pulled a bird and it turned out to be a trannie you’d probably be…….erm……a little disappointed. I wonder if it’s the same for poofs? A gay pulls a bloke and then finds out he’s got no cock. Would he be fucking steaming mad or, being a filthy degenerate, would he just fuck it up the arse anyway?
It’s one of the great moral dilemmas of these perverted times. One which I will give zero thought to.
Dirty deviant.Shove your electric shaver up your rear hole.
Damage the ring piece, but it’ll get rid of the clinkers.
He/she/it would probably enjoy that.
The question is why, how many hormone infected women are there compared to men, perhaps the woke twats who think up adverts are so blinkered that they believe this will actually cut through to their core market…. Men ?
Have these cunts not seen what happened to Bud light thanks to that Mulvaney abomination.
When are these fuckers going to realise that when in your adverts you associate your produccts with these mentally ill, mincing, simpering embaressments, normal men generally take a step away from the product and when 99.9% of your customer base shp elsewhere you are truly fucked…
They aren’t interested in the little people ?
I suppose Braun will be like Wickes, who’s chairman said (paraphrasing) “If our customers don’t like our support for trans inclusion and diversity, these bigot are welcome to shop elsewhere!”
Inevitably a huge protest/boycott followed and sales of Wickes products went through the floor (which given the quality of their products is a perfect metaphor!)
What these virtue signalling cunts just don’t realise is that most transsexuals, just like the majority of BAMEs just don’t want this kind of over-politicised drama in their lives.
I know quite a few black, Asian and LGBs from my days of living in Birmingham and the majority of them are pissed off with this “virtue signalling by proxy”. Its typically just a small minority- political activists or bored middle class wankers – who stir the shit and then walk away.
Me too Techno – I tend to have the same view.
So why don’t the stupid fuckers shout out and shout out loud?
They could tell these companies to fuck off as they don’t need nor want, the exposure.
Then the companies would sack the fucking wank, overpaid marketing cnuts or at least tell them to get back to reality.
But the black, Asian, LGB12345Q+ won’t do it will they?
Bit like the British voters and the two toss-pot parties that vie for power – they just won’t do it!
Does the creature in the nom pic still have a fanny?
It’s all rather confusing.
How come the creep’s white, that’s what I want to know. Especially during black made up in the absence of any proper history month.
On a slight tangent about racially challenged fantasy month.
Our leftpondian cousins who started this shit (or, more precisely, allowed this shitshow to exist in the first place and then facilitated it’s propagation) celebrate this nonsense in February.
They’ve currently taken to calling October ‘Spooky month’ over there, and with the amusing law of unintended consequences working overtime in the cultural and linguistic ironies departments, thanks to good old rampant USian cultural imperialism on t’interwebs I’ve heard quite a few people (mostly us blue eyed devil types…) over this side of the pond refer to it as such here.
I’m waiting for the ‘outrage’ when the shops start using it in their Halloween marketing and some easily offended cunt spots the ‘slur’.
Hilter wouldn’t have put up with this shit. Nothing about trans shaving in Mein Kampf. No place for it in the Thousand Year Reich. ‘Schweinhunds!’
Good afternoon, everyone.
The modern book would be
‘Mein kampf…in ein Damenkleid’
‘My struggle…into a lady’s dress’.
Herman Göring would’ve bought a copy.
Berlin is a pretty degenerate place these days.
Filled to bursting with assorted weirdos, poofs and non Germans.
Not what the Fuhrer had in mind for his thousand year Reich I would imagine.
It’s almost like the destruction of Germany and its culture is deliberate.
Well old Adolf did his bit to eliminate German culture in his predictably “angry dictator mode”..
But the Royal Air Force and the Yanks learned them good.
It’s a shame everything seems to have been spoilt by the Puffs.
Sadly all went to shit☹️
Not sure if I’m seeing things but that cunt has an adams apple and those scars are dreadful . looks like someone used mig wire and a fucked nozzle to remove the aforementioned Mitchell brothers.
This proves what I’ve said all along
Shaving is for puffs
Beard power!!
Were you having an off day when your official CotY photo was being taken? Don’t deny it’s you ‘cos the beard accessories, shaved head and soft removal man hands give the game away.
BTW the red lippy doesn’t suit you.
Hello Mr Dribbler ?
That’s the black sheep of the family,
Camp Northern Cunt.
He’s brought dishonour on our name and can’t ever return to the fold.
We spit on his name
Females do have Adam’s apples, but they’re not generally as prominent as those of males.
How about an advert showing ‘trans regret’. Loads of the cunts who now regret having nether regions that resemble a butcher’s bin that stinks of shite. Quite a few suicides too.
Nothing to see here…
You say advert.
I say porn.
Only if they’re crying, Thomas.
The only way back for this company is for a ladyshave with an advert showing a young genuine wimminz shaving her beaver and give it a good rub with some lube shortly afterwards – so much so that her fingers slip inside and her thumbs flicks her bean. Unfortunately she stumbles backwards onto the bed where she parts her legs for easier access.
By chance the Deliveroo woman has arrived with a dodgy pizza. Transfixed by the sight she tosses the pizza to one side and goes down on the woman and gives her a good noshing.
The advert ends with the Braun Ladyshave and the strapline “For a smoother, wetter finish, let the Lady explore your Beaver!”
Umm… see you in a few minutes..
I think I may have seen that plotline on Xhamster..
5*. Thoroughly recommend.
Trannies don’t need to shave.
A mild breeze would work.
Can’t grow beards!!!
Maybe a bit of hormone down ?
But that’s it.
Only women from the middle East can grow a decent beard
And Salford ?
its funny how no one has come out and identified as a black person and then requesting to be dipped in industrial ink to satisfy their made up mental health issue
I’ve got a Braun razor, so it’s too late for me to pull out of the purchase. Panasonic next for me. Fuck the Germans.
Have I misunderstood completely? Female male-impersonator takes hormones to encourage beard growth, then uses overpriced German power tool to remove beard? This is getting very silly. And now for something completely different…
…I hope.
Slightly off o/t but the shaved arsehole that is dame keir is wetting his tena ladies over a by election win in sweaty land..
Even though it was a win for who fucking cares with a turnout of 37%..
It’s a guarantee that they will not sell even one extra razor as a result of this advertising.
The best they can hope for is that they don’t lose customers.
The cunts at Braun know this.
But then it’s not about selling their product and making more money.
It’s woke propaganda.
Still using my good old “man” sized Phillishave.
Built for men, not Fucking freaks of nature…!
I don’t see the problem here. The ad agency looked at the selection of wimpy, soyboy sjw actors on their books and went with whatever was the manliest.
I wont come off my Edwin Jagger and Japanese Feather blades. Sharp razors for men with real beards that start re-appearing 1/2 hour after shaving, not these he-she mutants.
Braun can get to fuck – as far as I am concerned the German wankers can go a rattle one of their natty hand blenders up their “schokolade seesterne”
My Edwin Jagger has a Feather loaded too. Lethal in the wrong hands lol.
This is good. Joe Rogan. Not a great fan but this has gone viral and rightly so. He asked a simple question-
I suppose the deranged cunt who thought this up didn’t consider the poor wenches who have had double masectomies due to cancer.
As a dearly departed mate would have said, “I hope their arsehole heals up”
Bloody racist advert, what wrong with an ethnic?