The Rainbow badge scheme

I am lost for words. I don’t really need to write a huge amount on this nom, as I am pretty convinced it is a shoo in for fellow cunters.

I am sure there are a load of cunts sitting in a room somewhere thinking up cuntish iideas as to how far they can take the piss out of the rest of the population.

If this isn’t addressed and cancelled then we are fucked in future to say or do anything for fear of upsetting someone.

Just read 1984 and big brother seems to be winning in this country.

Daily Fail

Nominated by Chuff Chugger.

90 thoughts on “The Rainbow badge scheme

  1. This acceptance of every fucked up mentally ill,weirdos perversions i think has gone more than far enough, why the fuck is the whole country expected to welcome this kind of behaviour when is wasnt to long ago we would have been more than happy to accept that some people will never accept this and mincing around in public was likely to get you set on fire or a the very least some severe piss taking, the later i see no problem with at all.
    Sorry i dont understand what all the coloured stripes stand for but for fuck sake even if we are forced to pretend to have accepted these loons and are not aloud to say anything derogatory about them, all manor of organisations changing logo,s to accommodate is beyond me, there is no need for it, or are the government forcing this sort of thing?.
    Understanding this is not even something im going tp try and do, i am absolutely sick of it.

  2. If any cunt needed definitive proof that the bloated utterly unaccountable bureaucracy of the NHS needs decimating then this is it.



  3. Not endorsed by graham bonnet. Or george,zippy,bungle,geoffrey, rod jane or freddie. Grow up you cunts or fuck off.

  4. The trusts get points for this. What do points make? Hopefully nothing at all

  5. This is getting fucking ridiculous.

    My daughter started secondary school last week and came home and said “Daddy, there’s a bot who wears a skirt in our class but has a girls name and I am confused”

    I said don’t be – he’s a cunt.

  6. Several men have been turned away from blood donor sessions because they refuse to dance to the woke tune and answer the question ‘are you pregnant?’
    For our wonderful NHS, abiding by nonsensical gender ideology is more important than topping up their blood stocks.

  7. Round up all these cunts & dump them in Afganistan… perhaps not, they’d only end up here as “refugees” with more rights than English citizens.

  8. If anyone in the NHS doesn’t know the difference between a man and a woman, or thinks that there are more than two genders, they should be sacked on the spot.
    The most basic aspects of biology should be a prerequisite for employment in health care.
    Failing that, tell them from now on their wages will be paid by the people who identify as fairies.

    • I’d bet that most NHS staff don’t give a flying fuck about this pile of pandering wank.

      This stuff’s coming down from on high, from ‘woke’ HR types with £100k+ a year salaries and job titles like Diversivity and Inclusion Manager, and Director of Lived Experience.

      Jobs for desk-bound cunts, whose role is to make things more difficult for ‘front line’ workers.

      • Exactly right, Ron, which is why such posts should be made redundant.

        They might be able to pay some extra staff, like cleaners ( our hospitals are fucking filthy), or cooks who can actually cook, rather than operate a microwave ( Popperty ping for the Welsh Boys), how hard is it to scramble eggs?

        My family actually bought food in for me, during a recent incarceration, and I thought Elder was going to throw the Ward Sister threw the window when she tried to stop them.

        I nearly died laughing, though.

  9. I would love to be ‘graded’ on my acceptance of gender neutral language, can you get a minus score ?

  10. I’m worried sick my children won’t chest feed.

    Am I a failure as a nondescript parent?

    Maybe I should shave my nipples?

  11. I think every Trust needs to make the diversity officer role redundant.

    When you ill, in pain, having tests and praying that your symptoms aren’t something life threatening, you really don’t give a fuck about what the staff call you.

    They can call me Al, as long as they can make me better.

  12. All this outrageous nonsense appears to be coming from the bigger Cities. Where I live in my tiny seaside resort, the surgery staff act normally. The lady Doctor immediately asks how are you my love. After explaining symptoms, she will say something like, I think we will try you on such a thing my darling. All perfectly normal.

    • I don’t give blood.
      The idea it’d save some smelly ethnic makes me feel sick.
      Same with organ donation.
      My beautiful English kidney in the body of some turbanned sootie or ratfaced Bedouin.
      Perish the thought.

      I’d rather they rot inside me.

      Same with sperm donation.

      As a youth I’d squirt my baby batter anywhere ,
      With carefree abandon.

      But the idea my tadpoles could be shoved up the muff of some dungaree wearing lezzy teacher
      Or some wizened old dark key to make a race of super mongrels?

      I wouldn’t give the NHS the steam off my piss.

      • Evening, MNC,

        Long time, no speak. All well with you and yours, pal?

        Agreed about the NHS. Been discussing this a lot recently. Last Saturday, my other half had to go to one of those weekend doctors due to an instant referral.

        The nurse (white, surprisingly; not the size of a fucking whale, double surprisingly!) had to Google Spouse Cuntis’ symptoms. GOOGLE. THEM.

        Alas, a second opinion had been obtained after a complaint was made, and bloods are being taken next week.

        Burn the fucking NHS to the ground. Bloated, bureaucratic mess of a thing not fit for purpose.

