If WIki is to be believed, the original Stone Age began some 3 million years ago with archaeologists finding evidence of stonework tools made for hunting, cutting and calving.
It was basically a period lasting to around 2000BC whereby people lived in caves, had to light fires made of logs and branches; forage for food, grunt at each other because no one knew how to talk correctly; and they all lived in abject poverty and fear.
Their only form of transport was usually by foot or perhaps horse (despite going back 3 million years this was way after the extinction of the dinosaurs 60 odd million years earlier).
Stone Age people had pretty short lifespans of around 35-45 years at most; dental records suggest they had poor health and were riddled with disease.
There was no trade or bartering back then. No money existed. You simply had to get what you wanted by fair means or foul.
There was no police service either. You just had to fend for yourself and hope for the best that you didn’t get stabbed by a neighbouring tribe or pissed-off rival.
There were tribal leaders of course. But they knew jack shit about anything, and only got to their position of power either through being the strongest or offering bribes in the form of sharing food or wives.
Apart from fires there was no other form of warmth during those cold winter months. You just had to wrap yourselves with as many animal pelts as you could find or die of hyperthermia.
Just forward almost 4 million years, and you’ll see some similar comparisons going on given the way the woke eco-nutjobs are slowing pushing western civilisation back to the Stone Age with their insistence that we (not them) need to make huge sacrifices in order to save the planet for a few more years!
This transition won’t happen overnight, but its happening. Talk of 2030 and 2050 are common, and it makes one wonder if British citizens really will be sampling life more or less in their own little caves, with minimal heating, no meat-eating, no police, no NHS, no genders and a complete lack of how to talk other than by grunting or texting.
I fear for future generations because if left unchecked ordinary people will be living the life of Fred fucking Flintstone.
Nomiated by Technocunt.
Fuck that! I’m taking over Linekunt’s mansion. That’s if I can evict all his immo friends he’s got living there at the moment.
You just described london under that cunt Khan.. low iq neanderthals on every corner..
…and Chiraq in The Peoples Republic of Illinois and Sad Fagcisco in Commiefornia and many other cities across the US.
If I could edit my own post I would make that the Pea-brains Republic of Illinois.
At least we could eat meat in the stone age.
As my great great great great etc grandad once carved into a bit of stone, ‘you can’t beat a bit of pterodactyl roasted with some wild herbs’.
What are the chances it’s all a crock of shit? Cromagnan,Neanderthal et al and these cave dwellers were simply the survivors of a great cataclysm such as the great deluvian flood type of thing ?
All history is bollocks and earth is way older than the archeos and historians claim, probably billions of years old (The Tartarian era is conveniently unacknowledged) while simultaneously forging lucrative careers on the…unknowableness of it all ?
Err.. the Earth is billions of years old. Pretty general knowledge.
The words oldest dish (by far) is the kebab.
meat on a stick cooked ovrr fire or coals.
“If Wiki is to be believed…”
That statement in itself would be the subject of an excellent cunting as Wikipedia founder Larry Sanger is claiming that the FBI, the CIA and the Liberal Media Establishment have hijacked Wikipedia and use it as part of the “information battlefield.”
That aside, this is an insightful and brilliant cunting.
As the devolution continues the goal becomes clear; we will own nothing and the elites won’t care if we’re happy as long as we’re under control.
This is indeed an insightful piece of cunting.
We’ve had a few belting ‘mass control’ scares down the years; fear of the Commies, fear of pandemics, fear of climate change.
Next one up? Aliens threat…
Excellent observation Ron. We are being prepped and set up for the Alien Invasion scare even as we speak,
Well observed nom.
The Pol Pot playbook is well in evidence in 2023. The only real difference is the the broad population either agree with it – sandal wearing loonies – or are too fucking bone idle to rebel. But wait, you might say, the ordinary decent citizen did rebel with the Brexit vote. Unfortunately it was far too late. The deep state was ready, dug in over decades.
Now the numbers are all on the side of the cunts. Too many are on the brew and, therefore totally biddable. Then there are the immies. Numbers growing by the minute either by dinghy or by reproduction. The sensible Brexit voter’s number is well and truly up.
