The Phrase ‘Get A Grip’

A cunting for the over-used phrase ‘Get a Grip’, it came up again yesterday after the Channel fiasco.

It seems that it’s our responsibility to get a grip on unsafe boats leaving French beaches, sometimes under escort from French naval vessels, perhaps the call should be for France to ‘get a grip’

It’s not just the channel, the NHS – get a grip, Inflation – get a grip, energy costs – get a grip.

One for Ron, Salma Hayek – get a grip

Apart from the last one I hate that fucking phrase!

Mirror Link.

Nominated by : Sick of it

28 thoughts on “The Phrase ‘Get A Grip’

  1. I did 10months in Strangeways because I thought the term ‘ get a grip’ was a invitation.

    Frigid bitch.

  2. This country couldn’t get a grip on fuck all these days, the laughing stock of the world. Howard and Drake saw off the mighty Armada but we can’t stop a bunch of filthy scroungers in rubber boats. Fuck me!

    • The English had a little help from the weather, all we do now is pray for a bit of a squall to stop fucking cunts in shitty little rubber boats.

      Fuck off the French navy and our coast guard and half a dozen cunt boats go drifting up the North Sea never to be seen again.


  3. I get a grip regularly, it’s rather enjoyable.

    No not that you sicko’s.

    Im talking about strangling women..

  4. The Tories getting a grip on the Channel parasites? Like Michael J. Fox trying to catch a bar of soap at a foam party.

  5. The phrase itself is fine, used to be if one of your mates was displaying female like emotions he’d be told to get a grip and man up!

    Now he’d be told to get a dress and get up a man.

    Getting a grip is not something politicians are good at, once you’ve covered something in so much bullshit it’s slippery the last thing you want to do is look like a cunt in front of the world cheered on by the media.

    The truth is no government is going to seriously try and stop the illegals because they can’t unless they break the outdated international Human Rights convention. Do that and you’ll be labelled a Pariah state.

    Given the PM and Home Secretary would both probably not be here if we actually ever controlled our borders I don’t see them getting a grip on migration.

    A recent example of the government getting a grip is closing schools a few days before school returns, next they say it will be hospitals and courts that are under scrutiny.

    What the government needs is a new Covid variant that will take our minds off the shit show. Get a grip on the population and lock us down….

    • I remember some of my ‘classrooms’ were those old prefab portacabins. Freezing in winter and stifling in summer, fuck knows what we were breathing in too.

    • How could you have sustained even a lazy lob on with that. Even I’m going to look at something nice, to get rid.

      • Thomas the intrepid, he goes where lesser men fear to tread. His hit rate as far above average as a result.

        There’s only one man Chuck Norris is in awe of.

    • I have this horrible vision of you recreating a scene from “The Bunny Game”* with Ms Westbrook.

      You wrong’un

      *One of the most fucked up films I’ve ever seen

    • I’ve said it before Thomas, you are wasted on here – Mills and Boon are missing your elegant and romantic prose. I bet it would get the old dears in a bit of a lather though…

  6. The only thing our Great Leaders can get a grip of is another heavily subsidised glass of champers..

    Or another phone book sized expenses form.


  7. Talking of dinghy filth, the fuckers in the hotel near me are now being given bicycles – and a few electric ones at that. I suspect some cunting lefty charity. What the fuck do they need bikes for? Oh yes, I forgot, they have work to go to at the various car-washes using their services.

    Had a run in with one today – fucker wouldn’t get out of my way with the dogs and got tangled in the lead – wanker did it on purpose. Gave the cunt a right mouthful. Just waiting for rozzers to call…..

    • Some good news, they have a tendency to catch light when being charged..

      Fingers crossed..

  8. I don’t mind ” get a grip”.

    It’s a phrase I often mutter to myself.

    The one I really hate is ” man up”, although if combined with “get a grip”, I could possibly join SOI in loathing it.

  9. I would love to get a grip on Salma Hayek, Dirty Harriet would cut my Jacubs off, but I still think it would be worth it…

  10. The last person I told to get a grip was the lass in the massage parlour whose hands kept slipping off the end of my dick because she’d used too much spit.

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