Bill Gates is one of the apex cunts of our age.
Check this brief clip out, sums up the vile little conman…
Yeah, trees, what do they do?! Fuck all, innit? I mean they can take in carbon dioxide and put out oxygen, but I mean… come on! I mean… yeah, so… what?
His little smug creepy laugh at the end says it all.
Nominated by : Pull My Finger
Anyone who designs Windows Vista is a cunt of Holocaust-style proportions.
And the toad-faced prick is friends with Rapey Bill Clinton and his murderous harridan of a missus.
Unkle Terry’s Oven for all three of them?
You forgot his best mate Jeff Epstein.
And that cuntslime Eccleston who accidentally mislaid 400 million quid like it was a couple of bob down the back of the settee – cunt has been giving 18 years to pay of the balance – yeah at 92 years fucking old. Any of us cunts tried to avoid even 400 quid in tax we would be shot at dawn and have our pets turned into gonks.
Shut your gate you yankie cunt !
If it acts and looks like a child molester – it’s a child molester.
Looks like a tortoise that has been evicted from its shell.
His windows operating systems have more bugs than a Paris hotel bedroom..
Bill Gates.
What a man.
Jack of all trades – master of none. Except being a stereotypical Bond villain.
The creepy little cunt.
Long known amongst the tin-foilers to be the shop-front-figurehead and requisite mercantile fig-leaf for the Rockefeller mafia.A whole different paradigm of satanic cuntitude.
But how did Rockefeller make his fortune?
He provides heat pumps for low income households and takes the carbon credit, well that must fill his carbon piggy bank.
Planting trees is nonsense, I guess increasing population is nonsense as well ?
Carbon credit must be one of the most sinister currencies, who is in charge.
The following link gives a few bullet-points as to why Gates is loathed and treated with so much suspicion.
I will admit he was exceptionally good at bringing computing into the home with the advent of Windows, but now that he has acquired so much wealth and influence among the political, social and multinational elites, he has to be regarded as part of the problem rather than the solution.
He could well be the “Blue Screen of Death” for western society if he is allowed to get his own way with his eco-loon ideologies.
Good précis of why this guy is regularly on this site.
Loony elite knows best, you will eat fake meat in your cold houses
The pearly gates are shut to this cunt.
Gate crash the cunt !
His enormous wealth has bought him a seat at the top,health, name it The BG Foundation is there with the cheque book.
Is it for our benefit?
Jolly good.
Here we go again..
Well Friday was a day of jihad, so it wasn’t like we weren’t warned..
Still a sing song will make it all better..
That’s seven hotel beds we don’t need to find.. sorry 3 star or above beds.
Why wasn’t he driving a bus?
The ‘people smuggler’ must have thought he was driving s dinghy. ?
Here we have a fine example of community harmony, diversity is our strength
Diversity is our strength. London is a sewer and needs a thorough cleanse of the filthy turds within.
I admit I had no idea that Bill Gates owned the WHO. Then again I’ve thought for many years that most of the WHO’s pronouncements are bollocks.
They’ve been pushing dubious studies connecting red meant and cancers for several years. The methods used in the studies are laughable; giving rats supplements that scaled up to humans would be equivalent to eating 9kgs of beef a day in order to force the conclusion they want.
Complete dogshit.
Gates gives Blair a run for his money. Trillionaire Bill and Melinda, leading the world in vakzine development and surveillance technology- fucking cunts. They sum up all that is wrong with the world in two stinking sacks of pus.
Well said
‘Are we the science people or are we the idiots?’
Let me think, umm, show us your science credentials then.
Piss off back to screwing up people’s pc’s you goblin.
Yes, Bill. Are the 1,600+ scientists who signed a petition saying that there is no climate emergency scientists too?
It’s what happens when nerds get money, all the mockery, all the rejection, all the beatings.
It’s payback time bitch’s!
Meanwhile Jeff Bezos is actually morphing into Dr Evil…..
Bill Gates.
Isn’t he the fella that hangs around covid vaccination centres abducting the unfortunate recipients in Elon Musk’s spaceship before taking out his willy and giving them dicky-back rides and going “ooh oooh” while spilling Brasso on their botty holes then wiping and wiping and wiping till they all look new and shiny?
Sure I read that somewhere.
Good afternoon.
Excellent – Derek and Clive. Filth at its best.
I hate the cunt so much I have nothing else to say apart from….
I’d have more respect for him if his middle names were Country and Cream.
What if his name was:
Bill Master Gates… ?????
The problem is that once you become a millionaire, or even better, a billionaire, you think you’re the God reincarnated, and can therefore change the world just because you have the money and influence to do so.
