In my humble opinion, journalist Ava Santina is showing herself to be a bit of a cunt.
By now we’ve all heard of the allegations of sexual misconduct against Russell Brand, made anonymously (so far) by a number of women. Is Brand guilty, or as pure as driven snow? Well we don’t know, and neither are we likely to until a proper investigation has been completed by the police according to legal process.
One thing we can be sure of however is the presumption of innocence for an accused person until that person has been proven to be guilty by process of law. It’s a principle enshrined in our very way of life.
Sadly not everyone appears to hold to this. Take Ava Santina for example, who appears to hold to the view that accusers in such cases as Brand’s should automatically be believed, even when they are just that, accusers. According to Santina, ‘no business does any woman have coming out now saying that these women should not be believed’. In other words, Brand should be considered guilty until proven innocent.
Have wimminz like Santina learned nothing from the likes of the Cliff Richard ‘Operation Yewtree’ saga? Has she learned nothing from the examples of Amber Heard and Carl Beech? Here she is, defending the indefensible in the case of fantasist accuser Eleanor Williams, who she believes should not have been sent to prison for her vile accusations against an innocent man because she’s ‘unwell’;
Get this Ava. You cannot AUTOMATICALLY accept that anything said by an accuser is the truth. Of course they must be listened to, but their claims must be subjected to rigorous scrutiny. In any situation, there are two sides to every story, and to believe otherwise is either naive or dogmatic in the extreme.
The truth will out in Russell’s case. In the meantime, the extremely irritating and sanctimonious Santina needs to get off her hobby horse and remove the stick from up her arse, because she’s making herself look like a real zealot. That’s another word for cunt, by the way.
Nominated by : Ron Knee
Horrible cunt..
A good friend of mines, brother was accused by a ex girlfriend.
Cut a long story short was found guilty sent to prison, but got out on a appeal 18 months later, after the lying bitches story fell apart..
Just accused for spite.
No jail time for her,and he’s life completly destroyed..
What do you say to that you vile smug cunt..
I honestly think if a woman is found it be lying and making false rape accusations (like video/audio evidence), she should get the sentence the man would’ve got.
As with many noms my first reaction is, who?
Exactly. A nobody, a nonentity. The internet is full of cunts of the lowest common denominator. Just bung her in Who’s Who under CUNT.
Since the necessary evil of the internet, lots of cunts appear that wouldn’t have got a “look-in” years ago.
Santina will get her comeuppance one day given that she is making herself into a target of her own making,
Of course if anyone accusers her of anything she’ll go on the defensive and moan about it on social media.
Moreover, if these kind of false-accusations continue then there will be even less point blokes getting married/engaged/dating wimminz if all they’re going to get in return is a shower of spiteful lies when the romance goes south.
Yep this concept of someone being guilty if one or more lying, gold, whores who spreads like hot butter and has the morals of an ally cat decides one day to accuse some bloke of something that happened years before or not at all is bollocks.
Don’t like Brand, he is a weapons grade cunt, but with no proof how the fuck can he be proved guilty, she should have gone to the police when she had his DNA running down her leg, when she can at least prove the odious gobshite was at least there in the flesh, so to speak.
This #me too is utter bollocks, just because some slag says it doesn’t mean it happened and if you disagree with what the air heads say your as guilty as Brand.
Honestly I was really pleased to so the Depp, Heard result because it was the first time one of these bitches wasn’t automatically believed.
The way I see it no proof, no case, do it at the time or not at all, all that has done is open the flood gates for slags to try and screw men over for money and men be very careful of wimminz if you have money.
So even this peice of dog shit Brand is innocent until proven guilty, the witch trials should be ancient history by now….
All these women have done here is instill a miss trust of women in most men…
Russell is saying it’s a stitch up by powerful globalists to silence him and his theories about such things as 5G,Atlantis, palmistry and skinwalkers.
After all they did it to Jesus and Buck Rodgers.
I think he’s got gypsy fingers,and a bad attitude to women.
But every man has a right to a fair hearing in a court of law.
He’s like Black Beauty.
Bit of a dark horse
With a 2 foot cock?
Eats carrots and shits in the road.
Agreed Mr F.
Have all these abused wimmin been in a coma for twenty years?
Just woken up and remembered being defiled by Brand?
It’s all a load of shit,money grubbing liars egged on by social media,reality TV and a lust for someone else’s money that can be had by exaggeration and lies.