        Eastern European hospitals, on the other hand, are superb. And state-funded. Imagine that.

      • Evening Cunts?

        I’m sorry to here about your other half.

        Yes I’m ticketyboo thanks!

        The NHS nearly killed Mrs Miserable due to incompetence and I’ve never forgiven them.
        If it hadn’t been for me being a gobshite and raising a fuss she would of bleed to death.
        No joke.

        I’m lucky that I’m never Ill and never needed anything from them.
        They’ve not had the opportunity to attempt to kill me yet.


      • I can’t give blood because I’ve Australian Antigen.
        I can’t donate sperm due to being circumcised.
        How’s that for a laugh.

    • Your in sunny Jaywick aren’t you Sammy?

      How do those po faced southern cunts react to your manc warmth and humour?

      • If I died tomorrow and could be reincarnated, I’d come back as a fly on the wall when they asked if you were pregnant during a routine prostate screening.

  13. Wait until the comedy Dame and his “merry bunch of misfits” are installed into Parliament next year.I despair at the cretins running our once proud country.Unkle T’s industrial sized oven for them all.Shit biscuits.

  14. From what I gather, the Government are unimpressed by this NHS initiative.

    Well, some of them are making the right noises, anyway.

    Can I suggest that, if Trusts have money to spaff away on this nonsense, they cut the funding for those Trusts by an proportional amount.

    Captain Sir Tom must be spinning in his grave.

    • Captain Tom was a narcissistic, virtue signalling cunt.
      The 30 million he blagged from the public would only have kept the NHS going for just over 2 hours.
      Doubt it would have covered the cost of tattoo removals.
      Wouldn’t have touched the sides for slash n’ gash operations.
      Cost of NHS = 122 billion per annum, divided by 365 days, divided by 24 hours = £14 million an hour.
      Fuck Captain Tom and his money grubbing family.

  15. You can’t expect any weak, pansy government to do anything about this so I say it’s down to wimminz themselves. They are the victims here, they are the ones who are being excluded, they fought all those years for “equality” yet they are now on the same level as some sick, fucked up sexual degenerate. What kind of equality is that? I believe that over half of NHS workers are female, as are teachers, so there’s your answer.
    Politicians are going to do nothing for you, too busy with their snouts in the trough. You let them walk all over you and they fucking will.

  16. ‘Sing if you’re glad to be gay, sing if you’re happy that way…’Tom Robinson.
    Turns out he got married and has two kids.

    • ‘The Naked Civil Servant’ caused a stir.
      I remember watching a scene where he was beaten up by London thugs.
      I won’t say I was rooting for the thugs but I could understand it.

      • In 1996 Robinson released an album Having It Both Ways.[3] On it, he added a verse to “Glad to Be Gay”, in which he sings: “Well if gay liberation means freedom for all, a label is no liberation at all. I’m here and I’m queer and do what I do, I’m not going to wear a straitjacket for you.”[18]

      • No, he denies bisexuality. He proclaims to be a gay man in love with a woman.

        “Sing if you’re glad to stab shit”

  17. Had to look this one up – despite it having kicked off around 2018 I’d never heard of it, although when half the local idiots were flying rainbow flags in 2020 to celebrate Covid or something, I did wonder if there was an agenda. Basically (for the equally ignorant) the idea is that if, you poor sod, you work for the NHS, you are encouraged to wear this badge to indicate to any apprehensive customers that you will treat them decently whatever their bizarre sexual preferences.

    But why isn’t this a given? A patient’s sexual preferences are irrelevant unless we are discussing STI’s and in that case, shouldn’t STI clinical staff be pretty well inured to the vagaries of intercourse with this, that and the other? And paid to deal with them with at least a sprinkling of sympathy, if not empathy?

    Bollocks piled on bollocks. I endorse this cunting.

    • The Tinfoilers will say all this caper of putting what should be private sexual matters into the public domain is part of a larger campaign aimed at encouraging the acceptance of further degeneracy..such as the Minor Attracted or whatever wordplay is used as a disguise for evil..

      I’d have resisted such notions in the past as far fetched but it’s not at least in the shadows now and frankly seems part of a wider govt policy to totally destroy the fabric of our society so it can be what?

      Probably some sort of corporate digital zoo that we are locked into by a digital currency tied to the “smart phone” and other such handy items..

      The whole fucking thing stinks,I’d gladly see all these vile cunts hang.

  18. The earliest knowledge I received about rainbows was in the story of Noah. God said here is a rainbow and when you see it, it is a reminder of my promise not to flood the world and annihilate humanity again!

    Then I remember the rainbow was used in that daft children’s tv show which I always remember as puerile guff.

    Some conservative Christians believe the rainbow symbol has been inverted to represent the destruction of humanity. Well I don’t think they are wrong.

    • “…knowledge I received about rainbows was in the story of Noah…

      …Some conservative Christians believe the rainbow symbol has been INVERTED to represent the destruction of humanity. Well I don’t think they are wrong….”

