Ava Santina [2]

In my humble opinion, journalist Ava Santina is showing herself to be a bit of a cunt.

By now we’ve all heard of the allegations of sexual misconduct against Russell Brand, made anonymously (so far) by a number of women. Is Brand guilty, or as pure as driven snow? Well we don’t know, and neither are we likely to until a proper investigation has been completed by the police according to legal process.

One thing we can be sure of however is the presumption of innocence for an accused person until that person has been proven to be guilty by process of law. It’s a principle enshrined in our very way of life.

Sadly not everyone appears to hold to this. Take Ava Santina for example, who appears to hold to the view that accusers in such cases as Brand’s should automatically be believed, even when they are just that, accusers. According to Santina, ‘no business does any woman have coming out now saying that these women should not be believed’. In other words, Brand should be considered guilty until proven innocent.

YouTube Link 1.

Have wimminz like Santina learned nothing from the likes of the Cliff Richard ‘Operation Yewtree’ saga? Has she learned nothing from the examples of Amber Heard and Carl Beech? Here she is, defending the indefensible in the case of fantasist accuser Eleanor Williams, who she believes should not have been sent to prison for her vile accusations against an innocent man because she’s ‘unwell’;

YouTube Link 2.

Get this Ava. You cannot AUTOMATICALLY accept that anything said by an accuser is the truth. Of course they must be listened to, but their claims must be subjected to rigorous scrutiny. In any situation, there are two sides to every story, and to believe otherwise is either naive or dogmatic in the extreme.

The truth will out in Russell’s case. In the meantime, the extremely irritating and sanctimonious Santina needs to get off her hobby horse and remove the stick from up her arse, because she’s making herself look like a real zealot. That’s another word for cunt, by the way.

Nominated by : Ron Knee

68 thoughts on “Ava Santina [2]

  1. It seems only the psychopathic, cynicsl and hypocrite media and those lefties and luvvies who would love to see Lozza Fox taking a razor to himself are buying her sob story.

    Piers Morgan thinks his comments were ‘repulsive’ after joining in with Douglas Murray on mocking Sam Smith on Uncensored.

    You have to wonder if Piers Morgan is one person, or is he a series of clones who only live for a month, each one forgetting or not knowing what the previous iteration said or did just a few weeks earlier.

    Could be that, or perhaps he knows he’d get a verbal mauling from Douglas Murray if he’d said his comments about Smith were ‘repulsive’.

    Perhaps it’s even more base; Ava Evans is a young ‘fit’ blonde woman and Sam Smith is a fat gay bloke.

    As far as Morgan is concerned you csn never credit him with too high a motivation.

    The pompous cunt.

  2. That women has got her head stuffed so far up her own arse she’s scrambling for the light switch. Over privileged spoilt rich girl that hasn’t got a clue what real life is like. I have zero idea why Jeremy Vine has her as a guest.

    She’s an idiot. For example today she just stated:

    “i dont understand what a dog licence is??”

    To which Jeremy vine obviously replied….

    “It’s a license…. for a dog……..”

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