All the state weapons of oppression are tried and tested after the covids scam. Trauma through injustice, police and courts offer no redress. No one expects proper and timely healthcare anymore – doctors all awol. Psyops and fake news keep the masses hiding under their bed covers – war in Ukraine, random terror attacks, cancelling for thought crimes, planet on fire; pure BBC shit.
Just got to make sure Trump doesn’t get on the ballot paper next November and it will be job totally done.
If all this sounds a bit far fetched then there is probably already a cave with your name on it, or a place in a concentration camp. Fuck off.
Good morning, everyone.
And that, as they say, is Gin!*
*As in Rummy not London Dry.
Sandle wearing ? try mask wearing as the more accurate indice of aquiescent cretinism ?
It’s sounded wonderful!
Doug McClure had it right.
Meat diet
Animal skin clothing
Rachel Welch in leather bikini
And twarting your neighbour with a club.
I’ve already got poor dentistry and abject poverty,
Be a easy transition.
I’m happy not to eat meat, but not the rest. It’s a well-observed nomination with good comparisons.
Will Emma fucking Thompson be living like a cavewoman or still poncing about on superyachts?
Will Khan the Khunt be imposing Cave Tax on us neanderthals?
Rules for thee, but not for me.
You people are all Homo erectus!! ?
Only when I see a Cavewoman in Raquel Welch furry bra and pants.
Haha, wasn’t meant for you Maggie,
I was saying it to everyone on here.
Still makes me laugh.
Homo erectus.
School humour
“Sir, are you a homo erectus?”
See you in detention
Shackledragger is an Australopithecus.
To ensure the survival of their DNA/genes Neanderthals and Homo sapiens interbred with one another.
When the New Stone Age arrives I wonder who the fuck we will be forced to interbreed with to keep mankind alive. Doesn’t bear thinking about.
We’ll all ‘go welsh’ and mate with sheep.
Evolution will take the hint and homo bovine will be born .
All have a underbite jaw,curly hair, and low IQ.
Like somalians
You’re on fire today MNC ???
There wont be a lot of breeding if half od gen Z and Alpha are trans.
Not the Pakistani community.
They keep it in the family.
When the rather harsh reality of what Net Zero means to Joe Bloggs he’ll finally lift his head from faecesbook,shake away the cobwebs and dust off his pitchfork,ready for a new Peasants Revolt.
I hope so anyway.
I honestly think even the most out of touch windbag politicians will eventually have to admit defeat with this lunacy.
The technology doesn’t exist and what does is far too expensive for domestic adoption.
The magic money tree will finally fall over and crush the daft cunts.
Great cunting by the way.
Good morning.
What Net Zero means is a return to life as it was in lockdown , except colder. I think my new business plan is to start knitting woolly jumpers.
we worked out in the 70s that nuclear was too expensive to ever make sense and dropped most of it. Hope the same happens to “renewables” and nuclear. Home counties already rebelling as they have just realised that electricity means pylons everywhere.
nuclear technology has improved a lot since the 70s though. small modular reactors are the future.
I think we took a downturn with the manufacture of the Pot Noodle®. Loved by all dogs – not poodles.
What do you mean sam? not poodle is the epitome of high cuisine dear chap how very dare you!
Darwin’s theory of evolution really doesn’t add up.
Most of the children are being born to the poorest and most stupid people on earth in shit hole countries with little resources to sustain the ever increasing population.
Every day there is evidence that people are becoming more stupid.
Darwin was a cunt.
So was Malthus, his theory that plague, famine, pestilence would reduce global population was a crock of shit.
Just look at today, we have floods, fire and brimstone, but some cultures continue to breed like rabbits.
Technology and agriculture reversed the trend to a certain extent.
UGG boots kick started the new stone age.
And they’re bringing back the mammoth ??
They say within our lifetime mammoth will once again walk on the Siberian steppes.
Amazeballs .
Wonder what they taste like?
Mcmammoth burgers!
Finding long ginger hairs in the meat your chewing.
Like licking out Angela Rayner ❤️❤️
I’m off for a mid morning wank.
If you dont win COTY again this year I will be amazed. Your contributions on this nom alone are worthy of the award. Never mind bad dentistry and poverty giving you a good start to the Flintstone era, dont you look like a ZZ Top member or Chewbacca too? You can be to the new stone age what Shaun is to the dead pool.