What these cunts are doing is fucking up the real cases of sexual assault by making spurious accusations that cannot be proven but turn very serious matters into a soap opera.
A hard of thinking child who allows her emotions to overrule any possible cogent train of thought.
A misandrist village idiot.
A thousand lice on her hairy axe wound.
One day, there’ll be a host of sexy fembots available for a gentleman to purchase.
When that happens, women can don their strap on of choice and go and fuck each other.
An environment is being created, where women can make allegations from the distant past and be taken seriously, with not one iota of evidence.
They may not get a conviction, but may very well destroy someone’s life.
Good morning.
You often hear wimminz of her ilk come out with the classic ‘hopefully her bravery in coming forward to the police will encourage others to do so’.
And indeed it often does, especially with wealthy celebs.
But this ‘encouragement’ only muddies the waters for old bill, who have to sift through hours and hours of spurious claims, and anything of real value becomes diminished or lost in the fog.
Then there’s the added complication of cunts like this gobshite potentially poisoning the minds of jurors ahead of any court case.
One day a judge is going to declare a case unsafe or too unfair to proceed due to trial by social media.
A man has been arrested on suspicion of planning to kidnap Holly Willoughby.
Anyone seen Cunt Engine this morning ? ?
Hmmm ?
Well whoever it is, he may be a wrong ‘un but he has good taste.
Probably worth building that Fritzl lair for.
the mail has his picture and he truly is a fat bastard, 36 stone!! was he going to eat her or hide her in his rolls of fat?
Only thing he’s capable of kidnapping and murdering is a big pie. Bet he’s got plenty of form for that, the fat cunt.
Even when the bloke has been exonerated, but has his life turned upside down, there is no sympathy from this type of woman. It’s worth it they say. It’s karma for centuries of toxic masculinity. Oven.
She’s just sprewing controversial shit cos she’s in the spotlight for a couple of weeks. She’ll blow herself out.
My cunt of an ex made up all kinds of bollocks about me to the point were i could have spent time over the wall, she has since had a mile of cock and not managed to find any fucker who is willing to put up with her crap.
Similarly with bogus rape claims. Ordinary blokes are put through the ringer from the moment of arrest to the moment they’re ultimately released and found “not guilty” by the courts.
However, the media seem to have the right to print the bloke’s name more or less from the time of his arrest regardless of whether he is innocent or otherwise. But the woman making the charge is spared such publicity, even to the point where it is found her evidence is bullshit – the media may begrudgingly print her name along with a pic. But sometimes her defence lawyer will try to prevent such publication on the grounds that it could place the defendant’s life at risk!
Of course these days it doesn’t even have to be rape or non-consensual sex for a bloke to be held to account; just muttering a few hurty words, or staring for more than 5 seconds or scratching your bollocks in front of a tart is enough for a bloke to be crucified by all and sundry!
Is this the Russell Brand Cock Suckers Fan Club?
Mr I’m an Anarchist Russell Brand Down with Capitalism (as long as you don’t touch my Millions)
He still is a 24 Carrot Cunt
Obviously not, if you’d understood the comments.
That maybe so, but innocent until proven guilty and if it’s not nipped in the bud the next could be you or me.
Dear Admin. In my opinion, a corker of mine has just disappeared.
I see the penny is dropping.
Let’s have none of this juvenile ‘but she’s fit’ crap.
This woman takes glee in your suffering. Shag it and you’ll never survive the consequences.
The idiot Laurence Fox suggested he wouldn’t put his winkie near Ava Santina. His career is now in the shitter because he didn’t engage his brain and thought he’d try and be a lad on GB News.
Daft cunt.
Is he daft or did the media manufacture the outrage as a way to try and get GB News shut down?
Did Douglas Murray get a bollocking for asking James Barr ‘would you shag it?’ about Sam Smith on Talk TV?
What’s the difference?
And she’s even tweeted on social media how she wouldn’t shag them etc but a guy makes a crass comment as he has the wrong kind of politics and on the wrong kind of news channel and it’s open season to cancel. Even that hypocrite of a Tory MP had the gall to say the channel should be shut down. Now with this new online safety bill it’s only going to get worse. Tory, Labour they are all the same. The audacity of you his MP to say that and was found to be a regular guest on said channel in the past week or so. We truly have such twats in charge.