      Sort of … the rainbow motif/logo is in fact the front facing symbol of Noahidism and the project to impose the 7 B’nai Noach (Noahide Laws) upon gentiles. The christian churches recent obsession with it is as much out of their acceptance and incorporation of those laws as it is about teir support for arse banditry.

      In fact there are about 60 of these Noahide laws/commandments and the punishment for transgressing most of them is/will frequently be death by decapitation! …so … something to look forward to there.

      Never heard of it?

      • Note that ALL fifty US states have signed proclamations into statute authorising (and by implication requiring) all public schools to acknowledge and observe “Education and Sharing Day”, a piece of torahic Noahide propaganda devised by the maniacal 7th rebbe Menachim Mendel Schneerson

        read ’em here…

      • Massachusets specifically mentions it…

        “…to advance their education in the above cited manner by EMPHASIZING!! the study of the seven noahide laws and encouraging the reflection upon it in a DAILY!! moment of silence…”

  19. Thankfully this ‘Rainbow’ fuckwittery is yet to impinge on my day to day existence.
    Nowt in evidence at our doctor’s surgery recently.
    Even the cop cars here are mercifully LGBTQ+ propaganda free.
    Not to mention the zebra crossings!
    Personally still associate rainbows with the real thing.
    You know, the ones in the sky with a pot of gold at the end.
    They were a regular feature when I were a kid.
    Long time since I last saw one.
    Probably due to Climate Change…
    Rainbow Bridge were also an ace posthumous LP release by Jimi Hendrix.
    Happier, simpler times.

    • I would never use a rainbow crossing……I might catch the gayness off it.
      I would wait for the tree huggers to sit in the road and stop the traffic. I knew those wankers would come in handy one day.

  20. If a gentleman invented a time machine and went back sixty years, to pick up Winston Churchill, then brought him back to the present day, I would imagine that the Grand Old Gentleman would demand to be taken back to 1939, with all due haste, so that he could immediately make an alliance with Hitler.

    A pox on this rainbow shite.

    Get To Fuck.

  21. Off topic

    I’m watching The Kenny Everret video show.

    I loved Kenny!
    Even my dad did,
    Didn’t matter he was gay, a Scouser, or a mate of the Beatles,
    We thought his madcap piss taking more important than our prejudices.

    Hot Gossip helped sway my dad somewhat I think.

    Anyway,it’s nearly 50yr old and still better than anything made now.
    Hard to believe it went out at teatime.

    Today it’d be cancelled.
    No question.

    It had the moody blues, Bryan ferry as guests,
    And real Teddy boys dancing,
    Teddy boys having a resurgence in the 70s.

    Smutty jokes, sexual innuendos, all at teatime!

    The 70s were the peak in human development.
    All downhill from there….

  22. Just a thought – if we really have to think about everyone’s sexual direction all the time, wouldn’t it be better to stop multiplying categories unnecessarily? That rainbow concept is down to shades of beige and puce already, and we’re running out of colours to emphasise our dangerous differences.

    Remember Asperger’s Syndrome? Devised to account for some mildly troubled problem kids, it disappeared when the shrinks decided to make it part of the autism spectrum. That’s right, spectrum. As in rainbow. Not separate colours, although that may be what you think you see, but a continuum of wavelengths. Which can be given a number for any given source. Green laser, 532 nm, etc.

    All this gender crap is easily resolved by assigning co-ordinates on two axes of a graph.
    Axis x: homo to hetero, from comic stereotype gay, -100 to comic stereo straight, +100.
    Axis y: physically female, +100: to physically male, +100, based on secondary sexual characteristics like beard and tits.

    Never mind how you want to be addressed, too many options. What are your coordinates? Aha. NOW we know.

    • Or “physically female, -100: to physically male, +100”
      Or “physically female, +100: to physically male, -100”

      Ok, it won’t work.

    • I think labelling young children as being “on” any kind of spectrum is incredibly foolish, and potentially dangerous.

      Look at the family, as a whole, first.

  23. If these cunts want to be women and treated as women then get your tackle removed. Strange that the majority seem to want to keep their tackle, fucking perverts obviously with a rather severe mental disorder. Chicks do not have dicks really simple

  24. Funny how things go, I never gave much thought to homo’s/ blacks/ Muslims/ trannies/ lesso’s/ Albanians/ Eastern Europeans/ pikeys.etc.

    Now after years of diversity woke fucking shite being forced through the media down my throat..

    I hate the fucking lot of them and long for some rabid right wing political party to reset everything. Doubtful though give the Blair creature’s puppet is going to make ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, LEGAL.

    FFS the loony’s have indeed taken over the asylum.


  25. Just like the Yellow Badge system for disabled motorists that need assistance in the 1970s, the system was removed shortly after it was introduced. If you saw a yellow badge hoisted above a cripple’s car it might as well read: “I’m a helpless cripple, please rob me”.

    The Rainbow badge might as well say, “I’m a helpless bummer, please bum me”.

    They have them in other places as well. A young man in M&S has one. He looks like Charles Hawtrey, minces about the shop and is as camp as Christmas.

    Once, for a laugh, I said “Ooh Hello, do you know where I could find the fish and chips in the meal deal?” and he said “I’m sorry I don’t normally work in this aisle”.

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