Cheers Grumpy?
Very kind of you to say.
Yes , I could easily be in ZZ top.
Long time since I’ve seen my chin?
My reign as COTY is nearing its end,
I thought itd be all speaking at dinner party events and meetings with famous fuckers on the red carpet…
Not even given a selection box!!
Admins are tight as a rabbi’s wallet?
We’re screwed ☹️
Good cunting. I’m not sure what the eco loons really want. Do they think their solution is ok for all of society? That we all walk everywhere and maybe get a bus occasionally? Perhaps disabled people will be allowed a 9 volt toy wagon to move about on. Old frail people will be happy never to go anywhere? That we all love tofu? That we like being cold?
Or don’t they give a Fuck?
It takes a species of monumental stupidity and hubris to think that by turning back the clock to a time before the industrial revolution it can save the planet from its own folly. Whatever rise in global temperature may be attributable to the burning of fossil fuels, it pales into insignificance compared to what’s coming down the line.
The last Ice Age ended 20,000 years ago, making the next one overdue. When it happens (and it will) and if it matches the last one, average global temperatures will fall 6C, sea levels will fall by 125 metres, and northern Europe and North America will be covered in ice sheets. Flora and fauna will be decimated. This will last for thousands of years.
There will be vast population movement southwards resulting in perpetual conflict as people fight over limited supplies of food and resources. I can imagine some self-sufficient tribes in tropical jungles getting through it, but I can’t see today’s cosy, pampered, deviant Western civilisation surviving an Ice Age.
The global elite might think they can put us in our place for now, but when the inevitable happens and societies collapse, they’ll have nowhere to hide.
Yes, but we can look forward to a white Xmas & have some fun snowball fights.
I suspect our sun will have a say in it all given it’s increasing CME activities of late.All acedemic models will be exposed for the rampant career sustaining conjecture bs it always was/is.
Trying to be sensible just for a minute or two, we are going to have to go electric in the end, because whether we like it or not, the planet will run out of fossil fuels at some point – and I don’t think it’ll last 5 billion years until the Sun consumes the inner planets.
However, what’s lacking is a proper strategy to achieve it. That fat cunt Johnson with his ‘Net Zero’ sound bite politics shite (all cars electric by 2030, what a fucking knob!) Or Orange Don with his climate denial (which may well be correct) & carry on regardless. Both living in the here & now with no intention of building the infrastructure or investment required, & they aren’t alone, all politicians are cunts. As usual, the investment turns into a way of filling their mates pockets & is ultimately ineffective.
If they want to really do it, then pump the billions into fusion or creating a Dyson Sphere, or harvesting plasma from the Sun. Far-fetched (literally, in the last case), but then so was flying, splitting the atom & innumerable other technologies. The world is filled with smart cunts, so invest in it properly.
Alternatively, there’s enough fossil left to see me, my kids, grandkids & probably their kids out too, so fuck the rest of ’em!
Just my two penn’orth.
Fair comment, TSG. Something that baffles me is why, given our island status, we have spent so very little by way of investment in wave and tidal power. Far more reliable than wind. Instead we’re squandering umpteen billions on shite like HS2 which, if it’s ever completed, will only provide a marginal benefit to a few thousand people daily instead of the tens of millions who depend on and would benefit from a reliable clean electricity supply.
Because the few thousand that HS2 will benefit are rich whereas us poor that need cheaper energy can fuck off.
All to “save” 20 minutes between London and Birmingham.Pathetic shit weasels.
I imagine IE this is becuase the oil companies lobby the Government hard and there’s too much tax at stake.
BP and Shell are proper rimming Rishi (or the Daki Kermit as I like to call him), their tongues deep inside his ring piece.
God I fucking hate that man, and his rich Daki wife – bet they did a few underhand deals with their Daki friends during G20, probably gave aways thousands of passports to his relatives, their friends and families and paved the way for his UK cronies to open up subsidiaries of the companies in bud bug ding ding land with cheap labour.
Fuck, now I am all wound up and in a bad mod.
Is it beer time?