Unpopular opinion, but I couldn’t give a toss either way. Whether or not such allegations are true, Russell Brand is a poseur and a gobshite, couldn’t stand him 15 years ago and I can’t stand him now. It’s funny how the blokes at the centre of allegations are always the sort for whom trouble seems to follow them around.
Doesnt mean he should be removed from media platforms on the basis of accusations.
Dear old Fred Dinenage from 70s How! fame; his up-her-arse daughter, Caroline Dinenage MP, tried just this. She wrote to Brand’s website host imploring them to remove him from their platform purely because of these accusations.
“How!, how”
“How to be a fucking cunt – by Caroline Dineage”
He was just taking advantage of easy sluts. Good for him.
I hope he fucked each and every one of these whores right up the arse.
Bollocks to the worthless slags. They knew his repuation and what they were getting into.
You speak the unspeakable, Thomas.
Despite there being so much truth in what you say, this little kernel is always conveniently overlooked by the meeja and the #metoo brigade.
I will add it would only be a certain type of woman who would acquiesce to a sexual dalliance with the hirsute, squeaky-voiced bag of fleas.
You’ve got bail !
Only because his alibi was being caught on CCTV in B&Q buying zip ties and disposable rubber gloves.
I wonder if she’d be quite so outspoken if a geezer was black or a geezer turns out to be a transman or even a transwoman?
What if the accused man now identifies as a woman but without the operation?
what if the accused man identifies as a kangaroo?
What if the female victim turns out to be a transman?
What if the victim refuses to give a gender at all?
What if they’re all gay/lezzers?
What if, what if, what if
The courts will be well and truly fucked.
Isn’t she the same slapper that prompted Laurence Fox to say “who’d want to shag that?”
Russell Brand is a total cunt as far as I’m concerned. This does not mean he is guilty of any sexual crimes unless the evidence backs up the claim. Though often boasting of his shagging activities and the number of women who have enjoyed the cock of Brand, as an aside a rumour that he liked to be known as Brad the impaler was never proven. Any examination of his previous drink and drug fuelled sexual prowess must be viewed as consensual acts until the weight of media opinion decides otherwise
Dreadful woman. All that is wrong with the ‘strong, independent woman’.
I always say a woman’s personality wouldn’t put me off shagging them, but I think in this case it would.
I’ve seen her tweets in which she says things like ‘I don’t want to shag you mate’ to blokes who politely disagree with a point she makes. I’ve seen her poo pooing male suicides (the amount of which is fucking insane now). She wants boys to be ‘terrified’ when it comes to chatting up or making advances on lasses. She thinks boys should be automatically shamed and ‘educated’ on not harassing girls. Harassment, by the way, which in her world includes asking a girl out or making a pass. In her world, if a lad asks her girl out it’s harassment. If he gets flirted with, makes a pass and gets rejected, he’s committed sexual assault.
In my younger years I often went out ‘on the pull’ on weekends (as did the lasses, by the way). Guess what? Some birds like leading blokes on. It’s a nasty thing to do, but it happens. Even to good looking lads like me. You know the type. Give you the eye and smile in a club. Dance suggestively with you. Then fuck off, maybe laughing when they do so. These women exist. They’re crackers. Some do it just to get a free drink. No better than a street corner princess. There are the ones who send all the signals, so you make a pass and they look horrified. I once had a bird I worked with say she’d ‘like me to lick her pussy’ on a drunken works do. Now I’d take that as a pretty strong fucking hint, I don’t know about you. I went for it and she looked at me like I was a cunt. Luckily, the vast majority of lasses fancied me anyway, but there were nutters.
In her world I should’ve been locked up.
She is a fucking horrible, nasty piece of work. A true cunt.
And her playing the victim now she’s got a bit back is utterly predictable. Victim? Blokes have lost their jobs because she got a bit back of what she dishes out. A news channel will probably be taken down too.
She’s just another globablist attack dog. Part of the bully establishment, the very opposite of a fucking ‘victim’.
Morning CB…if Ava and I were in that position and she said “I wouldn’t shag you”, imagine the look on her face when I counter with “you won’t have a choice” as I pull some strong-looking thin rope from my backpack.
Aye. Where’s that Ford Corsair and ball pein hammer when you need it, Peter, I mean ‘Thomas’?
I would suggest the Ted Bundy technique Mr Cunt Engine; a fake arm cast, some heavy boxes and an open car boot but Ava is more likely to tell you to “fuck off” and threaten to break your other arm if you dare to talk to her again.
Mr Sutcliffe had a brown Rover P6 – a fine taste in motor vehicles.