Back in the days when Gates gave us Windows 95, 98, Me, and good old XP, it was said that if he he walked down the road and saw $50,000 on the pavement he would carry on walking because it wouldn’t be worth him stopping to pick it up given that he was earning something like $145,000 per minute (or just under £9m per hour, or $200m per day at his peak)
When you’ve billions in the bank and earning millions in interest, you tend to lose touch with reality. You can literally buy anything on the planet, and then what?
And this is when cunts like Gates want to play God and change the world through political influence backed up with a shedload of money.
And yet charities still come round ordinary people asking us to donate to worthy causes which doesn’t seem to change anything 5 years on.
Good old XP indeed Techno. You’re much more au fait with the software side than I am, as a field engineer I was tilted towards the hardware, but XP seemed to be one of his best. The fact it lasted around ten years I think confirms this and its intended replacement Vista was such a crock it enhanced XP’s reputation with the users. When I was working we had a huge amount of work taking Vista off machines and reinstalling XP. Seemed that the main problem was compatibility with the user’s apps i.e. most of the stuff people had run for years on XP simply did not work on Vista. Not the first time we had seen this backwards move from Microsoft though. Back in the early 90s in its day DOS5 with Windows 3.1 was solid and reliable. Then they introduced that disaster DOS6 which literally destroyed some small businesses. Compress this drive to save disc space anyone? Oh god help us!
I hate the cunt for his windows updates.
Don’t mind me, just adjust my volume settings and levels or grey out certain functions that ends up meaning google searching solutions, which seem to end up in complicated command prompt commands. Or resesting to a recovery point in the past.
Fucking twat.
Or, worst I came across, a good 20 years ago, my brother who had original windows XP I think it was. Updated one night and he ended up with a black desktop and a message saying he had copied windows in the corner. He couldn’t use most of the crap on his laptop. He had moved his licence from one device to another, but did it as they advised and it was fine for about a year. Until it wasn’t, for no fucking reason whatsoever.
About 20 emails and scans of receipts and all sorts of shit, they finally relented and got it working for him.
No fucking apology either.
Fucking pricks.
Has he been asked what his visits to Epstein Island involved?
I hear Bill Clinton went there 26 times. Yes that’s not a typo. Twenty six
He’s a total twat.Fite him out of a cannon headfirst into a brick wall.Melinda wants throwing down a deep mine shaft and fill it using concrete.Witch.
Will this do?
Fire.Twat of a keyboard.
Don’t know why, but I smell ‘wrong ‘un’ about Gates.
Just like Walliams, Cowell, Randy Andy, that ‘Mr Beast’ cunt and others.
If he is slightly tempted by illegal peccadilloes he can easily afford to indulge in them and then buy secrecy – for a finite time anyway.
A disciple of the Devil with a face only Satan could love.
No point in the oven as he is comfortable with flames.
A stake through his heart would be a better option.*
*Metaphorically speaking of course as we do not wish to promote or cause harm to another human being…even if they were the spawned in the depths of Hell.
He resembles the long lost sibling of Rick Moranis. They probably shared a test tube.
Dignitas instead?
Bill Gates is a bit of a chancer.
The real brains was Gary Kildall. Never heard of him?
Kildall was a brilliant programmer who wrote CP/M, Q-DOS, DR-DOS and GEM. He is the man who could have been Bill Gates.
Gates hasn’t been involved in the day to day running of Microsoft for over 15 years. That’s left to Satya Nadella and before him Steve Ballmer.
Microsoft have employed great programmers like Dave Cutler and David Plummer but when they retire Gawd knows what’ll happen. AI written operating systems? Is it any wonder that no successful operating system has been written by Russians, the Chinese or Koreans?
Cunt of the Digital Age
He’s gates don’t hold up
Fk Bill and his updates, Cunt
He wants to block out the Sun to stop climate change. Ffs, what could possibly go wrong with that. Sounds like the The Matrix.
Dodgy as well, probably.
Mr Gates is a very successful businessman.
He’s right about planting trees. It is nonsense.
There’s not enough land area on the planet to reverse CO2 emissions with trees, plus they release all of their CO2 if burned or dead and rotting. All proposed ‘Carbon Capture’ technologies and initiatives are hopelessly small scale.
If you want to reverse the heating of the atmosphere, you need a few huge volcanic eruptions to kick up the Sulphur dioxide to high atmosphere, so that it goes high enough to avoid forming acid rain.
Also anyone calling themselves ‘Wittgenstein’ – especially on Twitter – needs a good uppercut for being a pretentious cunt.