Dyson sphere will not happen. Humanity will never reach that sort of technological ability. I used to be quite enthusiastic about a confined fusion reactor, but it’s been tried for 70 years. It seems like it might happen with a lot of other tech coming together, such ss AI,better lasers and superconductors.
For now it’s fission and solar with better methods of harnessing the TWs hitting the atmosphere.
It will have to be done at some point. The net zero bollocks wont help yhough, the warming will carry on for decades ss the CO2 concentration is beyond any attempt at reverssl.
Just Stop Oil came a generation too late.
‘Geothermal’…harvesting heat from the core and what about some of those suppressed Tesla technologies such as harvesting static as per the Turkmenistan structures atop their religious temples ? and not forgetting the fact that oil is actually limitless.It replenishes constantly.
Well, that’s nonsense.
Crude oil takes millions of years to create. Sorry you missed out on GCSE science.
I have said this was going to happen for years, maybe not back to stone age but certainly back to medieval times. The Gov’t don’t want us in cars, they will control our housing through green legislation. I really cannot stress enough how I feel we are walking into a disaster.
I found this on a YouTube video, posted by a chap who’s videos I watch. He isn’t a conspiracy theorist, he post motorcycle videos, mainly Royal Enfield.
The Energy bill (formerly the Energy security Bill) Has been through its third reading and now goes on to the House of Lords for approval. Within it under Clause 248 the Government has included a statutory instrument to create criminal offenses for property’s that do not meet their Net Zero targets. Included are maximum fines of £15000 and maximum prison terms of 12 months. This can be used to take property away from “offenders” for future redevelopment towards 15 minute cities.
UK Gov Energy Bill. https://bills.parliament.uk/bills/3311
Net Zero referendum Petition. https://petition.parliament.uk/petiti…
#netzero #ukenergybill #15minutecity
Stone Age ‘influencers’ are being imported by the thousands, 23,000 so far this year, I’m told, delivered to a distribution centre in Dover.
Dynamite the lot ?
Let’s face it, it’s never going to end.
The population of the UK will be about 400 million by the end of the century.
There’s reason to think the world’s population could stsrt shrinking by 2050. Europe and China are already looking at a lower birthrate in Zoomers.
The assault on common decency is on so many fronts that it may well be irresistible. What was abhorred fifty years ago or seen as plain stupid,we are now supposed to embrace and promote . Well, count me out!
Don’t tell him Pike…
I am worried about this trend, but only to an extent.
I am optimistic enough (unusual for me), to believe that although we see this clearly happening at the moment, it will eventually experience a watershed moment. When enough of us make enough noise (back to my hobby-horse of new party!) – things will start to reverse.
Then the weirdo tree-huggers et al will realise that some outfit is taking down their particulars and being stored and they will become fearful of eventual retribution. This will have the effect of less and less noise coming from them – thus, less and less stupid fucking ‘authoritative’ policy enacted.
And so the original sensible order will be restored … fucking well watch out Linekunt – you’ll be on the list.
At least that’s what I hope for my g-g grandkids.
Look what’s just happened in the news.
Daki Rishi goes to India to meet his friends as part of the G20.
One week later the it is announced that Tata Steel (a Daki company) is get 500 million from the UK – is there a link or is this coincidence?
Daki’s looking after Daki’s methinks.
100% yes.The silly dabberwaller is shaking the money tree.He wants throwing into an African cooking pot.
If you throw in the much rumoured Social Credit System, it will mean that if you protest or argue the toss against the government’s policies, then be prepared to see you credits docked to the point where you won’t be entitled to certain things we currently take for granted, such as a heating allowance!
This connects nicely for the push towards getting everyone on smart meters, thanks to the rather sinister Energy Bill. Once you’re on that it means supplies can control your heating, and if your credits are docked then so will your heating.
Basically the Social Credit System is a means to get people to “co-operate” for the good of the planet, even if it means making your life total hell in order to save Greta’s.
The New Stone Age awaits.
Their lives were “nasty, brutal and short”. Come to think of it, so were they.
And the green nazis want us to go back to this “golden age”? Of course, they will be exempt from any of the hardships inflicted on everybody else and living in luxury at our expense.
Shit biscuits ?