He also had two Ford Corsairs and a Ford Capri.
That ITV series on him recently was good, worth a watch. That bloke who played him was the fucking spit of the cunt.
I remember seeing some mad cunt who dressed and shaved his beard to look like Sutcliffe. Drived the same cars. His house was a shrine to the cunt. I think he’d even changed his name to Peter lol.
Not at all mental.
Let’s hope she doesn’t accept a lift one night off the mad cunt. That would just be fucking terrible.
Here he is, in this article. I thought he’d changed his name but maybe he hasn’t.
Still. What a nutcase.
Fucking ‘drove’. I had to check in the mirror then that I hadn’t turned black.
A V8 P6 too. The registration was FHY 400K.
A great car for an effective street cleaner.
The reg on my Allegro is RAP 15 T.
According to her old colleagues at LBC, ‘globalist’ is an anti-semitic smear.
They can’t explain why they think that though.
The Establishment use identity politics as a distraction from their evil-doing.
People thought the US Government changed overnight because a semi-black bloke came to office. Miltarism was increased, there were more wars and the previous administration had a number of black figures such as Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell.
Race is used to dupe the woke cunts while policies get ever more regressive.
The tories might be stuffed with non whites nowadays, but they’re as out of touch and elitist as ever.
Toxic female.
Who the fuck is she anyway ?
Next up for the “me too” treatment……Kevin Keegan. Fancy saying that about wimminz and their opinions on football. What a cunt eh?
Good old Kev (and Joey Barton, who’s backed him up).
Both are a bit cunty, granted, but they’re just saying what 90% of male football fans are thinking.
Of course, the ‘media’ (far left publication and broadcast activists) are calling him a ‘dinosaur’.
Tsk. Bit ageist, isn’t it?
Still, they could apply for jobs as pundits at BEin Sports in Camelshaggerland. They don’t give a fuck for all this woke shite.
She got proper cunted on her twatter feed..
A actual england legend being called irrelevant by a….yeah that’s right a irrelevant cunt..
I suppose Ulrika Johnson, Katie Price, and a few other well-known slappers will come out say very much the same thing, making accusations and pointing fingers an giving it the old “I’m a victim too!”
All looking for nice paydays now they’ve become old bags and hardly anyone but the desperate give a shit.
See the case of Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Trevor Bauer. He was targeted by an avaricious ratchet, and wound up exiled to Japan while the lawyers duked it out.
Regardless of whether he did what he’s accused of he’s a fucking moron. He was married to actual Katy Perry and managed to fuck it up.
It usually takes two to fuck up a marriage, and Katy Perry isn’t exactly a sincere sweetheart is she?
Trout-lipped nomark. It doesn’t astonish me to learn she worked as a producer for James O’Buggerit’s Global podcasts as well as being an LBC hack. Currently opines for PoliticsJoe… who they? Oh yes. Part of an Irish-founded outfit designed to reinforce the uninformed prejudices of woke millenials.
Her appearance is intriguing. Dolled up to conform with the current soulless painted Barbie look, she’s either a c*ckteaser of the first water or uses the promise (or threat) of intimacy with influential wokies to advance what she laughingly calls a career. Certainly her social meeja presence shouts “Look at meeee” rather than “informed commentator on important questions of the day”. Tragic that this is the new journalistic norm. This is the era of the influencer: someone who isn’t even slightly interested in truth or justice, and who judges their success by the number of their braindead followers on the (anti-) social media.
A cunt. Sadly, one of millions.
Who is she, who cares…..?
One of my fav Iggy and the Stooges songs is-
Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell
Hags like this should have their faces stomped into a Woodants nest, the vile cunt.
Good afternoon.
What the hell have you got against wood ants?
I prefer Santana
Dare we mention the elephant in the room that is toxic femininity?
Mean Girls, slut shaming, queen bees and wannabes, the animosity towards attractive girls/pickmes and all that?
What’s that? Toxic femininity doesn’t exist?
[puts little finger to mouth á la Dr Evil from Austin Powers]
And cunts like her are puzzled why men are checking out of dating western women or just dating altogether. Why risk everything on a woman who since childhood has been told she can do everything and anything include get away with treating you like a peice of shit? Innocent until proven guilty has always been a joke, people always jump to conclusions. I’m not a fan of Brand but let the man have his day in court, and if the women are found out to be lying sentence them to what they were accusing, this shit has to stop.